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  1. Can someone please advise me on some issues as i am very confused. I was adjudged bankrupt in December 2010 actually to my relief. I was then discharged in December 2011. I have today registered on checkmyfile.com to look at my credit score as i am needing to open a bank account (i do not want credit just simply one to use for day to day payments and bills). Upon checking this i have found that there are a number of accounts that are still on there that were included in my bankruptcy, should they still be there? If not how do i get them removed or have notes added that they were included in the bankruptcy? Also they are all still showing as 'open', surely this should not be the case if they were in the bankruptcy?! Secondly it appears that there has been County Court judgement made in a different court for something also included in the bankruptcy...is it right that they can do this? Can i write to the courts to have this altered? I have not received any notice in writing about it either. So i am not even sure who it is for, how can i find this out?
  2. Hello. About a year ago while I was at uni I got caught getting on a train without a ticket. The matter went to a magistrates court, I plead guilty by post, paid a fine and thought it was the end of it. I'll soon be graduating and am an otherwise upstanding citizen with no other blemishes against my name. I'll be moving to London for work later this year, and will be looking to rent somewhere. However I've since discovered that it seems like having a criminal record for anything, even something so minor as not paying for a train ticket, could potentially invalidate the insurance that any landlords might have. This puts me in a bit of a quandry, and as such I've got several questions. 1) Is it common for lettings agents or landlords to do a DBS (which I believe replaced the CRB) check? And if so would this conviction show up on it? Would it stop me being able to rent anywhere? 2) Would this cause most landlord's insurance housing insurance to be invalid? 3) If so, what options do I have? It seems I'm totally screwed. I'm way to poor to afford to buy a place for myself, but one stupid mistake on the train seems like it could potentially preclude me from being able to get rental accommodation. I'm really getting a bit wound up by it all. It seems completely insane that the vast number of decent people with minor blemishes on their record could potentially be unable to get rental accommodation without either lying about criminal background or inadvertently voiding their landlord's insurance, with unpleasant consequences should anything happen while renting. Anyone got any ideas?
  3. I defaulted on a credit which I took about six years ago since I lost my job. The default has been on my credit record since but three years ago the credit was transferred to a debt collection agent who subsequently register the default on my credit record. It was transferred again to another debt collection agent who did the same. It was only this month when I noticed a CCJ for the same amount on my credit record and when I enquired I discovered it was from the original creditor. Can you help me please as I have three negative records from the same company relating to a single transcation.
  4. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  5. I Had my first and only WFI on 21/02/13, recieved a mandatory referral to the WP, got a call from Seetec this morning for an appointment this Friday!
  6. Hi, Just a quick couple questions 1, how long is a debt kept/shown on credit agencies records, is it kept for life or does it get removed after a certain time and the slate wiped clean 2, if a debt is sold to a debt agency, does the debt then show as a new debt from the time that the agency buys the debt, in effect renewing the time the debt shows on the credit reference agencies records I have some debts going back 8 years or more and have been living out of the UK for all that time with no contact with debt agencies or the original companies the debts were from and just arrived back to the UK and wondered where I stand as I am going to have to start getting things like phones, renting a house etc and wondered how that will now effect me after all this time. Thanks in advance for your answers Kevin
  7. Hi All, This from the BBC today http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20338335 G
  8. Hello, My brother has a £7000 debt with a UK bank. He lives in Asia at the moment. For a job he has applied to, he has been required to get a CRB form the UK. Will the debt show up on this?
  9. Hi, I took out a loan in the early 2000's with HSBC who made it very clear that they would only grant the loan if PPI was taken out. I was clearly mis-sold. 2 months ago I completed the FSA PPI questionnaire and sent it back to HSBC, who in turn have responded and basically said thanks for the questionnaire but their records cannot find evidence of any PPI because due to Data Protection they may have destroyed files that are over 6 years old. Unfortunately, I no longer have any of the paperwork but do have the sort code and account no (HSBC) where they paid the loan to and took repayments from. Is there anything I can do or have they got away with it? I keep trying to call them on the numbers provided but the call always drops and can't speak to anyone.... Any help appreciated. Thanks, James.
  10. The second wettest summer on record has blighted UK harvests and will lead to food price rises, farmers and retailers have warned. Wheat yields in England are down by almost 15% on the five-year average, the National Farmers' Union (NFU) reported, with some areas in the west of England suffering worst from the summer rain. The world price of grain has already been rising in recent months following a heatwave in Russia and the worst drought in 50 years in the US, which destroyed 45% of corn and 35% of the soya bean crop. Read more here :- http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/oct/10/food-prices-rise-wettest-summer?fb=native&CMP=FBCNETTXT9038 Farmers are taking the first hit as feed wheat and compond foods for stock have risen by £50 a tonne this month !!! Lex
  11. Hi All I just wanted to know what path i should take next with Capital One, as i have just called the recoveries dept and they don't have any record of me? I moved on to a DMP in 2006 and the debt from Capital One was sold to Hillsden Securities in 2008. I have just found out from the people managing my DMP that they have not had an updated balance or correspondence with Hillsden since 12/06/08! I checked my credit file and Hillsden have not reported on there since June'10. I'm obviously now wondering if Capital One even have me listed as a debtor any longer, and that the debt management company are paying Hillsden for no reason. I just wanted to know what is the best step to take next. Many thanks.
  12. We took out a loan with Lombard Direct, with a PPI, over 15 years ago and no longer have the paperwork as it was paid off. I wrote to RSB who own Lombard Direct but they have replied stating that they have no record of our loan. Is it worth pursuing any further or is it just too long ago?
  13. Hi:) Noticed this article this morning: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/atos-scandal-benefits-bosses-admit-1344278 Excellent reporting I am just disgusted that other newspapers are not running the truth as the Daily Record are. Thank you for fighting ATOS victims corner:whoo:
  14. Have been in ESA Support Group since Sept 2009. Received the dreaded ESA50 in August, had to be returned by 17 sept 2012. Received call yesterday 24th Sept to inform me that I have been put in the Support Group for a further 3 years. Thats one week from when form had to be returned to receiving phone call!! Huge relief - I know that I am disabled and unable to work but its getting the DWP/ATOS to agree!!
  15. I have been blissfully unaware of this for a number of months/years as neither Equifax or Experian report it on their own files but according to Noddle there is a default of £158 to Vodafone from 2010. Now I don't dispute the fact I may owe the money and would like to get to the bottom of it and have this removed from my credit file. I first of all spoke to someone on the online chat facility of the Vodafone website who couldn't find my details, so she rang me and put me through to Collections. They also could not find any account details and was directed to send a letter to "Esther Staples", who upto now hasn't had the decency to acknowledge or reply. Where do I go from here? I have a default on my credit record which I cannot sort out and there is no record of said account? Thanks, Stephen
  16. I've been looking through my credit file today and see that an account with Barclaycard has not been defaulted:???: I received the last communications from them in late 2008, though I made my last payment to them in late 2007. They didn't have a properly executed CCA, and I made them aware of such with help from this site. I got the usual letters from Mercers, with what were supposed to be Default Notices, but eventually it all went quiet. How long can a lender leave an account before placing a default notice on it? Could they pop up a month short of six years from last acknowleding the debt on put one on my credit file? Anyone?
  17. Hello, * Background info: 5 years ago, I lost my photocard driving licence (on a night out) and around 2 years after that, it was returned to me by the police. They would not give any details as to what the ID was used for during that time. * Now, I am undergoing regular employment screening for a new job. Never had any trouble with the police, no cautions/charges/convictions. I recently had a phone call from the organisation conducting the screening, asking a few questions about where I have lived/worked/etc. Referring to an address in the city where I have never lived before. Apparently, my details are 'similar' to another person who has been involved in criminal activity. They concluded that I would need to have my fingerprints taken to confirm that this person is not me. I will soon receive information in the post and will have to arrange an appointment at the police station to have this done. I have a strong feeling that whilst my driving licence was in the wrong hands, it was being used for something foolish. I called the police about this, but they were not helpful and simply suggested I complete the data protection form (and pay £10) to release any information held about me. My concerns: 1. Will this false information stick with me on the PNC for the rest of my life, or can it be removed? 2. What if I fail the fingerprint check too, for whatever reason? For instance, my house was burgled a few years ago and the police took my fingerprints so that when dusting the house, they could disregard my prints. What if these are the prints they have on file for me! Please advise me on what to do. Many thanks.
  18. I remember some time ago a woman won what I recall was a claim for harrassment against a major company, (British Gas, BT?). In there defence the tried to claim it wasn't their fault, it was their computers. Judge was pretty scathing about it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? David
  19. I have a default on one of the credit reports, equifax i think, that has three defaults on it. Two i have found were from my old address, and have written to ask if they are correct. The third is i believe over six years old, but says it defaulted after that date. If this debt is over 6 years old, and i have not acknowledged this debt within that time, can i get it removed from my file? Thanks.
  20. On 7/2/12 I applied to PayDayUK for a £200 loan and it was accepted, I phoned them several hours later as it was not in my account and they said it had bounced back (I must of given them a wrong digit from my card) so they reprocessed the loan again with the correct details this time. The next day when I checked my account I noticed they had put in £300 in which was not the amount I requested so I phoned them and they advised I couldn't just give them £100 back they would have to take the full amount back then rearrange a new loan which was fine. I then sorted the correct loan and it was paid into my account with no further issues. The trouble is that they have put three loan applications on my credit file in two days which has had a massive impact on my credit file and score. Is this fair and accurate for them to record information on my credit file for a loan I never received as there was a mistake with my details and a second record from when they put too much in my account? I have spoke to PDUK and they say they can't do anything regarding the recorded details, is this correct? Any advice would be appreciated please, James
  21. The RICS Rural Land Market Survey has found bare land averaged £6,115/ac during the first six months of the year, an increase of 5% over six months. Their transaction based measure which includes equipped farms, climbed 6% to an average of £7,479/ac in England and Wales.
  22. I have received a letter from Horwich Farrelly acting for Barclaycard, it states: We have been instructed by the creditor to claim from you full payment of this account. Can this be called a termination notice? Thanks
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