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  1. Hi, I have written a blog about Chris Whatcott and his s c a m's, firstchoiceepc, saviepc and now lowcostepc (amongst others) .. there is a recurring theme to [problem], threaten, intimidate people into paying up for something they have not received. First thing I will tell you is that Whatcott tries to frighten people into paying up by using threats of debt collectors and court summons. These are meaningless threats, the last thing Whatcott wants to do is end up in front of a judge as his s c a m will legally be uncovered. Not one person has he successfully taken to court and won, he tried with us, we defended and counter claimed, and he dropped the case, even after some very nasty intimidating threats (you can read about it in my blog) Advice is 1, contact Action Fraud police and report him 2, contact Hertfordshire trading standards and report it 3, contact CAB and report it 4, Ignore any and all threats from Whatcott 5, If you get a court summons (he does issue them as a tool to frighten people to pay up) then defend it. 6, If he has taken any money from your account either knowingly or unknowingly and has not performed a service then call you bank and make a chargeback claim (you need to keep chasing your bank and insisting they do the chargeback as banks are useless at this) 7 Read up on the distance selling cancellation regulation, specifically for off premises contracts as these are the only ones that are in force read from Regulation 27 here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/3134/made His terms and conditions are very clever .. there is alot more going on in them that most poeople know about.. the statutory cancellation period does not apply in this case if he has followed several regulations and you implicitly request the service starts immediately, and this is usually once you press the confirm order button. However this does not give him the right to charges and not perform the service and for you not to expect additional unfair charges. (again read from regulation 27 here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/3134/made) Lastly anybody reading this STAY AWAY FROM WHATCOTT .. he is a serial [edited] with many companies in his tracks, same [edit]different clothes. You can find my blog here http://tinyurl.com/na9mz9e Our case was reported here http://energyassessormagazine.com/panel_admit_charges_were_wrong.html And a report on saviepc (his previous site that he has just moved from to lowcostepc) here http://energyassessormagazine.com/ts_controversy_over_panel.html Lastly .. do not be intimidated by him.
  2. We had trouble with Npower when they tried to charge us for an account that did not b elong to us, They looked on the land registry register and took our name and address from there and then applied the account to us (it belonged to the neighbor who sold his house for his tenants for the passageway lights), the new owner told Npower it was not his account, so they did the dirty trick on us. After hours of speaking to very unpleasant and downright rude staff, I emailed the COE several times, those emails were ignored. Many more letters and threatening demands for statutory payments. In the end I told them to shove their letters where the sun dont shine, and if they want any money from me then to issue me with a county court claim and I would be more than happy for a judge to decide who owes who money. After that threat by me they advised going to the ombudsman, after several weeks we got an apology from Npower, the account was closed with no payment owed, and we were given £100 good will gesture from Npower. Not sure the 100 quid was worth all the hassle and frustration though from thoroughly unpleasant and disgusting staff. I have come to the conclusion after several problems with big companies that its best not to argue with them .. but to slap them with a county court summons, or the threat of letting a judge decide. Seems to get the job done.
  3. Ok, thanks for the answers guys .. sorry for late reply ...
  4. Hi, I just wanted to know where I stand on stopping finance payments for something that Ihas not been done correctly. I had my eyes corrected at optimax which cost me £5500 back in February, they are still not correct, I have trouble seeing out of them and now cant drive at night, I have been back to Optimax several times and I feel they are fobbing me off (now getting a second opinion at a hospital). Optimax keep saying they will take time to correct, but they seem to be getting worse and it feels like the lenses they implanted are not sitting well, all my other friends who had the same procedure could see immediately and have had no problems. What I want to know is, can I stop the finance payments to force opyimax to actually take me seriously and sort out my eyes. The problem I see is that the payments are being made to a finance company and not optimax direct, I am assuming optimax have already been paid in full by the finance company and as such my payment contract is with the finance company and if I stop payments are worried they will take court action to claim the outstanding money. I stress I only want to stop payments until optimax sort out the problem.. Thanks for your help Kev
  5. Hi Brigadier So just to clarify a little, If I had no contact and not made a payment for 8 years, this is 2 years over the statute barred time, but there may be another period of time from when the company that gave the original loan (for example) would have logged the default, so the period could be 6 years + that extra time it took from the company to log the default ?, is there a maximum or minimum time that I can assume I will be safe, as I would like to check to see whats on my credit history but afraid if my name and new address gets logged on the system I will have some DCA's starting to harrass me again ... Thanks for all the info
  6. Cheers Mark .. thanks for the info. And good luck with the other case
  7. Just another question, you mention that the debt is there for 6 years, does it still show when a company does a credit check ?.. or does the debt actually dissappear from the record and does not show up at all ?
  8. Hi Mark, Thanks for the info, yes I saw somebody's post where this happened (maybe was you) and why I asked the question. I suspect the debt agencies are doing this to try and track people who have gone of the radar for 6+ years, so they have to then get in touch to either found out why the debt has been added again with a new date .. they can then find out where you live and then start with the hassle and preassure to try get you to pay them, i would like to check my credit refence but unsure to do it or not. Please let me know how you get on and the outcome cheers Kevin
  9. Hi, Just a quick couple questions 1, how long is a debt kept/shown on credit agencies records, is it kept for life or does it get removed after a certain time and the slate wiped clean 2, if a debt is sold to a debt agency, does the debt then show as a new debt from the time that the agency buys the debt, in effect renewing the time the debt shows on the credit reference agencies records I have some debts going back 8 years or more and have been living out of the UK for all that time with no contact with debt agencies or the original companies the debts were from and just arrived back to the UK and wondered where I stand as I am going to have to start getting things like phones, renting a house etc and wondered how that will now effect me after all this time. Thanks in advance for your answers Kevin
  10. I just ignored all letters from Capquest and their so called lawyers ... didnt respond to one of em so they have no confirmed address for me, letters stopped over 2 months ago now I think. But then again I guess in the future they will try again, or somebody else will. I also got the same letters as you, and also the discount offers and some other crazy crappy offers they keep coming up with. I live in France by the way
  11. I have PM'ed my email address to you, It would certainly seem that you have a reason on grounds of your injury to claim back some of the money, do you have the contracts and T@C that state their refund policy ? It may be that you claim back some of the money on the grounds of your injury, I would suggest £2000 as you have already completed part one of the course (I think thats what you said), or you could get several quotes from other companies to find out what they charge for completing part one and then deduct that from the £3000. but also put in the letter that if you don't receive a refund or confirmation of a refund within 7 days, and your actual refund within 14 days then you will make a claim in the county court for the full amount including any interest, court costs, your costs and compensation, dont forget to quite the regulation about the injury. The judge may not give the full amount as you have already completed part one before your injury, and of course they will try to counter claim or dispute the claim, which they are entitled to do, but just hold fast and dont give in.
  12. its a little small and cant make out anything ..
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