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  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/saving/article-3136488/When-mum-died-Lloyds-grief-harder-bear-Money-Mail-s-writer-moving-account-big-firms-change-insensitive-way-treat-bereaved-families.html
  2. Hi Really sorry to ask a question many have probably asked before!!! Where do I start with PPI!! I have managed to find out through the Land Registry all of the Secured loans and mortgages i've had on my property since I purchased it in 1999 but I don't have all of the account details I just have the dates. What is the best way of going about this? am I likely to have more success with some more than others? am I wasting my time if I don't have the account numbers? The companies that had secured loans/mortgages are from 1999 Nationwide, 2001 Abbey & A&L, then 2004 Future, 2005 Endevour (which changed to London Personal), 2005 Kensington, 2007 GMAC which changed to Mortgage Agency Services within a month! there is a mention of Southern Pacific Loans but I never took a loan with them!! Any help greatfully received
  3. HI Ive got a start date for a job for 15 hours a week ( 1st June). It is my first job since a major breakdown last year, ( suicide attempts, irrational behavior, [paranoia etc etc) I am on ESA now since January 5th and have my assessment a week on Saturday. However, do i tell them about my job offer at the assessment? I am terrified of people, being assaulted, being raped, etc When do i tell the DWP, i have the form ready to fill in. I need this job to help me back to my old self so i can look at getting back on my feet and getting back in to permanent work. However, without the extra ESA cash through permitted work i cannot afford to take the job. Silly as it seems, but i need it for my sanity. Please help I don't want to get into trouble but i feel stuck between a rock and a hard place Also, what happens to sick notes if you are working permitted work? Thanks
  4. hi there , i am helping a friend appeal to tribunal for ESA after a mandatory reconsideration. appealing being put into WRAG group. which form should we use.. it isnt clear from the mandatory reconsideration notice is it the SSCS1 or a GL24 appeal request needs to be in the post this afternoon..so prompt reply would be much appreciated
  5. Hello folks Im considering starting High Court Action against my former employer for failing to act on a promise made. I brought a County claim against my former employer last year and the claim was thrown out of court as it could not be heard in the County Court. The Judge said that as I had mentioned the rules of equity it could be heard in the High Court (Chancery Division) I wont go into the nitty gritty on here but wondered if there were any Legal experts around to offer help and advice please? Thanks
  6. Hi everyone, I'm trying to work out where to start in sorting out a debt I've had since 2007 with Natwest. It's in two parts, a personal loan (£17k) and an overdraft (£2.5k) on an old bank account which together come to £19.5k (though £2k of the loan amount is interest, and there's probably bank charges on the overdraft amount too). I haven't been in a position to pay it for some time as I only earn around £400 per month, but I haven't wanted to go bankrupt because I worry it will affect my future ability to get a mortgage, I've been paying them a token £1 a month, which they have accepted. I'm now in a position (with the help of my partner) to try to reach a settlement with them, but can't work out how to approach this. At the start of this year, they wrote to me to say I might have been mis-sold PPI. I'm pretty sure I was, I'm thinking I should address this first, as it will reduce the amount I owe? Should I also try to reclaim bank charges on the overdraft at the same time too? I don't have a copy of my original agreements, should I request them at the same time, or afterwards? They've set various debt collectors on me (Triton, now Capquest), but from what I've already read on here, it looks like I should try to deal direct with Natwest's credit management department? Without wanting to get ahead of myself, once I've resolved the PPI issue, and established that there's a valid agreement in place, how should I then approach negotiating a settlement? I'd really appreciate any advice you can offer as I can't see the wood for the trees right now. Thanks for reading!
  7. http://m.bbc.com/news/uk-31545417 If the forthcoming Court of Appeal case goes against the Bounty Hunting industry then people should start getting their claims in fast. If the Bounty Hunters are obliged to start refunding all of their victims, then they won't have enough money to do it. The result could be that they start closing themselves down pre-emptively. People should consider issuing small claims for refunds without hanging around too long
  8. Hi folks After an eventful year (Last) of going between 3 jobs (First part time, second and third full time) and benefits, I am once again in a 34.75 hour per week job. (One thatis liekly to last this time) Trying to get my head around the whole WTC thing. Do you claim for the previous year etc?
  9. Hi, Just need some advice please. I submitted my ET1 in December 2013 following advice (from a union rep - I am no longer with them) that the deadline was approaching and I must submit my claim by xx to be accepted. I was still very unwell at the time and was not in a position to file it properly but still submitted what I was able to write up. In my statement I missed out many things and the various allegations I was bringing. It was also during Christmas so I was unlikely to get any help at the time. I was at the time of filing my claim a self litigant with no legal training. I have recently hired a solicitor to represent me. My fee remission went through in late April 2014 and shortly thereafter I received confirmation my claim had been accepted. Immediately (and upon some further reading) I became aware I may have not filled in the form correctly. After some communication with the tribunal I was advised by a judge to bring the matter up at my preliminary hearing. I attempted to do so, however, I was unable to particularise my claims so was unable to amend my claim. Having spoken to my solicitor we are now aware that many things of importance, which are crucial to my case, were left out. We are considering to start the claim 'fresh' again, the ET1 (including the amendments) but he has advised it is up to the tribunal whether they grant permission for me to do and being fair to the other party. He is concerned about the length of time between filing my claim and some of the incidents are time barred. We would need to appeal this if necessary. I have plenty medical evidence to support the fact I was ill and that even if I was able to file a claim, it was unlikely I would have been able to continue due to my intermittent poor health. I did try, a number of times, from different sources (from January 2014 to September 2014) to get free legal support to no avail. Given some of my disabilities it has been very difficult for many of these same supporting companies to understand me proper. We have not yet disclosed documents etc with the other party. Can anyone please advise how I can go about getting my application granted for a fresh new ET1 (including the amendments)? Things like: What to say, What arguments to use, Opposing counter arguments... I will most grateful for any help in this matter.
  10. Hi, I trade through my own limited company. My accountant has received a letter from HMRC, addressed to my company, stating that student loan deductions must start next month. My position is that any alleged debt is statute barred. Reading through other threads on this forum has confirmed this. What is my next step? The letter says that a penalty can be charged to my company if the deductions do not start next month. I would send the standard statute barred letter. However since this has gone through my company is there any other action that I need to take to avoid incurring penalties?
  11. I have accepted and signed an employment contract for a new job. However I've been offered a new job opportunity elsewhere which I would like to accept instead. So my question is how binding is the contract that I have signed considering I have not yet started? Does consideration mean that the contract is only enforceable once I have started the job?
  12. feel like i am bombarding the forum with questions here but thought this would be the best place to ask. i currently get income support but i am 99.9% sure i will need to be getting ESA either now or some point in the near future. how do i go about it since i am already getting a benefit? do i need anything from the doctor before i apply? ive got an appointment at the job centre next week for a work focused interview so i was going to mention applying while there because realistically who is going to employ someone who a) cries in the middle of the workplace due to pain and b) can hardly get out of bed some days. If i need to have anything from the doctor etc i'd rather have it with me then. thank you
  13. hi all had the brown envelope through today to start migration from dla to pip as my hubbys award runs out feb 2105 so did the first phone call and are getting form sent through to complete, so by doing this do you think it will be sorted by the time the award runs out on dla or are we being to hopeful as hubby is on hr mobility and no care at moment although his illnesses have got more complex and so has his needs . we are on esa wrag group as well
  14. 2008 I suppose..... The finger in the dyke finally gave-way and everything hit the fan. I have no idea what the state of play is at the moment, but there were some big loans which the DCAs are probably still chasing. Iam only now looking at things as next month sees the first "6 year" anniversary with the first problem. I had contact with lenders, DCAs, door-knockers, etc throughout that year before finally dropping off the radar and disappearing to another part of the country. I was fortunate that I had left an old bank account dormant for 20 years & I have been able to continue to use this. Other than that I don't put my name on anything. No idea which claims proceeded past demands or if any made it to CCJ's (which I believe scuppers the 6 year rule?). I would like to move back to my own part of the country but don't know where to start to see if the all-clear will sound next year........
  15. This maybe a long thread. I will try to keep it short and add info as required. Major concern at the moment is the constant council tax bills. Since May they keep sending me bills for higher amounts because my circumstances have changed. No changes in May though. Quick bit of basic info. I have been off work since 2007 with a prolapsed disc which in turn affects my toilet and bowel works. Originally on IB but now i guess ESA? The job centre call me overy 6 months or so and say hello any change. Then say they will call in another 6 months. In the meantime my Daughter has grown up. Done 6th form and 2 years at college. But her grades in Maths is holding her back from the next stage in the courses. She will be 20 next month. Wife also doing Math's and English courses at a different college to my daughter. I spoke to the Council (Birmingham) in May about the bill. They said its because my daughter has left college. No she is still at college and not due her exams until June. Bill revised and all quiet for a month. Then a late payment letter and they said they didnt receive the proof she was still at college. Sent again. Another bill with the original figures on it. And now 2 weeks later another higher bill. Daughter went to sign on but told she shouldnt sign on until tax credits and family allowance expire. In September she will be starting a Maths and English course. But will she have to sign on still? She is hoping to get a part time job also. But just missed out on one recently. And what happens about this council tax bill? Our money will br drastically reduced yet they want more money? I wont be able to afford to pay it. I dont even know where to go to get advice these days. All the offices seemed to have closed. And the job centre is deserted except about 10 security guards for each person signing on. (exaggerated of course. But it looked that way). Thanks.
  16. Hi everyone. I have used the CAG successfully for debt matters, and I am hoping you will be able to help as I ask for some direction again. My husband had a loan with Barclays about 10 years ago, re-negotiated about 7 years ago, and PPI was added. At the time he says he was told it had to be there, and he wasn't given a choice to have it or not, the general feeling was that they might not give him the loan if he didn't have it, so we think he has been mis-sold PPI and we wish to put a claim in. My problem is I am not sure where to start! We were sent a barclays claim pack over a year ago, but we can't find it. Do we ask for another one? SAR them first? All the threads I have looked at seem to contain people who are mid-way through and dealing with ombudsmen and court! Can someone give me a general step-by-step guide please, or a good first letter to start with? Apologies if I am missing something very obvious.
  17. Lucky me I shall reach the State Pension Age (65) in a few months, and I would appreciate some thoughts on the best way to proceed 1. I currently receive Guaranteed Pension Credit and I have a part time job plus a small works pension 2. I don't intend to stop work at 65 (it would drive me crazy) So, anticipating the soon to arrive bumf from HMG whatis the best course to follw? Defer taking state pension and continue with GPC until such time as I do stop work or?? Any thoughts gratefully received
  18. if my first shift begins at 0400hrs and my employer tells me (with only 9 hours notice...) that my next shift day will start at 0745 hrs, is this legal? does it not have to be 24 hrs notice if the start time changes more than two hrs either way of ( 0400 )? and, does the first shift day then count all week, ie; on the fith day the employer still cannot change the time by more than two hrs ( without 24 hrs notice ), either way. basically, can my shift start time be changed by more than two hrs without 24 hrs notice? thanks
  19. I am really needing some help. I have a house valued at £110,000 and a mortgage of £105,000 which I may need to sell. The only problem is I have a secured loan of £34,000 on my home through Picture (or whoever they are now) which has arreas of £650 and they will only get bigger as I am no longer able to afford the loan. What I am wanting to know is am I allowed to sell my home even though the secured loan won't get paid off. I am intending to rent if I can sell my home. Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't want to sell if I don't have to but will Picture?? take my home even if they won't get any proceeds from the sale.
  20. Got myself into a mess with PDLs and really worried about where start.I've been following some threads on this site and I know that is out there and it's possible to get back track with my finances but I'm just feeling so overwhelmed at moment Here is a breakdown of what I owe Wonga £800 Quick quid £375 Pounds to pocket £600 (150 for four more months) Money shop 500 Cheque shop 600 I've built this debt up over year or so right I'm finding that I do not have any wages left for the rest of the month. I'm paying all my priority debts eg mortgage, council tax etc they are all up to date. My pay day loans are all Upto date this month but I need to work out I'll do before the end of the month when payments are due again. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  21. I would like to try and sort / clean up my account as one day I would like to be ‘’normal’’ have a mortgage again etc. I haven’t heard that much recently from any one, the occasional letter arrived but I just chuck it as im unsure of the process I should follow and not to deal with DCA’s I have a recent copy of my Noodle credit file, most of the debt has been sold on, I have not acknowledged or paid anything towards any debt since 2010, supported by my credit file as they all state default every month. I have no recorded CCJ’s from what I can see. Could someone please advise me on the step by step process on what to request or do next…. I don’t have any account numbers or any paperwork either. Or should I just wait 2 mores years for the debt to be statue barded? Thanks in advance
  22. Hi all I am looking for some basic information at this stage about how to handle swift finances. I don't have the exact figures in front of me but here is the background. About 8 years ago I was very stupid and ran up a lot of unsecured debts. In my wisdom I decided to get a secure loan to clear these and this is what lead me to a deal with Swift Advances in the first place. I struggled for years to make the payments till 2 years ago I was made redundant. I was off work for just under a year and fell very behind both with Swift and my main mortgage company. This all came to a head last November when my main mortgage company applied for a repossession hearing. I had at this time just started back at work, I attended court and succesfuly got a suspended possession order and have made every payment since. This feels under control. At the same time, I was in a similar position with Swift. My original fixed payment to Swift was £505 a month. I explained to them my situation and since last November have made payments of £550 a month, so I am meeting my monthly obligations and clearing the arrears slightly. However, because of some £18,000 of charges Swift have added, the interest now means that Swift need a payment of £814 a month to keep the account in the clear. I can't meet this. Every 2 weeks at the moment Swift ring me and we discuss the account and go round in circles. For the past 2 months they are putting a lot of pressure on me to sell the property as they claim it's in my "best interests". The phone call today told me they'd have a valuation done and advise me to sell sooner rather than later, except their valuation is some £50k less than an independent one I had done last month out of interest. Now, I have no intention of selling my home at the moment. It's my home. I have fought long and hard these past 3 years to get myself back on my feet and I think I'm starting to win. But the pressure from Swift is becoming and increasing burden and I'm actually starting to feel very frightened. I am aware that discussing this with them on the phone may no longer be my best course of action. At the moment I have a month by month agreement with them for the £550 but today the girl that rang said they were unlikely to accept this any further and they refuse to discuss further options with me till I speak to my citizens advice bureau "who will likely advise me to sell also"??? What is my best action here, I want to keep paying as much as I can every month to clear the loan and it seems preposterous that the reason the loan is now so high is their so called charges. What written letters would be best to send at this point? Is the CAB likely to be able to help at all for either side? And I have seen others here recommend complaining to my MP? Is that a wise plan? Any advice gladly received.. I feel like I don't know where to start to fight this but I am totally ready for a fight! Thanks for reading!
  23. A bad day for benefit fraudsters read here more Bailiff bad news http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/14/bailiffs-benefits-claimants-credit-records-dwp and here http://www.sundaypost.com/news-views/uk/bailiffs-to-deter-benefits-cheats-1.268129 MM
  24. Hello, I am looking for some advice about enquiring about PPI. I had a Capital One credit card from 2007 till 2013. I was thinking about enquiring where I was charged for PPI without my knowledge. One prob me is that I only have the last four digits of the card I had. Would Capital one still have my information on hand? What is the best way I go about finding out? Thank you.
  25. I have a lot of debt, all of it is defaulted and I have had my head in the sand for ages and ages. I have literally made no payments for almost 48 months and other than sign up with a company who promised to help me with ppi and reducing debt, I have done nothing and I know I am an idiot - no excuses. I have negative equity in my house but have kept my mortgage payments up to date, as I am self employed my income is up and down, last month really good, this month not so good. I have looked at my debts online and listed it below, a credit card and a loan were taken out in 2008, the rest are older. Most debt is now owned by arrow global. I think there are some ppi claims and lot of the totals are charges. The 1500 credit card was only 600, the rest is interest and charges! credit card 9000 credit card 1000 credit card 1500 credit card 7500 personal loan 12000 personal loan 3500 Bank overdraft 1800 Am I right in thinking that its not too late and something can be done? I was thinking of writing to them all asking if I can make token payments and trying to reduce the totals down? Sorry if this question is basic, but I read a lot on here and Im not sure if some of the older advice on here is still valid as thing change?
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