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  1. I have had extensive ongoing problems with Wonga. This is a copy of the complaint email I sent today. Fingers crossed it gets sorted from this point. Anyone else who has had the same issue, or knows of anyone who's had the same issue, please let me know so I can continue to carry out my own personal investigation into whatever mistake the company has made. It's disgraceful! I advise anyone who is going to use a payday loan website to search for an alternative. 'To whomever it may concern, My name is Jade ******, my date of birth is **/**/****. My address at the time of registering for a Wonga account was 59 **** Road, **********, *** ***. My current address now is 59 ******* Street, **********, *** ***. You can contact me via post to my new address, via email to ***********@gmail.com or via telephone on 0********** or 0**********. In August 2013 I took out a small short-term loan with Wonga, equaling the amount of £20.00, to fix an emergency cash flow problem. On the date I was due to pay back my loan, I attempted to pay it back via the automated telephone payment service. I received confirmation that my payment had been accepted. The next day I received an email and a text message informing me that I had not paid back my loan and a late payment fee had now been added to my account. I rang the automated telephone payment service to check the status of my account balance and I was played a recording that stated my account was clear, (I put this on speakerphone and my partner recorded the automated message from his phone so I had it as evidence if needs be). I checked my bank and the funds had in-fact not been withdrawn, yet at that time there was more than 2 times the amount in my account needed to repay Wonga so I did not understand why. I called up to speak to an advisor and explained to them the incident that had occurred. They agreed with me that the payment not being accepted on the due date was a fault of Wonga (not myself) and that the late payment fee should not of been added to the account. I then paid, in full, all funds owed. I then realised that the late payment fee had still come out of my account and although I had paid my loan in full, as well as the fee I should not of been charged, I then started receiving daily emails and text messages off Wonga telling me that I still owed money. Upon inspection of my account it stated that 0.20p was overdue. During this time I rang Wonga on a daily basis and spoke to multiple different advisors (racking up an approximate £60 phone bill over this duration of time). Every single day I would explain the same situation and I would be told the same thing. Every advisor told me that I should not of been charged the late payment fee, that the finance department was sorting it out and I would be refunded it and also that they would wipe the 0.20p debt (that I DID NOT owe) from my account. At one point an advisor actually told me that the late payment fee would be refunded to me within 24 hours yet, upon checking 3 days later, I still received nothing. I got fed up of this daily routine with Wonga. I was always assured that someone would call me back and no-one ever did. I was always told that the mistaken 0.20p debt on my account would be wiped, but it was never was. I was always informed that I would receive full refund of the late payment fee, yet it never happened. A month or so later I had just given birth to my first baby and every night at midnight I would be woken up by text messages and email notifications through my mobile phone from Wonga about my account being in arrears. I ended up having to switch my phone off of a night.Then finally during my last call I made to Wonga last year, after explaining the entire situation for what felt like the millionth time, I explained to the advisor that I did not care about receiving refund of the late payment fee (that, once again, I should not of been charged anyway) and that I just want the mistaken 0.20p debt wiped from my account and stop receiving notifications. I never did receive a refund for the late payment fee but thankfully I completely stopped receiving emails and texts about the mysterious 0.20p and I never heard from Wonga again. As far as I was aware the account was clear and I never again made the mistake of applying for a short-term loan from any payday lenders. Now, this week I attempted to apply for credit and got refused, something I found to be strange. That's when I remembered all the hassle I had gone through with Wonga last year. I logged on to my Wonga account online for the first time since the incident and was shocked to discover a message in big red writing that stated you were 'disappointed' that I had not repaid my loan and the amount of 0.20p was now 174 days overdue! Angered and shocked I decided I would pay the 0.20p to simply get rid of it off my credit file and call up in the morning to discuss it (as it was at least 11pm by this time). However, all 5 attempts I made to pay it back last night were declined! The emails I received stated: 'Hi Jade, Thanks for trying to make a repayment towards your wonga.com loan. Unfortunately your debit card payment was declined by your bank, so you still owe us £-19.48. If you gave us the wrong card details, you can check and update them in the 'my account' area of our site. You can also add a new payment card. Best wishes, Customer Care Wonga.com' I had no idea why my card payment was 'declined by my bank' and no idea what the '£-19.48' meant. The only thing I could think of with regards to the cash amount was that there was a mistake and it meant I was £19.48 in credit with Wonga (maybe you had in-fact tried to refund the wrongly charged late payment fee but it had not gone through correctly). I waited patiently to call you the following morning. Now to the present day. This morning I checked my bank balance and £1.00 was gone. I can only assume that the money gone means the attempts I made at paying the 0.20p back to Wonga last night had all actually gone through (this is something I have not yet managed to check with my bank though, so I will get back to you on that matter in due course). I logged into my account online and sure enough it stated that I was still 0.20p overdue! I then rang Wonga and spoke to an advisor. Your advisor told me that Wonga does not actually accept payments any less than £1. This was not explained to me in any email I received last night about the declined payment. Nor was it stated on the site page I used to pay the money that openly gave me the offer to pay the apparently overdue 0.20p. I also realised at that point that Wonga had incorrectly stated 'your debit card payment was declined by your bank' when in-fact it should of stated 'your debit card payment was declined by Wonga as we do not accept payments any less than £1'. After an extensive phone call to an advisor she never managed to explain to me why my account was apparently 0.20p overdue. She could not explain to me what the email stating 'you still owe us £-19.48' meant. She told me that the finance department had been previously contacted about the late payment refund and they had declined the refund saying the late payment fee was rightfully taken! Even though previous advisors had stated the exact opposite and, once again, at one point told me I would be refunded within 24 hours (she did not make a proper attempt at a comment on that). She refused to transfer me through to any other department or a manager, stating that no-one else could help with the situation. She told me that the 0.20p would be wiped from my account (something I've heard a dozen times over). She told me that she had put a complaint through to the complaints department on my behalf (something I've heard a dozen times over). She eventually told me she would get a manger to call me back (something I've heard a dozen times over and I still have yet to receive a phone call). She told me that there was nothing she could do about the late payment fee refund due to it being declined by the finance department (the exact opposite of what I've heard a dozen times over!) And finally, she also informed me that she has contacted the necessary department to look into whatever effect this situation may of had on my credit file. I am extremely unhappy with the way Wonga has dealt with this situation to date. Although your advisors are all polite and nice to deal with on the phone, the customer service is actually horrendous as nothing an advisor has said to me thus far has been correct. There have been numerous mistakes made by your company and by your advisors. If you take into account the repayment of my £20 loan, the £20 late payment fee I should not of been charged, the approximate £60 phone charges I've incurred due to calling you company to try and rectify a STILL unrectified situation and the potential £1 gone from my account due the attempts to pay 0.20p that I do not owe... this means that it has so far cost me £101 to repay a simple £20 short-term loan that, once again, I tried to pay back on the due date. I have spent hours of my life on the phone to advisors that have fixed nothing. I've spent hours of my life on hold whilst advisors read back over the notes of previous advisors that have managed to fix nothing. It has caused un-needed stress, caused me to be refused credit and has done potential long-term damage to my credit file. Clearly Wonga is great at contacting and harassing customers who owe them money until they get their payments back. Yet, when the shoe is on the other foot the speed and quality of contact is dismal. I will now take YOUR approach to the situation and I will continue to email your complaints department every day until I received what I am due. I wish to obtain a full refund of the money I am owed as well as an extensive apology and someone to look into the matter properly and find out where your company went wrong so no-one else in the future ever has to go through the same situation as me. I will be taking a copy of this email to my bank so they know of the situation and can get me any relevant information/proof they have to fight my corner. I will also be posting copies of this email in various places online to not only warn other potential customers but also to find other customers this has happened to (if any) and maybe uncover the company fault. If this situation is not correctly rectified within 2 weeks of this date I will take the matter further. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. -Regards Jade ******.'
  2. Hi Apologies if this has been posted before but I have been looking everywhere for advice as to where I can make an official complaint against Wonga. They have a couple of suggestions on their website but I dont reckon they are impartial (with regards to the FOS I am speaking from experience of making a previous complaint against another company so not sure if they will respond in the same manner). I sent a formal complaint to Wonga yesterday but due to the nature and the stress it is causing me I want to see if I can take it further. Anyway this is the complaint letter that I sent to them: Dear Sir/Madam I would like to make a formal complaint. I wrote an email to inform Wonga of my financial difficulties on the 4th June 2012. A repayment plan was agreed on the 6th June 2012 of £400 over three months. I sent an email on the 15th June 2012 to confirm that I had made payment of £400 with my name as a reference. The details I got on your website. I receive an email on 17th June 2012 which says the following: Dear customer, We are here to help, so please call our friendly collections team as soon as possible on 0844 842 9109. Our office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 10pm, and we look forward to discussing your account and trying to help find a solution for you. If you are able to pay any sums and don't want to speak with us then please remember that you can pay some or all of the outstanding balance at any tie by visiting the My Account section of www.wonga.com and choosing the Repay My Loan option. You can also select or add an alternative card there and make whole or part-payments at any time. Alternatively you can pay with your primary debit card using our automated payment line on 0845 862 1439. We are here to help though so if you need us then please call. Kind regards, Collections Department 0844 842 9109 Wonga.com I then receive emails (attached) on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 26th and 29th stating that payment has not been made. I also received a text yesterday and a phone call today at 10.20am. I have made phone calls on the 18th, 20th, 22nd, 26th and the 29th to explain that I made payment on the 15th. I was told yesterday that it maybe because of the recent banking trouble with regards to systems not being set up. However it’s been two weeks since I made payment and I am receiving emails which make it sound like I am ignoring the situation. Also if your company is having problems an email or suitable feedback should be published somewhere. I sent a screenshot to prove I had made payment and I am getting hassle from your company which is causing me emotional and mental distress. So much so I am seeking legal advice as to how I can handle this as I’m sure that what you are currently doing is harassment and a bullying tactic. Please could you look into this and stop sending me missed payment emails as I am making payments to your company . Regards Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  3. Hi all, first off I'd like to say that I am really quite bad at figures/dates/number related things so please bear with me. Its why I'm here I took out a Wonga loan in Sepetember, I'd done this before as an emergency and paid back. Fine. This time I could not pay back. I lost my job. Here are the figures: I borrowed £350 in September I was due to pay a single payment of £455 in October. I couldn't. I set up a repayment plan, that bounced. So I set up another which I paid a few times. It bounced again because the minimum they would accept is £40 per month, which I can't afford. And now I'm here. As it stands my account info looks like this; Total amount owed £560 Capital repayment £350 Interest £366 Repayments made £160.97 Can anyone advise me what is the best way to approach them? They WILL NOT reply to my emails (only standard meaningless replies) and continue to call me even though I have specifically said my phone is broken (true!) I'm here because I'm in financial difficulty and the interest they have added is making me even poorer. What is the minimum amount I have to pay them back? I have no income and live with my mum at the moment. Thanks
  4. My loan is due out 10/1/14 Im going to default and offer to pay back in 3 monthly payments 2 small and one large amount in march when i get my bonus My question just to make sure: am i right to pay my wages into my new santander current account due end of the month and do i close ( which i dont mind) my 2 other current accounts barclays and natwest ? That way even though theres no money in the accounts and no overdrafts fac, so am i doing right by just closing those account( wonga has both their details im afraid) The debt is £1300 im going to offer £50 this and next month and then pay it all off in march I will be taking all the advice on here about emails etc etc ok Awaiting help thanks
  5. I took out a loan nearly a year ago with wonga. Got into some difficulties with paying it back. Arranged a fair payment plan with them and thought all was going well. After the first payment left my account I still received calls and emails saying I hadn't paid. To cut a long story short they had no record of my first payment or payment plan and carried on adding interest. I lost the will to live with them and their generic emails stating I should ring them and never once got any kind of human response to my complaints. It was originally passed to debt colecters in July but when I explaind the whole mess to them they just passed it back to Wonga. Since August I have not heard a peep from them and decided to just let sleeping dogs lie while I sorted other debts out. So my question is what should my next step be? What are the chances of them ever getting in touch again or just cancelling the debt? Do I just start the process of setting up a plan again and hope they stick to it this time or shall I just ignore it untill they get in touch again? Should add that I checked my online account and they have carried on adding interest although my first payment has now showed up from somewhere. I genuinely want to pay the debt, as I have done with other loans, but I seriously lost the will to live with these lot last time round. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  6. Hi, I'm trying to setup a repayment plan with Wonga - a few years ago I had to do the same thing and was told to just email : tarik.abdellah@wonga.com He setup a payment plan for the amount + 1 month's interest, froze the interest and was easy to deal with. Unfortunately that email no longer works. Does anyone have an email for someone similar (think he was an account executive)? I know there is the option on the site to setup a payment plan but that never works for me and always asks me to just phone...
  7. Hi, I ve been searching the forums and used the templates etc. Basically, I have 4 PDL and its spiralled out of control. I've taken ownership and contacted them to offer repayment based on available funds. I have provided them with income and outcome figures, then divided the rest based on percentage amount. Wonga are just ingnoring me and Im getting no where, so I itend to send a letter instead of email. MEM gave accepted and Ive made 1st payment. However, P2P / QQ are demanding I fill out a complete income and expense form. This is after two weeks of counter offers to extend my loan with different amounts and time, with questions about my personal life each time. Im not sure what to do next. Do I have to fill out a complete I/E form they have sent me or do I just reply back with the two figures with an explanation. I'm just wary as it all seems to be game-play?
  8. Hi, first post on these forums. I was in a bit of a bad position with money a couple of months ago and borrowed some money from Wonga. Unfortunately when it came to paying it back I found myself still in a situation but decided that just ignoring was not the best option. So, I emailed Wonga, emailed an account executive (got an email address off the net), tried to setup a repayment plan via the website. In short, no-one got back to me and trying to setup repayment via the website kept coming up with an error - I had put off phoning them direct having read not to on here. In preparation I had already changed bank accounts and direct debits to a new account, I had phoned Tax Credits and Child benefit way ahead of time and was told (twice) over the phone that my next payment would go into the new account. Well, this morning it was paid into my old account and of course Wonga took the lot. I phoned Tax credits, who said there was nothing they could do. I also phoned Wonga, who said they wouldn't refund anything, pretended not to hear parts of the conversation and didn't seem interested in my original contact of a repayment plan - instead trying to get me to pay more. I'm now confused as to how to proceed, I wanted to pay the money back but via repayment plan. I'm now without money for food for 2 weeks, is there anything I can do?
  9. I currently have a Wonga loan that I am having financial difficulties in paying back. So I contacted Halifax and Santander to inform them to cancel the CPA that was attached to my accounts. Halifax haven't got back to me yet, but Santander have. Here is the relevant text as below: I note from your letter dated 29 October 2013 that you have instructed Santander to stop any payments to Wonga from leaving your account. I would like to explain that in order for Santander to place a stop of a debit card payment we require a minimum of 24 hours notice, the exact amount of the payment, the date the payment is due to debit the account and the merchant's name. If any of these details change we cannot guarantee to stop the payment as we are unable to 'block' a debit from an individual merchant, we can only try and block a payment for a specific amount. I can confirm that Santander are currently looking at ways to improve their service as recurring debit card transactions are becoming a problem for many customer's. In the meantime, we do recomment that customer's attempt to cancel any subscriptioon they have entered into with a merchant while also contacting us to try and block the payments. I would therefore request that you contact your customer services department with the information required to stop any further dated card payments to Wonga. I hope I have explained the reason for my decision and that is offers a fair resolution to the issue you have raised. (Who are they trying to kid!) I couldn't have made more clearer that I wished to cancel the CPA when I wrote to them. Shall I send another letter back quoting the regulations of the Payments Services Regulations 2009 in more detail? Also, I'm definitly asking for compensation for dealing with the matter on this one as well.
  10. Hi I was hoping someone here would be able to advise me on what to do. 3 years ago I took out a loan with Wonga for £100, and despite thinking I had paid it off, it looks like I haven't. This was in Jan 2011, and I haven't heard anything until today when PRA contacted me. PRA have put my account on hold for 14 days as I was adamant I had paid it back (back then I was very stupid and had so many loans which I only fully repaid at the end of last year). I have checked my bank account and the only thing that has come out is £53 in Jan 2011, which apparently is interest on the loan. I moved address in November 2011 but I haven't received an email, call or letter from Wonga regarding this loan until PRA called today. So my memory of things is a little hazy. But PRA are wanting £166, which they can go whistle for. I'm more than happy to pay off what I owe, that's not an issue. But given I've already paid £53, and had no contact, I'm wondering what the best course of action to take would be? Many thanks in advance
  11. I had a payday loan with wonga which I couldn't pay back and I blocked payments via CPA request at bank. After some tooing and frowing they have agreed to halt CPA and interest and charges for 38 days. I requested to set up a repayment plan and sent them a very basic I&E detailing income, major expenses and debts. However, they are saying that they won't agree to any plan and collections will continue after 38 days if I don't fill out their 5 page I&E and provide evidence. Now I know that I don't have to fill out their I&E. But just wondering from other people's experiences if it's just easier to do so? Or should I stick to my guns, and say I have already provided you with an I&E that should be sufficient. What would happen then? I do want to get the debt sorted and pay back all monies owed. Which is £800 and I can just about afford £100/month which is what I offered in my original email to them. Any advice would be great.
  12. Just found out today that Wonga have taken £5 from my bank account using a cancelled card. I phoned the bank and they told me that because I had previous dealings with Wonga they could do this. I asked them if they had sight of a court order or arrestment order to allow them access to my bank account and the CSO lied and told me they had. I then spoke to the Manager and they told me they were able to do this. I cannot see how a bank can give access to my funds to a company they have no evidence that I actually owe them money. Surely the fact that I paid them money before is not a liability for them to take money whenever they choose. The bank told me that they were within their rights to do this. Crikey, if I make payments that are unusual I can't get access to my own money without contacting them and yet they just paid out money to a company without my consent. they didn't even write to me and ask me for approval or tell me it had happened. I think this may fall under the unfair trading regulations. Am I right?
  13. I'm not happy with the marketing Wonga have used saying credit files would benefit users if accounts were maintained. My credit file from Equifax is clear but Experian has 14 loans over 12 months. I believe there is no court in the country that could say other lenders would not view (using their computer system assessment) that this shows only a credit risk contradicting Wongas claim when compared with a similar credit card account. Wonga continued to lure me into using their service with ongoing emails and advertising and I believed, as they said, I was boosting my credit score. Now with a £10k deposit I cant get a mortgage on the £125k house even with the governement backed deposit scheme and the advisor says it definately too many loans over a small period of time. My capital one card has has similar activity and is not judged in the same way. Is it unreasonable to ask them to consolidate their entries? I think this is the least they can do.
  14. Sorry for doing a seperate post re Wonga and being charged by 3rd parties. Had a long chat with them last night as Satans fraud team say that the other charges from the other companies are legitimate and they won't refund them. They say its in the T&C's. I rang up Wonga and now have an email from them, letter coming in post confirming that it nothing to do with them. So in the words o Jimmy Young, off we jolly well go to satans.
  15. I have an outstanding Wonga loan & recently became unemployed. They set up a payment arrangement this week but are refusing to let me spread the payments over anything more than a year. This has put my repayments at £31 per week and being unemployed I cant afford it. Is there anything I can do about this?
  16. Hello All, My friend has not received any "default notice" nor any other form of notification from Wonga, yet they have posted a "default" on a Credit Ref. Agency files. Surely they must send a "default notice" before any such action is taken. What action should be taken to rectify this. All information/advice will as usual be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  17. Hi This is my first post and am looking for a little advice. I recently set up a repayment plan for my wonga debt of £1100. The plan has been agreed and I have received the confirmation email of paying £120 over 10 months. I checked my online account and the interest has been frozen and the plan is showing on my account, however under the extend loan section it says the i have reached the maximum number of extensions and full payment is due on my original payment date. Is this standard when setting up repayment plans?
  18. Just had this email from wonga relating to a payday loan dating back from 2010 i think, should i wait until Moorcroft make contact ???????? , have Wonga sold the debt moorcroft, the loan was for £250.00 i think To view this email as a web page, go here. Wonga.com - Little loans, lots of control Dear TOTAL DEBT: £757.38 Agreement Reference: We are writing to you in connection with the outstanding balance on the above account, and the arrears owed to us. We are required by the terms of your agreement to inform you that Wonga.com. have now passed your account to Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited as of 10th December 2012. Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited will be dealing with your account on our behalf . In order to avoid further action please contact them at: - Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited Moorcroft House PO Box 17 2 Spring Gardens Stockport SK1 4AJ Tel: 0161 475 2966 Pay Online: www.mdrl.co.uk Email: customers@moorgroup.com Please note that any and all queries that you may have on your account should now be referred to Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited. Best regards, The Wonga Team wonga.com Any help would be great to sort this debt out cheers
  19. I completely forgot about this and had a nasty reminder through the letterbox yesterday Total amount they say is owed would be £1980.52 and they have sold my account to Portfolio Recovery Associates UK. Forgetting the fact that I actually cant remember what I borrowed off them in January 2012, I know without question that the loan plus 1 months interest would never have been this as it is nearly double what I earn a month!!!! I have emailed them and advised that I dispute the amount claimed and that I would not be willing to pay any futher interest or charges but I dont know what to expect next. The other arrangements have all been made with the lenders directly and to be blunt until they are all finished have about £10 a month to play with for the next 6 months!
  20. Hi I took out a payment plan over four months with Wonga which I met on time, and have now settled the balance. Unfortunately, Wonga has decided to mark this loan as defaulted on my credit report, despite the agreement of a payment plan, and the subsequent meeting of payments. Do I have grounds to question this default?
  21. So me and wonga customer service are going round in circles. They don't seem to get the whole I am only dealing in writing. They have still not reduced my balance even though I have been paying each month since last September and even have it higher than when I started the repayment plan, they claimed to have cancelled it and are asking me to set up a new one online. I would do this is the balance was correct. Every other email from they says 'it is best to deal with your account on the phone' or along those lines. Is there a letter to send them.
  22. Hi all, in a panic over my finances. I took out two pay day loans due to debt I couldn't pay and I'm now on Job seeker's and realised I have made my situation a lot more worse than it was before. I borrowed £400 from both and payments are due one on the 27th of this month (quick quid) Quick quid want 450 and the other 6th October. Wonga will want 540 or thereabouts? I'm really getting worried. I understand I need to cancel the CPA but have read nightmare stories about cancelling them as banks..I bank with Barclays aren't always very helpful in regards to doing that. There is no way I can make the repayments and I guess i need to go on payment plan. I just don't know where to start?? Also do I need to close down my current account or is just sufficient to report my card stolen? I don't want the bank charging me extra on top because there isn't sufficient money in the account which is in it's over draft. I'm hoping that I can land a job in the next few weeks but it's very unlikely. I have bills to pay and I just don't know how i'm going to manage. My job seeker's is £55 per week, so it's extremely tight. The job seekers does go into a different account, still with barclays but will that make any difference?? Could they still take it anyway? I shouldn't have taken out the loan as I wasn't exactly employed well I thought I was going to be but then it didn't materialise...... I was over eager and now am suffering the consequences... I'm desperately trying to land a job to make the payment but doubt i'll be able too... Any any advice would be much appreciated. :-(
  23. Hi, Like others on here, i got into a situation with Wonga where i was in a never ending borrowing cycle, having to borrow more and more each month as i would pay back the loan then have to borrow more to live on. My initial loan was £100, i kept borrowing and its upto £466 now, i thought i need to get out of this cycle. Reading this forum encouraged me to do something about it. My due date was the 26th, i called my bank Halifax on the 25th and they put a block on Wonga taking money from my bank account. Then on the 26th before 5pm i wrote to wonga the below: Dear Wonga, Further to my previous email dated 26/10/12 Loan Agreement Ref : xxxxxxxxxxxx I am not in a position to make a lump sum payment to pay off my wonga debt. This is not a decision that i have taken lightly and realise my obligation to pay back this sum of money. However it would be reckless of me to continue in a cycle of paying back a loan then having to take another loan out to cover the cost of paying the loan back. The interest makes it impossible for me to borrow lower amounts each month and pay it back that way, instead i would have to borrow more and more each month just to cover my living expenses. If allowed to continue i would eventually reach a stage where i simply had borrowed more then i earn and the debt would of spiraled out of control. I am currently in a debt management plan with Payplan, however rather than handing the wonga debt to them i would prefer to come to an arrangement with you to pay it back alot quicker than i would be able to if i handed it to Payplan. Therefore i kindly request that a replayment plan be set up so i can repay this debt to Wonga. Im willing to pay back the original loan plus one months interest and the late fee. The total of my debt would be £466.44 + £20 late fee. I prepose the following repayment schedule Nov 1st £10 Dec 1st £50 Jan 1st £50 Feb 1st £50 March 1st £100 April 1st £100 May 1st £100 June 1st £26.44 Please freeze the interest on this loan so the payments i make to you go towards paying off what i owe. Of course should my circumstances change and im able to pay larger amounts or pay the loan off early, i will do so. Please send me your bank details so i can begin to make payments to you. Payment will be made by standing order from my bank as the bank have taken my debit card. Please note i will commuicate about this debt in writing only. I guess im looking for reasurrance that im going about things the right way and to perhaps get a little help along the way also. How long do wonga take to reply normally? i sent the email to customercare@wonga.com. Should i go ahead and start the payments if i dont hear from them? are the wonga bank account details correct in the sticky? I also shifted my money to my savings account at Halifax (was devoid of money btw) is that protecting it?
  24. Hi I took out a Wonga loan on 05/07/2013 for £300.00. The promise date was 05/08/2013 and the amount was £400.21. On 10/07/2013 I requested additional funds of £690.00 thereby increasing the repayment amount to £1,276.33 on the same promise date (05/08/2013). Before the promise date, on 04/08/2013, I applied for a repayment plan using their website. I received no email confirmation of this plan being put in place. So I emailed asking them that since I had't received an email confirmation of the web form what was the status of my application? They never responded to that email. On 30/08/2013, without any notification, Wonga debited from my account £633.00. As soon as I saw the transaction I called them endlessly and finally got in touch with their customer services team. I explained the whole situation and complained that they debited the amount without my permission and this could constitute as theft. The customer services agent said he would forward my complaint to the relevant team and they'll decide whether to refund the charges or not. The team decided not to refund the amount as that was the repayment plan that they had originally set up. Now to cut a long story short, I kept pursuing my stance with them and they have finally "investigated" and have come around. They have said that they can confirm that that £633.00 was debited without any notification and it shall be refunded. For the rest of the amount they want to set up a repayment plan. Now the question is very simple, have they not broken the law? I mean I don't know the law but I am sure debiting someone's account without notification or without their permission amounts to theft. What are your thoughts on this situation? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I want to pursue this right to the end as I feel I have been wronged and I have had to go through extreme financial difficulty because of their action. Thanks!
  25. Hello, I am trying to gather some information for a friend, they have a Wonga loan they cannot pay, for which a repayment plan has been set up. Although he's credit file will not be great, he want's to avoid a default. Do Wonga normally register a default, if a payment arrangement is agreed and stuck to? I have read they won't if it's in a certain time limit, but I am not sure what this time limit is?. Ideally he want's to make sure it's paid off before a default is issued. I have searched the forum for the answer to this but I cannot find anything conclusive, Thanks
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