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  1. Hi all, and I thank you in advance of all advice given to me with a problem I have had with a repair I had done at a local Citroen Main Dealer Garage. I owned a Citroen C4 (59 plate), bought in August 2013. 3 month warranty as it was 2nd hand, even thought I thought I had 3 year cover - that's another story. I developed a faul with the car in late April 2014 and on th 7th of May took the Car to my local Citroen garage to sort out. They did a VHC - Vehicle Health Check/Diagnostics, and informed me that I needed a new EGR valve. I asked if it was a straightforward job, and the reply I received was that I'd be "in and out" within 2 hours. Turned up the next day at 8 am, and was to to come back at 10am. The car was operational, and drive-able at this point. I took it in as the Engine Management light came on and, it sometimes would "miss". I was quoted £305.48 for parts and labour (£146.65 in the end). I came back at 10am, and waited, and waited, and waited. 2pm. I get asked to have a chat with the Manager. They said that after installing the EGR valve, they took it on a test run, and, for some reason, the car developed a mind of its own and continued accelerating by itself. They advised me that they needed some more time to find out what had happened. They offered me a courtesy car, which I had no choice but to take. Almost daily for almost a week I had to phone for an update. At no point did they bother try calling myself. Then they asked if I could come down to the garage on the 14th of May. The manager said that they weren't too sure what was wrong with the car, it could be an ECU replacement, but they weren't sure or the complete wiring loom. I asked if they could try the ECU? He stated, that they wouldnt be able to do so unless they charged me £450-£650 plus vat and labour. I said that was unfair, as the problem wasn't the ECU when I brought it in. He said, he couldn't guarantee that it even was the ECU and it was a chance I would have to take. If that didn't work, then the wiring loom would have to be replaced, and I was lookng at anything between £2300 to £4500 for that job. The car cost me £6k and had only done less thatn 50,000 miles. He said I could leave the car in their storage yard until I could get the money together, I told him I was exceptionally unhappy with the service and believed that this had arisen from whatever work they had carried out. I had no choice but to take the car home. It limped home and became unroadworthy or safe to drive since that date. Move forward a few months later, the manager never got back to me. I made a complain in writing. No response. I become ill, lose my job, miss payments on the car, and it gets repossessed. In the meantime I speak to their Head office, who said the new Manager would get in touch. I speak to him and he stated his boss is away for 2 weeks and he will get back to me as soon as he gets back with a resolution. 1 month goes by and I try calling again. Left a message with their reception. I miss his call, but he leaves a voicemail, which I still have a recording of. In the voicemail it states how apologetic he is for not getting back to me etc. I have a phone call the next day from him. He says that the only thing they could do was to bring the car in and "have another look at it maybe" - I explained to him the situation, he said that there was nothing he could really do then. I asked for a full refund, he said that he wasn't in a position to give me a refund. And here I am. I believe that under Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 I have a good case of getting a refund from Citroen. But I have no idea how to go about it correctly. I am happy to take this all the way if I have to, and I am even contemplating contacting the car dealer who sole me the car under the the same Act maybe? I now owe a nightmare Motorfinance company thousands, completely out of pocket, had no car, and am beyond stressed, which doesn't help my illness. Can you please assist? I want to put up a fight and get my money back from these pariahs. Thanks
  2. Hi all. I got a letter from Moorcroft in April asking me to contact them urgently to discuss an overdue account; very few details given, date and amount was missing for eg, creditor was shown as Arrow Global. I contacted them by letter and informed them that I didn't acknowledge the debt and that my credit report was perfect, showing no late payments/defaults etc, so the debt would be statute barred in any case. They wrote back to say the account was on hold while they looked into it. I received a letter saying that they had heard from the creditor (who were no longer Arrow, but Vodafone) and that the debt wasn't statute barred because they had received a payment from me last year on Aug 5th.. Absolute rubbish! I've had a contract phone with o2 for the last 11 years, so even if the vodafone debt (for £100 odd) were mine, it had to be from well over a decade ago. I checked with my bank in case I had had a temporary lapse in memory/sanity and had made a lone payment. Of course, I hadn't, not to Arrow/Moorcroft or Vodafone, neither in August or the last 6/7 years we checked. I have printed off a letter, so could someone give it a read and let me know if it's any good please? I'm so unbelievably angry about this (irrationally so), and I'm racking my brains to try and remember whether I (stupidly) may have signed my last letter to them. I doubt it, but would you put it past them to try and lift my signature? Would I be able to prove that? here's what I want to send them. Thanks. Dear Sir/ Madam. I received a letter from you in April, requesting payment for a debt allegedly in my name. The creditor was Arrow Global (who I now understand are your sister company). I disputed the debt in writing, and as my credit report had no mention of it, declared that even if the debt were mine, it would clearly be statute barred. I received a response from you that the account was on hold and that you would respond within 30 days. I received your response, that you had spoken to the creditor who informed you that the debt was not statute barred because I had made a payment on the 5th August 2013. This is absolutely false, I would never make a payment for an account/debt that I did not acknowledge. I contacted Moorcroft (who said that the creditor wasn't in fact Arrow Global but Vodafone) to reinforce this and also informed you that I had checked with my bank, and NO payment to Moorcroft/Arrow Global/Vodafone had been paid, either in August 2013, nor as far back as 7 years earlier. After seeking legal advice following our telephone conversation earlier today, I am no longer just disputing this debt, I am now requesting proof of the debt and in particular, this payment. I suspect fraud has been committed and wish to be able to present any forged payments claiming to be from myself, to the police. If you are alleging that I paid by credit/debit card, I would like the account/card number and sort code; if by cheque, the account number and sort code, and if by postal order, the PO details. I know, with 100% certainty, that I have NEVER made a payment for this alleged debt, either to Moorcroft, Arrow Global or Vodafone. I am also sending a copy of this letter to the OFT to add to their files, as I feel strongly that you are ignoring my assertions that this debt, if mine, is clearly statute barred and continue to harass me for payment. I have never acknowledged this debt. A ''relevant acknowledgement'' as stated in the OFT Guidance 2003/2011 is made by ''(a) making a payment and or (b) An unequivocal acknowledgement in writing that the obligation still subsists''. If you are still insistent that this is my debt and do not have proof of payment to provide to me, then you should absolutely take me to court. Sincerely,
  3. Hi folks my son was taken to court by Welcome finance last year and they were granted a ccj against him for £4 k odds he hasnt paid a penny off the debt because he realy couldnt afford too , im only finding out about it now as he has recieved a letter from the court , informing him that he has ten days to pay the full amount , or Welcome may seek an enforcement order against him. He hasnt a clue when the loan was taken out , though its possible it was pre 2007 , What i need to know in a hurry is how can he stop Welcome getting an enforcement against him . My thoughts are to request a copy of the agreement from them to asertain if they indeed have one and if it is enforceable and also see if there are any charges on the account , assuming there are charges will Welcome be able to proceed to court whilst he is disputing the amount owed ? If he does apply for the credit agreement and charges , should he write to the court stating that the amount is in dispute , and that all or any proceedings be halted until the matter is sorted. This is kind of urgent guys , so a swift response would be WELCOME lol
  4. Hoping someone can help me with this - seem to be hitting a few brick walls trying to find out correct information myself. (please be nice, I'm a newbie!!) My partner had a judgement order to pay his ex's court fees of £5,500. This was due early October 2013. As a single dad on a low income he did offer in October to pay £100 per month but this was rejected. The next he heard was when the bailiffs came knocking at the door. They claimed they could seize and remove his minibus, and called for a tow truck. I asked what needed to be done to to stop them removing the vehicle, to which I was told the debt had to be paid, I informed them the debt could not be paid in full (they had added charges bringing the total to approx £7816.61) but agreed to make a part payment until I had got some advice. I paid £3,000 on my credit card. It was only after I had made a payment that they would let me read the paperwork inside (it was dark outside at the time) and we discovered that the mini bus was in fact a protected good as tools of the trade, they were therefore not entitled to remove it, and I felt they had obtained the payment through misrepresentation and under duress. The following morning I contacted the bailiff to request a breakdown of the charges, a copy of the writ and request my £3000 back as they had taken a payment under false pretense. They still have not provided a copy of the writ or breakdown of the charge and claimed that the mini bus was not exempt as they believed it was being used for personal use - its an 18 seater VOSO regulated mini bus that has a tacko fitted! he also has a car. When I pointed that out they said they weren't aware of that or that another vehicle was available, I pointed out it was no excuse as they are required to make an assessment with due diligence. The writ has now been stayed pending the balance being paid £100pm to his ex. So I have 2 Questions.... 1) What is the balance? We have written to the ex for her bank details and stated that of her £5500, £3000 has been paid and 25 monthly payments will follow. She has written back saying that its 48 payments of £100 to include the bailiffs costs - can she enforce this? How can we check what she has been charged for and get a copy of the writ? 2) Can I get my £3000 back as a chargeback? I have phoned tesco credit card, they said no as I had willingly handed over my card and therefore entered into a contract with the bailiff? Not accepting this answer I have written to them with a sworn affadavit stating the payment was under duress and the baliff had made a false representation to gain a payment.I have rung them again yesterday to get an update, they say it will be next week before it gets reviewed due to a backlog in that department, but they weren't encouraging as they said it had already been refusedonce. Am I correct in thinking that if the charge back is successful, the £100pm order will still stand, but the bailiffs will go after the ex for their fees as she will then be receiving the payments directly? Sorry for the ramble but there is a lot of back ground! any help greatly appreciated
  5. Got a summons this morning from my local authority for non-payment of Council Tax. I have been paying over 12 months despite them never actually issuing me a bill. I went and found the value of the CT and have been paying via Bank Transfer a value more than the 12 monthly figure. In December the Council changed their Bank account and this was the first letter we had all year. I duly corrected my payment on the bank but only paid £1 for the month. This would have put me slightly behind and in mid-January we got a 'Council Tax Reminder Notice' (No idea if its the 1st, 2nd or final) so I split the outstanding value and paid 1/2 at the end of January. So, whats the chances of swerving the £80 costs? I have paid more than the outstanding Council Tax bill so they now owe me £1.something from that. My argument primarily is there seems to have been a Procedural Improprietry (sp?) in that they have failed to follow the procedure of issuing 3 reminders before preoceding to summons. Is this worth trying?
  6. She suffers from panic attacks and has never worked due to being on the sick. She has 3 children one under 2. She has a partner but Ingeus or JC has told her it is up to her to go to work not him. My Dad has just got off the phone from my sister because she has an appointment today. She can't go in because her boyfriend has gone out knowing she had an appointment and left her with her son. Ingeus has moaned at her because she can't come in, but they also moan at her because she has to bring in her son. She can't work, has no expirence. Her boyfriend would rather go drinking with friends a few times a week then look after their children. What can she do? She was denied PIP.
  7. Six year old Annie returns home from school and says that today she had her first family planning lesson at school. Her mother, very interested, asks: "Oh... How did it go" "I nearly died of shame!" she answers. "Sam from down the street says the stork brings babies. Sally next door said you can buy babies at the orphanage. Pete in my class says you can buy babies at the hospital." Her mother answers laughingly, "But that is no reason to be ashamed." "No... but I can't tell them that we were so poor that you and daddy had to make me yourselves!"
  8. Hello My current situation has caused me to go through absolutely everything Ive paid in my life. I have a payslip from the NHS in the 80's showing super Ann payments which I have never had back. Can I reclaim these and if so anyone know how you go about it. Thanks to anyone who looks at this thread Exasp
  9. Hi, Is there a way to tell if an employment tribunal judgement has been made in default? I took my ex-employer to the ET, and, long story short, got a judgement for unlawful deduction of wages success. I was not requested to attend court, and heard nothing more on the subject for a while until I received the judgement in the post. It just says "JUDGMENT, The claim for unlawful deduction of wages succeeds and the respondent is ordered to pay forthwith, the sum of £xxxx.xx to the claimant. After the fourteen day of "interest free" deadline had, passed. I chased up the respondent for payment, who then claimed to be unaware of it. He subsequently wrote to the judge asking for the judgement to be revoked so he may submit a defence, claiming his registered office had moved address since the beginning of the ET procedure and he did not receive the court papers (response pack etc.) as issued by the court. The judges reply was essentially no, as the correct procedures had been followed in serving the documents. However, the respondent has since informed me that he is applying for the judgement to be set aside. Investigating through the likelihood the judgement will be setaside, it seems that not receiving the documents alone, is not sufficient reason, unless the judgement was made by default due to this. (he had not updated his registered office with the court nor companies house, and only moved address once the et process had begun) A) what is the likelihood of the judgement being set aside? B) How can one tell if the judgement has been made by default? Cheers
  10. Dear All, I made a formal complaint to my housing assoc. about excessive noise made by one of their cleaners (who cleans the communal stairs in the flats where I live, and who I've asked not to make noise before). When I asked the cleaner to stop making such excessive noise, she was rude toward me and I was a bit shaken up about it. When making my complaint to the housing assoc., they suggested that I complain to the police about the cleaner if I thought they'd been aggressive. I declined and said that I thought it was unnecessary to involve the police and that complaining to them was sufficient. Two days later (today) I have been visited by two police officers, who claimed that the cleaner had now said that it was me who had been aggressive ! They advised me that should she be noisy again not to speak to her directly and to contact the housing assoc. I asked if I was being charged with anything, and they said not. I also asked why it was deemed necessary to send the police, when an email from the housing assoc. would have been sufficient?! I feel utterly intimidated by the whole thing, and believe that the housing assoc. are abusing their power and authority. Can I be arrested/prosecuted for this specious complaint? Anyone know what my rights are? Or if there's anything I can do about this? Best wishes, Milly (worried)
  11. Hi all. Back on 4th November 2014 we ordered some new covers for our 2 sofas. We picked the fabric and the covers were to be custom made by the supplier of the sofas. On the invoice, it shows an approximate delivery time of 3-4 weeks. As the covers were to be custom made, we paid in full at the time of order. We contacted the shop at the beginning of December to see what was happening only to be told the fabric hadnt arrived from the suppliers and so they had not started on the covers. Just before Christmas we got a phone call to say the fabric would be delivered on 6th January to which we said we were not very happy but OK. 6th Jan, called....no fabric, will definitely be delivered by 13th of Jan. Rang today, still no fabric so said we were very unhappy and would like to cancel the transaction. Shop very defensive, said it wasnt possible and that the fabric had been dispatched and would be there tomorrow or Monday. Wife said, Monday or money back. On the back of the invioce one of the terms and conditions says " All delivery dates are quoted in good faith and are correct at the time of ordering however these dates are approximate and can be subject to change from our suppliers. Under no circumstances can ' Store name' be held responsible for delays in delivery due to unforseen circumstances. Nor will it constitute a cancellation " Also, "All orders that are specially made and custom built cannot be cancelled" Are we within our rights to ask for our money back if the fabric doesnt arrive on Monday? The quoted terms are normally for the furniture they sell and supply but they are now saying it also applies to fabric orders. I realise they may well have ordered the fabric but they have not as yet received it or made a start on making our covers. Any help or advice appreciated.
  12. I want to book a hot air balloon flight voucher for 2 for my partner for a Christmas present. I looked around for the best prices and found that red letter days had a special where you get a £30 gift voucher for £18 http://www.redletterdeals.co.uk/deal.php?reference=GCWXA I found this through their weekly deals link on their website and assumed it was a £30 gift voucher you can use towards anything and could use more than one at a time. the page states 'Total flexibility means the gift card can be used to book any experience' so I figured that it could be used for a balloon flight and there seemed to be nothing in the terms about only using one voucher per experience, only that you couldn't use a discount code with it. I was going to get 10 vouchers to total the cost of the balloon flight and have purchased 5 and was going to get the other 5 on Friday when I get paid to then book the balloon flight, I started to register the vouchers to my account today so I didn't have to sit and do all 10 at once and I have done 2, they seem to have separate redeem buttons so cant be used together to go towards a bigger experience and when looking through what they can be used towards there is nothing in the hot air ballooning option. The customer service is closed now so I will need to call tomorrow, but any advice before will be really handy.
  13. hey guys, this is my first forum post, i found a freedom pass on the ground and used it on the bus turns out inspectors got on the bus and yeah karma, guys i am shaken to the ground I dont know what to do i gave the guy my real name and dob but a different address, what should i do, I am shaking as i type this. please help me
  14. Hi, I am about to be served with a bankruptcy petition and really need to know something. the bankruptcy relates to a personal guarantee that I signed a few years ago for a company which then ran up a debt after I left. I do not have the money to pay for this debt and even if it did I wouldn't. I have a car which is registered in my name but purchased by my existing company of which I am a director. Because I knew I was going to be bankrupt my wife started a new company in her name of which she is sole director. can I get my wife to buy the car from the company I am a director of so it cannot be touched. Technically I don't own it so think it should be ok and hen it gets registered in my wifes company name instead of mine or hers? Many thanks
  15. To cut a long story short (this is in an old thread I started around 18 months ago), we have a judgement for just over £6000, which we are currently attempting to enforce. We had an Examination done which gives all income/expenditure details, looking like we won't get much per month (£150 offered), but it we accept the £150 in a varied order, can it be changed afterwards (as declared in the Record of Examination is a large loan due to be paid off in around 2 months which frees up just over an extra £200)? Therefore after 2 months could we request £350 per month as this will be the amount surplus after this time. Other than that are there any other items I could discount (ie non-essential items/bills) which I could refuse to take into account? Many thanks.
  16. Restons solicitors acting for Marlin capital recently agreed monthly payments via ccj which have been kept up to date, but now I have just recieved a letter from Restons stating an interim charging order has been obtained and they have sent me a copy of the application. Surely they can`t do this unless payments are missed? I have rang Restons and they say the letter was sent out as matter of course, and agreed no payments have been missed. But now im worried whats going to happen next. Can anyone please advise me what if any action I can take. Thank you
  17. Hi all I suffer with CFS - PTSD - was said this was a factor in CFS Depression Anexity IBS Ankoloysing Spondulytus Arthritus of the spine and hips slipped disked Under Active Thyroid gland. I made a PIP claim in Dec after having to finish work in January, a job I have been in for 15 years, but it all become too much I phoned DWP today and Was told they cant see the decision letter, however no payments have been "Issued" (a decision was made Friday) BUT the Award has a Start Date of Dec 13 and an End Date of Jan 17, so she said that indicates I have been awarded something, however, she cant tell me any more. Can anyone shed any light ?
  18. Hi, We moved out of our flat which was run by Urban Development Projects Ltd. at the end of August and have been waiting to get our deposit of £650 since. I have been chasing our first point of contact who said that they have been busy with a music festival (I know) and that it would be done 'soon'. We finally got a quote from a company by the name of Urban Moor Construction Ltd. with a quote for £648 to: Re paint areas to rectify scuff marks and damaged plaster work £365 This was literally a hole in the plasterboard which we had replacedbut not skimmed over. I more than expected deductions for this but not this amount. There was also a few marks in the bedroom which needed painting over which were behind the wardrobe so we didn't see them until it was too late Fill, sand and polish kitchen work surface where hole has been drilled £85 We had a space for the washing machine under the kitchen side but the plug socket was way too far under the sink, so one of the handymen on site drilled a hole through the countertop so that we could plug it in where the microwave goes Deep clean flat ready for letting £90 There was a bit of soap in the soap pan and a small amount of buildup on the shower head which we didn't see. I had a look at the company who quoted this (Urban Moor Construction Ltd.); their logo was very similar to Urban Development's so I searched them both in Companies House... Lo and behold, they're both registered to 51 Selby Road in Leeds! Has anyone ever heard of a company doing this before? I can assure you that there definitely isn't £650 worth of repairs there so I feel as though they're trying to make a quick buck off of us. Oh... Just had a very patronising phone call off of Marc, the MD. He said that if we take it to TDS, they will look at the pictures and throw it out and then he called me a d*ckhead. How lovely. Luckily the call was recorded.
  19. Long/short story. Got a new advisor, and she was awful. Putting me down, being rude so I complained. She also tried to sanction me because she said she didn't think I was trying hard enough. I have dyslexia and struggle with writing. And she said me written job search wasn't good enough. I'm not sure if I will lose my money or not. Anyway - after complaining to the manager, the manager wanted to sit in on the meeting. She did. Well because I have removed access to my universal job match they are not making me email every day showing what I am doing. Are they allowed to do this? It seems unreasonable to me.
  20. question from the brother in law hes just been made redundant (unipart) he has two cars on finance (differnt companies), one he is going to sell once paid off (3 months to go), the other is the one he uses and he has only paid 4 months on he has been offered another job (well 2) but wont see any redundancy money or new wages for approx 2 months, during which he will be unable to pay his finance ive suggested that he contact them the one he doesnt drive, hes going to ask for a break of 2 months then pay the lot in full on the last month, if he gets told no on this ive told him to point out it would cost them alot more to get the court order to reclaim (plus more to find the car) than it would to let him do it the only one hes worried about is the one he currently uses, hes going to ask for the payment holiday again but hes a bit worried if they say no any ideas?
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p01zxmrv/the-men-who-made-us-spend-episode-1
  22. Hi all Rbs put a default on my file after i "buried my head in the sand" A little breakdown: In apr 13 i went approx 40 pound overdrawn and was charged £42 overdraft fee by this time i had switched to a new bank. in may 13 i was charged 66 pound. in june 13 i was charged 198 pound. in july 13 i was charged 180 pound. in the last few months until the default (November 13) they only added 2 pound odds. I only found this out when my former landlord popped up with some mail. im now due £650 to rbs. i have asked rbs for a breakdown of charges but have since only received statements they sent me 7 years worth would you believe! Hopefully someone can advise on my next steps as i'm at a blank just now thanks for reading
  23. I am a small business offering guitar lessons in a town with approximately 20,000 residents. I was approached by the local post office (later found out it was on behalf of) with a view to advertising on the TV within the branch. The Company Called 'The Community Network' arranged a visit and I was visited today by one of their salesmen. I'm now feeling completely duped as I have taken out a 24 month contract to display my advert of 30 seconds every 10 minutes within my local post office branch. What originally looked ok at £12 per week has escalated into £1831.20 over 2 years with a deposit (that I haven't yet paid but have given my details for) of £374.40. I originally thought this might be a good bit of advertising within the local community. Local people visiting the post office will hopefully see my advert for guitar tuition and I'll get a few calls. From what I have read both on this Forum and on others I may well have made a big mistake. Lot's of downtime, nobody looks at it e.t.c. My biggest worry is this "This agreement is a legally enforceable business to business contract and may not be cancelled or terminated except as provided by these terms and conditions." Looking at it I don't think there is any way out of the Agreement, but I'm really wanting to cancel as this is a big expense for my fledgling business. Do I have any right to cancel or should I have been more firm with the salesman and just said I can't sign up now?
  24. Hi My son has received a latter today from IRCAS saying he hasn't appealed a train fine from may 28th. Well its news to him, this is the first letter. It says he dodged his fare on this date from Hereford to Manchester. He has never been to Hereford in his life or near there and was in work that day and can prove it. its a 72 quid fine. at first i thought it was a spoof as had never heard of them before but now I think someone must have used his name and address. Do they ask for ID when taking someones name and address? It wasn't him and I am not sure what to do now. Anyone able to help please?
  25. Hi all, I was on my lloyds tsb online banking and I accidentally transferred the money to an old nationwide account i haven't used for a couple of years and was £222 overdrawn. I rang Lloyds straight away and they said there was nothing they could do and I should contact Nationwide. I rang Nationwide and they said as it was £222 overdrawn it's now £78 in credit and they can't do nothing for me despite it being my holiday money for 3 weeks time which i've now lost and the fact it was an error. I didn't type in the details it was an existing payee which i used once around 2 years ago i was meant to have deleted it from the payee list on Lloyds online banking. I know i'm clutching at straws here but I'm desperate as I've just lost my holiday money, I was supposed to transfer it over to my Natwest account for safe keeping but accidentally clicked on the wrong account.
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