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  1. Hope someone can help me. I moved home a few years ago and paid for Royal Mail redirection. At some point about18months later (redirection still in place) a bill was sent to my old address, but not forwarded by Royal Mail. The claimant then began court proceedings and this was also not forwarded. The case went to court and went ahead without my knowledge and I 'lost' as I didn't appear. The first I heard of this was when I did eventually get a redirection saying that judgement was made against me and that a CCJ had been issued against my name! You can imagine the horror on opening that letter! I had to pay £155 to the court to have the case 'reopened' and judgment set aside so I could request the CCJ to be removed.. The court had no objection to that due to the fact that Royal Mail didn't redirect the claim or documents. I then spent three months trying to clear the CCJ from all of the agencies. I had no problem paying the debt (I would have done in advance if I'd have known about it!), and that was paid. But can I claim from Royal Mail these additional costs that I incurred due to Royal Mail's lack of redirection? ie the cost to have the case reopened? Any help would be much appreciated!
  2. Hi there, A confusing story to say the least. I was young and stupid and took out a contract for my ex partner... (obviously he defaulted it) but just before he defaulted it he took another out by ringing 3 customer services and because he was a authorized user he was allowed to get a new contact in MY name. Now until recently I had no idea about this new contract in his name, amazingly he was able to change the billing address to his own house so i never received any correspondence. Only now I have checked my credit report I can see this, and he has nicely registered 3 late payments whilst having the contract. He is slowly destroying my credit report and I have no idea what I can do!!! I understand that the first contract is completely my fault but what can I do about the second one? surely 3 are not allowed to do this?! And how can I repair my credit from this.. I was hoping to apply for a mortgage soon!! Thanks,
  3. Good Morning All, My dad took out a couple of loans and credit cards in the early 1990s with TSB (Later part of Lloyds). He was advised at the time that he could not take out the products unless he also took out PPI. He did not need the PPI as at the time he had a very good job which had an excellent sick pay/redundancy policy. He recently tried to claim this PPI back through a claim company. The claim company were eventually sent a Data Subject Access Request showing basic details of the accounts my Dad held with the TSB. Lloyds (TSB) claim that my Dad did not have PPI on any of the loans or credit cards. He knows that he did but has no way of proving otherwise. The Loans and CCs were taken out so long ago he has no proof. The claim company have since sent him a letter along with a copy of the DSAR stating that they have rescinded their contract with him. My first question is this, where does my dad go from here. He knows he was mis-sold PPI but has no way of proving this. Secondly, If there is a way of proceeding and he was successful in his claim, can the Claim company demand any of this money from him? Thank you so very much to anyone that takes the time to respond to this post. My Dad and I will be most grateful for any advice.
  4. Hello New to here and after a bit of experienced advice I have worked as a window fitter for almost 3 years now for a small local company and gone from being a 'fitters boy' learning the ropes to now leading a team and running my own jobs. I've learnt on the job from colleagues and completed NVQs along the way I started on a low wage with a view that as I learned and could do more my salary would increase, this didn't really happen and I only saw a small increase after a years learning. As it was a job with a friends family i stuck it out and cutting a long story short after being given my first job to run and then subsequent ones I had a review meeting with my line manager and the MD (she runs all HR, payroll, accounts etc as we're a small company) and it was agreed I would go from £17k to £24 which I was over the moon about and felt like I'd finally go somewhere. At the end of the meeting she said she'll need to write a letter to add a change to my contract and summarise what we said in the review meeting (plans for further training, planning for future etc) 4 weeks on after I had an accident which left me with a broken toe and received a parking ticket (which I offered to pay as it was completely my fault) I have been told I won't be getting my increase this month. Initially the MD wanted to hold it back for 3 months but my line manager fought my corner and so far has made it only a month. My main question is can she do this? After all we agreed a new salary as my responsibilities and role had got bigger and now I'm expected to work on my old salary and do more My second issue is with our working hours. The company hours are 0800-1700 (1 hour for lunch) and there is a clause that says from time to time it may be necessary to work earlier or later to meet the needs of a particular job and also that an extra hours worked outside these times would be collected as lieu time and can be taken back as time off or in exceptional cases paid as over time with our salary All of the above I'm fine with but a few weeks back our MD has emailed everyone saying that any time worked between 0700-0800 and 1700-1800 cannot be claimed as lieu time anymore and her justification is that if you work a bit earlier or later it shows you're going the extra mile will be taken into account when it comes to bonuses etc (which are discretionary) so potentially she could have 2 hours a day free work from us Is this change allowed without any kind of consultation? Sorry for the long post and I hope someone can help and perhaps I could one day share any knowledge I've got.
  5. Hi i have had a similar experience with a child minder She took me via MCOL to a county court over a debt the claim was struck out but now she has instructed bailiffs.(correction -a dca - DX) What I need to know is if the claim was struck out how come she can instruct bailiffs , has she broken any laws in doing so and can i now counter claim?
  6. A test case of Goel & Trivedi v Ryanair could lead to Ryanair successfully putting a two year time limit on claims, despite the Supreme Court ruling that passengers have SIX years to claim. Ryanair argue that by accepting the airline’s Terms and Conditions when they buy a ticket, passengers are waiving their right to the six year limitation period. As Goel & Trivedi v Ryanair is a test case, all Courts in England and Wales are likely to follow the decision. Most other airlines also have a two year time bar in their Terms and Conditions; if Ryanair win this case, all airlines could potentially put a two year cap on claims. The Judge gave a reserved judgement (meaning he will hand down his decision at a later date). http://www.bottonline.co.uk/press-releases/ryanair-fights-passengers-over-how-long-they-have-to-claim
  7. Hi everyone! I have read previous threads in this forum, but have began panicking and would much appreciate personal help! Long story short, my direct debit of £9.99 bounced on the 5th of August due to lack of funds, and I fully admit responsibility. I was on holiday until Tuesday, and returned to a letter dated 6th August saying that the £9.99 plus £25 admin charge will be taken from my account on the 16th, and will not be able to stop after the 14th (tomorrow). I emailed the company on Tuesday (after reading threads advising to stay off the phone) however have had no reply other than a generic thank you for your email which I received yesterday. In my email I stated I would be happy to pay the £9.99 on the 16th, however should they take the £25 I will be unable to pay my next monthly instalment and would need to cancel my membership. I was hoping they would waive the fee as this is a first time offence. I haven't used the gym in two months, so would be looking to freeze my membership anyway, but I don't want to cancel the direct debit if it will result in further letters and a damaged credit rating. I am desperate to get this sorted today so they don't take money I don't believe is theirs (admin charge). Any advice would be gratefully received! As a side note - I have since looked up my membership terms and conditions, and the email given at the time of joining says I have paid no admin fee and am paying £9.99 for 11 months. I joined in the gym, with a member of staff, however she charged me £10 admin fee and I was not told it was a year contract at any point. Is this enough of a reason to phone the gym and complain? Again thanks for any help!
  8. Hi floks, I think it's a reasonably simple issue (or so I hope). I have had set up by the property agency a direct debit for my rent of £800 from my account. It's been going smooth until today. The agency DD'ed the full amount - however, I'm moving out of the property 10th of this month. The agency, of course, knows about it as they have themselves informed me long time ago I had to move out as the landlord is sellling the property. I had in this bank account less than £800 so it shows right now that my balance is negative. I guess, it will have me incur, not because of my fault, various penalty fees on top of that. What next step should I take?
  9. Hello, thanks for reading This matter relates to an old style loan of about 2k taken out in 1991/2 and consistently deferred until 2013, when I moved abroad to work (still earning under the threshold) and my deferral form went missing. I then forgot about it as got ill and depressed..(have medical evidence to back this up) Moved back to UK in 2014 and was unemployed for nearly a year.. so have never earned anything like the threshold limit. I also turned 50 in 2014 (am now 51) So, the long and short of it is, Student Loan Co wrote saying I was in arrears, then threatenign court action. . Now it has been passed to solicitors and a case has been opend at County Court I may have forgotten one deferrment form and defnitely sent one that they claim they never got. . But in any case, I turned 50 wouldnt the debt be wiped? And if I can prove I have never earned above the threshold, will they still have a case against me? How do I defend it? Is it now statute barred ? or has deferring it (until 2013, they claim was the last deferral) meant that it is no longer under the limitations act? I'd welcome your advice, have acknowledged service of court docs, giving myself 28 days to prepare to defend Abby
  10. If you had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. If you have now left the armed forces and had administrative action taken against you as a result of a police caution between December 2008 and September 2011, it may be that you have grounds for a complaint. The MOD has written to serving and former serving personnel because of changes to the law which took effect in December 2008 that meant such cautions should not have been taken into account after that date. However, whilst action has been taken to contact those affected directly, it is apparent that we have not managed to reach some people and they will be unaware of efforts to contact them about this issue. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/information-for-those-who-left-the-armed-forces-between-december-2008-and-september-2011
  11. I recently purchased some office products from an online office supplier. The products were very cheap and the sale went through and money was taken from my account. The order never arrived and I contacted the office supplier who informed me that they have cancelled the order due to a stock discrepancy at the warehouse, and a refund had been issued. The products are still in stock by the supplier, but now at a much higher price. The question that I have are companies allowed to cancel orders once money is taken?
  12. Been having problems with Vodafone all year - they just get worse and worse! I called in Feb to report poor network coverage. They assured me it was just 4G upgrades and would be over soon. They promised that once the maintenance was finished they would refund my monthly tariff, back dated to when the problems started. In March, I was still having problems (ironically even the call to complain failed from my mobile as I had no signal!). Same story but conveniently they had no record of my previous call and compensation promise. However they offered £15 goodwill and a months tariff. Pretty poor considering I had only been able to communicate via imessage / whatsapp (anything using wireless but not Vodafone's line!) 90% of the time since December. In May I had had enough and with my contract up in June I called to discuss leaving. The representative I spoke to gave me my PAC code and explained that it's activation would be the start of a 30 day notice period. We agreed this would work fine as my contract was up on 6th June. I passed this code to my new supplier on 9th May and they activated it on 12th May. An subsequent online chat with another rep after this was the most dreadful customer service experience of my life! He was rude, sarcastic and unhelpful. I had got in touch again as my credits had not been activated. He agreed to arrange these then he also then told me I would have early termination fees added to my final bill! After 2 hours (!) online chat, he and a superior assured me that this would be waived due to the advice their other colleague had given me. So, obviously, on Sunday I received a bill including termination fees. A phonecall got me nowhere. The rep (again conveniently) could not see the online chat transcript promising to waive the fees. So I got back on online chat and the rep checked the transcript and again arranged to waive these and resubmit my bill. I am yet to receive the recalculated bill and struggle to believe that it really will be changed. Pretty sure they will take the money then I'll have the mother of all fights trying to get it refunded. More time, more stress. I don't think I can put into words how shocked I am that such a company has such terrible procedures and gaps in communication between departments. Never, ever again will I go back. Vodafone has a long way to go in terms of customer service (bordering on aggressive in some situations) and also coverage for their customers. They really do not care!
  13. A careful driver who only nips to the shops: why was Stan asked to pay £12k to insure his Fiesta? Millions of elderly motorists taken for a ride
  14. Hi there my credit card company "Capital One" have taken me to County Court and i have received the response notice. The total is over £1,600 and includes bank charges and interest. 1. Is there any way to get off this? It is a few years old? 2. Can i counter claim or defend for bank charges? 3. How do i find out if i paid PPI and can i defend or counter claim for them? What is the best thing to do? WorriedAnnie
  15. Hello all, Thanks in advance for having a look at my post. I've been abroad since finishing university in 2004, while my loan was taken out in 1999 making it a new style loan. No contact was made by either side (i did not tell them I was moving abroad nor gave any info about my work life) until march this year when my old UK address received a letter asking for income info. I sent a reply stating I am abroad and working and an SAR to boot. 2 months later no reply. I am about to sent the "no reply to SAR within 40 days" letter but I'm worried about follow up. I no longer have an official UK address, will this hamper me going through the county courts? What can I expect to gain by doing so over data protection? I hope I've been clear General advice would also be most welcome! Thank you, dale
  16. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  17. At my current place of employment ( a warehouse) , up until last november we had £0.90 attached to our basic wage (national minimum wage) This was described as an "attendance allowance" In November 2014 they said they were going to take this attendance away and reduce our pay. In exchange for this we received a monetary buyout equivalent to 2 years of the extra we would have received were we still receiving the additional pay. I was a union rep at the time of the negotiations, and one of the conditions that was mentioned was that if we left within 12 months of the payout being received (November pay), we would give half of it back (approx £1800). It is important to note at this point that no amendments were made to our contracts, there was no verbal agreement and we never signed anything to declare this as legally binding. Owing to medical problems I have been advised by HR (pre buyout) and by my doctor(post buyout) to look for another job as my current one is making my issues worse. I have since started doing this and had several interviews. I since found another job, and so I contacted my employer to see what they were going to do with regards to me paying back this money. The manager of the warehouse simply said they would take the money out of my final salary, which is 6 weeks pay. I only take home £880 a month, so 6 weeks would be about £1300, which means in turn they are refusing to pay me any wages for my final month. I wouldn't mind if they released me instantly so I can go to my new job and start earning money again, but they are insisting that I work my 4 weeks notice as well. So essentially they want me to work for free... Are they legally able to do this? Once again I must stress that no contract was signed by anyone.
  18. Hello Im really hoping that someone can help a terrible decision that i have made. I have no previous convictions and are 100% sorry for this and i a bit of a state. I paid for an annual pass for 2 years. Cost was £4k per year. Half way through year two the ticket was lost for a second time. For a further two months i had to pay the cost of the ticket from salary in addition to directly with the station each week as southeastern refused to issue a replacement. Costs were spiralling as this was all happening at the same time that deposit for a house was required which was due for completion late June. During a stupidly drunk night out in south west london we were talking to some people and they said they knew someone who could help - i realise how irresponsible and stupid this sounds. They put us in touch with a man who said he would sort for £350. He met us in the pub took another ticket from my partner and returned in around an hour. He said it wouldnt work in a barrier but it would if i showed attendant. I used this ticket every day from around mid July until my actual ticket expired in October 2014. Stupidly and due to so many racked debts i used from time to time - maybe 50/50 going forward. A guard spotted this one day and held the ticket which also has my photocard. I ran away as i was so scared. He kept my ticket on entry to the train in london I realise this is the stupidest thing i have ever done. The address that is registered to that ticket i dont live at any more. I am also moving from current address next month. I have read on blogs here that i should wait for a letter to arrive and then contact a solicitor in the hope of a settlement outside of court. I am of course willing to pay all fees and even double on top of necessary. What should i do? How do i know if they have written if i dont love there any more? Will they find my new address and arrest me because i have not responded to the letter? Will i receive a court summons? Please help me - i am absolutely terrified and appalled at my out of charachter behaviour. Thank you. S
  19. Hi all! I hope someone can advise me here, I'm due to go to appeal for my daughters DLA and it is likely we will win (again!). My problem is i owe a large amount of money to the DWP and to the housing due to a massive over payment. I strongly suspect the backdated carers allowance, DLA and housing benefit will be taken off my debt so i wont receive the back pay? Am i correct? The Housing underpaid us recently by over £500 and that got deducted from our debt. I will get to keep the backdated tax credits i assume but i was looking forward to buying some specialist ( and very expensive!) equipment for my daughter to improve things Thank you for your help!
  20. The DVLA appear to have taken my HGV license away from me. I am a type 2 diabetic and have to take insulin. There is supposed to be three stages, regarding getting your license back. The DVLA have only done two stages and taken my license away, without going to the third stage, where you see an independant consultant who specialises in diabetes. I have emailed the DVLA on several occasions, but just get told it is with a team of people and that it takes a long time to answer. I have been waiting for about 7 months overall and I have also been told that I can go to a Magistrates court. The only problem is that I am not sure what I am supposed to do in a Magistrates court. Has anyone been in this situation and possibly help me? Thanking you
  21. Hi Received a statement from MKDP today for a statute Barred Debt. In June last year before the statue I sent a S77/78 request along with the £1.00 Postal Order clearly stating it was for the Fee incurred and not to be used for anything else. I didnt receive anything from my request. On their statement its gone down as payment received!!! The Debt was statute from Feb 2015 I thought this wasnt allowed??? Hadituptohere
  22. Hello, I was apprehended by security in primark yesterday after I left the shop. I went back into the detention room and he searched my bag. He brought out the items I hadn't paid for and called the police on me. I really do not have an excuse for this and I am greatly ashamed. I panicked and started crying and apologizing, even agreed to pay the £95, now I don't know how that value came by because I did some exchange and paid some money via my card, I was too distraught to challenge it but that is not even the problem. The security man collected my provisional driver's license, wrote down my details and passed it on to the police men when they arrived. One of the cops went with the security man while the other sat with me. I wouldn't exactly call it an interview, he questioned me gently and went through the things I had which were all baby clothes (I have a 2, month old) I told him I needed to call to make sure my baby was alright but he said I could only do that at the station. I broke down into tears again and he offered to call my mum who was watching my kids and tell her I was with the police but well and fine. I declined this offer cos I didn't want my mum to know anything about what was going on. She would have been very disappointed. The process seemed to be dragging and I told the cop I needed to be home to breastfeeding my baby, he said I would have to go in with them and it was going to take a few hours. I started crying again, he asked if I had ever had a run in with the police and I said no. He said the only help he could offer if my trace came back clean was to call his sergeant and get clearance for him not to take me into the station so I could get home soon. Now, so many little processes were followed by primarily staff, such as refunding my money, giving back my exchange... But they were all a blur as I was in a state by then. The police took my children's date of birth and said they were going to pass it on to ss to make sure they were all right and I could get a visit or not. I refused to do this at first cos they are innocent in all this. Secondly, I was taken into the van and heard him call his sergeant and said something about caution or process on the street, I'm not sure of the exact words. He read me my rights and basically said I won't be taken to court if I pleaded guilty. Which I did. What is this street processing or caution? Will it go on my records for life? 3rd, primark gave me a printout saying I should expect civil recovery. Again what and how will this be handled. Lastly, I was taken home by the police, they wanted to make sure my kids were ok, I requested that they wait in the hallway cos of my mum. He agreed to wait outside the door but held the door open with his feet. I brought them to him and they left. I have been unable to sleep and I've berated myself for this foolish act. What a great price to pay for something so silly. Sorry this is a long post, I wanted to include as much details as I can.
  23. I am not working due to disability, I get ESA and DLA plus a small pension. My wife works but only gets a low wage. For the last few years we've claimed Working Tax Credits (WTC) and sent HMRC all the required info, we've not held anything back or tried to hide anything. They do the maths and send us an award letter. As far as we're aware we've done all that's asked of us yet they have sent us overpayment letters every year. Anyway, we recently got a letter from Concentrix, on behalf of HMRC, asking us for pay slips, evidence of my self-employment (?) and so on. We sent them off, with a cover letter to complain about being told to send originals by post - we used special delivery and will never see that extra cost back! HMRC have told us they are stopping our WTC as they cannot determine that my wife works 30 hours. She is a home carer and changed company towards the end of last year. The sad nature of this line of work is that people go into hospital, or even die without any notice, which means the carer then loses out as the company they work for will not pay them for visits they don't do any more. It can take a while for them to gain a new client, or shuffle calls about, to give that carer more work. We had not realised what the backlash of this would be. It is not my wife's fault that her hours were sometimes cut back. You can't really blame the people she was caring for either. It is possible that some weeks she worked less than 30 hours without realising, but it was not deliberate. Obviously she's lost money through doing less hours, which made the WTC even more vital towards being able to pay the bills. Concentrix said they would send a fuller explanation and we would be able to ask for mandatory reconsideration, that was 3rd February, 4 weeks ago. We've heard nothing more from them. HMRC sent a letter to inform us the credits had stopped and they were claiming an overpayment. Concentrix also say they may be giving us a penalty charge. Can it get any worse ! Obviously we will appeal the decision as we feel it's not our fault. My wife may have to get a letter from her employer to explain any weeks she worked less than 30 hours. It is confusing anyway as she is paid in 4 week periods, not monthly. We are unsure if Concentrix have mis-calculated her pay and hours anyway. For example: a recent payslip shows she worked so many hours but also had a day off for which she was only given half a day holiday pay as she didn't have enough days available. Because of this her assumed hours averaged 29.75 over the 4 weeks. Has anyone else had this sort of action taken ? Is there anything we can do ?
  24. Someone who works for a well known supermarket (think of the colour green) as a delivery driver (for over 2 years) has been having an hour's lunch break deducted from their wages, even though the said lunch is never taken...All this has just come to light recently. Ordinarily if you work in store you have the option to 'skip break' on the clocking machine but being out on the road all the time means they are not in store to do this. The supermarket's internal electronic timing system will automatically deduct a one hour's break if you have been clocked in over a certain amount of time. THe point is, they believe this has happened well over 100 times since they started. Delivery drivers, at least at the store where they work, do not get a lunch break. So what would be the way forward to claim this money back? Even at £7 ph , it's nearly £1000 they are 'owed'. They have tried internal through the management team and HR but they are just simply ignored.
  25. Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. The adware - dubbed Superfish - was potentially compromising their security, said experts. The hidden software was also injecting adverts on to browsers using techniques more akin to malware, they added. Lenovo faces questions about why and for how long it was pre-installed on machines - and what data was collected. The company told the BBC in a statement: "Lenovo removed Superfish from the preloads of new consumer systems in January 2015. At the same time Superfish disabled existing Lenovo machines in the market from activating Superfish. Complaining "Superfish was preloaded on to a select number of consumer models only. Lenovo is thoroughly investigating all and any new concerns raised regarding Superfish." Users began complaining about Superfish in Lenovo's forums in the autumn, and the firm told the BBC that it was shipped "in a short window from October to December to help customers potentially discover interesting products while shopping". User feedback, it acknowledged, "was not positive". Last month, forum administrator Mark Hopkins told users that "due to some issues (browser pop up behaviour, for example)", the company had "temporarily removed Superfish from our consumer systems until such time as Superfish is able to provide a software build that addresses these issues". He added it had requested that Superfish issue an auto-update for "units already in market". Superfish was designed to help users find products by visually analysing images on the web to find the cheapest ones. Such adware is widely regarded in the industry as a form of malware because of the way it interacts with a person's laptop or PC. Security expert from Surrey University Prof Alan Woodward said: "It is annoying. It is not acceptable. It pops up adverts that you never asked for. It is like Google on steroids. "This bit of software is particularly naughty. People have shown that it can basically intercept everything and it could be really misused." According to security experts, it appears that Lenovo had given Superfish permission to issue its own certificates, allowing it to collect data over secure web connections, known in malware parlance as a man-in-the-middle attack. "If someone went to, say, the Bank of America then Superfish would issue its own certificate pretending to be the Bank of America and intercept whatever you are sending back and forth," said Prof Woodward. Ken Westin, senior analyst at security company Tripwire, agreed: "If the findings are true and Lenovo is installing their own self-signed certificates, they have not only betrayed their customers' trust, but also put them at increased risk." Clean install Although Lenovo has said that it has removed Superfish from new machines and disabled it from others, it was unclear what the situation would be for machines where it had already been activated. Prof Woodward said: "Lenovo is being very coy about this but it needs to explain how long it has been doing this, what the scale is and where all the data it has collected is being stored. "There will be remnants of it left on machines and Lenovo does not ship the disks that allow people to do a clean install." It raises wider questions about the deals that computer manufacturers do with third parties and the amount of software that comes pre-installed on machines. Mr Westin said: "With increasingly security and privacy-conscious buyers, laptop and mobile phone manufacturers may well be doing themselves a disservice by seeking outdated advertising based monetisation strategies." Users were particularly angry that they had not been told about the adware. One Lenovo forum user said: "It's not like they stuck it on the flier saying... we install adware on our computers so we can profit from our customers by using hidden software. "However, I now know this. I now will not buy any Lenovo laptop again." The problem also caused a storm on Twitter, where both Lenovo and Superfish were among the most popular discussion topics.
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