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  1. Hi all, My sister attended her interview today with he DWP compliance officer. They wanted to see her because she negligently failed to inform them of her savings when she claimed benefits. I honestly think she's losing her mind because she keeps forgetting things and lands herself in trouble. She has zero understanding of the benefit rules (I'm no expert) and never knew how much savings or capital one is allowed to have before qualifying for benefits. She has worked her whole life apart from this 16 months. Anyway, the DWP want full bank statements during the period she was on benefits, theres's definitely been an overpayment. She claimed for around 16 months. She's now told me she will refuse to bring bank statements and will voluntarily offer to repay all the benefits she's received. Is this even possible ? She is now working and just wants to get on with life. She's worried they will take her to court so she just want to repay everything rather than stress. What do you guys think? Can she just offer to repay everything to make the DWP go away? She doesn't know the full amount but given her high rent , income support etc, I'm assuming it's around £17K. The whole family is stressing about this as we are worried about her wellbeing. Many thanks for any imput.
  2. Hi, I am thinking to raise a small claim case against a MNO via post and I need some helps filling in the form. Any inputs will be greatly appreciated. In the heading of the form (Pg1) it asks about "In the [Do I write my local county court here or something else?] Fee Account no. [Does this refer to my bank account number which will be used to pay the court fees? What exactly should I write here? or Can I just leave it blank?]" For "Value" and "amount claimed", not a fixed or specified amount of money to be recovered as I am currently still being charged by the company until I win my case and have all my previous payments refunded. In this case can I simply write [expect to recover no more than £xxxxx] in the "Value" section, then tell the court [i expect to recover court fees and previous payments made to the company] in POC, and leave "Amount claimed, court fees, Legal representative’s costs" blank?? I believe that I have to send 3 copies of my claim to the local court as one will be for the court, one for the defendant and one for me right? Do I have to send any documents to support my case at this stage? Thank you in advance for all your help.
  3. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could provide some advice, or just advise me I am clutching at straws. I will just note the problem in bullet points to make it easier to follow. The problem/issue: New IOS update has rendered 000's of iPhone 4s models with no wi-fi because the option is now greyed out in the settings section General concensus is that it is a hardware issue It seems the latest update has revealed a fault/limitation of the wi-fi chip Apple has provided a list of fixes to follow to attempt to resolve the issue If all of these fail, the advice is basically tough luck, buy a new phone All of the above information is what I have obtained from the internet regarding the problem. My Situation: I purchased an iPhone 4s on a 2 year monthly contract with a reduced upfront payment for the handset directly from a T-Mobile shop. I purchased the handset in April 2013 I am outside the 1 year manufacturer warranty. The issue has affected my handset and none of the fixes suggested by Apple have resolved it. I now have a phone that does not connect to wi-fi, only 3G I not very happy Although outside the 1 year manufacturer warranty, is it fair for me to expect my handset (that would cost between £3-400 if bought as a handset only) not to be crippled by what is basically an update installed on the direction of the manufacturer (Apple) in the name of giving my phone greater performance and capabilities. The fact that it seems to have awoken a fault with the chipset that was until the latest update, dormant, would suggest that the fault was present from the date of purchase, and was jolted into life by an update direct from Apple themselves. Obviously in the 1st instance I will go to the shop, but by all accounts, they are likely to say "sorry, need to pay for a repair". Any advice on how I should play it if that is the response? Cheers...Nick
  4. Hi, myself along with a number of other owners have experienced an issue with a firmware update for a Panasonic BTT290 BluRay Theatre System rendering the unit unusable to watch certain BluRay discs. There is a separate thread about this on a dedicated Audio Visual forum: http://www.avforums.com/threads/panasonic-sc-btt290-owners-thread.1726525/page-3 To cut a long story short, I along with others have had no issues with our players prior to this firmware update, however, since the update a number of BluRay discs that had previous played perfectly now refuse to play. In my particular case I noticed this behaviour less than a week after the expiry of my 12 month warranty, although the update was released by the manufacturer more than a month prior to the expiry. It just so happens that I do not regularly watch BluRay discs and so never caught the fault until it was too late. The unit does play regular DVDs perfectly fine and does also play some BluRay discs perfectly also. I contacted Panasonic Customer Services who initially told me to do a system reset, which never solved anything, they then told me that I would need to contact my local Service Centre, which I did. The Service Centre have replied stating that I would need to pay a £48 non refundable inspection fee and that it is probably a drive issue and that the firmware update cannot be rolled back to a previous version. Now I dispute this claim of a faulty drive because surely no discs would then play, not an odd selection. Secondly, it is not just me that is experiencing this issue and it all coincides with the recent update, that, strangely enough is listed on the manufacturers website as an update for BluRay Disc Playability. I would like to know where I stand legally with this as in my mind Panasonic have released an update that has caused my product to be not fit for purpose. I have been trying to demand from them that they reinstate my previous working firmware version that was installed when I purchased the machine and which is what I actually paid for, they declined to do this. I wish to blast them with a coherent email outlining actions that they must take before any actions that I along with other interested parties may take. Any help would be appreciated. DHB
  5. Good Morning, I have made a conscious decision to leave my job because there is currently an ongoing issue with comments that appeared on my Face Book time line - I just need some advice. Basically, I have written a letter to work and told them that, based on sessions with C.B.T., it was discussed and agreed that closure is needed from this and due to the fact it may trigger another significant mental health episode, I have asked whether or not work would be willing to agree a severance package or failing that, my letter of resignation. I have spoken to my Human Resources and my Trade Union about the comments and they are both under the same conclusion about at least one of them - they also said it was very important about how the comment was written, according to my H.R. Both my H.R. and T.U. rep said there was no serious intent/threat/violence/sexual advance in that particular comment. Also, I have been informed reliably that if you give an opinion on someone's sexual orientation, which, unfortunately, was another comment which appeared on my time line, this is not harassment as it is an opinion. Is this correct? Basically, I read out the comments to an expert (my T.U. rep) and he said there was nothing there that concerned him - he said he had heard a lot worse and also, my H.R. mirrored that by saying that they had been involved in cases which had worse things said/written than anything which appeared on my time line. Can I have some advice on this and are H.R. and the Trade Union right in what they say? I am so desperate to leave my job - it got to the point at one stage where I even had suicidal thoughts, it was that bad. My life has been ruined because of this. Thanks for your help. Regards.
  6. My final CCJ turns 6 today, Happy Birthday Equifax removed it last weekend But it remains on Callcredit and Experian Does anybody know how long it takes CRAs to remove it?
  7. HP Pavilion G7. Downloaded an update for the BIOS, as instructed to by the HP support Assistant. Everything checked ok until installing. It prompted me that it was Flashing, and do not power off the machine. Three days later, I had the same message, and the keypad, and keyboard were disabled. After Googling I realised I had little to no chance of the upgrade being successful. I therefore removed the battery, and the AC power. After that, nothing. Plug the power back in, and nothing. The AC power light won't even light up. Phoned HP, but they said they would charge me for telephone support (even though I would not need it if their support software hadn't told me the update was available). I wouldn't be so bothered if it was my laptop, but it's not. I know these things happen and I can't help feeling responsible. I don't want to have to buy him a new one, so any help would be appreciated. The laptop is nearly 3 years old and out of warranty. Thanks guys.
  8. I have a Scottish Power boiler cover which I pay for by direct debit, in November I reported that I had a problem, it is now the 23rd December and after numerous phone calls, engineers not turning up new part being put in, having intermittent heating and hot water for the last two weeks I have had no heating or hot water, I have phoned and emailed several times to Scottish Power with promises from them that someone would contact me then they were ordering a part, only to find today when I phoned yet again to be told that they are not going to repair my boiler despite my having contract, despite them originally accepting my boiler! I have asked on several occasions to speak to a Customer service manager only to be told they are too busy and my case was not urgent, in fact I was denied this access totally! I have been told that an email is being sent from the engineer to the customer services but still no information to me. I have no idea what to do next, if they had informed me two weeks ago I could have got a local engineer in to have it fixed, as it stands at present, no heating or hot water over the christmas period therefore one year old grandson cant come to stay, any suggestions please on what I can do? Needless to say I will be moving my custom elsewhere for gas and electricity but doubt if that will bother Scottish Power at all.
  9. I have just got back from my first appointment for (Post Work Programme Support) and it wasn't so bad as I thought. My advisor was very nice towards me as I knew him 3 years ago before I started the work programme, anyway he just told me what to expect now that I have completed Work Programme like for example: going on courses to help get into employment, visit the Jobcentre more often, update cvs and mock interviews ete. Also he tried logging into my Universal Jobmatch but he couldn't as I haven't give him access anyway this is the best part, he said I don't have to give him access if I don't want to as that is up to me and he said he will not force me as he said I can just fill in them Job dairy as normal and he wasn't very angry when he couldn't access my account. He said I need to start doing more now and he also said I need to treat this as a full time Job and he said I need to contact other organisations, does anyone know what he meant by that? does he mean Job agencies? if yes then I am already registered with them. My next appointment is on 03.12.2013 at 12.00pm.
  10. I've been trying to contact the HMRC for over 2 weeks now as my company name changed. Despite calling them in early May to renew my TC, I'm concerned that they may see that contacting them 'too late' about my new company name has changes? What defence do I have? At the moment, all I have is a log of the dates and times I've called when their automated system said 'Were unable to handle you call right now, please call back' and hung up. Cheers, A
  11. Hi guys some advice please. I failed to pay for a welcome finance agreement that i took out in 2008. it has this month been sold onto cabot who have spoken to me on the phone to agree a full and final settlement figure. they have said i can pay a partial figure that will clear it to zero but will show on my credit file partial payment. I asked them for settled or satisfied but they said they cant do that as new laws in. I looked on all 3 credit files this week to see what welcome had put and its down as settled now after all late payments.all say same thing. So here is my questions- Shall i accept the offer or pay a small contribution every month? As welcome have said its settled on file can cabot change that marking or set up a new marker with cabot as the loan people as i dont see cabot on my credit file yet? (but cabot informed me it would show after a few weeks) what shall i write back to these people? I am just confused why welcome have marked settled but cabot have said it will say partial when payed? iv enclosed the letter sent by email. also iv had no other information off them just welcome telling me to contact cabot regarding account being sold on, should i request more info? cabot customer 1:02 PM (4 hours ago) to me Letter below. Thanks guys for any help you can offer. Dear X, We are emailing you in regards to the settlement of your account above. We are pleased to confirm we will accept £2085.00 as full and final settlement, to be paid no later than 31st August 2013. Once received and cleared on our system, we will report to the relevant Credit Reference Bureaux to advise them that this account has a zero balance and is partially settled with us. Please be advised this may take up to six weeks. We trust this is sufficient for your records. Yours sincerely, Cabot Financial 0845 0700116
  12. Hello, I've been getting middle rate care & low rate mobility. Paid from 7/11-7/13. My award notice says they will contact me by July to see if I want to claim again- but they never did. My support worker didn't help me fill in my conditions as negatively as they affect me & I wrongly assumed it would be obvious. Gov website doesn't say that I need to apply for PIP yet. But I can't find any adult DLA claim forms online & I really need an online form that can be filled in by typing such as the ESA50 can. Is there an online adult DLA form please?
  13. 5 years ago was called into branch and was talked into converting my credit card balance which was at the time £9,800 into a bank loan, at that time i was classed as self employed and 63 years old without saying a single word about ppi they tried to sneak it in , i spotted it the next day and duly cancelled the ppi out of the blue i get a letter telling me that i would not get all the benefits on offer with ppi on my 65th birthday relating to my credit card which i had been talked into converting to a bank loan, i had been paying ppi for over 10 years on the card without knowing i had it, to cut a long story short i put a claim in for this missold ppi on my credit card they have done nothing but lie and used delaying tactics since at last they admit it was misold and they say they sent a letter out on the 18th march still not got it despite at least 6 calls to the help line am being ignored by all i speak to and send emails to managed at last to get the man on the help line to dictate this letter over the phone was told that they had put 173 pounds into my account as due to the passage of time they have no record of this credit card and they consider this to be a fair offer still not had this in writing but told him over the phone where he could stick his offer am still awaiting anything in writing where do i go from here
  14. Hi All. While digging around I was looking for G.E. Financial Insurance who allegedly were the underwriters for PPI insurance I took out in 2001. Having searched hi and low for there website I kept on getting search results on Google for Genworth so I looked into it further. This website shows the address and phone number of GEFI: http://www.londononline.co.uk/profiles/65549/ I rang the number and hey presto the answerphone message on that number was from Genworth. I have a letter from Genworth in my files and printed on it is that same phone number. A quick search on Google Maps found an empty building there according to the "Street View" feature. Digging a bit deeper I found this on Wikipedia; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genworth_Financial This explains the progression of Genworth. Genworth have also been known as Financial Insurance Company Ltd and seem to remain so as far as some FOS representatives are concerned. I hope what I found is useful and that I'm not repeating someone Else's thread.
  15. Hi All They have repossessed my car now. This is how I found out. I saw my car advertised in Autotrader. Is this how I should have found out ? regards
  16. Hi all, I have had a default on my credit report for the past 6 years and finally June should be the last month that it is reported. After reading some posts it looks like even once this has dropped off my score won't immediately improve, is that right? Over the past 6 years there is only this account that is defaulted, the rest of the accounts on my file have perfect up to date payments, there are around 8 accounts in total all perfect. Any idea what affect this final default dropping off will have? Thanks
  17. just a quick thread. my mate bryan rang council. i.e council tax. they want to see him on wednesday afternoon, with his outgoings n incomings, and paperwork etc,etc. so to the prat who started the thread. unbeknown yo you have helped bry out. so thanks must go to you aswel. yeagh rite
  18. My friend reset his laptop to factory settings, so I said I would do all the Windows Updates for him. One of those updates was Windows Service Pack 1. After successfully installing it, I scanned for any more updates. It keeps saying '1 important update' and that update is always Windows Service Pack 1. Why does it keep doing this when it is already successfully installed? I have installed optional updates with no problems either. Just this Service Pack 1. When I look at the update history, Windows Service Pack 1 has been successfully installed about ten times. Any ideas? I think this will cause problems for future updates.
  19. Hello, some of you may have seen my post regarding my Aunt's account with Very (that has now been passed on to NDR). I sent off a CCA request for my Aunt's account (Very state that the account was opened on 29/03/2007). They sent my aunt the following: 1. A reconstituted copy of my aunt's credit agreement 2. A copy of my aunt's current credit agreement One credit agreement is dated 19/10/2006 (even though my aunt's account was taken out on 29/03/2007). My aunt's name and address are on the agreement but no signature. Am I correct in thinking that this is the reconstituted credit agreement? The second credit agreement is not dated & it doesn't have my aunt's name, address or signature. In addition to this the credit limit is not stated nor is the interest rate it just says 'credit limit:' followed by a blank space. My aunt has received a further letter from NDR which states that Very is about to issue a Statutory Default Notice within 14 days unless arrears of £1703.10 are paid (there is no way my aunt can afford this) but they do state that they are willing to discuss a reasonable payment proposal. Should my aunt make an offer of payment at this point? I don't think they'll accept it as she's offered them money before and they've declined it saying that what she offered was too low. NDR state that a default will be registered but they do not say what else will happen such as court proceedings. In addition to this my aunt has a credit card which is near its limit but she is able to pay the minimum monthly payments of £9. My question is if Very issue this default and will not accept my aunt's offer of payment could the credit card company demand that she clears her credit card balance off in full? Thank you so much for all of your advice so far it's been great & thank you in advance for any advice you can offer regarding the current situation, just not sure of what my aunt should do next.
  20. Does anyone know if Khela v Dainter had been heard in the appeals court yet, please !
  21. update, I was in court 3 weeks ago but they run out of timewaiting for a fresh date for earing ,any way at the last earing they did bringwith them a Para legal to try andjustify why they ad the fee earner as him on the leger and not the person that did the work , is comments werethat when he takes charge for collecting he puts his name on , I then said why do you remove the persons name that did the work I got no reel reply to this , but he as notdone this with any other documents , the thing that I would like to find outcan this be done on a client leger as I have read the sra rules and it say that no adding or removing should take place , there is something clearly not rightwith this they even did not produce awitness statement from the person that the invoice was representing only a timeline which I do not believe, the thing Iwould like some advice on can they just go into a client leger and change things because I believe the Para legal did the workand they are trying to charge me top rate, any help would be grateful,bake
  22. Customer Update Many customers should continue to see an improved position on their accounts today, with account transactions continuing to update. We now expect that next week (commencing 9 July) will be the final week of any significant delays for Ulster Bank customers. We expect gradual, but significant and noticeable improvements throughout the remainder of this week and next. It is our expectation that by the week of the 16 July the vast majority of customers will return to a normal service. There may be some final reconciliations required to customers' accounts.We will provide updates daily on our progress. You can find out more by reading the latest media statement from RBS Group. We know this disruption to our customers is unacceptable and we're committed to doing all we can to help as many of our customers as possible. 42 of our branches will have extended opening hours from 9.30am to 7pm until Friday 6 July. . To help us facilitate your requests, please bring photographic identification and your account details (account number and sort code) . Please bring your payslip if the balance does not reflect any salary payments. We have also doubled the number of staff available in our call centres. Our dedicated help desk is open 8am to 10pm to take your call on 0800 231232. If you are calling from abroad please call +4428 90843556. We confirm that no customer will be permanently out of pocket and there should be no adverse impact on customers' credit ratings as a result of this incident. We will continue to post daily updates here. Follow us on Twitter @ulsterbankgroup Key Questions on Customers' Minds How can I access cash? If your balance does not reflect up to date payments due into your account, please come to any Ulster Bank branch with your photographic ID and your account details. Please bring your payslip if the balance does not reflect any salary payments. Ulster Bank credit card holders may also use their card for cash withdrawals from an ATM; no cash advance fee or interest will be charged for using this service provided the amount withdrawn is repaid within one month of the withdrawal. What is the situation with lodgements made to my account? Electronic payments are being received into accounts but they are delayed. If your salary, pension or welfare payment was due to be paid into your account before Thursday 21st June, this is now in your account balance. If you were due to receive your salary via an electronic payment between Thursday 21st and Friday 29th June this may not yet be in your account. Lodgements of cash or cheques made over our branch counters from Wednesday 20th June are receipted but have yet to be credited to customers' accounts and will be credited as we clear the backlog. What about my direct debit, will it be paid? Direct Debits that were received between 21st of June and 3rd of July will be paid; however, you may not see these reflected in your account until our systems have been fully restored. Direct Debits up to 20 June have been processed as normal. You may wish to let the beneficiary know that there is a delay. We understand that customers are concerned they might get disconnected from a utility or service provider if their account is not paid. We would like to reassure our customers and those of other banks, that we are working with other banks, service providers, insurance and utility companies to make sure that, as a result of this issue, customers will not be without their services, will not be permanently out of pocket and will not have their credit record affected. Is Anytime internet and mobile banking operational? Yes, our internet banking and mobile services are available to allow you to view your accounts, make transfers and pay bills. Please note that you will only be able to make transfers and pay bills on Anytime internet or mobile banking up to the stated balance which may not be up to date. As we update our systems there may be times when the service is temporarily unavailable; if this happens please try again later. Please remember we will never contact you to ask you for your PIN or password. We have suspended our text balance service while we resolve this issue.
  23. Information Note Wednesday 4 April 2012 OFGEM LAUNCHES INVESTIGATION INTO ENERGY SALES BY E.ON Ofgem has today opened an investigation to establish whether E.ON is complying with its obligations on energy sales. The investigation is being launched following information which has come to Ofgem’s attention regarding E.ON’s marketing activities. In 2009 and 2010, Ofgem strengthened suppliers’ obligations relating to energy sales. The changes set out that suppliers are required to put in place robust processes to guard against misselling. These obligations include ensuring that any marketing material that suppliers use and information that they provide during telesales and face-to-face marketing are fair, accurate, easy to understand and do not relate to products that are inappropriate for the customer. In addition, suppliers are required to conduct any telesales and face-to-face marketing activities in a fair, transparent, appropriate and professional manner. Ofgem is continuing its investigations into the energy sales practices of Scottish Power, SSE and npower and has recently concluded an investigation into EDF Energy on this issue. -ends- 1. The investigation will examine whether E.ON is complying with standard licence condition 25, which regulates face-to-face and telephone sales activities. The fact that Ofgem has launched an investigation should not in any way be taken as implying that E.ON has breached licence conditions or otherwise broken the law. As part of the investigation process Ofgem will examine any evidence of non- compliance and consider whether there are grounds for exercising enforcement powers. Further information on the investigation process and the potential outcomes can be found in Ofgem’s enforcement guidelines. 2. Live investigations into energy sales Ofgem is continuing its investigations into Scottish Power, SSE, and npower. For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that Ofgem is continuing these investigations should not be taken as a conclusion that any supplier has breached licence conditions or otherwise broken the law. 3. Cases now concluding Ofgem recently concluded its investigation into EDF Energy’s compliance with standard licence condition 25. EDF Energy has proposed to make payments
  24. Below is a complaint made to stage coach busses they have been warned its up here so lets see the responces I have recently been approached by a couple (Miss T XXXXXXXX & Mr XXXXXXXXX) who have made a complaint about your service; they are dissatisfied with the reply and wish me to continue this complaint on their behalf On several occasions now they have been asked to leave the bus to allow someone in a wheel chair to board, they have been chosen out as they are unable to fold their pushchair, I would have to state that I also personally disprove of this, although you are required by law to make provisions for disabled access you appear to deliberately miss-represent this in your terms and conditions stating “you are however, required by law to ensure that the designated wheelchair space is made available if a customer wishes to bead with a wheelchair or approved mobility scooter.” Although the Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (2000) makes it compulsory to make public transport accessible to wheelchairs it does not make it illegal to fail to move for these, it also specifically excludes mobility scooters calling these “an outdoor vehicle used as an alternative to public transport”. I also note with interest that when they have been asked to leave the bus no re-compensation has been offered As the couple involved have brought a “megaRider” ticket they have entered into a contract with yourselves for carriage for that week, although your terms and conditions state that this may be withdrawn at any time I have, after consideration, decided that these may breach the couples right under the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations (2008) as it attempts to remove their right under the Supply Of Goods And Services Act to either receive the service they have paid for or for a partial or full refund of any costs arising from the failure to provide the service After considering the above I have advised the couple that if they are required to leave the bus again they are to check with the driver that they are in fact required to leave the bus, they will then agree to leave the bus providing that he signs to say he has required them to leave the bus, they are then to leave the bus without argument and check the timing for the next service, if waiting for the next service would mean a large amount of inconvenience or would mean missing other commitments they are then to request a taxi and to obtain a receipt off the driver, this will then be presented to the local stagecoach office for re-imbursement, if no re-imbursement is forthcoming then a small claims entry will be made, at which point I have agreed to attend on their behalf and will of course ask that any reasonable costs arising from the court action be assigned to the charge as well. I look forward to a reply encompassing the issues raised in this email, please note I have sent this email to both XXXXXXX XXXXX who dealt with the original complaint and to the email address I have on file for CEO complaints, I have also been asked to make this into an open letter so it will be posted on several forums such as the Consumer Action Group with any replies also posted without editing. Yours sincerely XXXXXXX XXXX (On Behalf of Miss XXXXXX,Mr XXXXXXXXX)
  25. Does anyone know if we have any right to ask for a refund on Xperia X10 we bought? At the time of buying it, we were promised Android 2.1 update by September. And now it is delayed even further... In theory, we were lied and was made to buy the phone hoping we could get an upgrade. We spend £400 on a phone and now it doesnt worth the half of what we paid? Where do we stand? Any help will be appreciated...
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