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  1. My elderly mum 76 was very ill so I made an emergency GP appointment for my mother. I suspected she had pneumonia she was finding it difficult to breath, had immense aches and pains she was vomiting throughout the day. She was unable to stand up herself and was on the verge on collapsing. She had visibly got worse and worse as the day professed. Me and my brother struggled to get our mother into the car to get to the GP. My mother was in immense pain it was terrible. She was made to wait in the GP's waiting area for at least 20mins in great pain and her lungs were tightening up and restricted her breathing (no body from the GP's office took any notice of the state my mum was in). We were repeatedly told 'your will be next soon'...we struggled to get our mother to get up off her chair she had to be supported by me and my brother on each side getting her out of the house and into the car and from the GP car park inside the surgery. Eventually it was our turn and me and my brother held our elderly mother on each side and struggled to gather off the chair and to walk the distance along the corridor into the GP's room. Once inside the GP room.. .the GP just looked with a blank expression at my mum. ..my mother was struggling to breath and tell him she was struggling to breath and had a terrible burning sensation in her chest and terrible pain in her head as well as chest. Then GP checked my mums temp and heart rate and said my mums heart rate was a little high. The GP told my mum 'I'll give you antibiotics and go home and rest you should be ok.. .the antibiotics will take 24hrs to start working and if she gets worse you can call the ambulance' I turned around and said I think my mums got pnemonia and he said 'what makes you say that?'. ..I replied 'She's 76 she's been coughing for last 4 weeks but today she is on verge of collapsing finding it hard to breath..' then the DR used the stethoscope to check my mums lung and said 'She's got Pneumonia in the right lung' 'I suggest she goes home takes her antibiotics and rests'...I replied 'no I want her to go to hospital look at her state...' The GP gave us a letter and told us to go to the hospital with the letter to the 'Medical Assessment Unit 4'.. . I asked the GP can you please call the ambulance the GP turned around and said to me 'the ambulance I just like a taxi all they will do is take her to the hospital...you can take her in your car' I was left gobsmacked at his response...we struggled to get our mum out of the surgery not the car. At the hospital I went to main reception whilst the car was parked outside the main reception to the reception. There were 4 porters sat behind reception and I asked 'I need a wheel chair fort elderly mum, she's got pneumonia' The porter turned around (with 3 other porters sat around him) and told me 'go find the wheelchair yourself we have to do the same as you and look for a wheel chair. ..go find one somewhere in the hospital' I replied 'its your job to find a wheelchair, there's 4 of you sat in reception your porters' he looked at me and then instructed one if the porters to find a wheel chair. I needed the wheel chair to get my mum into the hospital from the car park. I turned around and saw my brother bringing in my mum into the reception, just as the porter was bro moving the wheel chair' We then went to the medical assessment 4 gave paperwork to a girl behind the counter who to is to wait in the ward on a chair instead of a bed. As 'no beds were available' we waited close to 2hrs my mum was in agony day on the chair. I went back to medical unit assessment reception told them my mums in agony with pneumonia she needs a bed asap. I was told again to wait. I saw a consultant walking towards me and told him 'my mums 76 she needs a bed asap'. He replied 'I'll go speak to someone for you' Eventually a health care worker came over snd said 'your GP sent you to the wrong ward. ..he should have sent you to ward 3 which is for elderly people'. I told my superior to send your mum to A&E and she over rode my decision, we are sending your mum to another ward and will find a bed for her' She got a wheelchair and took my mum to the other ward. ..where she was eventually a consultant came examined her too her blood pressure, heart rate and bloods and examined her chest. ..she said your mums got pneumonia I'll get her onto a bed asap. Eventually my mum was placed on the bed still in agony with her burning chest and difficulty in breathing, later she was placed on a drip for fluids as she look pale and very dehydrated. The next day I was told they had also given her antibiotics and the oxygen mask to loosen her lungs. I was told the bloods would be sent and looked at and a chest X-ray would be done the same night to determine what damaged if any happened to the lungs etc and the course of treatment. The next day I rang the hospital to enquire about my ma and was told 'she has a virul infection' when I got to the hospital the healthcare nurse dealing with my mum said 'it's not pneumonia but a viral infection.. .' I replied 'Our GP confirmed it as pneumonia' She replied 'it's a viral infection like people get it's common...' She said said we are waiting for her xrays which have been taken this morning (I was told the xrays would be taken last night!) She tells me 'your mums asking to go home, she's been walking independent...she'll be home today' I went to my mum and told her this is what the nurse is saying my mom said 'I never said I want to go home, why they sending me home I'm in agony. The nurse helped me get out of bed and helped me to the toilet' This healthcare worker kept denying my mum had pneumonia and it was just s viral infection. The way she came across was that she wanted my mom of of bed even though she was unconscious and in pain on the bed with pneumonia. They put the oxygen mask on her face again. Later in the evening I went back and the same healthcare nurse told me 'she's going home she had no pneumonia she's needs rest and to take her medicine at home. We asked for a wheel chair as my mom was not strong enough to walk ...the ward had become empty of healthcare workers who had disappeared too I asked a consultant who was passing through we need a wheelchair as my mum is being discharged. He rang the porters downstairs to ask for a wheel chair to be brought up. We waited 20 mins and nothing do I faked a nurse on the ward I need a wheelchair, she told me 'go to reception and find one yourself' I waited close to 30 mins and nothing do I faked another nurse who asked another nurse. My mom was sat on the bed still in agony. .. I went down to reception and the told the guy at reception 'I've been waiting for a wheelchair for over 40 mins'. He just looks at me and goes 'there's one behind you use that' I took the wheelchair to the ward gotynmum into it and took her home, The discharge letter confirms my mum has 'community related pneumonia' and the xrays showed some damaged or cackles in the lungs etc - complete opposite to what the healthcare assistant who was keen on my mum to leave kept sAying 'it's just a viral infection' My mum is 76 with pneumonia she's been sent home with medicines and antibiotics. She's ill and should never have been sent home until the pneumonia was cleared. What can I do to get justice with the horrendous way my mum has been treated and what action against the GP can I take and against the hospital? My mums health is important and I want justice even if it means taking the legal route and going to solicitors who deal in medical cases like these? Now everyone on the household is ill and coughing - my elderly father is coughing very badly and wheezing sometimes. The hospital and GP are to blame, why was my mum discharged if she at 76 still has pneumonia?
  2. Hi All, I am a really, really irritated with Amigo loans right now. Each month, I go a week overdue on my loan, because they will not allow me to move the payment date back to the end of the month. I get a mound of emails, letters, texts and other crap each month, as does my guarantor. As usual I got all that this month, but an error on their website has prevented me from paying, not me. I have communicated this to them, but the 'account manager' ignores these emails, yet she has the time to email me and my guarantor threats still telling him soon he will pay. Can I complain about this, either to them or the ombudsman? Or am I being a bit OTT. I am just sick of them, and they are winding me up going after my Dad when I have tried to pay them, 3 times yesterday.
  3. I used to send complaints to the OFT, Consumer Credit Fitness Department, now everywhere just seems to refer you to make a complaint to the Debt Collection Company themselves, then after months of waiting for a final response go to the Ombudsman. Can the Ombudsman fine them, revoke their license or order them to comply with something? If not, who can now the OFT isn't dealing with this? Who monitors if they are behaving lawfully and in accordance with their license terms etc.? I have found the Ombudsman to be a joke in the past and they usually just return everything to me and tell me to wait for the company who is ignoring me to reply. This is no help. Can local Trading Standards do anything? They usually fob you off and to go to the Ombudsman too. Maybe the local MP can do something but we don't have one now for 3 weeks. I am not seeking compensation. I want someone in Authority to be informed as to how the DCA are behaving and adding fees unlawfully to accounts and other dodgy practices.
  4. Hi all. A long story cut short - over the last few years I have never enjoyed picking up medication from our local Doctors surgery, which is a small branch of a bigger surgery, because of the awful service that you have to put up with - very slow service, pills almost always being mislaid or sometimes not being able to be found with a request to 'come back later'. I finally had enough last September when a I was waiting for over ten minutes for an employee to find my pills when I was in a rush as I had a busy day ahead of me, I phoned the main surgery to question why this was always happening and spoke to someone (let's call her 'J') in the position to deal with complaints. She advised that to make 'the board' aware of any issues, she needs to receive the complaint in writing. I explained that I was recovering from concussion and that my concentration levels were quite poor and asked her to pass on my concerns to them. She said again how if I was serious then she would need it in writing. I asked what would happen if she didn't receive it and she said that she would deal with it informally and I got the distinct impression that she was trying very hard to persuade me not to put it in writing and that she wouldn't deal with it. This did the trick and I never got around to completing the letter and ever since then I've always thought what an effective filtering system it is because rarely do people actually sit down to write letters these days. Unfortunately, due to the effects of the concussion and other issues, I never did complete the letter of complaint. During December I attempted to make contact with her manager (let's call her 'S') because I felt frustrated that J had effectively stopped my complaint from being passed on and still the local surgery was awful (I was in a line of people who were all saying similar things to "It's always like this"). Getting hold of her manager was extraordinarily difficult with various promises of a call back never materialising. Finally last week I rang the surgery and asked the receptionist to get S to call me back as I would like to complain about how 'J' dealt with my verbal complaint. Finally S left a voice message saying how she had heard that I wanted to speak to both her and 'J', which I found a little odd. Just now, I finally got to speak to 'S' on the phone. She explained that 'J' was listening in to the call. I asked for a meeting next week. S said that next week was not possible but whenever the meeting does take place then J will be present. I stated how I believed that being as part of my complaint was about J then this would make things quite awkward and uncomfortable for myself. S insisted that J would have to be present so that they would both hear what I had to say. S did press me for what my complaint was about and I explained that if she were to look at J's notes (that J promised me she took at the time) then she would know exactly what this was about (at this point I was suspecting that J never did take notes on my complaint and just let the matter slide) Although I persevered with getting a meeting with S in two weeks' time, she again insisted that J be present. My question is, is it the norm when making a complaint about someone that they be there whilst you are making the complaint? If it is, then so be it, but I am curious. *Sorry for the length of this, I guess I didn't cut it short after all.
  5. Hi, I paid off my QQ loan(finally)not that long ago. However, I had been stuck with it for about five years (taken out in Nov 2010)- Rolling it over every month as I couldn't pay all of the balance and the interest - I'm sure you know the story. it amounts to in excess of 50 loans (it rolled over every month for years). I was overdrawn at the time and struggling to pay other things so desperation set in and I took out the initial loan. I don't think they should have kept lending, clearly I was pulling up as new loan to pay off the old and in the end I think I've paid in excess of £11,000 in interest for what started life as a £400 over 30 day loan. I think that's excessive and pretty much loan sharking so I would like it back. I've still got access to the account so have screen shot the vast list of loans but have also asked them for a full breakdown. I want to complain to them as soon as possible so wanted to know how to word it. I think the simple fact that I had a loan every month for years makes it obvious I was in trouble but wondered what else I should say to them? I was also overdrawn at the bank at the time I took it out and I'm going to look at my credit report to see if they did a search at that point , either way they would have seen missed payments and defaults. Thank you in advance. M.
  6. So as the title say can they refuse permission? Do I need their permission? It's regarding a loan I took out in 2011. At the time I had already been using payday loans since Oct 2011 several times a month with several different companies, rollovers, same day borrowing, several on the go from different companies and at the time I took out the loan I already had loans outstanding with 6 other payday loan companies and it far outstripped my income leading to a default on the all in April 2011. I contact CFO 2 weeks before repayment and they refused a repayment plan telling me that they didn't "do" repayment plans and I had to pay the full balance or default and refused to provide me with paying in details. I got details from here and started paying back small amounts but like others on here they hounded me with emails, texts and phone calls to the point I was scared to check my emails or turn on my phone. They sent Daniel Silverman after me and offered their Resolve Loan which I obviously didn't take although I do believe if I had that would have compounded the problem. The loan which started at £250 has ballooned despite payments of £93 initially, my payments then started being rejected by CFO and returned to my bank. I certainly think its irresponsible lending on their part and put in my complaint. I've had their final response back saying that as a goodwill gesture they will reduce my balance to just over £400 and that my complaint is out of time for the FOS and they don't give me permission to take my complaint to the FOS. I've obviously rejected their offer, I believe at the least the should reduce it to the original loan of £250 minus what i've paid plus compensation for the unsympathetic and frankly appalling way they treated me when I told them I was in financial difficulties also they should remove the default. In an ideal world i'd say wipe the balance but I don't see them or FOS agreeing to that so I need to be fair. I've kept a good paper trail of all emails from them except the Resolve texts and emails as I've got a new phone since then and must have deleted the resolve email Is this the end of the line for my complaint or can I go to FOS?
  7. I think I have just suffered appalling treatment from the NHS 111 service. I say think because I´m not 100% well right now and perhaps I am getting confused. Please bare with me whilst I relate my sorry tale and tell me if you think I am being unreasonable in complaining. I had PTSD some while ago, and am over that but it has left a few peculiarities such as panic syndrome and chronic sleep disorder. I am currently having a problem with my toe and foot. I have managed to survive the CT and angiogram last Thursday. I panic at anything medical. so my doctor gave me temazepam in preparation and for during the procedure. This was issued 19.2.2016, 14 tabs,instructions 1 or 2 as required. I spoke to him on the phone on Friday evening, to let him know I had survived and to ask for some more Oramorph. I forgot/didnt think to ask for more Temezepam´. He faxed the Oramorph prescription to Asda and my partner collected it that evening, no problem. This is a very painful problem to do with circulation and I cannot currently wear a shoe or drive, and certainly cannot walk unaided. I am due to get the scan results Friday coming. Now, over Friday night, my foot excelled itself painwise, to the extent that I was sick three times. It started off a panic attack. I have been given temezepan before for panic attacks, but only a pack of 14 every 3 months, as they dont happen that often anymore.´ I knew that would calm me enough to set me to sleep, but I didn´´t have any. I got through Friday night, didn´t sleep at all and uncontrollable pain. On Sat morning my partner went to the chemist to ask for some advice. The pharmacist said to ring 111 and ask for a prescription, that the service could access my notes, and although it is a controlled drug, they would see I had safely been prescribed it before. I rang 111, explained the situation, explained that the pain was upsetting my mental health and she said she would get a GP to ring me back within 2 hours. This was about 12 noon. At 4pm I received a call from 111 to apologise for the delay, and at 6pm I called them to say I was worried about the time and being able to get any prescription changed before the shops shut. At about 7.30pm the GP rang me. After nearly 8 hours of patiently waiting for a call, I tried to explain the problem. He gave me the brush off, told me I´d had 14 tablets on 19th Feb, so he couldn´´t help me any more. He said it was a controlled drug and he could not prescribe it . I wanted to ask if it was safe to up the Oramorph but he put the phone down on me! I waited an hour, to totally absorb what had just happened. I think that GP saw "mental health" and treated me accordingly, as though I was on the scrounge like an addict. I rang 111 again and told them what had happened. I told them I also wanted to make a complaint about this and they have directed me to PALS. I reiterated that I was suffering panic attacks with this uncontrollable pain and was extremely upset to get that sort of treatment after waiting 8 hours. Everything was recorded, and she said that she would put me back in the system. 2 hours. I waited up all night, my partner was kept awake, hell even the dog was awake. The pain was off the scale, everytime I dropped off, my foot started to hurt like it was jammed into a beehive. I had another 2 panic attacks, which made me sick and everything just got worse and worse. At 8.30am I gave in and rang back. They confirmed I was on the list for a call back but they had been extremely busy that night. I know I could have called them back earlier, but I was worried about pestering them, and that being recorded as my mental health and not the pain I was in. This time they started asking if I was suicidal! Was I a risk to anyone else or myselff! Well a person can be all of those things when in terrible pain. They said because I was "upset" they would get a GP to ring me straight back. 9.00 am GP from 111 calls. I told him what the problem was, and that by now I was actually on the brink of a mental health crisis. He still wasn´´t going to let me have the bloody drug, only this time he tried to tell me they had no access to my records on the 111 service! How odd that his colleague could see what my own GP had prescribed. Eventually he agreed to make out a prescription. He told me that I wa s being treated like this because I was asking for a controlled drug and that drug addicts ring them all the time trying to con drugs out of them out of hours. I had to point out that I was not a drug addict but a retired professional middle aged woman. He said that I could collect the drug from Asda when they opened. My partner went to Asda to collect it. The pharmacist would not allow him to have it. It is a controlled drug so therefore he had to have the green paper copy . I rang 111 to explain this and they wouldn´t believe me. They insisted it was because I was not there in person to collect it. After an hour they agreed to ring Asda themselves. To be told that I was right. So then they had to get the issuing GP to speak to me. I had to wait for him to ring me for him to tell me that my partner now had to go all the way to the local hospital to collect the bloody prescription. Then all the way back to ASDA. Ok, that´s the story, is this level of treatment acceptable, is this what we have to get used to now? I have been left reeling by this treatment. Does anyone think I should go ahead and make an official complaint? Because I think I have just had a taste of how mental health patients are generally treated when they have a real physical problem. Not very well at all. Thank you for reading.
  8. Hello and thank you in advance for any help you are able to offer. My complaint for mis-selling of a Principles Card in 1989 was upheld by Santander, but an offer of £1 has been made as they have no records prior to 23 July 1996. Does anyone have any advice about how I should proceed? Do I refer to FOS? I doubt I can obtain evidence from Nat West as I do recall payments were made by DD. I also recall I took out a loan in 1996 from M & S to repay this credit card, but I doubt that would be of any use. Advice needed - thank you.
  9. Just wanted to share this with you guys In November my parents wrote to Barclays instructing them that as from February this year they wanted to cancel 2 direct debits, for TalkTalk and Sky, as they were coming to live with us. They also went into the local branch and explained what they were doing. They are both 82 years old and believe in doing things 'properly' which means writing 'proper' letters. long story short - the bank cancelled DD's with immediate effect which meant both companies contacting them repeatedly to demand payments. (They have never missed a payment or been late etc) This caused them great distress, just 3 days before Christmas. They were so upset and stressed, my father is asthmatic and took to his bed. I fired an email off to the CEO at Barclays explaining their situation and this morning I had a Skype call from them to say that they had received £150 deposited straight into their account by way of an apology!! Result!! It DOES pay to complain! Now if this is an indicator to how the New Year will be then it's looking good eh!!
  10. Does anyone know if there is a correct way to raise a complaint about the way ATOS have handled my assessment? I've been messed about from the beginning, finally got a home assessment booked for just before Christmas which they then cancelled less than 18 hours before the time. They sent me another date for 3 weeks later but I'll be in hospital recovering from a major op a few days before then. Phoned and explained, had to 'request' a call back from a supervisor, explained it all again the next day and the upshot from this is today I receive no less than 4 letters. Two are identical and are as if I have only just begun my claim, one advises me they cannot do this by a paper-based assessment (I told them that) and the fourth is yet another appointment for the day after the last one they sent out. IF by some miracle I am fit enough to return home, it won't be until that day and I'm going to be very stressed and needing loads of help to just get back settled in as I live on my own and have no-one to support me. But I may not be fit enough to come home that day or the next and it's setting me up to fail because I won't be able to keep the appointment. So far I have been given no less than 5 different appointments since November and I'm just losing it completely. Is there an official complaint process because I cannot seem to find it on their website at all. I'm finding it very difficult to even read their website too because it's small pale font and it's so much information to wade through to realise I cannot find the answer I'm looking for.
  11. Citizen's Advice believe that the majority of payday loans could be complained about; their in depth analysis of 665 payday loan cases, reported to its consumer service between 1 January and 30 June 2013, finds that at least 76% could have grounds for an official complaint to the Financial Ombudsman including: 1 in 5 were possible cases of fraud – where a person was chased for a loan they hadn’t taken out. More than a third involved issues with continuous payment authorities including money that was not authorised to be taken. 12% involved harassment whereby lenders pester people with phone calls and text messages rather than accept affordable repayment offers. 1 in 10 were about lenders’ unfair treatment of people in financial difficulties. Why you should complain to the FOS Every creditor is allowed 25 free investigations by the FOS, all subsequent investigations will be charged at £550 each to the lender. You can read more about the way the FOS charges here: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/QG1.pdf Given that payday loans are generally given for small amounts, the charge made by the FOS is often very high by comparison - usually more than the actual loan amount. As such complaining could put a massive dent in a payday loan lender's profits. In addition, you may find that a lender agrees to write-off a loan as it could be financially cheaper than allowing a FOS investigation. Get complaining, it makes a LOT of sense. Make your Complaint HERE
  12. Angry customers of NatWest and RBS are reporting serious problems accessing their online accounts, with many taking to Twitter on Friday to accuse the accident-prone bank of another IT disaster. The latest IT problems emerged as customers tried to access their accounts and make payments, on a day that is payday for many people. NatWest said it is investigating the issue, but had no other statement to make. It told customers over Twitter: “We are aware of an issue with our online banking service, our tech team is looking into this as a matter of urgency.” But coming so soon after the last IT outage, the access problems have left many customers venting their anger over Twitter. Can't log in to #natwest yet again to check up on some transactions... and they want me to opt out of paper statements?! No chance. — Jacqueline F (@JackieF_0307) July 31, 2015"> Natwest IT problems The problems emerged early this morning, as some customers waking up and hoping to check their pay had gone into their account were unable to log on. Why does the @NatWest_Help app always go down on payday?!?! I hope there's no issues with payments again! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/rbs-and-natwest-customers-complain-of-online-problems/ar-BBlgcjC?ocid=spartandhp
  13. Ok a quick scan on his forum says I'm not alone but here's my story - just wondering what the best set of steps is, i.e. complain to NPOWER even though I'm not a current customer, raise it with the regulator, or other options. I was with NPOWER until December 2014. I paid my bills on a monthly direct debit budget scheme. When I switched suppliers I very kindly received a cheque from NPOWER for the balance on my account and thought that was that. Of course I then got bills, lots and lots of bills with lots and lots of amounts. It took them, in my opinion far to long to switch me as well. I contacted them and asked how I could owe them anything when they'd just sent me a refund, asked them to send me definitive bills with readings etc. In the end I gave up and heard nothing. in August I suddenly got a series of communications. At the beginning of August I got 2 bills, one for gas and one for electric, 16.19 and 4.37. Then on the 12th of August I got a reminder for the gas, at £293.98 and one for the electric at 129.97 (remember I haven't been using them for about 8 months now!). These were quickly followed by those very special telemessage things that are supposed to scare you on the 26th and 27th August. Now here's where they really excelled themselves because on the 28 August I got a threatogram from Collections Direct for the gas, 293.98 (at least the amounts were now consistent) but one day later, on the 29th August I got a letter from NPOWER advising me they'd made a mess of it all and were writing off any outstanding balance. And all went quiet. Now I'd have to be honest and say I could not have told anybody whether I did or didn't owe them any money. The number of bills I got showing different amounts - including a refund - had me completely lost. Now today I receive reminders again, pay in 7 days etc etc. So I want this gone once and for all. I've not been a customer for over 15 months. So do I complain to them in the first instance or should I just take this straight up the food chain?
  14. Hi all - I hope someone can help with this query - thanks in advance for any advice! My situation - I've been on a Debt Management Plan for a few years and use one of my two bank accounts to make the payments. Last summer while I was making my usual DMP payments I noticed online that an overdraft facility had become available on that account, interest free for a year. I thought it'd be a good way to help pay off the few creditors who were still charging me interest, including a couple of payday loan firms. The problem is that in the coming months every time I clicked on the overdraft link online I was allowed to borrow more - taking it from £200 up to almost £6,000 now. I was stupid to keep clicking, I know... But the bank gave me this overdraft despite me: a) not paying my salary into the account; b) having multiple defaults on my credit record; c) making payments to two or more debt collection firms each month; d) using payday lenders and, e) even more stupidly, gambling online - a big part of how I ended up in this mess in the first place. So - they are due to start charging interest on this overdraft soon and it's going to tip me over the edge (again). I really don't want to default and want to find a way through it. But my question is whether I should complain about a breach of their responsible lending guidelines. Would that serve any purpose? Do I have a case? What might they do, for better or worse? I've actually had refunds from a few payday loan firms who acknowledged they should never have issued loans to me, so I'd have thought a mainstream bank must have some sort of similar view? Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thanks
  15. I've just sent a complaint to Lowlifes regarding not updating the balances on my credit file for accounts they hold, my basis being that this could be detrimental to my ability to obtain employment and/or credit etc and that under the ICO's “Principles for the Reporting of Arrears, Arrangements and Defaults at Credit Reference Agencies” they clearly fall short of ensuring that the information is "fair, accurate, consistent, complete and up to date. “ . No I don't honestly expect to get far with the actual complaint but it will hopefully use some of their resource to address the issue, if the response is as poor as anticipated this will cost them about £550.00 if I escalate to the FOS/ICO (not sure which would be the correct one) and, perhaps most important of all, IF they get avalanches of complaints it might just give them a desire to rethink their practices! So how much do people on here register complaints, in addition to launching legal action etc? - and is it worth the effort of am I peeing in the wind and they just don't pay any attention to it?
  16. I am absolutely mortifed to have found out that Trade Unions are not regulated. I have spent several months pursing my complaint (complete farce) with a particular trade union to now be informed that it has reached stage 3 and I can take it no further. What can I do? Any suggestions please.
  17. Can anyone please help me. I have been advised to make a written complaint to the bank who gave me a considerable amount of money as a personal loan in 2006. I don't have a clue where to start. Thank you
  18. I have recently used the services of an 'independent debt advisor' who dealt with my bankruptcy and my wife's debt relief order. I paid him all the necessary fees (including the fees for the bankruptcy and DRO, which he suggested I pay to him then he will transfer it back to me when needed) The bankruptcy has now been dealt with and finalised (after a lot of chasing) but now I need the fees for the DRO that I paid him (£95) he is not returning my e-mails and hasn't repaid the money. Who can I complain to about this as the FCA and FOS only seem to deal with the companies not individuals. I have tried to search for the name of his company but cant seem to find it on search engine!!
  19. Hi. My ESA was recently terminated as atos said they had a telephone conversation with me during which I refused to attend a wca meeting. I am in the process of obtaining my phone logs which will prove them outright liars, but I'm not happy about complaining TO atos ABOUT atos! Is there an independent agency I can address these complaints to? Their decision was overturned, but I still want to complain officially. By the way, since my claim has been reinstated, I am no longer on the 'enhanced' rate of payment. Anyone know anything about this?
  20. Hi I phone office of fair trading to complain about MMF. I only got the word motor out the lady finished off the company name. I did not even tell her what it was about and she told me to put in a complain in an email. when asked if it was worth a big YES was the reply so complain this way they will be stopped enquiries@oft.gsi.gov.uk.
  21. Im trying to find a section to help me with a serious Court matter I need to make a complaint about a Court where I have serious concerns where court staff are personally helping the defendant. I am being prevented from getting justice access to clarity from the judges direction and all sorts of delay tack ticks. It may seem to hard to believe but I have evidence of all this and need some serious advice If there is a topic for this I would like to post more about my attempts to complaint and get justice for theft.
  22. I was on ESA for around 2 years, and had to attend a programme at a local training/employment provider. I attended once, filled in their assessment, and spoke to one of the members of staff - who, after being quite rude, softened up when I showed her my CV and spoke about how much I actually wanted to go back to work... but that my doctor was strongly advising me against it. She told me not come back. This suited me as I've never been so disgusted as when I went in to their offices, saw them joke about clients and their poor circumstances, and threaten them when they asked for help. I've now been working for 6 months (woo..) and they've decided to ring me, multiple times. When I asked them why I was informed that.. "You've been on our systems for 99 weeks, and the duration of our programme lasts for 104 weeks. I've been tasked with chasing you up. Thats great that you've found work, can you now give us your employment details?" I mulled it over and refused, sent them quite a strong email and requested that they cease asking me. Well, they didn't - they ignored my email and continued.. So I sent them a stronger email - threatening to report their conduct to the DWP/JCP and the ICO w/ regards to harassing me over personal data. Surprise surprise, this threat got them to respond: Even if you added a 1, or a 2, in front of that number - I'd still refuse to give them my personal data as I don't trust them. However, I've bolded one bit in particular: am I right in saying that she wants my details to claim that they've been in contact with me every 2 weeks? (When in fact, they've contacted me once in 99 weeks?) Furthermore, are they simply going to pay me for this information - so they can pass it on the DWP? The information they want is my employer, job title, employers contact details, manager and so on. They aren't getting it. It's left a bad taste in my mouth as they were a truly vile and toxic company, and one that I would love to see fall in to some hot water. I never complained because of my health, and as the incident(s) were so long ago I can't see the point in complaining now. However this latest email got to thinking that they are scared of getting complaints, to the point they'd rather pay you to STFU. Has anyone got any advice for dealing with them now? Accept the money? Complain? Forward the email(s) to DWP? Take the money as a "goodwill gesture", wait 5 weeks for them to hand my file over to the DWP, then send the documents to the DWP so they can spot any fraudulent entries in my records that have been inserted? (i.e meetings that never occurred, that I've got correspondence proving they never happened?) I feel sorry for the people attending their right now, I really do, hence why the money doesn't matter so much as ensuring these cowboys sort their act out.
  23. Could someone explain where a complaint against a possible breach in DPA should be addressed to? I am being subjected to a local harassment campaign in which the perpetrators claim to have 'a friend' on the inside of the DWP who has told them that I am 'known' to them. This has now escalated to saying that they have run a check on my bank accounts. I'm after the DWP investigating whether any of their staff have been looking at my file without good reason but I'm unclear as to where to address the request to. I gather this is a necessary first step before escalating to the ICO. This is not necessarily a member of staff in the local job center so I'm alittle stumped. I gather such problems are increasingly common according to a Channel 4 investigation l ast year so perhaps we could have sticky on the reply if one is forthcoming?
  24. Okay, this is what happened - Apologies if it's a bit long! I phoned my GP Surgery to see about getting a prescription renewed and the Nurse said she would 'squash me in' to see a certain GP - ''....but he won't be pleased at having an extra one....'' (her words). So, the minute I walked through his door, I sensed he wasn't in a good mood (at having an extra patient maybe?) Boy was I right! I quickly spoke about my repeat prescription review - I didn't want to take up too much of his time and then when he said '' is there anything else...'' I mentioned that I might come to see him 'another time' to discuss HRT! as I believed the menopause might be making my existing problem worse. As soon as I mentioned the word 'HRT' it was like a Red Rag to a bull. It was at this point that his whole demeanor changed. He started reeling off all the Evils of HRT and how he has seen people DIE From It. He ranted on for a fair bit, as if he was trying to make me feel guilty for even talking about it. At this point, I 'politely' stated that I had done some research and was aware of the risks - Well, at this point he kept interrupting and became completely rude and said to me: 'There is no point in discussing this matter with you - I can see you have a Closed Mind''. I then said - ''Excuse me??? (did he actually just say what I think he said to me?) - What's wrong with a patient having an opinion?'' to which he then repeated : ''I see you have a closed mind!''...... Which is an insulting thing to say to anybody, let alone a patient! His whole attitude was very strange. I then just happened to mention that:- ''.....its a shame that so many women have to suffer something when there's help available'' not expecting him to prescribe anything for me - I was just stating calmly and politely MY thoughts..... ' (The previous GP at this practice used to encourage discussion/debate...) My Mistake! He seemed to take what I'd said personally.!!!... He THEN accused me of being SEXIST:shock:! His words :- ''I'm offended that you think that I don't understand women's problems - and I'm making a note of it!'' I sat there in a complete daze for a few seconds, (thinking -''what the heck is going on here?)..... Then I mumbled (think I was in shock) - ''well I can't think what I've said, but I'm sorry ........'' Him: ''Yes, I'm making a note of it.....'' At this point, I decided to leave. I 'shakily' stood up and, as I was walking towards the door - He said to me in a loud voice - ''I tell you what - Why don't I just write out a prescription for HRT - Would you like that? Would that make you happy?' Would it?'' ''I can do that you know - Do you want me to?'' This was said in a really aggressive and sarcastic tone! Well, at this point I'd had enough and I just stumbled (fled?) out the door. I got to my car and I was so angry and upset that I sat there for about 10 minutes, trying hard not to cry and trying to work out how a visit for a mere prescription review had turned out so badly! Once I'd calmed down, I thought - this isn't right, I'm going to make a complaint - so I went back and asked the receptionist how I go about making a complaint. She said to write a letter to the Practice. Okay, here is my dilemma..... I have just discovered that this GP is ALSO the Practice Manager! So, How is a patient supposed to complain about a GP if he's also the practice Manager? I'm also upset that he may have put a black mark/comments against my patient notes. Which if he has, I feel is grossly unfair. I feel as if I have now been labelled a 'problem patient'. When anybody who knows me, knows that I'm a very polite, caring, quiet person! I'm mainly concerned with getting rid of any derogatory comments in my notes. As for making a formal complaint about him - from his whole attitude towards me, I get the impression he could get quite nasty and it could make things worse...and he could write even more rubbish! So I might :- a) Either stick with the surgery and just try and avoid him at all costs - there are other (hopefully more sane) gp's there, or b) Change to another surgery (but hopefully without horrible comments in my notes). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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