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  1. I have just been advised that my PPI claim with RBS Mastercard has been upheld. I have most of my statements just a few missing and wondered if someone could kindly advise what is the correct spreadsheet to use in calculating amount of rebate ? I am just awaiting an offer from bank but wanted to have a benchmark figure in my own mind. Thanks
  2. OK guys, here we go. Made redundant from work in october 2000, long story short all my creditors went default before I got back into work. RBS particularly harsh, really dragged their heels concerning my PPI claim etc. When my personal loan and royalties account overfdraft went default, I got battered for charges. Been paying them back since may 2001, never missed a payment, always made the increases when asked. Over the years I've received letters from their CMS in telford and another company (whose name escapes me but I will dig it out) who appear to be a DCA acting on their behalf. Payments always made on time into my account at my local branch, using my account number and sort code. 2 months ago CMS telford wrote to me with instruction to now pay into a different account number and sort code. Have recently received another letter from CMS telford asking for an increase in payments that I just cannot meet. Not particularly scared about this as they simply cannot have what I haven't got. Question is, can I S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) them and claim back anything?
  3. I had a £3,000 overdraft facility on my RBS current account which I used to the full (!) but was unable to maintain repayments on following illness and ending up on long term sickness benefit (ESA). In January 2012 I reached an agreement with RBS to freeze the interest on the account and to pay £1/month by SO. This has been reviewed and renewed each year, most recently in April 2015 for a further 12 months. I've maintained payments throughout that period and maintained good relations with the bank. Last month I returned to full time employment. I'm willing to re-pay RBS's overdraft but want to be careful about how I go about it – agreeing no more than is necessary. So: 1) How soon should I notify RBS of my change of circumstances? 2) Is there any point in offering a full & final settlement? If so, at what %age? 3) Should I expect interest to be applied to the overdraft in future and, if so, how much would be reasonable? 4) If I make a repayment arrangement what is likely to be seen as reasonable? (I also have about £25,000 owed to various credit cards or DCAs, mostly with similar arrangements in place.) I have two other unblemished and unconnected bank accounts into one of which my salary will be paid so would continue to pay RBS by SO. FWIW my RBS account is in Edinburgh (I transferred it there from England to avoid a threatened takeover by Santander) but is now managed by their collections department in Birmingham.
  4. Some advice needed. I have received an offer of redress from RBS regarding PPI on an old Natwest credit card. I used the FOS Running sheet to calculate the amount due. I have all the statements for the card (1989 - 2006). I sent copies of the statements to them along with what I have calculated to be the amount due - just under £14000 in 2006 plus stat. interest since then of approx £10000. A total of £24000. They seem to have ignored what I sent them and made an offer of under £3000. From the small amount of information they provided, it appears they haven't even been able to add up the PPI premiums correctly or calculate the compound interest that they charged me. They say that it's their final offer. I asked them (over the phone) to send a breakdown of their calculations and they refused to provide any more detail. I have spoken to the Ombudsman and I have to say that I'm not filled with confidence in their abilities. She seemed confused about compound interest being re-funded, which is the biggest part of the claim. I've also heard of 9 - 12 month processing times. Any advice on what to do next would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. Angry customers of NatWest and RBS are reporting serious problems accessing their online accounts, with many taking to Twitter on Friday to accuse the accident-prone bank of another IT disaster. The latest IT problems emerged as customers tried to access their accounts and make payments, on a day that is payday for many people. NatWest said it is investigating the issue, but had no other statement to make. It told customers over Twitter: “We are aware of an issue with our online banking service, our tech team is looking into this as a matter of urgency.” But coming so soon after the last IT outage, the access problems have left many customers venting their anger over Twitter. Can't log in to #natwest yet again to check up on some transactions... and they want me to opt out of paper statements?! No chance. — Jacqueline F (@JackieF_0307) July 31, 2015"> Natwest IT problems The problems emerged early this morning, as some customers waking up and hoping to check their pay had gone into their account were unable to log on. Why does the @NatWest_Help app always go down on payday?!?! I hope there's no issues with payments again! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/rbs-and-natwest-customers-complain-of-online-problems/ar-BBlgcjC?ocid=spartandhp
  6. In 1988 while I was in the army I took out a £2000 loan from the RBS in Stirling branch As I recall I was forced to take out insurance with his loan. In 1990 I had to leave the army to look after my mother who was seriously ill at the time. I tried to claim the insurance from the loan which was rejected as I left the army voluntarily. My mother is moving house so I've been clearing out the attic and I've discovered the old credit agreement from this loan. Do I still have a case to claim the compulsory insurance or am I time barred?
  7. just op[ened this mornings post and 2 my surprise a cheque from rbs relating to a charge they made on a loan I had with aa in 2007 . the only loan I can recall with aa was through centrica the parent company which was paid in full and in correct order, the £50 cheque was compensation for rbs giving my data to a dca incorrectly I must add ive never heard of the dca but lo and behold guess whose name pops up: the leeds losers, who claim the account is still active, on further examination of letter its a preprinted letter from Lowell,RBS don't nhave a head office in Sheffield, a little bit naughty I think.
  8. If your benefits are paid into a RBS or Natwest bank account and you are due a payment this week this maybe delayed here's why http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33162855 and recaction from the Natwest customer forum http://communities.natwest.com/t5/Ways-to-Bank/natwest-down-again/td-p/38531 Why should these bank's be able to get away with treating customers like this ?
  9. Hey there, i had this account sold to me 4 years ago. I hadn't opened a bank account in the UK for some years. I was not presented with a possibility of a free account at any time in the meeting. I have never once used any of the packages or so called perks. I complained to RBS they through it out, stating, "having previously lived in the UK i should have known that free accounts were possible to attain". I didn't. I then moved onto the Ombudsman, who have sided with the bank. How can I take this further, it is simply not fair! Any advice appreciated. Thx
  10. I wondered if I can seek advice? Iv had an RBS since 2001 and kept it in good order, however in 2011/2012 I had 1 missed direct debit and this is now how the account stands on my credit file Date of default 31/10/2012 Default balance £ 721 I wrote to the bank in 2012 and also wrote to Financial ombudsman but I only ever received 1 letter back from the bank to say that these charges had not been unfairly charged. Recently the same thing has happened to my partner. He was with Santander and the only thing that ever came out of his account was iTunes, For the sake of £3.41 his Santander account now stands at £600 overdrawn and is still increasing.. .. we need help, we need to know what we can do and if I can still do anything with RBS now that the account hasn't been used for 3 years? These accounts are stopping us from getting a mortgage... does this mean we can claim compensation for the damage? I have read a lot of articles but still unsure what my rights are.
  11. Hi can anyone help me with an issue on the amount of redress due from a credit card PPI which FOS have found in my favour against RBS for an old Natwest Card. the amount offered seems low Thanks J
  12. Hello, I have been a faithful customer to RBS for many years until recently when they decided they would try (and succeded) in ruining me despite our relationship over that long period. To cut a long story short although I have only had one property in the last ten years(which I was forced to sell and now live in rented) they sold me many NEW mortgage products. Prior to that I was in rented for 18 months and previous to that a home owner for 8 years. I need to find out which mortgage the PPI was attached to so HOW FAR BACK CAN I REQUEST INFORMATION? I wrote to the bank to ask them to to explain why they had sold me these variuos new products including one mortgage to which PPI was attached. I have had no response only from an employee known to me (when I walked in the bank to close all my accounts) explaining they cant provide the info on any account which is closed:-o HERE IS THE HISTORY BEHIND IT.......... I tried to claim the PPI some years ago(but so long ago I cant recall when) and they refused to pay out as I was self employed so I cancelled it the next day. Obviously not knowing my consumer rights before finding CAG they got away with it. I had other priorities when I first joined CAG like stabilising my position but now I now have my creditors in a position I can cope with. So its now time to kick back starting with RBS, any help much appreciated. Thanks
  13. Hello I wrote to RBS they state that any PPI payments I made were over six years old and therefore I cannot reclaim. I know the name of the sales man who sold the policy to me though I cannot remember the exact date, It was sold to me with my mortgage and then when I remortgaged and moved home they changed my mortgage again. Obviously the salesman took me for a ride not just on the PPI. Is this six year rule correct anyone? Thanks
  14. Having reclaimed the PPI on my RBS overdraft earlier this year see here It recently became aware that perhaps I had a claim regarding a miss sold packaged account as I was told that I had to have this account to have the overdraft facility that I wanted..... dropped a letter in the post a week last Friday, today I received a letter agreeing that was the case and approx £1600 in fees and interest will be in my account within 3 days of the date of the letter.... Quickest, easiest reclaim ever, one letter, 2 weeks, done and dusted.......
  15. In 2007 I cancelled all PPI from any credit I held as it was only then that I realised they were in fact optional and more importantly, due to my generous employment package in a job I still hold today 20 years later, they would not have paid out anyway. I have tried to claim back the PPI attached to my RBS credit card taken I had 2002 to 2005. Yesterday I received the rejection letter stating largely that it was sold on a Non Advised Basis. I took it out via a postal application sent to me. The PPI box had to be ticked - the wording by the box said strongly recommended that payment protection insurance (PPI) is taken out. I have been reading FOS online PPI resource "our approach to payment protection insurance (PPI) mis-sale complaints" and it states, when talking about internet or postal applications:- Although these are usually non-advised sales, as the application stated “we strongly recommend you take out this PPI”. We were satisfied from the consumer’s account of the sale that he had placed some weight on this – and so we concluded that the sale was advised. Knowing how little I knew about the "why's and wherefores" back then and as it was during the application stage this would have made me think that my application was dependant on this. Any ideas what I do next? Thanks in anticipation.
  16. I need help with a Claim form I have received today please. Many thanks to anybody who replies, Toots.
  17. Hey everybody, New poster here, I have been a lurker on here for a while now I am just wondering what other opinions are on this. I contacted my bank RBS via their online complaints form 1 week ago. I did not receive any kind of email verification from them to say that they had received my message, the terms of their complaints procedure says that they will be in contact within 5 working days. I have a disability and am unable to use the telephone because of it, I explained this in the message, I asked in webchat on Friday if they had received my message but the person I chatted with said they had not received any thing, but, she said that may be because it hadn't been 'logged' yet. this evening I went back in again to ask if they had logged my complaint yet and the person I chatted with said that he would get the complaints team to give me a ring, so of course I explained to him again that this wouldn't be an option. The conversation went a little something like this - RBS man: I will get the complaints team to ring you shortly. Me: I won't be able to speak to them via the telephone unfortunately due to my disability RBS man: Sorry to hear that dear Me: I will come back tomorrow and use the webchat RBS man: Come back tomorrow and we will transfer the chat, will that do. Now, I know this is probably horribily trivial ,but it's not the most professional thing in the world to call a customer 'dear', I am personally not a senstive person at all but it did come across as condescending and perhaps rude? I am just looking to see what peoples personal opinions are on this really? Should I mention it to the complaints team? I don't want to get this individual into any kind of trouble if he genuinly did not mean to be rude, but other people may take this the wrong way? He only seemed to become condescending after finding out I have a disability, and that does get rather boring and irritating (As does typing the bloody word 'disability' ) If he was being deliberately rude then I would mention it, but I am not sure and really don't want to be overly sensitive. Anyway, thank you all for reading my ramblings.
  18. Hi In 2005 I got the following: Together Mortgage £113000, Picture Loan £33000, Welcome Loan £21000, RBS Debt totaling £25000 credit card debt totaling £ 9,000. PAYDAY LOANS total £1200. I was in great despair as I was going through a divorce had an ectopic pregnancy and lived in a house half built. I was off work due to ectopic pregnancy and was losing money fast. On top of this my step daughter came to live with me and I was trying to help her through college etc. My ex husband was very nasty and he was due to leave the army and I got frightened in to not taking any of his pension that I deserved for giving up my career to bring his daughter up. He cashed in all our joint policies and left me with nothing but debt. I was in despair literally and had a breakdown turned to alcohol (not badly but enough). I then tried reading self help books to try and change my mind set. I wrote myself blank cheques to all the people I owed and had them on my wall so that I could visualize on attracting money. I won £3800 from a 10p bingo ticket then I got a windfall of £32000. I cleared the credit card debt, got the house finished and reduced the welcome loan to £9000. I still owe the rest, I got the RBS loan secured against the house to free up monthly spends. My house is now worth £136000. I was annoyed though as I have paid over £37000 to IDEM not realising that to settle I need to pay another £42000!! I was younger stupid and scared. I have now rented out my house and I am living in a room, I have started my own company using all the skills I have and have enlisted friends to help me with their trades (I take a small percentage from them as I get them work). [EDITED] It is about visualizing and felling the luck and wealth. It takes only 16 seconds to vibrate mentally and put good thoughts out. I do not ask to win the lottery e.t.c but I try to create ways that I can help myself out of the mess I got in with money. [EDITED]
  19. The next round of bankers annual bonuses have been estimated at £5billion between HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds & RBS. RBS who were fined $1.6million dollars in July 2014 for their part in fixing Australian exchange rates are expected to pay out £500million in bonuses. In December 2014 they were fined £400million by regulators in UK & US for their part in il-legally fixing international foreign exchange rates. A week later there were fined £56million by UK regulators after paying out £70million in compensation to customers for a Systems failure in 2012. That is £527million in compensation and fines due to appalling management in a bank where we hold an 80% shareholding, yet have absolutely no say in the running of it and now we are expected to pay £500million in bonuses to the same incompetent management on top of their already over inflated wages. Their justification for the bonuses? 1) They need to employ the very best 2) It is 15% lower than last years bonus pot. Remember Mr Brown & Mr Cameron's words "there will be no reward for failure" With labour and the coalition having already signed up to an additional £30billion cuts to public spending regardless of who wins the next election, Who agrees "we're all in this together"?
  20. The FCA handed out the following fines to RBS group in 2014: 27/08/14 - £14,474,000 11/11/14 - £217,000,000 20/11/14 - £42,000,000 Total for all banks is £1,159,709,700 So it looks like the government will be getting it's bailout fee twice over.
  21. I am not sure whether this is the right section/place for this, but perhaps someone around here can offer advice on the following. I recently got a letter from the R.B.S, informing me that that "we have, with regret, decided that we will no longer provide these [bank account] facilities for you" They don't give any reasons, but I am assuming that my name has come up on some wide sweeping statistical based list for potential fraud/money laundering, and I guess that the R.B.S doesn't like the little man trying to get a piece of their action. I don't have a regular job, but work freelance offshore. This means that I don't have regular income, but instead have large sporadic payments, often coming from abroad. I have also traded Bitcoins during the bubble where I made thousands, and also during the crash, where I lost even more thousands. This involved a high turnover of funds and international payments, including many payments into Bitcoin exchanges. Due to my work, I am also abroad quite often, use my card abroad, and access my online banking from foreign internet ISPs, which has caused the bank to suspend services to me in the past. Aside from that, I have no debt with this bank, am always several thousand in the black, etc. Whilst it doesn't break my heart that the parasitic übermonolithic R.B.S doesn't want to be my friend anymore, I do find it quite concerning that these institutions, upon whom society has been forced to rely upon for 95% of all economic interactions, have the power to simply cut someone off, without any evidence or proof of wrongdoing (there isn't any because I am not and never have been involved with any fraud/money laundering). Also, the bank states; "We will not be able to provide references for you". If I am not mistaken, I will totally 100% need a reference from my previous bank, in order to open another bank account. Can anyone suggest to me any course of action that I might take? Would telling another bank the truth about why I am wanting to open another bank account with them simply result in an automatic rejection? Am I going to be forced to lie to open another bank account?
  22. Hi. I'm hoping someone who knows what they are doing can help with some advice, on the next steps I should take in relation to my complaint for mis-sold PPI on a Credit Card with NatWest. I've received a Final Decision letter from RBS which upheld my complaint, and making me an offer in redress. I was a slightly confused as to how they had arrived at the figure, and so contacted them to request a breakdown of their calculations, particularly in relation to the compound interest part. I've attached a word document (Letter From RBS NatWest.doc) which contains the wording I received in response, along with their "breakdown", which to me seems to be of little help in providing clarification. Now that they have finally told me (it wasn't mentioned in the original Final Decision Letter) that they are "guessing" at some of it as they do not hold the data further back than 2001, I'm planning on providing further evidence in the form of some extra statements that I have found for months prior to that date. Whilst not fully completing the picture, hopefully it will help them to come to a more exact calculation. I've also attached a spreadsheet detailing all the amounts that are known, and where there are unknowns (those cells highlighted yellow, for months marked with an 'x' in column A) I've added in a nominal calculated figure to make the sheet work throughout. I'd appreciate it greatly, if someone could take a look at the spreadsheet to firstly check that I've completed it and the compound interest and statutory interest is worked out correct, and if so, then secondly that the numbers that I've added make sense, and are suitable, or if I should do something else to fill in the blanks. Finally, I noticed that on the spreadsheet that the interest stops accruing whenever no monthly payment is made for PPI (I finally got them to cancel it after a long fight earlier this year), and I wondered if someone can just confirm that this is right, or if the interest would continue whilst the credit card is still in force and the whle sorry tale has finished? Thanks in advance for your help.
  23. Hello i was wondering if i could get some advice please. Trying to resolve my current bad credit rating with equifax (218) with two defaults lodged upon my equifax report - after years of avoiding i am finally in a financial position to repay/sort out my current credit standing. My basic back story: I had a current account with RBS since 2007 that then changed to have student overdraft facilities added in 2009 when i started studying. T he problem being i changed my address & stopped studying (I was only living in temporary accommodation) and neglected to notify my bank of the change - after years of just completely ignoring/not thinking about my maxed out overdraft its finally time for me to repay/sort out my bad credit rating. On my credit report it shows the account defaulted in 2011 - I phoned RBS to see if i could just pay the outstanding balance and they notified me that i can't get the default removed from my account even if the balance is paid. Is their any other option i could go through to try and get this default removed? The account ended in Aug 2011 - so waiting until 2017 isn't really the best option for myself. The second default is for the same address and its a BT broadband bill of £220 that is defaulted on my account. This is marked as May 2009 on my credit report - this means it will expire in this coming may for the six years mark. Is it worth just paying this or waiting? Regards Maunder p.s it may also be worth noting my credit rating for the exact same details on EXPERIAN state my credit score rating is 'GOOD' Why would this be?
  24. Hi I have just received statements of credit card held with RBS dating back to 2001 including a copy of a signed agreement from RBS showing my signature lacking any date. Would this stand up in court? I now have statements with late charges and the interest charged each month I was wondering am I now able to reclaim any of the charges between 2001 and now. This account has been with DMP since 2010 paying a nominal fee monthly. Thanks in Anticipation
  25. Hi, hope admin don't mind but I am looking for others like myself who have been screwed over by Natwest/RBS. I moved some of my properties to them and took out a 5 year loan facility with them in 2007 on the understanding that they would renew the loan as long as I was a good customer & paid my dues. I did pay my dues & never missed a payment but after the banking crisis they decided they didn't want to have "buy to let properties" on their books any more & demanded all the money back, including the further loans that I had taken out over a 15 year term. As banks weren't lending at that time I was unable to repay the money so Natwest appointed LPA receivers. This never went to court as they use "the law of property act 1925" a very interesting read if you have time. I have been battling with Natwest ever since & have spent a small fortune on solicitors & barristers. Please see my other posts for the early part of my story. Unfortunately I cant post the rest of my story at the moment but I will as soon as I can. The main thing I need to do is find others like myself so please contact me, we may be able to help each other. Thanks in advance.
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