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  1. My elderly mum 76 was very ill so I made an emergency GP appointment for my mother. I suspected she had pneumonia she was finding it difficult to breath, had immense aches and pains she was vomiting throughout the day. She was unable to stand up herself and was on the verge on collapsing. She had visibly got worse and worse as the day professed. Me and my brother struggled to get our mother into the car to get to the GP. My mother was in immense pain it was terrible. She was made to wait in the GP's waiting area for at least 20mins in great pain and her lungs were tightening up and restricted her breathing (no body from the GP's office took any notice of the state my mum was in). We were repeatedly told 'your will be next soon'...we struggled to get our mother to get up off her chair she had to be supported by me and my brother on each side getting her out of the house and into the car and from the GP car park inside the surgery. Eventually it was our turn and me and my brother held our elderly mother on each side and struggled to gather off the chair and to walk the distance along the corridor into the GP's room. Once inside the GP room.. .the GP just looked with a blank expression at my mum. ..my mother was struggling to breath and tell him she was struggling to breath and had a terrible burning sensation in her chest and terrible pain in her head as well as chest. Then GP checked my mums temp and heart rate and said my mums heart rate was a little high. The GP told my mum 'I'll give you antibiotics and go home and rest you should be ok.. .the antibiotics will take 24hrs to start working and if she gets worse you can call the ambulance' I turned around and said I think my mums got pnemonia and he said 'what makes you say that?'. ..I replied 'She's 76 she's been coughing for last 4 weeks but today she is on verge of collapsing finding it hard to breath..' then the DR used the stethoscope to check my mums lung and said 'She's got Pneumonia in the right lung' 'I suggest she goes home takes her antibiotics and rests'...I replied 'no I want her to go to hospital look at her state...' The GP gave us a letter and told us to go to the hospital with the letter to the 'Medical Assessment Unit 4'.. . I asked the GP can you please call the ambulance the GP turned around and said to me 'the ambulance I just like a taxi all they will do is take her to the hospital...you can take her in your car' I was left gobsmacked at his response...we struggled to get our mum out of the surgery not the car. At the hospital I went to main reception whilst the car was parked outside the main reception to the reception. There were 4 porters sat behind reception and I asked 'I need a wheel chair fort elderly mum, she's got pneumonia' The porter turned around (with 3 other porters sat around him) and told me 'go find the wheelchair yourself we have to do the same as you and look for a wheel chair. ..go find one somewhere in the hospital' I replied 'its your job to find a wheelchair, there's 4 of you sat in reception your porters' he looked at me and then instructed one if the porters to find a wheel chair. I needed the wheel chair to get my mum into the hospital from the car park. I turned around and saw my brother bringing in my mum into the reception, just as the porter was bro moving the wheel chair' We then went to the medical assessment 4 gave paperwork to a girl behind the counter who to is to wait in the ward on a chair instead of a bed. As 'no beds were available' we waited close to 2hrs my mum was in agony day on the chair. I went back to medical unit assessment reception told them my mums in agony with pneumonia she needs a bed asap. I was told again to wait. I saw a consultant walking towards me and told him 'my mums 76 she needs a bed asap'. He replied 'I'll go speak to someone for you' Eventually a health care worker came over snd said 'your GP sent you to the wrong ward. ..he should have sent you to ward 3 which is for elderly people'. I told my superior to send your mum to A&E and she over rode my decision, we are sending your mum to another ward and will find a bed for her' She got a wheelchair and took my mum to the other ward. ..where she was eventually a consultant came examined her too her blood pressure, heart rate and bloods and examined her chest. ..she said your mums got pneumonia I'll get her onto a bed asap. Eventually my mum was placed on the bed still in agony with her burning chest and difficulty in breathing, later she was placed on a drip for fluids as she look pale and very dehydrated. The next day I was told they had also given her antibiotics and the oxygen mask to loosen her lungs. I was told the bloods would be sent and looked at and a chest X-ray would be done the same night to determine what damaged if any happened to the lungs etc and the course of treatment. The next day I rang the hospital to enquire about my ma and was told 'she has a virul infection' when I got to the hospital the healthcare nurse dealing with my mum said 'it's not pneumonia but a viral infection.. .' I replied 'Our GP confirmed it as pneumonia' She replied 'it's a viral infection like people get it's common...' She said said we are waiting for her xrays which have been taken this morning (I was told the xrays would be taken last night!) She tells me 'your mums asking to go home, she's been walking independent...she'll be home today' I went to my mum and told her this is what the nurse is saying my mom said 'I never said I want to go home, why they sending me home I'm in agony. The nurse helped me get out of bed and helped me to the toilet' This healthcare worker kept denying my mum had pneumonia and it was just s viral infection. The way she came across was that she wanted my mom of of bed even though she was unconscious and in pain on the bed with pneumonia. They put the oxygen mask on her face again. Later in the evening I went back and the same healthcare nurse told me 'she's going home she had no pneumonia she's needs rest and to take her medicine at home. We asked for a wheel chair as my mom was not strong enough to walk ...the ward had become empty of healthcare workers who had disappeared too I asked a consultant who was passing through we need a wheelchair as my mum is being discharged. He rang the porters downstairs to ask for a wheel chair to be brought up. We waited 20 mins and nothing do I faked a nurse on the ward I need a wheelchair, she told me 'go to reception and find one yourself' I waited close to 30 mins and nothing do I faked another nurse who asked another nurse. My mom was sat on the bed still in agony. .. I went down to reception and the told the guy at reception 'I've been waiting for a wheelchair for over 40 mins'. He just looks at me and goes 'there's one behind you use that' I took the wheelchair to the ward gotynmum into it and took her home, The discharge letter confirms my mum has 'community related pneumonia' and the xrays showed some damaged or cackles in the lungs etc - complete opposite to what the healthcare assistant who was keen on my mum to leave kept sAying 'it's just a viral infection' My mum is 76 with pneumonia she's been sent home with medicines and antibiotics. She's ill and should never have been sent home until the pneumonia was cleared. What can I do to get justice with the horrendous way my mum has been treated and what action against the GP can I take and against the hospital? My mums health is important and I want justice even if it means taking the legal route and going to solicitors who deal in medical cases like these? Now everyone on the household is ill and coughing - my elderly father is coughing very badly and wheezing sometimes. The hospital and GP are to blame, why was my mum discharged if she at 76 still has pneumonia?
  2. I work within a big organisation split into smaller sub sections. In the other sub sections there is one person doing my job, but my sub section is much bigger so the role here is split between 2 people, myself and one other, we split the role normally done by one person. I have recently discovered that there has been an agreement to uplift the pay ranking of everyone doing the equivalent of my role, including the colleague who shares the role with me, giving them a nice payrise. I have not been uplifted, or been contacted about it. I have contacted HR to say I'm aware of this payrise and to ask why i was not considered. I have also sent them a job description of the normal singular role, where I have highlighted who does what out of the two of us, and the tasks are equal, if not slightly weighted on my role. My colleague has also only been here 18 months whilst i have been here much longer, and in fact I was the one responsible for training them. HR have agreed to reconsider my case, but I would still like answers as to why I wasn't considered the first time. Am I being treated unfairly? Am I right to be asking for answers as to why I wasn't considered? I have also found out I'm pregnant and whilst my immediate organisation are aware, HR are not aware as i don't want my impending Mat leave to have an influence on their decision now.
  3. Citizen's Advice believe that the majority of payday loans could be complained about; their in depth analysis of 665 payday loan cases, reported to its consumer service between 1 January and 30 June 2013, finds that at least 76% could have grounds for an official complaint to the Financial Ombudsman including: 1 in 5 were possible cases of fraud – where a person was chased for a loan they hadn’t taken out. More than a third involved issues with continuous payment authorities including money that was not authorised to be taken. 12% involved harassment whereby lenders pester people with phone calls and text messages rather than accept affordable repayment offers. 1 in 10 were about lenders’ unfair treatment of people in financial difficulties. Why you should complain to the FOS Every creditor is allowed 25 free investigations by the FOS, all subsequent investigations will be charged at £550 each to the lender. You can read more about the way the FOS charges here: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/QG1.pdf Given that payday loans are generally given for small amounts, the charge made by the FOS is often very high by comparison - usually more than the actual loan amount. As such complaining could put a massive dent in a payday loan lender's profits. In addition, you may find that a lender agrees to write-off a loan as it could be financially cheaper than allowing a FOS investigation. Get complaining, it makes a LOT of sense. Make your Complaint HERE
  4. Hi all, I`ll try to be brief! New car hit by coach. Put in garage I was told to. New back door and bumper, old window put back in new door! I "forgot" to tell them the car was supaguard coated which I paid for when I got the car new three months ago. I want the garage to pay for it to be done at a main dealer, they said they could do it but there is no way I am taking it back there. Initially, where do I stand if I don`t trust them to treat the car with respect? I know they were slamming it from D to R in quick succession and driving with handbrake on and threw something on the bonnet and racist comments while in the car. (dashcam was still on the front). Still waiting for solicitors to reply from my ins co. on this matter, but wondered where I stand. I don`t want to give the garage the footage but my solicitors also want a copy. I wonder if it is worth the grief and stress of the fight? Or should I just forget the coating and put the footage on facebook and youtube?
  5. Hi, I need some advice. I have been at my company for over 3 years. My manager took a dislike to me because I found out about situations in the work place that could get him into serious trouble. From that moment I felt he was trying to get rid of me. My problems include some of the following : Making it difficult for me to book annual leave Telling the directors I have been late into work and not doing as im asked which is completely untrue Reading through my emails when I am not in the office to find out if I have been speaking bad about him Making personal digs about the way I look/dress, telling me theres nothing sexy about me in front of an office full of men! Constant remarks on things like this, I was even told on more than one occassion that I need a boob job. Thats just a few of the things, I felt there was some sort of witch hunt against me and I confronted him on several occasions for him to tell me that im being paranoid. I had several meetings with the HR girl. I left the office for a cigarette once, he thought I had left but I was still in the reception area where I heard him tell my colleague that im a miserable c*nt and completely slate me to the ground. I started to feel so paranoid every time I left that they were talking about me that I took time off work and called in sick. I have since moved offices, but I feel the company are trying to get rid of me, as I have had to go back over there 3 times to cover or train the new girl which I think is extremely inconsiderate as they know how I was treated. I took time off work due to my anxiety attacks but I have been told that I need to be professional about it all. I use to work Saturdays (which isnt in my contract) but since I have moved offices I have had them taken away from me as my old manager doesnt want me to work them anymore - even though I had no contact with him on a Saturday. The last Saturday I worked in that office one of my employees called me and asked me to get a number off of an email of hers, when I went to her computer an email was open from her to her sister saying that my manager had been going through my emails trying to find stuff so he can get rid of me. I really dont know what to do. I feel I was bullied out of my office, and now been left to deal with it. I have taken a massive pay cut as I have lost saturdays and now pay an extra £70 a month for travel as im firther from my house. Im so unhappy at work, I have been applying for new jobs but hate the fact im giving up.. i use to love my job here! Any advice woulde be greatly appreciated!
  6. Hi all, I have been on a temporary contract with my current employer since June 2013. The contract is to expire in December. The employer changed the way we provide the service which involved creating new teams, change of responsibilities and teams for all employees. All permanent employers were offered an opportunity to express 2 preferences which team they want to go. Every staff group (admins, support workers, managers etc) were asked to express their preferences in turn. Temporary workers were not offered the same opportunity. Instead, we were offered internal interviews (if successful, to be upgraded to permanent posts) and then allocated to vacant posts. I expressed my preference during the interview, but was told in feedback that there were no vacancies in this team (which I know is not true as someone is leaving in November) and, subsequently, I was offered a job, which I would never consider applying for if I had a choice. I was very surprised with this choice as there were emails exchanged and discussions on a senior level that I could (not would, though) be allocated to a team of my preference. The job I'm doing now is making me stressed to the point that I had to take two days off. I am meeting a senior manager tomorrow for an informal discussion to talk about who, why, and how it was decided that I would be allocated this vacancy. I am going to tell them that it is making me stressed to the point that I cried first two days at work and I am considering handing in my notice/not signing a new contract after my temporary one :???:expires. My question is - under the 12 week rule, shouldn't the temporary workers be offered equal treatment and therefore the same preference exercise? We were not agency workers, but working for the same employer, but on temporary contracts. Legally, have I got any leg to stand on?
  7. Hello I've been a shelf-stacker for around 1 1/2 years now and while I've always disliked my job, I do my best to work the hardest I can. I stack produce which is probably the most hard-working aisle of them all as it involves a lot of heavy lifting. I do it three nights a week, for 8 hours with a 30 minute break, no complaints. While other employees might complain about doing specific aisles they don't like doing, I simply get on with my job. After all, you're there to do what the manager tells you to do (within reason of course) Anyway, it all started a few months back when a new employee started on night shifts with me. We immediately clashed after he refused to do a specific job which he was asked to do, and told me to do it. I told him what was up and he said he was very depressed at the moment. I told him not to take it out on me in a calm way and we both got on with our job. Problem solved right? Now it's worth mentioning he is very close to the night shift manager. He's a bit of a 'kiss ass' and is known to do it every time a new manager is in charge (brings down drinks for them without them asking / lending them things / going on the same breaks as them etc). Let's call him "Doug". Now like EVERY other employee I have a chat for a few minutes with the person working near me. My mate works just opposite me, and we occasionally have a little conversation (completely normal around the workplace). Now Doug would see me talking and go and report me to the manager at the other end of the store. If I'm gone for five minutes to the toilet, he would report me again. If I'm 2 minutes late from my break he would do it again. He obviously has it in for me from our first meeting. Now this is where it get's interesting. I believe my manager is judging me completely on what "Doug" has been telling him. I'm a fairly quiet person and I usually have my headphones in while getting on with my work (again, completely normal and allowed). The only thing we say to each other is "Hi manager, where do you want me to day". - "Hi Joe, can you do this, this and this for me please, thanks.". That's literally all are conversations consist of. How can you judge someone of that? Now I've had arguments with "doug" about him reporting me. He's been told by the manager that he has permission to punch me in the face. Doug has told most of the employees this and I regularly get told "Doug wants to hit you Joe, why is that? Apparently he's gotten permission as well?". This is most likely a joke, but should that really be circulated through employees? He almost boasts about it (so I've heard). I've talked to him about it, and he basically ignores me so I can't get through to him. Now, my Manager is talking to me like absolute s***. Called me the liar the other day, patronises me, makes sarcy comments about my work. I tell him "Why do you think I'm not working hard enough". He sounds offended by it, and tells me "I would bloody tell you if I think you don't work hard enough!". He approached me the other night and told me "WHERE have you been and I hope you're staying 20 minutes after work to make up for this lost time". I didn't hear him call my name the first time, so he raised his voice the second time and asked me why I had ignored him. I told him I didn't hear him and that he had known me for nearly 18 months, and I wasn't the type of person to ignore someone out of spite to which he replied "Oh yes I think you are. I told him I had been to the toilet as I was just recovering from food poisoning from a dodgy Chinese over the weekend and that I had only been gone 10 minutes at the latest. Now it's worth noting that most of the other employees go up and get cups of tea/coffee/food out of the vending machine whenever they want, and he doesn't mention it. In fact, he spends around 10-15 minutes talking to some members of staff he gets on with He sarcastically said "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever" when I told him I had only been gone for 10 minutes. At this point, I started raising my voice because for me it was the last straw. I didn't swear at him, I was just defending myself. He threatened me with a disciplinary to which I replied, "Please, so I can have the chance to defend myself against a rational member of management". Another issue was that I came to him 30 minutes after the new holiday forms were issued to book my holiday as I needed time off mid April and it's done on a first-come-first-served basis. I go to check if my holiday had been verified and was shocked to see that every other employees name had been verified apart from mine. A month later and he still hasn't 'got round to it'. I apologise for the long post, but I'm feeling so angry at the moment. I go into work so angry and it's really getting to me. Do I have a case for unfair treatment? Could I go higher with this? What's the best way to provide 'evidence' of what's been going on? Thanks for your time Joe
  8. I won't name the company I work for as they are a very well known company around the UK for their 'High Standards' of staff care, but I just don't feel like I receive this high standard. Since going part time (I say part time, its from working mon-fri to mon-thurs due to health issues) I have not received the same amount of care that I had previously received and I no longer feel a part of my 'team'. Management are hardly around for my team and the manager is also well renowned for not really caring about what the team does, whether that's just chatting between eachother not doing any work or just taking breaks when they want to. I don't feel I have been treated fairly in the fact that things are done very 'matter of fact' with me. This includes answers to the questions I ask, (ofcourse, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know what the answer was but my manager sees this as something I should know apparently), I do not get updated on new proceedures, so do things wrong until someone on a DIFFERENT team tells me I am doing so and also, I have lost incentive payments off my wages, as apparently I have failed in some sort of aspect in my targetted job (I work in a call centre) but everyone else is aware of these things before their payslips come out so theres no shocks and also get monitored regularly at their desks but I get excluded from this and haven't received such attention for around 2-3 months. I was hitting my target until this new management come onto our team, now I haven't hit it or I have hit the target but one of my calls has been incorrect and I haven't received the feedback for it. I am now losing money and at the moment, every little helps. I am hoping someone will understand my frustrations, I just don't feel like I am being treated the way I should be, now I have been diagnosed with an illness and since I've changed my shifts to one day less. I feel like I am being singled out because I do have mental issues and I find it very distressing. It is like they have already sacked me but can't find a proper reason to do so apart from the fact I am of ill-health, which they know they cannot sack someone for, it has to be something more significant and it's like they are just waiting for me to slip up. I hope someone feels the same out there and that I can get some form of answer as to what I need to do going forward. Thank you everyone for your time and patience in reading this. I will look forward to your thoughts and replies.
  9. Can an unrepresented claimant be treated as litigant in person in the multi-track?
  10. I just have to inform you of the way I have been dealt with by Saga Home Insurance. I had an accident at home, I tripped and fell on my laptop as I was going outside, as I am not the smallest of people not only did I look and feel too well the laptop was toast. It had a lot of damage but as I have accidental damage on my home insurance and have had for the last 15 years, I have only ever made one claim for a carpet the kids spilt paint on some seven years ago I rang Saga to see if I was covered. They arranged to have it collected by a company CIIS, in two days’ time. I asked if I could keep my hard drive as it had files on it I needed she said that’s fine. I expected a little delay as the bank holiday weekend was upon us and called Saga a week after it was collected. They informed me that the report from CIIS had arrived that day and a claims adjuster would call me. That day they called and arranged a telephone interview for a few days later. On that call I was asked several questions like the ones you have when you fill in the application form, then the questions started, have you had insurance before, who was it with, who was it the year before that, when did you buy it, how much was it have you got the receipt and more questions not relevant to the claim. I told her I paid cash for the computer some 7 years ago and didn’t have the receipt, she said they would need a bank statement to show the money withdraw I explained I didn’t have this and have moved banks since and didn’t think I had withdrawn cash from the bank to buy it. She demanded pictures of where the accident happened as well as the hard drive to show proof of ownership. I have the owner’s manual and original recovery disc, power supply but refused to give up my hard drive. Having been a victim of identity fraud as well as a computer security consultant I know how much data can be recovered from people’s hard drives. I have never been questioned in such away, I was made to feel like I was a criminal. I sent her the photographs of where I fell as well as the picture of the cuts and bruising I suffered, thanks to my wife who said to take pictures of my leg just in case. She informed me of receipt of the information and informed me they would investigate and wait for the final report from CIIS, who had sent a report a week ago so I don’t know what that is about. I rang today to be told they are still investigating and they didn’t know when a decision would be made. They are quick enough taking the premium but want you all to know, a cheap quote even off a supposed good company isn’t always the best.
  11. hi there, I was expected to work as an event security officer today at covent garden london with showsec event security. I got there on time and then the manager has given us the yellow shirts to put on but all those shirts were extra extra large and i usually wear small size so i asked the manger in a polite way that do u have other sizes in it and then he replied in really harsh and insulting way that "thats all i got if you want to wear then go ahead or otherwise go home" and i was kind of shocked at that moment that i didnt say anything wrong then why he treted me like this then i noticed he was really calm and cool while treating other Britishers so i realize that he is kind of a racist (according to my observation) to cut short i have asked his name and he refused to after that i went to have a word with the lady from showsec ltd to complain about himself and to know about that either they have other sizes or not the lady also mis guided me that they dont have any other size as i have later found the had every size but they dont want to give us the small size as i dont know why when i asked the same lady that how to complain about this whole matter she given me her email addres and tell me to e-mail the whole thing to her as she will pass that complain to others which doesnt make any sense (infect at the end off whole conversation i weared the xxl shirt eventhough i knw i was looking like joker, but that the same guy told me to leave the site) so i want to know that is there any possible way to deal with that racist guy.
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