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  1. Name of the Claimant: Lowell Portfolio I Ltd Date of issue: 21 November 2016 What is the claim for: 1) The Defendant entered into an agreement with Vodafone under account reference XXXXXXX ('the Agreement') 2) The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with. 3) The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on XX/XX/2013 and notice given to the Defendant. 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £XXX.XX remains due and outstanding. And the Claimant claims a) The said sum of £XXX.XX b) Interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.0XX, limited to one year, being £XX.XX c) Costs What is the value of the claim? Circa £400 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Mobile Phone When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not that I recall. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Have had various letters from Lowells. Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties. What was the date of your last payment? 29/03/2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No. Hello all. I've been kindly recommended this site by a dear friend, as I have this morning received a summons from Lowells for an old Vodafone debt and I was hoping you would be able to help me respond. I've read through some other threads and have found the form that I need to fill in for you to help, so here goes... Thanks in advance guys. If you need me to be more specific with figures and dates, please let me know.
  2. here's my situation. I appiedy for a mortgage and it gets declined. Head over to credit file and see a default going back to 2015 from Vodafone for £30. I had a sim for an Ipad for my job at the time. Left job, cancelled DD (stupid I know) then 2 months later get emails from debt recovery, pay instantly then call Vodafone to cancel the contract. All fine and dandy (or so I thought) I received no emails or emails chasing the money so assumed all ok. I call VF today to explain that this account was cancelled and I don't feel I owe the money and for them to remove the mark. "ok sir we will look into it for you and call you back" A few hours later I receive a call to say that there is no record of the cancellation and I owe the money, but if I pay the money they will review the default mark. I pay the money, am placed on hold ready to be transferred to the credit department. The handler comes back and advises that they won't remove the default. I explain that this is crazy, they are ruining me and my family for 6 years over £30. And that had I had known this was owed I would have paid it instantly (as I did today) he puts me back on hold for a while. Again the answer is "no" Do I have a case here or do I need to suck it up and live in financial purgatory for the next 6 years? Thanks in advance.
  3. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-4445214/What-really-caused-customer-service-meltdown-Vodafone.html?ito CAG hopes that Mr Jeffery listens and acts swiftly.
  4. Hello all. A while back I defaulted on a Vodafone account, and now owe them a four figure sum. I haven't been able to clear the debt due to low income and focusing on priority debts. I can't remember if I received a default notice or not (the default is on my credit reports) but the amount that is in the letter of assignment is double than what is owed. The amount owed is on the default on the credit reports and the previous letters received from Vodafone, I'm 100% sure that the amount I was originally told I owed is correct. What I don't understand is that amount on the letter of assignment is exactly double of the true value of the debt. The default was placed in June last year so I can't understand why or how the amount owed can double in 9 months when the service was cancelled before June 2016. Can they legally double a debt when they sell it to Lowells? Any advice regarding this would be appreciated.
  5. Hi, In Dec 2013 i took out a two year mobile phone contract with Vodaphone. In Dec 2015 the contract was up and i called Vodaphone to end the contract and get a code from them so i could transfer the mobile number to a Virgin Mobile handset. This all went well until i got a letter saying i was being charged £171 for early cancellation of my contract? I installed a call recording app on my mobile and then I called Vodaphone on December 17th 2015 The lady i spoke with found that someone had written a date on my contract in the U.S. style (switching the month and day from how we write it in the UK. aparrently my contract was due to end on the 19th month lol She agree'd it was a mistake, apologised and said they would fix it. I never heard from Vodaphone again. Today, fifteen months later i got a letter from Vodafone telling me that i owed £158.60 for "outstanding call charges/line rental" and that my "debt" has been assigned to Lowell Portfolio LTD. This may be my forst post here but i have read the forums plenty so i was very suspicious and decided not to contact Lowell Financial (who aparently are the debt collectors for my alleged debt) but to instead call Vodafone (and record them of course) I ended up speaking to a nervous sounding indian chap who i can only guess was on his forst day of work, he told me there had been a charge added to my account AFTER i cancelled it??? I did lead him to confirm that it was Vodafones mistake too which he agreed and said they where having problems... So, i have the recorded conversation from dec 2015 and today which both confirm my account ended in good standing but i somehow have these financial leeches latched onto me also? Do i contact them or ignor them? also, if i do contact Lowells do i tip my hand about the recorded vodafone calls and that i am also recording them? Thanks for any advice
  6. Hi all When Vodafone 'ported over' my account to their new system (sept 15) they appear to have screwed it up, royally. I have 3 phones on one account. (which seem to have been separated) I have had nothing but misery and stress ever since, I have lost count of the number of times they have restricted access, leaving us all or one after another cut off, in one case for weeks. most spectacularly when I was 100 miles away from home in a hospital with my Father who had been rushed in with a heart problem, No way to call anyone brilliant! I have spent hours both in store and on 191 trying to deal with it all apparently in vain. Last week was the last straw, I applied to borrow money against my property and to my horror was refused point blank, I was advised by Barclays to check Equifax to see what was happening. I had a gnawing in the pit of my stomach thinking ..o god its going to be Vodafone, sure enough it was. My credit score is unblemished apart from them, who have my account as delinquent, credit rating rock bottom. I phoned Equifax and explained I have been having problems with them for 18 months and they advised to contact them and that they, Equifax would put a note on my file and query it with Vodafone. I phoned vodafone to be told sorry system is down I will ring you back, of course after going through hoops to establish its me! I telephone later as I have no real expectation of her ringing me back because, well, they just don't, Guy this time says your account is in arrears by 22.91 you must pay now so i did. I asked him to remove the erroneous entry on Equifax which he apparently did not understand. 3 hours later lady calls back and says you are 12.00 , which I declined to pay when the member of staff on the phone could not explain how, when approximately 3 hours earlier I had been told I was 22.91 in debit and had paid it. The following day whilst in store I was £45.82 in credit, at the time i thought sadly laughable, as the first member of staff appears not to be able to understand a credit on the account. ? so my credit had now doubled. o yes he also said he would add £5.00 credit 'for the hassle' which I had confirmation in a text message. needless to say it was not applied! Checking my Experian account it shows £190 in debit and more than 6 months overdue. Thus placing it in Delinquent status. Which actually tallies with no other amount? I think they pick amounts out of the air tbh. I then receive a letter yesterday informing me they were suspending my account as I was in arrears of £65.30. desperation yesterday I emailed the Member of staff in the store and copied in the CEO attaching the e mails I had sent to the previous CEO in oct 15 and jan 16 which received no response, amazingly I got a reply e mail today saying they would look in to it but if it was urgent to call them, really Vodafone?? so I did. Melanie assured me she has removed 52.80 which was hanging around on my 'Ghost' account since sept 15 and she will remove my status on Equifax. I mentioned to her that not only would I want my credit file returned to its unblemished state before they had made the catastrophic cock up of my account I also thought I should be entitled to compensation for the amount of time and distress caused in the lat 18 months continually trying to sort their mess out, not least the embarrassment and distress yet again of having to try and explain to the lady from Barclays and my husband that I really wasn't responsible. She of course completely ignored this part of the conversation I asked her to send me an e mail outlining exactly what she was going to do, which she did all be it concise. What are the things I should perhaps be doing/ recording to follow this up? I cannot explain how utterly sick and tired I am, how stressful and embarrassing this whole thing has been for such a long time, this is not everything either. I would really appreciate any input from anyone Thank you Sealover
  7. So I am having major issues with Vodafone customer service team. all details outlined below. My bill is due for payment on the 12th December, but it is currently in dispute and they know this via the notes on their system and from the call recordings they have of me. I am willing to give them payment for all barring the part I am disputing, which I have said I will pay on the 20th of this month as the funds for such a large amount will not be available to me until then. Not sure what else I can do apart from the below, if you can think of anything, all advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks BonM This is an email I have sent to the ombudsman listed on the Vodafone website below in blue. to enquiries Dear Sirs, My name is (Removed) You may contact me on (Removed) at any time to discuss this if you so wish, this is also my phone number registered on my account with Vodafone. My address is (Removed) I currently have an ongoing dispute with an overbilling from Vodafone that I am trying to resolve. I have spent the past 5 days trying to communicate with them but I am getting nowhere. I have spent in the region of approximately 5 hours on the phone with them and approx. 2 hours of that time I have spent on hold. I have had to speak to 8 different people each time and only one person has made any notations on my account, so every time I call I have to explain myself again and again, then I get put on hold, then I get hung up on, then I have to call back, then I have to go through everything again, then I get put on hold again, my notes are not up to date, so they all try to help me and this goes on and on and on in a vicious cycle and nobody is actually trying to help me or resolve my issue. My bill is due for payment on the 12th December as we speak I have currently been on hold for 70 minutes! I am at my wits end and nobody will help me and my complaint is not being heard and not being resolved. Please advise what I need to do to obtain your help any further in order to get this resolved in an efficient manner. Best wishes (Name Removed) The below is an email I have sent to the CEO office below in red to nick.jeffery Dear Mr Jeffery, I write to you as a very disgruntled customer. I have sent the previous email as shown as you can see to the below. Ombudsman Services: Communications PO Box 730 Warrington WA4 6WU Phone: 0330 440 1614 (standard call charges apply) Fax: 0330 440 1615 Email:*enquiries@os-communications.org I have just been hung up on again by one of your supervisors Frank this time, for the 2nd time in a row after being on hold for almost 90 minutes*and I am at my wits end and last tether here. My bill is due for payment on the 12th December and I need to get this rectified before then. I hope to hear from you or one of your supervisory staff with a time to call me back please. Yours sincerely (name removed)
  8. Good evening to you all! I have been recommended this site by a friend of mine. Your help and advice was invaluable! I humbly asked for your help with my problem as well please. I have received claim papers on 13/08/16 - dated 11/08/16 from Lowell Portofilio ltd. It is in regards to Vodafone account that I have had in past and is in dispute with the Vodafone. I will try to explain. I think it was back in 2012 (october-december time) when I was cold called and offered ' special deal ' and I would receive an Ipad! Obviously, with Christmas coming up I have been stupid enough to say OK. However, when my first bill arrived I have been charged extra money for the line rental for the Ipad. Straight away I have called them and queried this as my understanding was that i will pay extra £5 per month on a new 24 month contract. I have spoken number of times to Vodafone and I have told them that I was miss-sold this product! I have given them name of the sales person that spoken to me and requested to listen to sales call. To obtain that was quite a challenge in itself. When I have finally received the link to read transcript of recorded sales call, an error message popped up saying that link is invalid. Another x phone calls to vodafone, where you going from pillar to post and everyone pleads ingorance.... I have stupidly left and thought that Vodafone has accepted that they were wrong! I have searched everywhere for the e-mails and names that I have contacted, but found nothing! I really need to know how to proceed with this one. How long do they keep recording of sales calls? I don't want to get any CCJ for something that clearly was not right... Please guys help! Thank you in advance Upendra
  9. Hi Everyone, I used to have a vodafone account many years ago and something happened where i thought it had ended all paid up but it turned out i still owed some money. Once i found this out i got it paid but after looking at my credit file i see that vodafone put a default on it . although the payment shows as being missed in 2010 the default never went on until 2013 which means the file will not be removed until 2019, is there any way this can be rectified as if the default was lodged in 2010 it would be deleted from my account now. I'd like to add that this was for a fairly small amount and is causing me a real pain in obtaining credit. if anyone can help me with this it would be much appreciated, i asked vodafone online chat for the contact details for their credit department and they gave me two phone numbers. ..i rang both. one was experian and the other equifax... not who i wanted to speak to. was not impressed. please help! Terry
  10. Hi folks This will be a long post, so please bear with me. My Vodafone troubles are long and plentiful. I'm hoping some legal minds can help me out. I have endured a long and agonising dispute with Vodafone and I am now at the end of my tether. To be honest, I regretted taking out a contract with them the moment I signed up. Right from the first month, things went horribly wrong. I started out with a SIM-only deal in Dec 2012 because it seemed like a bargain at the time. However, only days after receiving my new SIM, I received a very odd text message telling me to phone customer services and confirm my details, or my account would be suspended. I assumed that, because I was staying with friends at the time (waiting for my new house to be ready to move in), that it was a standard check to make sure it really was me... So I phoned them up, only to be told that the text had been sent in error and I should ignore it. Surprise surprise, 48 hours later my account was suspended and I couldn't use my phone. This is a major problem when you are trying to sort a house move and this was my only phone! I could not even get through to customer services because the twits had blocked that too. I had to use my dongle and email them about the problem. I waited several days for a reply and was promised that everything had been reactivated. Only problem was, I still could not send any texts. All I could do was make voice calls. So I phoned them again. This time they told me the sim needed resetting (or something like that) and they could do that right away. I was told that all would be well by the next day. Well, of course it wasn't. By the time I moved into my new house, I still could not send texts. They promised to send me a new sim to my new address. It was waiting for me when I arrived... and it still did not work. Just before moving, I checked with them to make sure that there would be a signal in my new location. I live in rural Cumbria, so there are black spots. I was assured that all would be fine. GUESS WHAT! All was not fine! No signal. Nadda. Nothing. Even when I went up the fell, the darn thing would try to connect to the nearest mast ON THE ISLE OF MAN! Oh, and trying to disable roaming was another nightmare that I gave up on. So there I was, locked into a contract, no signal whatsoever, and even when I was in an area with signal, I only had partial service because I could only make voice calls. It was a good 6 months before they finally figured out how to let me send texts again (if ever I was in town, that is). It seemed so soon that the 12 month contract was over and I was dead set on leaving them. However, an upgrade was dangled under my nose and I could not afford a new handset at the time. I gave in to temptation after doing the sums and realising that the total cost by the end of the contract would be less than buying the handset new. Of course they mucked that up too. I received the handset ok, but they neglected to replace the old sim with a micro sim. I phone them up and ask them to pretty please fix it. What do they do? They send me an empty envelope. Yes folks, I open it up and there is nothing inside. So I have to call them again. Second attempt they managed to put the sim in the envelope. Well done Voda. Gold stars all round. But... they mucked up the direct debit. I don't know how, because all appeared to be set up at the bank's end. Vodafone just weren't taking the money. I called them each month only to be told that they have requested it, it is pending, and all I need to do is wait. So I would call my bank to hear them say "Vodafone have not requested payment for 3 months". AAARGH! This was eventually followed by threatening letters. By Jan 2014 they had recorded late payments on my credit file and threatened to terminate the contract. I also discovered that the account was suspended (they like doing that), not that I would have known, since I have no signal and all. I wrote a stinking complaint to them and actually got a decent response from someone based in the UK. That threw me a little because Vodafone do not habitually *do* that "customer service" lark. She acknowledged that the error was at their end and set up the new DD (correctly this time). She also refunded the outstanding balance as a goodwill gesture. The late payments on my credit file were still in place, so I had to raise a dispute via the CRA in order for them to fix it. That was my first experience of Vodafone's propensity for messing up a customer's credit file instead of dealing with the dispute. Fast forward to Dec 2014 when I was looking forward to being free of them in the not-too-distant future. I decided to request an unlock code for my new handset. Since I'd had my contract for over a year, this should have been free according to https://www.vodafone.co.uk/vodafone-uk/forms/unlock-code-request/. However, instead of an unlock code I got an email back saying “We are unable to provide an unlocking code as the device is already unlocked.”... Oh... I had no way of testing this at the time, but I have since replaced the sim with an O2 PAYG which actually has a signal here. Whoopeeee! But... imagine my horror when my next bill includes a £19.99 charge for an unlock code that was never provided! Furthermore, since I'd met the requirements for free unlocking, I should not have been charged regardless. I banged off another complaint email. I was getting used to this by now. Except, this time, instead of a nice lady getting back to me to sort it out, the complaint was ignored. Instead I got the standard "we are terminating your contract" threat-o-gram less than 2 weeks after I complained. This was the point where I decided that enough is enough. I sent them another complaint stating that I accept their unlawful contract termination.. and basically shove it. In essence, I refuse to be bullied into paying money I do not owe. Naturally they hit my credit file at the first opportunity. This time it caused serious problems because I am self-employed and was on the hunt for a better deal on my business account, as well as additional finance to help with my plans to aggressively grow the business this year. I now get refused and have been set back seriously. Vodafone, in spite of having terminated the contract and suspending the account, kept billing me for another 6 months (plus late payment charges AND early termination fee!), then sent Fredrickson to harass me too. I now have a fresh default on my credit file and am as good as a financial leper until it is gone. Current situation is daily txt and phone harassment from Fredrickson. I have blocked them until they find a way past the filter. I wrote to head office on 24 June, addressing the letter to the CEO, Jeroen Hoencamp. I gave them until 20 July to resolve the dispute. I can redact and upload the letters I sent if you wish to see them. Now I am at the point where they have completely ignored the warning letter, so now I wish to send an LBA out on Mon, followed by claim when they undoubtedly refuse to comply. I want to get it right, hence my post here. My goals are: to force them to stop processing my data to claim for damages due to harassment, loss of income, and the problems I am experiencing as a result of my trashed credit file to force them to remove the default I hope somebody can assist. As an aside, I do suffer from serious long-term health problems - I know this will take a lot out of me. I cannot do this on my own, but I cannot allow them to walk all over me either. Bear
  11. A close relative of mine, my mum, had a contract under my dads name with vodafone that finished on 8th December. Just before it ended, she took the pac code and gave it to her new provider ( as she got a sim only deal elsewhere) When the contract was taken out, it was an iphone 4. Still in very excellent condition even now. But trying to get it unlocked is an absolute nightmare. She has tried the online request forms, on more than 2 occasions, twice it went through but no response whatsoever, other times the audio captcha was so hard to read even i couldnt make it out, tried ringing them but since shes no longer a vodafone customer she cant get through. So, my mum had to fork out an pay for a vodafone sim, and a fiver credit to activate the SIM just so she could get in touch with vodafone to be told she has to go to a store and they can do it. So she went to the store, to be told oh no you have to do it online' She is,as expected, really annoyed from the total inconvenience. What can be done? Any ideas?
  12. Hi, on 9th of Sep 2016 I contacted Vodafone to move one of our contract number to payAsYouGo and i was told it normally take 30 days. on 16th Sep i received an email if i paid £68.18 early release charge it will be as pay as you and I accepted the payment to be on our bill and received an email that the number was made as payAsyouGo and a sim is on the way. I kept on calling and going to VF branch but with fail, I spent minimum one hour to explain to each representative about my case but with. fai . I sent a written complain and followed by phone call and last friday11 Nov 2016 one of their call centre told me that I just needed to buy a new payAsyouGo sim with £10 credit and use it and call them back to port my old number to this new number. very simple and easy. I called today after spending one hour and half the guy told me that the number was cancelled and it is no longer with vodafone. but I can see on our last month bills as it was billed the with last amount. How can it be lost? Is there a place to make my complain and get back my old number? regards Said
  13. Evening everybody, hoping for some advice regarding a claim form i've received from Lowell solicitors regarding a Vodafone mobile phone debt. Around 2008/2009 i took out a mobile contract with Vodafone, fairly sure it was for a year. After the year was had passed, i continued using the phone and paying the monthly line rental, without upgrading my contract or taking out a new phone. After some time (mid 2010?) I informed Vodafone via telephone that i did not want to continue doing this and intended to put a pay as you go sim into the same phone. As far as I can remember nothing more was said. I continued to keep getting monthly line rental charges for a number of months when I called vodafone again was informed that I could only end a contract via written letter. Monthly charges stopped but debt collection letters started arriving for the £152 outstanding. Foolishly I didn't do anything about this at the time, thinking it wouldn't come to anything as they were trying to charge me for something that had been cancelled and clearly wasn't being used. Dated 20 sep 2016 i've now received a claim form from Northampton court for £240. I've already sent off the acknowledgement of service. What should be my next step? I desperately don't want a CCJ, but don't really think this £240 charge is at all fair. I've got a Lowell statement of account from 2012 that shows vodafone transactions on the reverse between 21 July 2010 and 14 Oct 2010. £35 charges every month despite the only usage showing is £0.01 middle of August? Hope you can help, thanks in advance. Daniel
  14. OFCOM have today released a press notice fining Vodafone £4.6m. How long have we been complaining about this on CAG and only now do they accept they did wrong. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37772118
  15. Please can some one advice on my situation that's been going on for one year. Here is my last correspondence to Vodafone and today I received a letter from Frederickson. I have these phoned in there original box's untouched and no direct debt to my account. I have tried to return them but know one would excep them. Would appreciate help with this situation. Thanks Tav35 > > To whom it may concern, > > I'm writing to you on the advice from a call to Vodafone > > Please can you look at my account > I have been adviced that there is information on the system saying that Shaun out bound tele sales phoned me to sale the phones at 2pm and the call lasted 31.52 sec > This is when I was told that I wouldn't have to pay out my Ee contract and the phones I had to exchange would cover the cost. > > I was then miss sold a contract for two phones one being a samsung 6 and a Iphone that would end my Ee contract of 2 years in exchange for a hawai phone and HTC. > > The hawai is worth 10 pounds > HTC 50 pounds > And a 2 year contract > > Would never cover the cost by exchanging the phones for the bundle you offered. > I have been trying to sort this in store and calls that are recorded. > > No one would take the phones back and cancel my account with you. > > Even though they say the phones would never cover the cost > > I explained at the time of the call that I couldn't afford to buy out my Ee contract and that my phones have no value. > I was told in that call that they would still honour the deal no fee to end contract and no extra payment for phones. > > I have been informed by a member of staff this needs looking into and that I need to contact you regarding this situation. > > Kind regards
  16. Hello all, I just joined this forum and I'm looking for advice on an issue where I really feel hard done by. Let me explain. Back in September 2014 my ex wanted a phone. We were out and at Carphone Warehouse she said she wanted a phone. However, at the time she didn't have her bank card with her, because the old one had expired and she was waiting for a replacement to come. Me being the gent I am decided to take out a contract in my name and gave my direct debit details. It wasa Vodafone contract. The man at the shop said that after 3 months, we can call Vodaphone and do a 1) transfer of direct debit and 2) transfer of account ownership. I said okay. Sadly the relationship ended pretty soon after that but for the first three month the direct debit was coming out of my account and she was putting money in my account. After three months there was a forced meeting where we called Vodafone at the same time and requested a complete transfer. Both direct debit and account were transferred from mine into her name (or so I thought). Fast forward to September 2016 and I got rejected for a mortage by a lender. I was a little baffled as to why so I logged onto creditscore and to my shock, it shows the Vodafone account from 2014 more than £800 in arrears. I called up Vodafone. I was angry. The account should never have been in my name. They told me that at time of transfer of account ownership they did a credit check on my ex and she failed it. So, the account bouced back to me. I was shocked. I was never told about this at all. As it turns out, my ex then cancelled the direct debit and didn't make any more payments. Problem is that account was in my name and I didn't even know. I wasn't called, e-mailed, written to. I thought after three months that account was no longer in my name. I wasn't using the phone, my ex was. The problem now is that my credit history shows major telecom arrears which I feel is really unfair. I disputed it and Vodafone told equifax that the account remained in my names so the credit history is correct. I'm livid because I feel this is not an accurate reflection of my payment history. I am struggling to buy a house now. Can you help?
  17. I ordered a Vodafone SIM only deal on 02 Oct and when it arrived there was no documentation with the SIM other than printed on the back of the sim holede "vodafone.co.uk/getstarted. I could not log into MYVODAFONE. As such on Friday 07 Oct I called for help. I made a telephone from my current supplier (not Vodafone) I spoke with a really confused and extremely unhelpful person in an Indian call centre. This lady stated that she had sent me THREE account name changes and then the I could not possibly have received any texts (despite receiving them on my current supplier number) and corresponding three emails saying "We have changed your user name...." but not actually saying what the new user name actually was. Going forward she called me a liar stating that I could not have possibly received such. Amazingly she then asked me to take my current supplier SIM out of my handset and replace it with the Vodafone one whilst actually making the call. Seriously? - I gave up. I then tried again this morning, with my Vodafone SIM installed called 191 and spoke with a UK customer service agent who repeatedly spoke over the top of me, placed me on hold for extended periods without any warning repeated that there was "No problem" despite me repeatedly stating that I could not log into my online account, that no updated information was sent about my username that I objected to being talked over the top of. The agent then started to raise his voice to me. I asked for a supervisor. I was then told that he had actually not completed the security check and we had to go over one final part. That we did. Now I do not like being addressed by my first name on business communications, I prefer being addressed as Mr ........... which is professional courtesy as they are neither friends or family. Once transferred to a chap called Neil I was asked is this (my first name). I asked to be addressed as Mr.......... I explained I was not happy and that nobody has helped. I complained about the unprofessional and rude abuse from his colleague who was laughing at me becoming upset. He said he had been listening and that his colleagues rude, unprofessional and aggressive approach was perfectly acceptable. I then asked if he had been listening for a while and he confirmed this. As such Neil, the Senior Advisor, knew not to address me with my first name. Clearly he and his colleague were just bored and looking for a laugh on a Sunday morning with no interest in assisting customers or resolving issues. I then decided that as this was consistently abusive and completely useless assistance from ALL at Vodafone who I had sought assistance from to cancel the contract and was put through to a lady called Key in account closures. She was just as bad stating that there was no way agents would act like this and berated me for alleging such. I cancelled the contract. I called the Vodafone complaints team on 08080 044 900 and spoke with Ash in Cairo, Egypt. I explained from the beginning I preferred to be addressed as Mr........ and he stated "Do not give me attitude" - amazing. He spent ages telling me how he had been in post for years and knew his job. I confirmed he had taken me through security and was logged into my account. He confirmed this - acknowledge given that an audit trail was now in place. He started to argue with me that as I had cancelled my contract he was not interested in complaint handling this call. That it was not possible to challenge Vodafone by any process, including the sending of a deadlock letter to me and that I have no right to take the matter to the Ombudsman. This was because despite having a contract with Vodafone now that I had cancelled then called the Complaints team that they were not interested and would do nothing. He also raised his voice, repeatedly, talked over the top of me and denied that he had not properly taken me through security. So in essence Vodafone are happy to abuse customers, support abusive and unprofessional conduct, fail to accept complaints, stonewall and berate anyone who dare complain and fail to process any legitimate complaint. I confirmed that I would contact the Chief Executives office, which I shall do today, and the response was that it would not matter as they really do not care. Avoid this shockingly incompetent abusive company. Another company that has become way to big and staff think they can get away with abusing their customers repeatedly and that nothing can be done to abusive staff.
  18. Dear Cagers, I need some advice. On 30th of April 2015, while I was watching my son’s cricket match on ground, I received an email from Vodafone welcoming me on their network with a new contracted account which I never bought. I sensed something is wrong and called Vodafone customer service straight away. They told me after confirming my address and dob that I have just purchased a contract with an iPhone from them. I told them that someone must have used my details so please cancel it straight away. As I responded to this purchase very swiftly, iPhone delivery was also stopped. I was told that account is closed and matter will be forwarded to fraud department. I also advised Vodafone that please flag my details in your system as not to be sold any contract for a certain period to avoid any more attempts. That person later on bought one or two more contracts from Vodafone, one from EE and one from O2. I kept on informing and cancelling every time I get something in my mailbox or letterbox and thanks to all as they were all very cooperative and honest except ONE which is Vodafone. Now, here is the main story. On 13th of July 2015, I received an invoice from Vodafone dated 8th of July 2015 demanding £177.28 as invoice saying that I made two purchases of mobile phone contracts. I called them straight away but their automated call handling system DID NOT recognized the account or mobile number I had on that invoice and didn’t let me choose any option to go further with customer service. On this I thought that because of their computer is not recognizing the account or mobile number on invoice then the account must have been deleted and this invoice would have generated earlier OR in error. But I was wrong, after a week (on 19th jul 2015 ) I received a default notice in post from Vodafone dated 13th jul 2015 demanding same money otherwise I’ll be registered as bad debt with credit rating agencies. This was serious, next day, on 20th July 2015, after much struggle in finding vodafone’s geographical customer number (03333040191) I called and spoke to a lovely lady called ‘Candy’. She was helpful and after listening to me she promised that matter will be pulled back and passed to fraud team and I will receive a confirmation too in 72 hrs. After 2 weeks, A letter dated 3rd August 2015 was delivered to me on the very same day 03rd August 2015 ( How ) in the morning post from a debt collection agency called ‘Collect Direct’ demanding same money £177.28 urgently on behalf of Vodafone. I wrote a letter to collect direct explaining the story and also provided crime reference number which was obtained from ‘Action Fraud’ on these unauthorized purchases. After few days I received a comforting letter from Vodafone saying that A mobile phone account was opened in my name recently without my authorisation and has now been closed. We are now doing everything to prosecute the criminals. Being victim of fraud is worrying but we can’t disclose any further details due to legal reasons. We have also ensured all record of this fraudulent application has been removed from your credit file.’ This was very relaxing and I thought matter is finally put to rest. I never received any letter or email from Vodafone or Collect Direct after that about anything. It’s been a year to this incident now. As I am in property buying and selling business, I recently applied for a mortgage. To my surprise the broker came back to me saying that lender is only offering high rates as you have a default on your credit file. SHOCKED !! never ever missed a payment, how come there is a default !! I didn’t believe the broker and subscribed to Equifax and saw myself. YES, VODAFONE deceived me and marked a default on my credit file with same amount £177 and same account . I reverted back to lender explained all with all the paperwork I have but they won’t change their decision as they only go by the books. They say that they will recheck my credit file in first week of October 2016 (2 weeks from now) and if this default is still there then there will be only high rate mortgages and low amount of lending will be available for me. This will blow me out big time as my whole year’s investment and hard work will go down the drain and might run me out pocket and eventually out of business. My credit file matter at this time is very serious for me. I want to ask; - Is there any ways i could get my credit file fixed asap ?? - Would vodafone or equifax be able to do it before 2 weeks ? I am already started to make a flow chart for word press. SAR, LBA and MCOL procedures are also prepared to kick off but they need 14 days and then so on which will not sort my problem within 2 weeks. I haven’t spoken or written to Vodafone, Equifax and/or any solicitor yet and will do so after some advice on group. Thanks in advance to all who read and comment.
  19. Vodafone customers in the UK can apparently expect a significant reduction in spam calls, after the mobile operator installed new barring technology across its network. During pre-release tests, Vodafone claimed it had blocked 425,000 nuisance and [problem] calls in a single day, while over the course of a week-long trial, nuisance call attempts to its customers dropped to under a thousand. The perpetrators, Vodafone said, "realised their calls could not enter the network." http://arstechnica.co.uk/business/2016/09/vodafone-blocks-majority-of-spam-calls-across-its-network/
  20. I have been a Vodafone customer since 2003. Back in September 2015 I asked Vodafone to change my direct debit to another account (apparently they have a record of the request on my account notes). The other day whilst trying to set up new mobile phone account for my 11 year old daughter with another provider my application was turned down following a credit check. I have never had a credit problem so signed up with Equifax to see what was going on It appears Vodafone failed to set up the d/d and consequently my account has been in arrears for several months. At no stage did they contact me to notify me of the situation - clearly that would be too difficult for a mobile phone company! I immediately called up Vodafone, cleared the o/s balance and set up a new direct debit. I asked for the credit file to be cleared. Apparently they will not do this because it is 3 months in arrears. To cut a long story short ( hours on the phone hanging on etc) I have made a formal complaint through one of their customer reps...made so much harder as you cannot do it through their web site - currently undergoing some modification - either that or they can't cope with the volume of complaints. In making the complaint I have advised them that I will begin legal proceedings against them unless I hear back from them within the 5 days that they promise. I have also made a Subject Access Request and have begun the process of complaining to the Information Commissioner – Vodafone are in breach of Principle 1 of the code of practice set up “Principles for the Reporting of Arrears, Arrangements and Defaults at Credit Reference Agencies” agreed with credit industry and the Information Commissioner i.e. Principle 1 is: Data thatis reported on your credit file must be FAIR accurate, consistent, complete and up to date. Given the appalling customer services people have come to expect fromVodafone, I do not expect to hear back on my formal complaint any time soon. I have drafted the LBA to kick off the MCOL process for damages in respect of my financial reputation due to their negligence, my time, extra expense etc Is there anything else I can do? Comments appreciated
  21. Really need some advice as to what to do first,, do I call Lowell ? How do I respond to the forms I know there is a deadline we have to meet. My boyfriend has received a claim form from a Vodafone contract he had no choice but to cancel due to the recession, he had no work and got himself in a bit of a mess which he is still in the process of sorting out. At the time he did visit the citizens advice who helped him, they advised he offer to pay Vodafone £1 per month which they declined. I have copies of most of his bills from 2005 onwards, sadly the copies he gave the CAB are missing which are the crutial ones, however I have bank statements showing his regualr payments to cover the missing vodafone bills. He had been a customer with them since 2005, they had one dispute in 2008 when his bill suddenly jumped for one month to over £200 which was rectified/reduced as it was an "error", apart from that he was a loyal Vodafone customer until 2010. He disputed the last two bills they sent him, he received one for £205 and called them to dispute it, he was told they were looking into it, he decided not to use the phone during the last month to see what would happen, he purchased a PAYG phone from Tesco, Vodafone still sent him a bill for £211 which the bank rejected as he had no funds to cover it. Prior to this all his bills were between £80-90 per month, he never followed up on the dispute he raised as in his eyes they had taken £205 the previous month which he had not incurred, plus at this point he was not in a great place in terms of his mental health due to being out of work and unable to live/survive financially. Ironically if you look at the call records of his phone he barely used it ! Vodafone wrote him two letters 4/1/11 saying he owed £326.97 then 14/2/11 stating £575.24 was owed. He heard nothing then until now when he received the claim form from Lowell saying he now owes £751.26. What should we do? I have read lots of other threads but feel this one is slightly different. Please help
  22. Hi, recently I was applying for a job and got turned down due to failing checks. I then proceeded to check my credit file and found out that I have a default from Vodafone. The problem is that they did not notify me about my account going into default and that I had a specific amount of time to repay the balance, I would have understood. I tried to speak with Vodafone for days, but almost a month later I am still nowhere. I have repaid the amount on the account, but I think it is unfair and they should get rid of the default status. The problem is that they are telling me to contact TDX Group as that is where my account should be. I have contacted the agency and was told that my account does not exist nor does my name. [removed] Vodafone did not do what they should have. If the agency does not have my file therefore no one sent to anywhere and no notification of anything. I am now trying to get Vodafone to change the default status and clear it off my credit file because it is preventing me from getting a job and I need one :/ What do you think I should do? I am going to contact Citizens Advice Bureau tomorrow and see what they say, because Vodafone is lying and just no cooperating. I have a friend who had a similar problem. They promised to get rid of the default, but it just says that it was settled ..they lie all the time to their customers and do not help
  23. Need some advice on dealing with Vodafone. I submitted a SAR request asking for all the usual (Contract Details, Pricing Structure, Allowance, statement.. the works) and eventually received less of a "Data Subject Access Request" but more a summary of screen notes: For instance I called to change my address and this is what they have given me in the SAR Now I agree, it notifys me of an address change, and could be considered screen notes however WHERE IS THE ACTUAL DATA? Changed address to what??? Now I know where I changed the address to as I have a tenancy agreement and could prove that however subsequently the following happens: So I asked for a Signed copy of my default notice from the CS Agent who sent my SAR: Now I was extremely confused because I knew that I 100% hadn't received the note at my new address however until just shortly I had lost all hope then suddenly while speaking to the new owners of my old address, they informed me that they did indeed have a pile of old mail for me in their cupboard: Incase you haven't guessed THIS WAS SENT TO MY OLD ADDRESS DESPITE ME CHANGING IT
  24. Posting on behalf of the boyfriend, this is a mobile phone account, I know they work differently but can't remember why/how. Sorry it's been nearly 10 years since I was on here lol Name of the Claimant: LOWELL PORTFOLIO I LTD Date of issue – 11th JANUARY 2016 Date to file def12th FEBRUARY What is the claim for: 1) THE DEFENDANT ENTERED INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH VODAFONE UNDER ACCOUNT REFERENCE **** ('THE AGREEMENT'). 2) THE DEFENDANT FAILED TO MAINTAIN THE REQUIRED PAYMENTS AND A DEFAULT NOTICE WAS SERVED AND NOT COMPLIED WITH. 3) THE AGREEMENT WAS LATER ASSIGNED TO THE CLAIMANT ON 31/03/2014 AND NOTICE GIVEN TO THE DEFENDANT. 4) DESPITE REPEATED REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT, THE SUM OF £213.40 REMAINS DUE AND OUTSTANDING. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS a) THE SAID SUM OF £213.40 b) INTEREST -£17.07- c) COSTS What is the value of the claim? £305.47 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? MOBILE PHONE ACCOUNT When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? AFTER Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. DEBT PURCHASER Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? NO Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? YES Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? NO Why did you cease payments? He honestly can't remember why, probably financial issues as he was suffering severe mental health issues at the time and was undiagnosed until a couple of years ago. What was the date of your last payment? 9TH AUGUST 2010 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? NO Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? NO
  25. Hi, Was looking for advice, on how to proceed:- On the 16th July, Vodafone took a payment from my debit card of £250. I queried the payment with the customer service team but they had no knowledge of the payment, i was told that i needed to take a copy of my bank statement proving the payment to my local store (12.5 mile round trip). Which i did, who simply put a note on my account saying the payment had been taken. I went home and spoke to another rep who confirmed it was a mistake and that a refund would appear in my account within 5 days - The refund never showed in my account. I tried calling up again, to be told a refund had been processed and would appear in my account within 5 days - again, there was no payments made in my account. I tried speaking with an online adviser, who claims the original refund had been cancelled but she could 'see' that a new refund had been initiated and that it would be with me yesterday. I had little surprise, when no money showed in my account yesterday. Loosing £250 has really made a big impact on my life, I was planning on using the money to take my son away for a few days during the summer holidays, but instead; the money has now gone towards paying our mortgage! - someone should be held accountable! During the online chat, i had threatened to go to small claims court if the money wasn't in my account by the final, final deadline. The Deadline has obviously passed - Should i enlist the help of the small claims court? or should i go to the police? - Theft is theft, no matter how it is jazzed up! Would i also be in a position to cancel the existing term of my contract under a breach of contract?
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