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  1. Hey guys, Quick brief for you. I bought a second hand van today from a dealer for £3700 + £740 VAT. I found it on autotrader the day before. There was no admittance of any fault in the ad. There hardly ever is on autotrader adverts. I'm 30 miles from the dealership so it isn't too far from me. It seems that the gearbox crunches in 1st gear, which wasn't present during the test drive as it was a brief one. The van is a semi-automatic so it is a very situational fault whereby it only happens if I'm crawling slowly and the van decides to drop to 1st. There was little traffic during the test drive so the fault didn't appear during this time. As I got closer to home the problem started happening. I bought the car from a trader who has 100+ cars in stock so they seemed very established. My question is, where do I stand in this? - Am I able to get a refund or repair? - I feel disheartened as the van seemed perfect during the time of purchase but 30 minutes later I'm having gearbox issues. I haven't contacted the dealer yet as I would like your advice as to how I should proceed. Thanks.
  2. Guys I need some advice please. Myself and a female friend went down to London for 9th March to paint at jam called Femme Fierce. We purchased tickets that included a tshirt and a goodie bag for £11.25. When the jam was finished we weren’t given the tshirts or bags as apparently “there wasn’t enough time to hand them out” even though everyone was standing about. After two months, we’ve still not received our tshirts or a refund, despite being promised they would be posted out within a week and we’re being properly ignored by the organiser. Basically most of the writers and artists paid extra for these tshirts, about 100 people (that’s £1000 to her – not included in the £1.25 to paint in a LEGAL tunnel!). She’s just ignoring all of us, but she’s online uploading photos of her latest jams and going to events. A few of us have asked for refunds and still nothing. This is an utter joke, people shouldn’t be able to get away with ignoring people that they used to advertise an event and got recognition because of said event. Basically we’ve all been ripped off. Does anyone know if I can do anything about this?
  3. i bought a car on 30th of march from a dealers in leeds i went to view it, i tried my best to look as im no expert we noticed slight smoke from exhaust we asked him and he said it was due to the repairs he had done and it will wear off after a few days with it just passing its mot i believed him as i presumed that the mot means its road worthy, after the 1st day i noticed the tyre tread on left wheel was completely worn down on one side and after 2 days the engine management light came on so i text the man and no reply i left it a few days and the problem was appearing now physically it was dragging and not picking up speed so i rang him this time and basically he said you bought the car its not my problem its yours im not doing anything for you or that car. so i text him and told him what problems the car had and how when he sold me it it was not roadworthy and that i will report him to trading standards if he will not offer to repair or replace and he basically said see you in court mate. so i had no choice i needed the car to run so i had to go to a different garage upon looking he noticed the front part of the exhaust was falling apart and on diagnostic it showed the coils needed replacing, i fixed the exhaust and left coils as not enough money to pay for it, after 3 days i returned for the coils replacing the mechanic had found he had fitted old reused cheap coils and old reused cheap spark plugs and the valve stem oil seals are failing, so basically ive bought a car that is useless as its only a vauxhalll astra 03 plate... the mechanic did what he could and flushed it out changed oil and coils etc but he said its only going to last 2 months max. im devastated as a single mother id saved up 600 to buy my first car and i might as well of thrown it away and not only that had to spend 300 on top of that to fix. what can i do? i know i have rights but how hard is this to pursue and how much extra will it cost i dont want this person to get away with this. any advice please is appreciated.
  4. Hi all - I'm in a bit of bind with my car so thought I'd ask your advice. Apologies if this isn't the right place to post this I haven't been here for a while! Basically a dealer had an ebay auction for a car and I won it. As the place was a 6 hour round trip I made the mistake of not viewing the car before hand. I also paid for it to be delivered so I didn't have to give up a precious weekend day with the kids to go and pick it up. It was delivered after a week, then the problems started... I noticed a crunch when putting the car into first gear. Being handy with a set of spanners decided I would replace everything possible to do with the clutch without removing the gearbox. Basically replacing the easy/minor bits (clutch master and slave cylinders) with genuine parts - to rule them out as being the cause of the problem. Unfortunately that didn't solve it and now by process of elimination it's looking like a major expense to fix it - most likely replacing the gearbox. As it was bought from a dealer over ebay do I have any options to return the car for a refund? Or have a shot myself in the foot by replacing parts (albeit with new genuine ones)? I paid for the car at the end of Feb, almost a calendar month ago. As an aside the car is covered in rust, far more than would be thought consistent with age. This wasn't mentioned either. The perils of buying anything unseen from ebay! Lesson learnt... if anyone can offer me some advice I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, Matt
  5. Bought a Mazda 6 diesel estate , 61 plate from V12 Sports & Classics, Leicester. The gear selection became 'notchy' within the 100 mile drive home. within the next 100 miles it got worse and occasionally crunched into 2nd gear. I contacted V12 and the car was returned to their 'preffered' garage and left for repair. I contacted their garage after 1 week and was told the gearbox had been removed and sent away to a specialist, they had reported that gears 1 to 4 needed replacing, the garage were waiting for V12 to authorise repair or replacement. A week later I was told the car was fixed, I went and collected the car on a Saturday, I was told a 2nd hand gearbox had been fitted. It was immediately apparent when I drove the car that the problem was not fixed, I pulled over and contacted V12 who repeatedly told me it had been fixed and there was nothing wrong with it despite me being sat in it telling them it was not fixed. It was decided that I should take it back to the garage. a mechanic took it for a drive with me in the passenger seat, he changed gear very carefully, pausing in neutral, letting the rpm drop to tick over on the gear changes before selecting the next gear, the box was still lumpy and he stated 'its not the smoothest of boxes'. He suggested I try it for a week? I took it back to V12 where there were no aftersales team available! A salesman took the car for a test drive again, he never drove it over 1500rpm, I pointed out that you do not drive cars this way, the gear change was still notchy at 1500rpm, however I suggested I drive the car. At 2500-3000 rpm the gear change could be felt through the car. The salesman acknowkledged the problem and said a member of the aftersales team would call me on Monday I left V12 and travelled the 100 miles home. I e-mailed a histopry of the problems to their customer services and requested all correspondence be in writing or e-mail from this point on as I felt I was being fobbed off. I had no correspondence from them. I sent a letter by e-mail and also recorded delivery formally rejecting the vehicle and telling them they could collect it anytime, I was no longer prepared to travel the 200 mile round trip. received an e-mail back stating it had been passed to their legal team, I have not heard anything since, what do i do next? Car was £6400, i can get another replacement gearbox fitted for £1000 quoted by a local garage. I have only done 1000 miles in the car and 400 of this was travelling too and from the sellers address. Any advice would be appreciated
  6. Hi, My watch went missing off my wrist when I was out in Nov 2013. (Don't know if it fell off or was pinched). I logged a report on reportmyloss as Merseyside police no longer log items such as watches unless specific criteria met. I have regularly checked ebay to see if it would appear. This week I finally found it & won the bid! The watch is definitely mine as it has a unique ID that matches the paperwork I have. I have asked the seller how they ended up with the watch & they say they bought it off someone they used to work with. I have explained that I have proof of purchase etc, but they have offered no refund. Do I have anywhere to stand in trying to claim back the money I have paid for my own watch? Many Thanks, Danny.
  7. bought Focus ST from a dealer 2 and a half weeks ago, the dealership was 200 miles away so it was a 400 mile round trip to get the car, the car is on finance. on the way home i thought i could feel a slight vibration, it was late the next day i took it to a tyre garage to get the wheels balanced as i thought that could be what the problem is. i was told all 4 tyres are past it, the car passed an MOT the day before i bought it so i said they cant be.. the garage lifted it back up on the ramps to show me. the 2 front tyres are very bald on the inner edges and all cracked between treads. the rear tyres have plenty of tread but again they are all badly cracked between treads. one of the front tyres also has a slit in the side wall! now, before any one says "didnt you look at the car before you bought it" yes i did, but i was checking things like body work, interior, engine bay etc, i didnt even consider looking at the tyres since the car literally passed an MOT the day before! i instantly emailed the dealership with what i found, they asked me to get pictures for proof and also get a tyre report done, then email that along with pictures to them so they can resolve the issue. i did the above, and this is the reply i got!!! "Hi Stuart, I have spoken with the MOT station that MOT’d your vehicle, I have showed them the photographs you sent, and we have gone through each point on the MOT standards relevant to tyres and they have assured me that the tyres are legal. MOT standards are available online. The other major factor to take into account here is that you took the vehicle for a FREE tyre check. The purpose of these free tyres checks unfortunately are to sell you new tyres. Both ourselves and the MOT station are happy that the tyres are legal and if you feel they need replacing it will be at your own cost. I am sorry this is not the outcome you were hoping for, however this is the very reason we independently MOT every vehicle sold" obviously i wasnt happy with that reply threatened to take it further, but they just ignored me, i contacted trading standards, they told me i have rights etc which i quoted to the dealership, they ignored again. i then decided to get the car checked over to see if any other faults were apparent. there were.. . it has a split inner CV boot, it had a broken boost solenoid valve, and 1 of the tyres also has a screw in it (aswell as been bald and cracked) there is also a slight vibration from a driveshaft (probably slightly worn) again i emailed the dealer, and advised i will be getting VOSA involved as i dont think its even been seen by the MOT tester as it wouldn't of passed! as soon as i threatened with this their reply was "if your really that unhappy, please return the car for a refund" the car is on finance, which for me to get out of now has a higher settlement fee than what the car cost, the dealer is over 200 miles away (400 mile round trip) its already cost me in excess of £200 to collect the car, plus a day off work. I asked them if they are going to re reimburse me of the fees to return the car, and also that with illegal tyers im not prepared to drive it 200 miles on a motorway so they would have to arrange to have it collected. again no reply and they are ignoring me im happy with the car its self, im just unhappy about the faults, and dont see why i should have to fork out over £500 to put it right! what else can i do now? it desperately needs sorting, but im literally getting no where
  8. Six year old Annie returns home from school and says that today she had her first family planning lesson at school. Her mother, very interested, asks: "Oh... How did it go" "I nearly died of shame!" she answers. "Sam from down the street says the stork brings babies. Sally next door said you can buy babies at the orphanage. Pete in my class says you can buy babies at the hospital." Her mother answers laughingly, "But that is no reason to be ashamed." "No... but I can't tell them that we were so poor that you and daddy had to make me yourselves!"
  9. Will try to be brief: Bought a car circa 7 weeks ago for £2000. Dealer gave me a receipt. Also gave ME the entire V5 to fill in and send off! Within days I thought that there were issues with the car. I had filled in the V5...but did not send off. I figured at this point (perhaps somewhat misguided?) that if the dealer refused to carry out repair work to make the car right....I might stand a better chance of getting a refund and giving the car back if I told him he could have the V5 back - tipex my details - and so hence not record another owner on it - who then would look like he was selling it on within weeks of buying! I took the car back to dealer and complained saying he needed to put things right. Have since had it back to dealer with various different issues - multiple times. Work has been done - but are still issues. Dealer has just now had car again for a few days - and has just informed me that he is going to give me a full refund. I'm wondering about the V5 thing now. If I go in and tell him i never sent the V5 off - ask for my money back as he has said - and ensure V5 is tipexed and my details gone - is this ok? Any possible risks? Via DVLA or any other way? I have had the car insured in my name and taxed since buying it. Any recommendations on what to do? Sorry if this is foolish...just suddenly got concerned.
  10. Well this could turn nasty so i wanted to get some heads up opinions here first. me and a family member decided to go down a new venture and purchase 3 or so cars from a car auction. We turned up in person and paid them in reception for a few cars. We arrange a recovery guy to collect them and drop them at our desired locations. 1st car collected and dropped off fine. 2nd car the recovery guy calls me and says his truck cannot handle the weight of the vehicle so he will have to skip that one and do the last one which was delivered fine. Straight away i have called the auction company and told them is the particular vehicle out the front they said yes, i said can i keep it there until i arrange someone to collect it. They said yes how long. I said maximum 2 days, they said yes thats fine we'll leave it there no problems. The next day i have called them to get a quote for them to deliver the vehicle themselves as i was having a nightmare finding someone who would do the job at a reasonable price (quotes were £100 for 22 miles!!!) the auction company said it would cost about £35, i said fantastic the car is out the front of your offices please double check and i'll go for that. They said fine they'll locate the vehicle and call me back to sort it out. I got a call back saying there is no vehicle there. The vehicle is not out the back (with the other 1000 or 2000 other cars they have) nor in the front where the recovery guy i used said the auctions staff parked it up next to reception. I have literally called them 4 times a day as they never call me back when they say and they have yet to locate the vehicle. On their systems it is showing as being released (because 1. i paid for it and 2. the recovery guy i used initially gave the paperwork/receipt for the vehicle to the staff member who located the vehicle and gave it to my recovery guy) which then in turn said it cannot go on his trailer. To make matters worse this auction company leave all car keys attached to the steering wheel on a string. Apparently the yard where the vehicle was left (at the front) does have gates which do get locked..etc) So could i get some opinions on this? in the worst case scenario, some truck has come and pinched the car from the auction companies property. But 1. Is it my responsibility as i paid for it and initially collected it but then did not take it away (my recovery guy) or 2. Is it their responsibility as its on their land and under their control. I have not got this vehicle insured as not once have they issued me with the reg plate number so if this is pinched the only thing i can do is turn to this auction company. I hope in the next few days i can repost here and say the vehicle was located but as its been 2 or 3 days already im really doubting the vehicle is no longer in their possession and has been pinched. I am a bit lost here, help?
  11. Hello, I'm posting this for a family member as they're not very computer literate and need some advice. They have received a letter from Robinson Way regarding a debt that they have not been contacted about for the last 7-8 years, it wasn't a debt they were hiding from, but couldn't afford to pay at the time, they then moved and obviously heard nothing for the above time period. I told them that it is over 6 years old now and should be statute barred (is that said correctly?) Is that correct, do they not need to worry about it anymore? Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Asking on behalf of a relative who does not have the internet bought a 2005 4x4 vehicle 31-10-14 from garage in Derby they delivered it 3-11-14 paid £2,700 for it and was given £300 for his vehicle it came with a months warranty, relative kept hearing a noise 7-10 days after sale he went to a local garage with it on 18-11-14 after keep ringing the garage he bought if from and keep being fobbed off when asking to speak to the manager. Local garage booked car in to have a look at it 24-11-14 and made a report it has a constant light on dash board for the air bag, gear box on its way out flooded with oil, clutch going, brakes faulty/sticking, car differential problems. Whenever relative keeps ringing garage he bought vehicle from he gets fobbed off they told him to bring vehicle back but car is not roadworthy according to local garage that as inspected it. Rang consumer direct they said to keep ringing garage and demand to speak to the manager and tell him want a full refund as they have sold him vehicle that is not fit for purpose and that he does not want a replacement etc relative cannot get this far with only speaking to sales team, not been advised to write to them. Advice what to do to secure a refund and to get garage to come and collect this vehicle, relative now as no vehicle for work and will have to go out this week and buy another vehicle.
  13. Hi everyone, i really could do with all your help with this. My mother received a letter(oct 2014) from Provident stating they have sold her account to Lowell. In the letter sent by Provident it says: The total balance sold was £XXXX.XX. The individual agreements included in your account are detailed on the enclosed letter from Lowell(6 loan agreements listed). My mother has a letter from Lowell saying it's formal notice of the account being sold and assigned to Lowell.(i'm assuming this letter is the one the Provident letter refers to). The 6 loan agreements listed all have an agreement date along side, each date is in 2010. My mother has tried to pay the Provident a number of times via doorstep collections but whenever my mother couldn't pay, the collector got a bit narky and wouldn't return to collect any more payments. My mother would call them asking when will they be collecting her payment. Finally the doorstep collections stopped and now Lowell have bought the debt. My mom want's to pay so i'd really appreciate your help in sorting this out for her. I don't know what to do, any suggestions. thank you
  14. Link bought four of my barclaycards with average amount of debts over £10k each and I am paying £1 one of them and the rest of £55 each I had the cards for a long time over 12 years but nine month ago they have sold it to Link Link wrote to me at the time and said they are happy for me to carry on these payment And so I did pay on time since and they have not said anything so far. MY debts is about £50k and this was mostly due my business But the good thing about this is There is NO DEFAULTS on my file with any of my barclaycards I am wondering why this is or any suggestion what i should do I am happy to carry on with the payment for next few years but where would that ends
  15. Hey all, Just wanted some advice on my situation detailed below! At the station this morning, my friend was needed to get a 7 day ticket to Reading. She was going to get a photocard this morning, but due to the long queues and late running, I offered my photocard (which I now understand is not right!). when she had to pay, her debit card was not working and so I paid for it and she just transferred the balance to my account. On her way back from Reading, a ticket inspector said that she should not have used my photocard and that she should pay with her own debit card. She explained that her card wasnt working and to prove it wasnt a stolen ticket, she called me to confirm the last 4 digits. They then fined her £20 (which is fine, I totally understand why) but then proceeded with a threat that she will have to pay a fine for stealing the ticket and then confiscated the ticket. I will meet up with her tonight to discuss the details and will post more later. What I wanted to know is: -What are the implications for me as I am admitting to buying it for her? - Will she have to pay extra fines as they threatened her for stealing? - Is there any way I can get the ticket back, considering the fine has already been paid? Thanks very much for any help!
  16. Hi I purchased a car on 2/8/14 for £1295 and was given £350 for my old one, so paid £950 cash, no warranty was ever mentioned and now the car has developed a loud knocking noise, sounds like drive shaft area, no warranty was mentioned, there is also no mention of it on the very basic receipt. just also looked through the paperwork, and the v says 3 previous owners and car was advertised with 2. any thoughts on where i might stand with this one. cheers
  17. hi everyone, I bought an Onkyo TX-NR609 amp on ebay 6 months ago. It's been working fine, but now it's developed a fault. The item being used is out of warranty and I don't have the original purchase receipts other than ebay prove of purchase. After some research I found that so many people have complained about this common issue, that onkyo have decided to extend the warranty and allow people to send the goods back to them to get repaired/replaced. My problem is that onkyo are asking for original receipt of purchase from an Authorised Dealer, otherwise they are not willing to cover their product. Surely it doesn't matter where you purchase it from? After all the fault is with the manufacturer's product, so how come the customer is losing out? What can I do?
  18. Hi everyone, I bought a 08 Fiat Bravo from Jamie of Epic Motors Coventry on the 4th Oct 2014. On the 18th Oct 2014, it lost power on the motorway and could only do a maximum of 50mph while making a grinding noise. I managed to pull into a parking lot and called RAC who diagnosed it as a broken turbo. Since I only had roadside assistance and was 120miles from home and it was midnight, I paid £300 to have the car recovered back to my house. I got in touch with the seller on the 19/10/14 to see what he was willing to do. He initially offered to fix the problem free of charge but after speaking to him today (20/10/14) it turns out he thought I was a different customer when we initially spoke. He phoned me up, shouting and swearing and eventually said that I would have to pay to get the problem sorted. At this point, what do I do? He has since sent me a text saying "Just so you no, the warranty was paying for the work on your car, as you have said NO to this being done, I cannot help" At no point have I refused to accept repairs. But after finding out about his background, I do not trust the work that he would do on my car and have suggested getting the work done at a local garage I trust if he is willing to pay for it. How do I go about rejecting the car/getting it repaired and reclaiming from him? Thank you all for your help!
  19. Hi there, I purchased a used Alfa GT 1.9 JTD from a private seller advertising on autotrader around 1 month ago. this was the advertisement posted: M-JET 16v 3 DOOR GT COUPE, WITH FULL LEATHER INTERIOR , FULL SERVICE HISTORY ALL MANUALS 2 KEYS AND PLENTY OF RECIEPTS, RECENT CLUTCH AND SERVICE,REAR SPRING AND DROP LINKS, 6 SPEED MANUAL 150 bhp POWER AND ECONOMY ALL UNDER ONE HOOD.TWIN TAIL PIPE EXHAUST,SOUGHT AFTER STYLISH ITALIAN THOROUGH-BRED COUPE ALL IN COLOUR CODED AZZURE, BLUE, Next MOT due 04/09/2015, Tax expires 31/01/2015, Full service history, Electric windows, Air conditioning, Parking aid, CD player, Leather trim, Height adjustable driver's seat, Folding rear seats, Sports seats, Metallic paint, Alloy wheels, Power steering, Cruise control, Central locking, Alarm, Immobiliser, Driver's airbags, Side airbags, Passenger airbags. 5 seats, £1,999 the private seller took me for a drive and I had a short test drive in it. everything seemed fine during the drive. the HPI check was clear and he showed me the totally clear MOT certificate issued the week before. I bought the car and have been using it for driving to work etc. i noticed a few minor issues immediately (as you would expect from a used car) but last week the whole car began to judder. i took the car in to my local specialist garage who said that the car should not have passed its MOT test and would have failed on at least 5 separate points as well as several advisories. the MOT certificate I was provided was completely clear. The certificate is legitimate (i check on the mot check website) but the results are clearly falsified. I am unsure what to do. I cant afford to buy another car without some kind of refund. what rights do i have and what would your advice be moving forward. if i report the car to VOSA my worry is i will be left without a drivable car - they will fail the MOT and i assume will get no refund to my outlay. i don't want to sell the car on as i don't want the same thing to happy to another person, and i don't want to scrap the car as i will lose most of the money i have just spent. if I ring the private seller he will tell me to sling my hook "buyer beware, sold as seen" etc thanks for any help and advice you can give. Torison
  20. It's a 2002 Passat estate with nearly 190,000 miles. Yep, worthless in theory. But I paid a couple of grand. And a couple of grand is a couple of grand. I went to view it, and to be fair it has loads of receipts, it's been cared for, new brakes, 4 new good tyres, new timing belt, recently serviced by previous owner. Went on a test drive with dealer (well he drove it as he didn't let people test drive) and he said it was spot on. Which is was in all fairness. No nasty bangs or anything. We even tried the aircon and it seemed cool enough so I drove away happy, I admit. However a couple of days later, I noticed the car didn't reach operating temperature. I was a bit peed off but thought if that's all I have to worry about it wouldn't be too bad. £224 later it was fixed. I also noticed that in fact the aircon didn't work- now this peed me off quite a bit. It felt ok on the cold day we test drove it but clearly it was just the blower. I've now found out that the window demister doesn't work either, which now is getting annoying. I'm no mechanic and need to pay a mechanic for every fault and by the time I've fixed these issues I would have been better off buying something much nicer. I accept it's a very old car but with having to spend hundreds of pounds to fix it it now feels like a very expensive banger... I just don't really know where to go with this.... Help!?
  21. Hey guys, really was unsure if I was going to bother posting this, but here goes. I purchased a used iPhone 5 from a Game high street store last July 2013. It is obviously now out of the 1 year warranty they give you. I purchased the phone for the sum of £380 & I was sold the phone as "unlocked". I had been using the phone since July 13, initially with a "giffgaff" simcard (I believe is run on the o2 network, but for the past 4 months or so, I have used a "3" sim card in it. This week i decided to sell the phone & I selected "Erase all content and settings" on the phone prior to its sale. To save myself any hassle, I took the phone to a local highstreet store to sell, but they informed me the phone is locked to Vodafone. I can now confirm the phone will only activate with a Vodafone sim card & will now not accept my 3 sim I had been using in it for the previous 4 months. This has really annoyed me as I paid GAME a premium for an unlocked phone, which turns out to be locked to Vodafone after I had reset it back to factory before selling. I contacted my local game store (not where I purchased it) who were totally dismissive as it was outside the 12 months warranty. Manager didnt come near me but also wiped her hands clean. I phoned the GAME helpline in London & was told "well, youve been using a 3 sim card in it & it was unlocked when you bought it, so contact Apple,, its outside the 12 months warranty. Youve been using it for 14 months havent you?" This is the first time I have had cause to "erase all content and settings" which has bought this problem to light. Personally I belive I have been missold a phone by GAME, I cant belive how dismissive they have been. Should i just put this one down to experience, I don't want to as I feel ripped off, but I believe it will be extremely difficult to go anywhere with. Has anyone any thoughts?
  22. I bought a 2GB memory card from a second hand shop which I found out I could not use. Now before I purchased the item I explicitly asked about what were my rights if I wanted to return the item before I paid for it on my debit card. I was told that was fine but I would receive the value in vouchers which I had to spend in store again. I accepted this and proceeded to pay. I actually found out that day the memory card was useless to me as it did not match the slots I had. 10 days later I walked in to the store only to be told I was not entitled to a refund because I had to return it within it 48 hours if I was to be eligible for a full refund. They said I could sell the item back to them but I refused. It was never made clear to me verbally or in writing and I think this is grossly unfair. I now have a second hand item that is useless to me. I was prepared to receive the full value of credit to spend in their store again but frankly I would never ever spend my money on them again if this is how the treat their customers. Please tell me what is the correct procedures to undertake as I wish to make a formal complaint and reclaim. The high street store is part of the webuy.com franchise but the shop in particular is CEX in Lewisham.
  23. Hi there On the 27th July, my husband and I purchased a used car from a dealership for £26,950. We paid £2,000 deposit via credit card, traded in a vehicle for £2,450 and paid the balance via debit card. Within 21 miles of driving the car and 3 days of owning it, the engine management light appeared on the dashboard. We contacted the dealership straight away but as it was nearing 7pm the Service department was not available. However, the following day my husband did receive a call apologising for the issue but advising that unfortunately these things do happen. On the 2nd August, we dropped the vehicle back to the dealership and picked up a courtesy vehicle. They plugged out vehicle in to find out what the fault was, we were advised it was the DPF and it would need to go to VW. We also pointed out some other issues with the vehicle, the brakes looked worn and there were several issues with the paintwork that we hadn't picked up on when originally looking at the vehicle. The Service Manager took down the issues and said they would get them dealt with whilst they had it. To cut a long story short, we have had to chase the dealership for updates regarding our vehicle, explain the other issues to god knows how many people and we never get call backs when messages are left. The original fault has gone from being the DPF, to the EGR Cooler and now something to do with the air conditioning has been thrown in the mix also. The dealership has looked at the brakes and told us that they have 1,000-2,000 miles of wear left on them and that this is acceptable. I would like to point out that they MOT'd and serviced the vehicle before we picked up and this was not mentioned on any paperwork. They agree with the paintwork issues but couldn't tell us what they were going to do about it. Not only have we had issues with the above, we also had an issue over the tax for the vehicle. We paid for the dealership to put 6 months tax on it and were told that this had been done and the tax disc would be sent on once received by them. We later found out that the car was not taxed until the 7th August, so they were happy for us to drive around that long. The salesman pointed out that it wasn't an offence to which my husband soon corrected him. Today I have spoken to the DVLA and they haven't received any notification that the vehicle has changed ownership. I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't even sent the V5 document yet. We have already sent a letter of complaint to the Director of the dealership via email and recorded post to which we received a response saying that a certain person would now be dealing with us and he hoped they could rectify a bad experience. We have since sent another letter of complaint and asked that we receive a response in writing detailing exactly what repairs had been carried out etc and what they were going to do about the other issues and so far we have not received anything. We have contacted the CAB who have said we have a case to reject and if we don't get anywhere, we can approach the bank to help through the chargeback scheme. I have checked this and they are happy to deal with on our behalf. My question is, what should we do next? My husband wants to take their courtesy vehicle back and then send a letter of rejection via email and recorded post. We are obviously not driving the vehicle as it is at the dealership still (will be 3 weeks tomorrow). Should we keep hold of the 2nd key that we have and the paperwork that we have or should we return these to them. There is probably much more, but to be honest so much has happened that I find it difficult to keep track with it all. Many Thanks
  24. Good afternoon, We bought a 2 year old car from a car dealer 12 days ago. While having a test run there was grinding from the wheels but the salesman said that was probably due to it sitting in their forecourt for weeks and I agreed. The morning after we took delivery the grinding was still there so called them back and the car was taken into the workshop and the pads were cleaned. They had stated that some dirt and rust had got in. Still no change though and I noticed that one side of the rear brake discs had scores and the other side was smooth. Called them back up and got the usual fob off that brakes are not supposed to be silent and the scores will go away once the car is being used. I did use the car but again no change. Not happy with their response I had a brake inspection done on the car and the fault was a damaged brake pad. Somehow there is a chip out of one of them causing the grinding and the scores. Back to dealer with the brake report but they have said as long as the brakes function there is no problem and that they was no damage when their mechanic cleaned the brakes, but they are fully booked up till next week and they will test drive it. Told them id prefer them to look at the pads rather than do a test drive rather than do any more damage to the discs, plus id want it checked before next week. Next weeks the best they can do and they wont allow me to take it to any of their other branches. The salesman has said its now out of his hands and its back to the service supervisor but they are basically saying that they wont be fixing as the grinding on the test drive was due to the car sitting for a few weeks. Ive had a quote from another dealer for £109 plus vat using oem parts but don't see why I should be paying for something they should have fixed before selling to me. I do intend to complain to their head office but looking at any other advice. Cheers
  25. I will keep this as brief as poss..... I bought a car through Ebay, I went to the persons house test drove the car it was fine, handed over the cash, drove down the road approx 20 miles and the car broke down, I called the seller, who came to meet me and after a long very heated and difficult conversation including calling the Police, he would not agree to give me my money back or offer a repair. I managed to get the car working again drove off only to completely brake down after approx 10 mins, I called the AA who attended and discovered that the cars engine management systems had certain codes by passed and cleared just before I picked it up, in their opinion the trader had deleted the faults in order for it to drive perfect on the test drive. The Diesel particulator filter needs replacing along with the mass air flow meter & the turbo along with the manifold cover that had been bent. The trader will not enter into any discussion about returning the car or even a refund. He tells me as I bought the car from a trader and I signed a piece of paper saying that I was buying the car with no warranty and that he had told me about all known faults ie none! there was nothing he was legally obligated to carry out. Is there any course of action I can take to get part or all the money back, can I get him to pay for the repairs..... Help needed please.
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