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  1. Thanks Olive for your help. When you find the template letter please post link.
  2. Sorry for not naming names but I wanted to find out more info before naming the company -please Accept my apologies and thank you for taking the time to reply - it's very much appreciated.
  3. They are a large broker company based in London .
  4. What sort of costs can be expected to be returned ? Is it just the comission or can interest be charged ?
  5. Dx they are a subprime lender who was fined many millions for mistreating customers. Who pays back the commission ? The broker or the company that employs the broker and can you change the current interest rate on appeal ?
  6. Hi all. Looking for some advice please : After reading a little on the reclaiming of various fee's / charges I wanted to find out more about this matter. Looked into my mortgage paperwork and noticed that during the past few years the Broker has been paid over £3,000 and £4,000 for arrange a mortgage of £200,000 and that the rates are not high street rates eventhough my credit rating is very very good. Can you reclaim the fee's paid to Brokers and can you dispute the interest rate that the Mortgage Company is charging ? I am understanding that had a High street lender provided the mortgages the arrangement fee would be approx £400 and the monthly payment would be at least 30% less. Regretting not looking into this further at the start. Any info would be great - Thank you Forum.
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