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  1. I would like some advice about a situation that I've been trying to deal with for the past couple of months now. I had received a gas bill from Scottish Power (henceforth SP), for £26.07p, but I do not use gas at all in my home (we did have an old meter here but it has now since been removed, and I've lived here for 10 years now and have never used gas). I queried this charge and they told me they would look into it, which took a while for them to reply. While waiting for a reply about my complaint, I received a final demand for that bill, so I contacted SP again. This is when they told me that the charge was a standard charge (or something like that) and that I still owed them that money, at which point I started a complaint with them as I felt I did not owe them anything at all (because I've never ever used gas). They also gave me a number to call about getting the meter removed, which turned out to be complete rubbish as the number I was given only dealt with electricity meter removals, so I contacted SP again, and they admitted that error, and informed me that when someone wants a gas meter removed, the customer service advisor is meant to send an email to the group that remove gas meters. Scottish Power again were taking ages to get back to me, and for the guys to remove my meter too, and during that wait I had received another gas bill from them, this time for £52.29p, which is slightly over double the previous bill so I'm not sure if this amount includes the first charge, or if it does not. So I could potentially 'owe' (and I use owe in the loosest of terms because I feel I owe them nothing) them £78.36p. Shortly after that, my meter was removed. I contacted them and informed them of this, they said they would no longer be sending me any bills from the date the meter was removed, at which point I queried the legitimacy of the first two bills, they still insisted I owed them money for that. I tried asking Ombudsman for assistance but they told me they did not deal with standard charge problems. I am currently booked in to speak to CAB on the 19th sept, but I was hoping someone here might have some advice for me. Can anyone help me?
  2. wondering if anyone can help? i have about £3 in coppers to my name (my mum took my last £10 i had til friday) and my 3 year old has a hospital appointment tomorrow that she can't miss. ..i cant get a bus there because it drops you off about 30 mins walk, probably more with a 3 year old and i am physically unable to walk that far due to health issues, my electric is going to cut out at half 9 tomorrow morning and i have no gas. electric meter is taking between £25-£30 per week which is partly the reason im in this situation, phone them every week and have done for probably the last year and apparently there is nothing wrong. yeah right,i dont live in a castle or a mansion and everything not in use is switched off. 9/10 i can't afford gas cause im handing out near £100 or more a month just for the pleasure of electricity. anyway i am rambling i wont be eligible for the welfare fund because ive already had help 3 times this year and it usually takes hours to even get to speak to someone and the hosp appointment is at 10.30 and id have no electric so the food i do have would no doubt be ruined are there any alternate places i can turn to for help? obviously my mother has no money since she took the last of mine and i can't ask anyone else thanks for any replies
  3. Hi, I signed up with Scottish Power and they took the wrong meter reading. They billed me for about £600 for the first month even though I hardly use any gas at all. Their customer service was rubbish which meant I eventually went to the ombudsman. The ombudsman agreed with Scottish Power to correct the opening reading and as it had taken a while to sort it was agreed that I would pay £40 a month until the real bill was cleared at which time I would get away from Scottish Power. Since February I have been paying the £40 a month without any issues until yesterday morning when I received a letter from a debt collector threatening to break into my house to turn off my gas. I am in bits about this. My husband is severely disabled and I am scared to go out and leave him alone in case someone breaks our front door in. Can Scottish Power just ignore the ombudsman? What have I done wrong? I cant afford to pay the £300ish that is left on my gas bill in one go and I don't know what to do.
  4. Hi there, I need some advice regarding an outstanding bill we have received, there is no explanation of what these outstanding charges are for apart from a sum of £48.70, we are on a key meter at the minute so we can control our usage better and avoid bills piling up, we have no previous debt on the meter and are not in a contract yet when we decided to switch to a new supplier amazingly this debt was sudden raised how is this possible, the excuse we were told was to do with price fluctuations or something but how is this our fault. we pay what they charge at the time via our top up key at a paypoint, we have people collecting meter readings and so on, we are still currently using the Scottish power meter key to top up our electricity, We forgot to send off our meter reading to our new supplier when we switched I believe we have left it to late now, our account with Scottish power is now closed. They phoned us regarding the charges and I refused to pay them for these charges as there was no explanation for them, they also told me that my account was closed. We were told recently after yet another call they would now re-evaluate the charges by contacting our new supplier and calculating it from current meter reading. In my opinion charges like this are disgusting and dishonest this is the exact reason people use a (pay as you) go pre-payment meter to avoid sudden bills like this Sorry about the Rant I am just annoyed as i could do with out this at the minute. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Steve.
  5. I have been made aware of a taxi company in England using a loophole in Scottish law to avoid its responsibilities regarding licensing laws in England. Can they do this? I understood that Scots & English law are two separate entities?
  6. Hello sorry this post is a bit long but it has been ongoing for a while I have been a pre paid customer of Scottish Power for approximately two years. Just before Christmas 2013 I broke my pre payment card. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. He said he would send a new card in the post. I asked what I would have to do to change meter and pay by direct debit. He said it would cost me £62 and he would have to do a credit check. I agreed to both and he said my credit was A1. According to experian they searched me on 18th of December so everything was fine on this date. He said he would arrange to have my meter changed and call me back. He also set up a direct debit. After three days my new card arrived and instantly started taking £15 for credit. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. He said that my meter was set to recover £15 a week to repay a £500 debit. He also told me that I had to pay my debts? I asked what tariff Iwas on and he said it was pre payment. He realized that this couldn't be correct. He would look into it and call me back. This to his credit he did. He explained that he could see money coming into my account and gas being used but for some reason the computer had not put the two together. He assured me he would sort this out but it would take him 10 days he would then re contact me to arrange changing my meter. I told him I was not happy and wanted to complain and that I didn't think I should be charged the £62 to change my meter. He said I would have to take that up with someone when he had sorted out the error. I would like to point out that at no time was I contacted about any arrears or offered a payment plan or means tested in any way. After 10 days nothing happened. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. I explained the problem and he said that he had no idea why I had been told what the previous operator had said. He said that all the information was on the screen and he explained to me that for the first year I had paid in money but Scottish power had not taken it. There was therefore £485 in a black hole that he could see. He also said that for the second year they had taken my payments but during the whole two years they had not charged me for gas. He said he would put that right immediately and that my account would look strange. He said it would go from being £400 in credit to £500 in debit when he had charged me for gas but not to worry as we knew there was £485 in the black hole that he would recover. He arranged for a meter change for the afternoon of Feb 3rd 2014 as I would be home from work then and that he would waive the £62 fee. After this the meter seemed to take more money for debt. It remained at £15 but was much more frequent than once a week. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. I informed her of the problems I was having and I was now struggling to pay other bills. And that I was incurring bank charges as a direct result. She said she would try and charge up my meter and put me on hold. After a while without reply she hung up. I decided that I would have to wait until the 3rd of February. When the 3rd of February arrived I had not received any notification so I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. She said that the meter appointment had been canceled on the 24th of January because no one lived at the address? I asked who had done this? She asked what I was expecting I told her I was expecting a change of meter this afternoon. She said the engineers worked till six oclock so why was I calling now? I reminded her of what she had just said but she denied saying it? She put me on hold while she looked at my account. She returned and told me the engineers had called that morning but no one was in. She said she would get them to call again and she would phone back at seven oclock to confirm they had been. Neither of these happened so I sent in a complaint. Then later that week. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. I explained to her that financially things where desperate because of the excessive gas charges. She said I had overpaid by £74 and she would send this. After a few days. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. I asked what was being done about my meter they said they would send an engineer to reset my meter. He came but said he was not resetting my meter Scottish power would have to reset my meter. He also said that Scottish power "do this all the time" and that they where "palming me off". All he could do was put £10 emergency credit on that I would be charged for any way. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. She said he was wrong she told me to put my card in the meter and push a series of buttons. She asked what the meter was displaying? I told her it now said card invalid. So now I was short of money but couldn't get any gas anyway as my card was now not working. She told me to go to a shop on the other side of town she would give me a code number and they would give me a working card. I went to this shop but they said they did not deal with Scottish Power. She tried the code number anyway but the machine would not accept it. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. He said he would send me a new card. After a week I had still not received my card. I phoned and after being on hold in excess of 45 mins I eventually spoke to an operator. He said he would send a new card and an engineer to reset the meter but I must be present. I asked why I needed to be present for the engineer when I wasn't present when it was originally increased before Christmas he said he would look into it and let me know? I left work early again to wait for the engineer who again put £10 credit on. The next day the new card arrived and seemed to work correctly. After this I transferred my account to British Gas. I was phoned by somebody asking why I was leaving Scottish Power. When I began to explain he told me to contact the Ombudsman. I found this strange that you would rather deal with the Ombudsman than spend 15 - 20 minutes listening to customer and trying to resolve his problems. I did pass my case to the Ombudsman but he informed me that they had not bothered to reply to him? He said he would base his decision on my statement alone. He has found in my favour but I have queried the amount. He has contacted them at least twice to ask you to suspend any further action. I was phoned by an operator to try and get me to pay the £500 that is showing on my account. After I explained to her what was happening she agreed that they had made a mistake and she would contact accounts to get my balance set to £0.00 and she would suspend any further action. Clearly she has not done this. I have made several phone calls and sent various emails/complaints all of which have been ignored. According to my online account I currently have eight complaints registered all of which have been ignored? This is only the complaints they have registered and does not take into account all the other communications that have been ignored (emails and phone calls). I am now receiving threatening letters from there debt collectors. I have also received a letter from Scottish Power that is clearly a demand for money as you can see the heading of the letter through the over-sized envelope window. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also should the back billing agreement come into force?
  7. Hello everyone, I was wondering if you guys could help me. This is my first time dealing with my own electricity bills, I moved into my flat in Feb and found out that Scottish Power provided the electricity (theres no gas in the flat), after being quoted 50 pounds a month I decided to stay with them as it was cheaper than most. About a month in I receive a letter stating I hadn't made my monthly cash plan, (I opted to pay via giro check) I thought it was odd as I hadn't even received a bill in the first place asking for my payment, I made the payment quickly as I didn't want a late payment on my record and affect my credit score. I rang up asking why hadn't I received a bill in the first place, they apologised and said that on their system it had been sent out, w/e. (Also bare in mind that the amount on the letter they were asking for was 61 pounds when I was originally quote 50 pounds) Another months rolls by and I still haven't gotten a bill for the April month, I rang up, again worried that a late payment would affect my credit score and was advised to use my old giro slip and make a payment. May comes around and still no bill for this month, I rang up again and was advised the same thing, to pay with the old giro slip. At this point I had another problem with scottish power that has since be resolved, (My account had been wiped for some reason) because of this problem decided to move providers, its switching on the 11th of this month (tomorrow, wooo). A week ago I receive a letter asking for 123.74 pounds for the months feb, march and april (even though i've paid it), when I looked closer at the details on the letter I find that its a different account number, a different name (one letter different) and addressed to an address that doesn't exist. (The address is basically mine but muddled around, the postman must have used his common sense and figured it was my letter and delivered it to me.) Everytime I ring up about this issue is that I never get a straight answer, no one knows why. The closest i've gotten to an answer was being switched to a department (I can't remember the name of the department) and being told his senior manager was going to take a look and ring me back as he has never seen anything like this. Alas, no one rang me back. I called up yesterday and was told that he can't find any previous payments of the 61 pounds i've been making, and insinuated that it was a problem on my end, something to do with my bank, even though I can look at my bank statements AND I have my receipts from when I made my payments at the post office via grio cheque. He put me on hold to speak to the debt team to see if they can find the payments, they can't. He told me that he was going to ring me back between 9 and 12 today (which I doubt) after he speaks to the debt team again. I don't know what to do guys, when I got off the phone I just started to cry, i'm sick of phoning up having to explain my situation again and been given different answers as to why this has happened. I should note that whenever I ring up, give them my REAL name, my REAL address and my REAL account number this other account pops up as well, so they are somehow connected. Part of me thinks that I should just wait when I submit my final metre reading tomorrow, and wait to see what they say in terms of how much I owe them then try and sort if out from there. Another part of me thinks I should ignore the letters asking for 123 pounds as it isn't even in my real name (one letter different) and addressed to an address that doesn't exist. What do I do?! I'm so worried that this is going to escalate to the point that bailiffs get involved even though I'm actively trying to sort it out!
  8. Since March I have been receiving letters from Scottish Power telling me I owe £2000 for a flat I have never lived in. These letters have been delivered to my mother's address, rather than my own. At first I did not take the letter seriously as I knew I owed them nothing. After the initial letter I received three duplicate letters telling me to pay up or face court action. I called Scottish Power who told me that the letters were not sent from them and that I should contact the police which I then did. I then received another letter saying court action has been taken and that they have obtained a warrant of entry. The letter states that they will enter my mother's property with or without permission to either cut off supply or install a prepayment metre. My mum isn't even with Scottish Power. I called again after receiving this letter to make sure they were not sent from SP, only to be told that they were in fact from SP. I was apologised to on the phone and told it was a mistake, that the false account would be deleted, however I was given no assurance that my mum's house would not be visited (the letter states this will be next week). I am very much concerned that someone from Scottish Power will arrive at my mother's and that I have nothing in writing to show them that they are wrong. I have emailed Scottish Power twice now with no reply. The only reassurance I received on the phone was that I would receive no more letters! What can I do to make sure my mother's house is not broken in to by SP??
  9. I split with my ex in December. We had paid the deposit for our wedding and his mum had gifted us £1000 to pay this. When we split up my ex demanded the money back and I emailed his mum stating I would pay my half £500 when I could financially afford it. I never heard any more until 2 weeks ago when a small claims summons landed on my doorstep. I do t have £500 sitting in the bank so my family have offered to lend me the money to pay her. I wrote to her stating a date and time she could come and collect the money but today I received a letter from her stating she now wants £571 as this is what she has paid to action the small claims. There were no recipts attached so I only have her word. My question is as I am settling before the case goes to hearing am I responsible for paying her costs? I thought I was only responsible if the case went to court and I lost. Annoyingly her son is getting away scot free Just wanted to add incase it makes a difference. In the summons the front page says amount being claimed -she has wrote £500 to include expenses however on page 2 in the summary she has written £500 plus expenses. I have searched and searched but can't find any help. I'm planning on phoning the court on Monday but just wanted to see if anyone could offer advice over weekend. This whole situation has been incredibly stressful
  10. hi around a month ago i received a letter from LCS claiming i owed Scottish power £250 for a unpaid gas bill from my previous address. they said the debt was from 20 dec 2013 to jan 2014, but i terminated my tenancy on the 9th of december oh and one other crucial point... . i NEVER had gas installed at my previous address it got installed after i moved out( council property) i contacted LCS who instructed me to contact my local council who i rented from and ask them to send proof of ending my tenancy, i have now done this twice but today i have received another letter threatening legal action within 10 days if i do not pay. can anyone help me with this? iam a genuine person and pay my bills but i will not pay this as i NEVER had gas at my previous address. thanks to anyone who could point me in the right direction.
  11. Hi all, Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I moved out of my old flat on 1 December and my SP account was closed on 9 December. Today I had a phone call pursuing debt on SP's behalf from PDSC stating that I owed nearly 600 pounds (including a 100 pound late fee). I rang SP immediately and told them that this was the first I'd heard of it - turns out its for six months worth of energy that we owe (rightly so), but they'd been sending out bills to our old address as the landlord (who closed the account for us) did not send on a forwarding address. The current debt is 447.24 which I'm happy to now pay, but I'm concerned about the effect of this on my credit score and the debt collectors themselves. I explained that I'd spoken to SP when I spoke to them again and they didn't believe me. SP advised that I can pay the debt online which I want to do, but will this stop PDSC from chasing me? Am I obliged to pay PDSC direct? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi Im live in Scotland and looking for some advice. I bought a new laptop today. I thought it would be a brilliant new laptop to replace my old one. So I reserved one online then went to the curryspcworld store to get it. However I found that after trying to use it for 2 hours it felt horrible to use, with the touchscreen and keyboard. The only things I did in the end with it, was connect it to the internet wirelessly and go through the setup process in order to be able to use it. 2 thigs which are easy to reset, I've been told. When I tried to take it back, explaining that it felt horrible to use I was refused a refund. They said this was due to personal data now being on the PC and then to the packagaing no longer being sealed. A pc name and a name for an windows account is not personal data. Please can someone advise me on what I can do to get me refund? Thanks in advance.
  13. I am a victim of Scottish Power since I moved into this property in Dec 2013. First I was stuck with that horrible prepayment meter, which to me is as backwards as can get, as I find it just ridiculous having to run to the shops to buy more electricity, also costing times and times more than it would do with normal meters. after several arguments with Scottish Power, they finally agreed to change my meter to a normal one, charging me £50 for changing it, and telling me that yes, after the swap I would be able to change my supplier as well. The meter was changed at the end of January, and now a month later I am still no closer to changing my supplier, as it turns out Scottish power has changed one of the useless meters to pretty much another useless one.... I have been in contact with a few other suppliers, and they say that this 3 rate meter SP has installed in my property now is pretty old and hardly any companies would supply for these meters these days.. ..So that was my £50 well spent? I feel completely trapped now and don't know what to do ...it is near enough impossible to contact SP, as they have made it impossible for me to have an online account (again - how backwards can one company get), they have ignored every email I have sent to them, they ignored the letter I sent, last month it cost me £20 extra on my phone bill trying to call them, and asking for a callback took me 3 attempts and about 4 days to actually talk to someone last time.. .also every adviser has so far told me a different story so I find it pretty pointless trying to talk to them now as I cant trust what they say anyway. can anyone please help - tell me how do I get rid of Scottish Power? Or have they actually got a legal right to keep people on their supply like this?
  14. Received a bill for an old address today which states I owe an outstanding balance of £654.38 for plus an admin charge of £174.94 I am disputing the charges but seriously is it legal to charge admin of £174.94 ? This seems to be a massive charge and is it enforceable ? Thanks for info.
  15. To cut a long story very short, we agreed to have a prepay meter installed as we were struggling to meet the DD payments. We owed around £1500 and saw this as a way of ensuring we don't get into any further debt, and we could slowly begin to pay the debt off. For one reason or another SP haven't taken a reading for ages and so much of the debt was based on an estimate. We have sent them customer readings but not for a while. When they came to change the meter I had assumed they would record the final reading on the old meter and work out a final bill from that. Today I get a visit from a meter reading asking to see the gas meter. Why? I asked, I'm on a prepay, I explained. The guy explained he had been sent to see if he could get the final reading off the old meter! He was hoping that when they installed the new one they would have written the reading from the old meter onto the new one - which they hadn't. it would appear SP have lost the final reading from that old meter. The reader explained that they may be able to trace the meter itself if it hasn't already been scrapped, in order to get that that reading. My position now as I see it is this: If SP don't know the final reading from the gas meter, and all of this has been based on estimates for at least 12 months, then how can they say with any confidence what I actually owe them? and why should I take their word for it anyway? Even if they find the meter, how do I know it hasn't been tampered with and that the reading is a true one? I am of the mind that they have messed up big time here and I can dispute any figure they throw at me? I mean, if they don't know, and I don't know, then how do we agree on what the final figure should be? Am I correct in thinking this and where can I get some help and advice? Would anyone know the legal viewpoint on this? Firstly I am going to write to them asking for the final reading and a true, easy to understand statement detailing what they think I owe them. Thanks in advance JY
  16. Can anybody please advise me on this as I have no idea about any of it. I owe £107.41 to Scottish Power for Gas and Electricity combined. I pay in monthly installments of £85. On the 26th of October 2013 I was £28.56 in credit When my next bill came I expected it to be £85, but it actually came early on the 11th of November 2013 and was £277.47. I have no idea how this happened. I have been trying my very very best to pay it off. As I say I have it down to £107.41 I have a 7 month old baby, I live in a house where half the radiators don't work, landlord wont give me double glazing, I'm just turning 20 this month, my maternity pay has stopped. I have no income at all now except for my boyfriends £90 a week from his job. I don't receive any benefits. I got a letter on the 8th of January from Sterling Collections on behalf of SP saying that they want £85 immediately after several requests for payment. But I haven't had several requests I've had one letter in the post and an online letter on the 14th January, after the letter from the debt collection agency. What on earth is going on. Can somebody please, please advise me.
  17. I signed up for Scottish Power's Home Comfort service to provide peace of mind regarding my boiler. I called them a month ago, on their emergency number provided by them, as I have problems with my hot water. They gave me an appointment for Jan 4th 2014, between 8.00-13.00. By the time noon came and went I was getting anxious as no sign of the engineer. I called them and they confirmed that I was scheduled for an engineer to come to my house. No-one arrived. I called them again and was told that my appointment had been rescheduled the day before, but they could not tell me why it was rescheduled nor by whom nor when the new date was supposed to be. I was then referred to customer services, who also could not enlighten me as to why a unilateral decision to reschedule my appointment was taken and why I was not informed. I had to take time off work to wait for their engineer, and now I have to take another morning off for the next appointment. Can i pursue any compensation?
  18. I have a Scottish Power boiler cover which I pay for by direct debit, in November I reported that I had a problem, it is now the 23rd December and after numerous phone calls, engineers not turning up new part being put in, having intermittent heating and hot water for the last two weeks I have had no heating or hot water, I have phoned and emailed several times to Scottish Power with promises from them that someone would contact me then they were ordering a part, only to find today when I phoned yet again to be told that they are not going to repair my boiler despite my having contract, despite them originally accepting my boiler! I have asked on several occasions to speak to a Customer service manager only to be told they are too busy and my case was not urgent, in fact I was denied this access totally! I have been told that an email is being sent from the engineer to the customer services but still no information to me. I have no idea what to do next, if they had informed me two weeks ago I could have got a local engineer in to have it fixed, as it stands at present, no heating or hot water over the christmas period therefore one year old grandson cant come to stay, any suggestions please on what I can do? Needless to say I will be moving my custom elsewhere for gas and electricity but doubt if that will bother Scottish Power at all.
  19. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/police-officers-fear-new-strict-2952145
  20. Hi Guys I'm looking for a bit of advice and I hope someone out there will be able to help me. Here goes with my story: I moved into a rented Housing Association flat 3 years ago, the reason I moved there in the first place was because I was unfortunate to have been broken into in my previous flat so the housing association moved me. My previous Gas supplier for my old flat was Scottish Gas and I paid by direct debit, I filled in the online form to say I was moving and provided my new address etc. I received various communications saying my account was almost up and running etc. A few month had passed and I noticed my direct debit had stopped coming out my bank. I went back to Scottish Gas and this was the start of a long saga of going round the houses with various suppliers as to who supplies my flat. To be fair to Scottish Gas they where helpful and asked me for various pieces of information which I sent them, make model, serial number, I have even sent them pictures of the meter but to no avail. At one point I was told I had 2 meters registered, then I was told it was Southern Electric so tried them but they say its not them and so it continues. the last contact I had from Scottish Gas was in 2012 and I had to resend them pictures of my meter but still nothing came of it. Out of the blue in September I got a letter from Scottish Power addressed to "The Occupier" saying they wanted to do a meter inspection and if I didn't get back to them within seven days they would gain entry to my property. I received the letter on a Friday after work and was going on holiday on the Monday for 2 weeks so would be out of the country. I emailed them to say I wouldn't be here and that I had been dealing previous with Scottish Gas and sent them on the emails and pictures that I had previously sent to Scottish Gas so they could see the communication trail. I was told to contact them when I came back to arrange a date. When I got back phoned to make my appointment only to be told I'm not with Scottish Gas and my supplier was N Power even thought they sent me a letter argh.. After looking online I found a number to call about who my gas supplier was and phoned it to be told it was indeed Scottish Power and they gave me my meter reference point number. Back I went to Scottish Power who now said they were my supplier, finally I thought thank god I'm getting somewhere. I arranged a meter inspection thinking this will solve all my problems and I might some day receive a bill but sadly not, nobody turned up on the day of the inspection which was a Saturday between 8 - 12. I got back in contact again to let them know nobody turned up. I work in the TV industry so its not easy for me to get time off work. I arranged a second appointment again on a Saturday between 8 - 12 and again nobody turned up. I chased again for another appointment, which was yesterday and eventually someone did turn up. The guy was in my flat about couple of mins max, and said the meter I have in my flat is not the one they have on record of what I'm supposed to have, he called and gave someone the number and said he would wait in his van and come and let me know when they call him back. He came back in a couple of mins later and said I am meant to have a pre payment meter but its OK Scottish Power and going to take this on and fit me a new meter and I'll get a letter as they when they are going to come and fit this. He said someone must have got it swapped at some point over the years. Great I though finally getting somewhere. Today I got a letter in the post from Scottish Power and opened it thinking this must be my letter about me getting a new meter. When I opened it I noticed it wasn't actually addressed to me but someone else I'm presuming a previous tenant. Its a bill for the inspection of £244.10 "The enclosed bill is issued in connection with our visit on 20/12/13 when we remedied the irregularity which we found. You should already be aware of the circumstances, but a brief description of what I am referring to is given in the footnote - footnote says "METER INTERFERENCE" "We could have disconnected your supply as a result of what we have found, but decided against doing so on this occasion." "However, we will be carrying out a check on the condition of the metering and associated equipment at a future date and if we find that it has been tampered with the supply with be disconnected. This will be done irrespective of your circumstances and any inconvenience which might result" The bill reads: Cost associated with inspection carried out on 20/12/13 Total Cost £244.10 Balance added to account £244.10 this advise is for cost incurred only The gas charges will be considered later and a bill will be issued if appropriate. Help where do I start with all this? I've never touched the meter it was already there when I moved in, I've got a dry meter but from what I gather from the inspection I should have a prepayment. Where do I stand with this? I'm not taking the blame for that meter and £244.10 for someone to come out for less than 5 mins is ridiculous considering they failed to turn up for 2 of the appointments. I've still got most of my emails to Scottish Gas with the pictures I sent them. Why would I have contact them if I had swapped the meter, makes no sense and I'm just really annoyed about it now. How would they work out how much I owe then for my gas supply if they have a record of my flat having a different type of meter. the account they have added the inspection fee to isn't even mine as I've never had an account with them as yet. Its so infuriating, I've never been so keen to pay any bill in my life and finally thought I was getting someone where. Any help much appreciated.
  21. Hi, Just after a bit of advice to see if anything can be done. Here is the history. Moved out of a property on the 11/06/11 - Rang to confirm moving out (no record of call by Scottish Power) As it turns out they have me down as transferring supply electric in June and gas in July. (This must of been the new tenants and means I actually got billed on my final bills for part of their usage?) They have told me they sent reminders and defaults to the original address and finally defaulted it in Oct and Nov. (Didn't get the letters I had moved out) Chased at my new address for the electric debt in March/April 2012, realised I had an amount outstanding and paid the DCA. Didn't realise at the time that the gas was outstanding (thought it was all one account) So my main question really is do I have a leg to stand on getting them removed? I have been emailing SP but they have said no error has been made by SP so it can't be removed. I have tried to argue that I told them I moved hence me not getting the reminders, I have also argued the defaulted amounts are incorrect because of the dates. They told me it wouldn't make much difference to the amount and I would still have a debt. Any help please
  22. Tomorrow Scottish Power will be visiting to install a pre payment meter. i have just found out about this from my flat mate as he hasnt been paying bill! the warrant has been accepted. he now owes £1411. Is there anything i can do e.g setup a payment plan or is this too late? If it is too late, what actually happens tomorrow? i will be in, will they activate meter straight away? will the cut gas but not electricity? any scottish power representatives that can help me out? if i could pay it all off i would, unfortunately i could only afford £75 a week (weekly pay) thanks in advance Steve.
  23. Hi, I recently did a credit report and found a default in my name for Scottish Power for £260 from back in 2010. I used to be with Scottish Power before I moved to British Gas in 2009, so presume it may be related to that. I've called Scottish Power, they have no record of my account with them. I emailed customer services and got this: I have checked the account and it was closed to 12/11/09, no forwarding address was given so all correspondence was sent to the property. The final invoice for £260.05 was sent out on 30/11/09, first reminder letter was issued on 08/12/09, a virtual collections letter advising you could pay online was issued on 22/12/09. On 22/12/09 was also sent a Scottish Power final demand letter, the debt was then assigned to a Legal Agents First Locate on 07/01/10. On 03/03/10 a default warning letter was issued. The default was registered on 29/04/10, on 24/07/10 the account debt was returned from First Locate as they were unable to trace you. It was then assigned to Pastdue Credit Solutions on 29/07/10 but they returned it to Scottish Power on 15/02/11 as no contact. If we do not have a forwarding address all correspondence goes to the supply address. We then send to a legal agents so a trace can be done to try and obtain a forwarding address. By Law the Default Warning Letter and registration letter must go to the last known address. Scottish Power has followed all avenues to contact you regarding the outstanding balance. There does not seem to be any error on Scottish Power’s part therefore the default would not be removed. If you were to pay the account balance we will update your credit file to show the debt as being satisfied. I have no record of any of this correspondence being sent to me, indeed, I still live at this address, so why would there be a forwarding address. Additionally, I swapped providers, so again, why would they not contact me at my current address. I emailed them back asking for copies of all correspondence sent to me. This is what they said: Thank you for your email. Please note that we are unable to locate the above mentioned property address in our systems. Kindly resend your original query along with the Meter Serial Number, MPAN or the ScottishPower account number, so that we can locate the property and update our records accordingly. I am now stuck, I have no account details, new meters and they wont take my calls as I am not a customer. Can I apply to the credit reference agencies to put pressure on them to provide information. Absolutely poor service and no recourse.
  24. Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows anything about this? I spoke to Scottish Power today about an whether I could get this but they said they didn't know. You have to quality on 2 parts. I do receive DLA so would qualify on that part. It also says you can qualify if you receive income support which is where my query lies. I do receive a very small amount of Income Support but I receive it as I have overlapping benefit ( I am a carer and cannot receive full carers benefit). Would that count as income support or would that be income related benefit which includes carers premium? Thanks for any help you may have
  25. Hi there We have a debt with Scottish Power of £1900 which is an outstanding balance for utilities for a failed business premises we had. This debt is in our DMP. After several months of being in constant contact with SP they have finally recognised that this account is now closed as the business no longer exists. They agreed to us including them in our DMP and also agreed to the monthly payments. However, I have this morning received another bill which has now added £42 as a Debt Advisory Charge !! Has anyone else had this ? I need to write to them, can anyone advise what I should say in the letter. Many thanks
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