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Found 14 results

  1. In 2016, my daughter was involved in a low speed collision, 5 mph ish - I was in the car with her. We were reversing out of our drive, which is a corner of a T culdesac. We had two pass a couple of houses before being able to exit the T. (hope you're getting the gist). As we reversed up the road, approx 20' one of the neigbours reversed out of their drive and we struck the drivers door. The front of the neighbours car was still on the pavement this time. Both myself and my daughter were looking behind and didn't see this until it was too late. The other driver was doing a reverse left turn and had her head turned to the left. Her view of the right was blocked as there was a van parked in the same drive. As I was looking at the damage to the car, the neighbours partner came out and very very aggressive. The only witnesses were the driver. I was in the car with my daughter and my wife. It was an accident pure and simple and we agreed with the insurance to class it as a 50/50 - there was no damage to our car. We didn't want to claim anything as there wasn't anything that warranted it. Roll on 12 months later, the other driver has refused the 50/50 and is now taking us to court, with a hearing in January. We firmly believe that this is now a crash for Cash. We're hoping that any sane judge would see this as an accident and throw this out. One thing that did happen shortly after, was my daughter was diagnosed with Chron's and has ended up will an illiostomy. She had been showing signs of anxiety before the accident, but this incident didn't help. Obviously the accident hadn't helped and may have made her condition worse. Any advise would be useful.
  2. It's not really programming – but I'm not sure what to call it. Anyway, I use a printer program which generates a log file. After every print, the log file is overwritten. I want to extract certain information from the log file and put it into an Excel spreadsheet so I can keep track of the prints that I do and the settings are used. I don't want to have to muck around. I want to be able to do it with one click to start the script going. Here is the log file. Most of the information I want is contained in the two lines which I have coloured in red. The data I want is coloured in green. The field names are the word before the = (equals sign) I haven't picked out all the fields or the data in green in the list below – but you get the picture. As to be one click, which then extracts the data and inserts it into the correct fields in the spreadsheet and then saves it down. The first column in the spreadsheet should be the date that it was done. Can anyone help?
  3. I am shocked to find I received 2 speeding tickets this morning (16-02-16). 1) Dated 02-10-15 doing 36 mph in a 30 mile road 2) Dated 11-12-15 doing 35 mph in a 30 mile road. Since its 16 February 2016 the first ticket is over 4 months old. Obviously I have no recollection dating back that far. The "speeds" are so minor over the limit and I would welcome any advice on whether it it possible to challenge these tickets fairly. Amazingly the only memory I have of this particular road is being stuck in between lorries in traffic jams where a 10 min drive would take you up to an hour - seems rather strange and weird, unless a gap appeared and I moved??? On the letter its says pay £100 fine and then talks about a speeding course does it mean do one or the other or are you supposed to do both. Never had a speeding ticket before so quite shocked. Any advice welcome. Thanks
  4. I need some understanding and advice on this scenario. Case in brief Car A hit Car B from the back when Car B suddenly stopped apparently in response to Car C. Car B was to state later that his car shunted forward to hit Car C. However during the incidence both Car A and Car B were sandwiched together upon observation. But drivers of Car B and Car C were witnesses to each other in their claims for Whiplash. The Driver to Car C did not show any dent on day of incidence but stated at the premises of the incidence that the impact to Car B led him to have a shock which affected his neck and as a result he would be seeking compensation for Whiplash as he would visit the hospital. Car C had a little child of about 5 years seated in the front passenger seat After the impact and before the Police came to the scene the little child was transferred to the back seat. There is a court proceedings against Driver of Car A in which it appeared that the insurance firms of Driver A and Driver C agreed to settlement on the little child. However, instead of the court proceedings to have been served on the Insurance firm to Car A it was served to the Driver of Car A who never knew about the settlement. The Issue Firstly, Driver of Car A was never informed until the proceedings were served upon her as the defendant. She feels that the claim was false and extremely concerned as to the stigma of such false claim in a court record under her name rather than under the Insurance Company's name. Secondly Car C which had no physical dent, produced a medical expert report that there was moderate impact to Car C and affected the little girl thus the claim of whiplash. The engineering report of Car C demonstrated a slight mark/dent which was never noticed on day of incidence. [Note that there was no single scratch to the front of Car B which was purportedly shunt forward to hit Car C at the back]. Question Even if there is such a slight scratch or dent (which the driver of Car A denied ever seeing such and Car C never said such on the day) can such slight scratch or dent be upgraded to moderate impact as was reported in the medical expert report? What are the probable advice in this circumstance for Driver of Car A who is feeling extremely unhappy that the claim was a false claim and the stigma as to the court proceedings with knowledge that a court record stays forever?
  5. Good afternoon, We bought a 2 year old car from a car dealer 12 days ago. While having a test run there was grinding from the wheels but the salesman said that was probably due to it sitting in their forecourt for weeks and I agreed. The morning after we took delivery the grinding was still there so called them back and the car was taken into the workshop and the pads were cleaned. They had stated that some dirt and rust had got in. Still no change though and I noticed that one side of the rear brake discs had scores and the other side was smooth. Called them back up and got the usual fob off that brakes are not supposed to be silent and the scores will go away once the car is being used. I did use the car but again no change. Not happy with their response I had a brake inspection done on the car and the fault was a damaged brake pad. Somehow there is a chip out of one of them causing the grinding and the scores. Back to dealer with the brake report but they have said as long as the brakes function there is no problem and that they was no damage when their mechanic cleaned the brakes, but they are fully booked up till next week and they will test drive it. Told them id prefer them to look at the pads rather than do a test drive rather than do any more damage to the discs, plus id want it checked before next week. Next weeks the best they can do and they wont allow me to take it to any of their other branches. The salesman has said its now out of his hands and its back to the service supervisor but they are basically saying that they wont be fixing as the grinding on the test drive was due to the car sitting for a few weeks. Ive had a quote from another dealer for £109 plus vat using oem parts but don't see why I should be paying for something they should have fixed before selling to me. I do intend to complain to their head office but looking at any other advice. Cheers
  6. Hi, We purchased a new car and paid the car via debit card. The total amount was paid from my wifes card. Before we bought the car we asked the salesman if it was paid with my wifes card the car would have to be registered in my name, and he said that would be no problem. If that was an issue we would have paid them cash but saved us carrying cash with us. They taxed the car, we signed the paperwork and he gave us the green section of the v5 but they had put my wifes name on the new keeper section. I told him that it was my name and he apologised telling me that they would give me a letter to send to dvla. I emailed dvla who replied saying they can do this with a letter confirming the mistake. The salesman has now said they cant give a letter because of their audit and because they are regulated by the fsa. Not the biggest issue in the world but when I get the v5 back im going to have to change into my name giving it another owner ! Ive phoned dvla back and they say they cant do anything without a letter from the dealer. Also called the dealer back again but she is not budging and now says she cant remember the conversation about me asking for the car to be put into my name. Thanks
  7. I gave my daughter 14 enough money for her fare to go from school to a friends intending to pick her up afterwards local bus co driver insisted she was "adult" despite being in middle school uniform then to really hack me off she gave the £10 she keeps in the back of her school ID card as emergency money to driver for full fare some 60p more he took it and gave her no change but a receipt she could "redeem" at a bus station for her change. Any idea if this is legal as I dont think a minor could agree to accepting what I can only call a prommissory note. He didnt tell her he was going to do so as she said she would have got off and either caught the next bus or gone to shop and bought a packet of crisps or some small value item. Any legal eagles out there got an opinion before I write to company?
  8. Hi, Last Saturday 27/07/13 my front room flooded due to a freak storm and a blocked drain in the road just outside my house. An expensive rug was ruined and a few of the laminate flooring slats have started to bubble where the water started to soak in. We are going to be selling the house very soon so the affected slats will have to be replaced but my question is; if I claim on my home insurance will it show up that the property has flooded when the buyers solicitor carries out the local searches or not? Many thanks in advance! Jegs.
  9. Hello. About a year ago while I was at uni I got caught getting on a train without a ticket. The matter went to a magistrates court, I plead guilty by post, paid a fine and thought it was the end of it. I'll soon be graduating and am an otherwise upstanding citizen with no other blemishes against my name. I'll be moving to London for work later this year, and will be looking to rent somewhere. However I've since discovered that it seems like having a criminal record for anything, even something so minor as not paying for a train ticket, could potentially invalidate the insurance that any landlords might have. This puts me in a bit of a quandry, and as such I've got several questions. 1) Is it common for lettings agents or landlords to do a DBS (which I believe replaced the CRB) check? And if so would this conviction show up on it? Would it stop me being able to rent anywhere? 2) Would this cause most landlord's insurance housing insurance to be invalid? 3) If so, what options do I have? It seems I'm totally screwed. I'm way to poor to afford to buy a place for myself, but one stupid mistake on the train seems like it could potentially preclude me from being able to get rental accommodation. I'm really getting a bit wound up by it all. It seems completely insane that the vast number of decent people with minor blemishes on their record could potentially be unable to get rental accommodation without either lying about criminal background or inadvertently voiding their landlord's insurance, with unpleasant consequences should anything happen while renting. Anyone got any ideas?
  10. Hi all, I was involved in a minor collision on Good Friday around lunchtime. Briefly, woman reverses from driveway onto residential street, cars parked both sides. Hit the brakes, minor collision. I was probably doing between 20-25mph so the damage to both cars is relatively minor i.e. scuffing on her bumper and the same on my front wing. Found her particularly unpleasant in her manner from the off but she gave her name and reg number and I gave the same. Following morning policeman at door – apparently, later in the afternoon she has gone to the police station and accused me of making racist statements. Policeman says she doesn't want to take it any further but and I quote "What's really annoyed her is that she only got the car yesterday". I'm told to call her up, apologise and give her my address - "do it today" he says. I called her Easter Sunday at 9.45am and left my address only on her ansaphone. Immediately after bank holiday weekend i.e. Tuesday I call insurance company and report the*accident. Thursday, I receive letter from Thames valley Police (special delivery so must have been posted wednesday) saying Notice of intended prosecution Alleged offence(s) careless/inconsiderate driving Fail to stop at R.T.A Fail to report R.T.A No indication as to which one, given that this is dated 29 March 2013 i.e. date of collision. Is this simply a case of 'crossed wires'? Grateful for any insight from the group many thanks C
  11. I would like some advice regarding a recent purchase from currys of a blackberry play book. I bought the item on 22/09/2012 and noticed on returning home with the play book that there was a contact loaded onto the videochat and a picture of a male approx 50 yrs old stored in the pictures files. I assumed these were example/templates and didn't take much notice of them. The play book was bought by my 12 year old daughter with her bday money she had got the previous day and she continued to set the play book up and load her own info on and as per the requirements of the videochat including her email address along with my mobile number (an agreement we had so I can monitor her calls for her own safety) The following day I noticed that the contact we assumed was an example had tried to call her several times including at 4:12am, I called back and asked why he was calling her and he stated he was trying to call 'Colin' yet continued to call after I advised him the details belonged to a 12 yr old girl! At this point I contacted currys via email to ask if the play book was preowned which could explain the contact being already installed, I received an email back stating this was not possible, a week later I emailed again asking further questions to get more or less the same reply. I decided then to take matters into my own hands and found another email on the play book and contacted them to ask for help. He emailed me back stating that he had purchased a play book from currys and returned it faulty a few weeks previous and it would be a friend of his that had been calling! I then rang currys and explained I had been sold a used, and returned as faulty play book for full brand new price and had also subsequently told twice this was not possible, I have called twice since and never got 1 call back. I would like to take this further now and ask why currys have sold me a used faulty product, lied to me, ignored my requests for help, and potentially endangered a 12 year old in the process - they have failed to meet the requirements of safe guarding a minor and been careless and irresponsible. I last rang a few days ago to complain I was awaiting a manager to call me who was apparently disgusted (but seemed to forget fairly quickly!) and they again said it was shocking and that an area manager and head office were being alerted, I am now yet to hear from either! I am furious! I intend to take this matter to the press if currys do not settle this matter to my satisfaction, am already in contact with a solicitor regarding breach of contract and have sent the same details to watchdog - all things i had no intention of doing if i had not been continually ignored by currys and left to find out all of the above info myself - shame on currys for lying, selling second hand faulty products and shrugging off their obligation to help safeguard minors!!!! :mad2:
  12. Hello Guys, I was involved in a minor accident on the Friday. The problem was that this Van was packing on a double yellow line right at the junction. I was coming from one of the road which is Lewin terrace to join the road he was packing at. The van was obscuring my view, but I can still see both side of the road. As I was driving round the Van adn I was on the road where he packing, he was reversing back his car at the same time to go and pick up some school children. So, at this time he hit my car with a minor scratch on both our cars. He took the picture of me car, and I took his at as well. This guy did not wait for the Police to arrived and he drove off. The police came and I explained what happened. I am waiting to hear from them. I contacted my insurance, and I was told that he was already established himself on that Road, so it is going to be my fault. I told them that I was already on that road too before he started revising his car. the lady spoke to his manager, and told me that it is going to be 50/50 thing. He also told me that it is not going to count whether the Van was on a double yellow line or not. That they are only looking for duty of care. I have got a third party insurance. I am not looking to claim anything, but I am wondering if my insurance premium will go up if he claims something. Is true that this Van will get away even he was packing on a double yellow line waiting there ? I have got a witness that he was packing on a double yellow line as he even insulted this woman. Can someone advise me on what to do next? My insurance policy will runs out in August. Thanks.
  13. Hi about 12 months ago I had "nudged" another car at a roundabout, there was no damage to either vehicle, the other party was clearly not [causing problems]- there has been no claim made. I did however have to inform our company insurance- it policy that even the most minor thing is declared! I renewed my personal policy about 1 month later, and was asked about claims etc, to which I answered non, as I did not really think this warranted a mention. I have now had to claim on my policy and am scared that my insurers find out about this and try to void my insurance or similar. Has anyone got any advice what to do? Do I leave it or do I fess up before it gets any worse? Many thanks
  14. Is this an offence, friend was turning in a private car park, bumped into parked car, no real damage as only doing few mph, now been tyold it should have been reported to the police, and an offence of driving without due care and failing to report an accident, is this right as they thought it was so minor there was no need?
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