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  1. Good evening everyone! Here what happened to me this morning(it is actually the text I have just composed to send as an appeal against an unfair decision): I came to St James train station(zone 3) at around 07:09 am. My train was at 07:12 as usual. I wanted to renew my 7 days travel card (zones 1-3), but the ticket machine wasn't working, and I went to the ticket office and asked for help. And the lady behind the glass told me to go across the street to top up at some shop. If I had done so I would have missed my train. Well, I couldn't accept it as I just started a new job, and the person in charge there doesn't like it when people are late, so I could have lost a job over that. Thus I jumped on the train and traveled to the Liverpool Street Station hoping that I would be able to buy my travel card there and avoid coming at work late. When I came to the Liverpool Street Station I asked the staff there to help me out and let me out to the nearest ticket machine to buy my 7 days travel card, but they were not helpful and preferred to issue me with a penalty notice. I believe it was an unfair decision as I was not going to travel without paying, and it was obvious that the fault was not mine and I was going to buy the ticket at the Liverpool Station. You can look up in your records and you will see I regularly buy zones 1-3 travel card. The guys were really eager to make me pay 40 pounds(!!) without even trying to show any sign of understanding my reason, to say nothing of complete lack of intention to consider my concerns/request. The guy named Mohammed said it was my fault and I should have foreseen things could develop that way and I should have come to the station much earlier than three minutes before the train arrival. Then he told me that they(he and another guy of the staff) called the lady at St James Station and she said that she had offered me to buy a ticket to Liverpool Street Station. But in fact she didn't say anything of the kind, she just refused renewing my travel card and suggested me to go across the street to do so. Mohammed, the guy who issued me the penalty notice, made some notes(along with my details - my full name, date of birth and address) describing the situation into his note pad and asked me to sign the text. I refused to do so unless he crossed out the clause about the woman's offer to buy a ticket from her, because it was not true – she didn't make that offer. She just offered me to go across the street to top up my oyster and stared at me in silence with eyes wide open and expression of her face showing no care that in that case I will inevitably miss my train. I am going to appeal against their decision to charge me 40(!) pounds. At the back of the penalty notice there is an email and a post address to make an appeal. Should use those contacts, or anyone had better suggestions? Any advice is very welcome. Thank you very much.
  2. http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2015-06-10/i-feared-for-my-life-says-vulnerable-man-detained-by-supermarket-workers/
  3. Public anger towards Britain’s big six energy firms has generated more than enough heat over the years, and it’s making some firms fear for the safety of their employees. Around 400 staff at British Gas and EDF Energy have been kitted out with stab vests in case of sudden attacks by consumers who either have outstanding bills or, more controversially, tamper with gas and electricity meters to steal energy. The firms’ employees are tasked with investigating energy theft and forcibly fitting homes with pre-payment meters to resolve customer debt. Around 180 of EDF Energy’s staff have been instructed to wear protective vests after a ‘risk assessment’ deemed physical protection necessary against violent customers. Around 200 of British Gas staff have been advised to follow similar precautions. Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/21/energy-firm-staff-issued-with-stab-vests-to-fend-off-angry-customers-5256429/#ixzz3dsnavjVX
  4. Hey guys, recently the shop I work at has had a few issues and I'm hoping to know where I (and a couple others) stand with things. Looking through my paperwork re; issues recently I can't find a copy of my contract. I also do not remember if I ever signed one (I may or may not have). Iirc they have 3 months from me starting to issue me a copy (if I did sign one). If I DIDNT sign one, under what terms am I actually working if anything came to a head? On the above note, several times recently in conversation it's come up that 'staff must be flexible' regarding their hours and that it's stated in our contracts. Without having my contract to hand I've no way of telling if this is true, nor whether there's any stated definition of flexible. Would there be anything that would be standard for this definition?
  5. Lord Mayor of Copenhagen accuses Ryanair of 'social dumping' and bans staff from flying with company on official business In a plot twist worthy of a Nordic Noir serial, the Lord Mayor of Copenhagen has dented Ryanair’s plans to make a killing with its new base in the Danish capital. Frank Jensen, a Social Democrat who has been the city’s Lord Mayor for five years, has banned staff from flying with Ryanair while on official business - even if it means paying much more on the Scandinavian airline SAS. Copenhagen has 45,000 municipal workers. Mr Jensen told the Berlinske newspaper: “We require all of those who deliver services to the municipality, including those who would sell us plane tickets, to offer their employees proper salaries and working conditions.” On his Facebook page, he described Ryanair’s practices as “social dumping.” Ryanair responded by tweeting a picture of Mr Jensen’s face superimposed on Marie-Antoinette’s body, with the slogan: “Let them eat cake!” and “Let them pay high fares!” The Dublin-based airline has a long history of striving to avoid what it sees as onerous labour laws by employing crew on contracts written under Irish law. The Danish trade-union movement is seeking to have this practice overturned, with a case set for next month. Ryanair, which is the biggest budget carrier in Europe, set up a base in Copenhagen this year. It had previously offered flights to the city, though rather than landing in the Danish capital they actually touched down at Malmo in Sweden - on the other side of the bridge between the two nations. Copenhagen is already experiencing strong low-cost competition, with Norwegian and easyJet taking on SAS. Ryanair’s schedule from the capital serves a dozen cities, including London Luton, Madrid and Milan Bergamo.
  6. I recently bought a second hand car from car giant. But I am so disgusted and stressed out by their attitude. 2 weeks ago I went to pick up my vauxhall car from them. ist I was refused to go in as i did not have sales invoice but when I paid over the phone nothing was issued neither was sent by email to prove, after collecting the car found out car boot not opening. asked me wait till car is repaired by their work shop but in the end agree to pay the cost if I take to the vauxhall garage . nearly 3 weeks I have not had time to go the garage and take the hassle time to get it right. then I was given only 1 set of key instead of 2 which was promised during sales and later sent the 2nd key by post. I want the admin fee fee paid £98 to be returned. please support my view
  7. I was offered a house which was in dilapidated condition from the council. At the time an acquaintance tried to sort me out with a shared private let, rather than move into this house of horrors, but this fell through. The council deemed me intentionally homeless because of this. I was refused access to my housing officer and refused my right to make a complaint about the property, at the time when i had to make a decision. I had a couple of days time frame to make this decision. My appeal failed and i was to be cast onto the streets like a leper, but fortunately luck was on my side. An near impossible feat for an unemployed person in Edinburgh, i found a private let through an x-landlord i was with while i was at university here. So my question is, how long does this unusual punishment last if you are struck of by a council? Is that it for you? are you just left to die on the streets or maybe luckily find a prison cell? https://www.flickr.com/photos/124422960@N08/with/14339100655/ some pictures from a temporary accommodation dwelling courtesy of Edinburgh council and associated partners. A few of my holiday snaps heres the house i refused
  8. I am sitting in on a disciplinary with a work colleague.He was working from an outer station when someone mentioned that they didn't get the job they applied for regardless of the experience they had.The colleague in question mentione dunder his breath,something that wa snot heard, but fearing it was, he immediately phoned the manager and said what he said.He is now being disciplined for staff harmony issues...Is this allowed even though nothing was heard and the person in question never put in a complaint/It is just hearsay, although the colleaguie admitted what he said................We think it is being dealt with by the manager brcasue the colleague put in a grievance against them a few months ago and the manager wants to get their own back.
  9. There has been a new guide issued in relation to Housing benefits and the recovery of any and all overpayments it was issued on the 27/02/2015 and this can now be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/housing-benefit-overpayments-guide This guide covers all aspects of Housing Benefit overpayments, including: what is an overpayment classification and recovery of overpayments calculating overpayments recovering overpayments decision notices appeals courts and civil proceedings the legal requirements This guidance is not intended to be an authoritative statement of the law. The law is set out in the: Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992 Social Security Administration Act 1992, as amended regulations and orders made under those acts
  10. I work security. that bits simple My boss who is the Facilities manager has just been told as they supervise security staff they must have a Non-front line licence. The lay out of the companies involved is below. the Building owner appointed a property management company. That company breaks into 2 sub companies One side property management, the other, people who work at the buildings like Facilities managers. the property side appoints its preferred security contractor who then supplies the officers My onsite boss, the Facilities manager who is a direct employee of the client company (not a contractor/agency) has been told they can no longer talk to me about building matters or security until they get a Non-front line licence. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55909[/ATTACH] Strange
  11. Hi all, this is my first visit I have a 14 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, which is a form of Autism. He has obsessive tendencies, which is one of the symptoms, and as such 'demands' that I take him to his favourite places on a Saturday. I approached my employer and asked for my hours to be amended to accommodate this and was open and honest and explained the situation fully. They made me fill in the relevant forms, and then knocked me back, stating their reasons, all of which dont hold any water. They first claim cost when I proved that cost would be zero and also that they couldnt 'cover my duty' of a Saturday, when I have evidence that my job has been covered every time that I was off on holiday on a Saturday. I have since become absent due to stress and anxiety and have attempted to contact my manager by email, requesting various documentary evidence that he claims to have to support him, but he has not answered three emails. My simple question is, where do I go next? Any help greatly appreciated
  12. Hi People, I have been on the NHS temporary staffing for over 4 years and working full time during this time for 37.5 hours each week. I understand that I should have the same rights as a full time employee now since I have been on the temp bank for this long. I have been sick for 3 days over Christmas with the flu and I have been told that i am not entitled to any sick pay as I am only entitled to SSP if I have been sick for 4 or more days and because I am a temporary worker I am do not qualify for occupational sick pay. Is this correct and legal???
  13. A leaked staff memo at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) appears to show the government is still struggling to roll out its flagship welfare programme, universal credit (UC), across the UK. More Here: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/oct/27/universal-credit-leaked-memo-scheme-rollout
  14. In Feb 2014 I transferred from First Utility to Scottish Power, having been told by "The Big London Energy Switch" that SP could handle readings from my electricity Smart Meter. It quickly became clear that they could not, we switched back to First Utility. Scottish Power had garbled our meter number, claiming we did not have the electricity Smart Meter! They also failed to agree transfer readings, resulting in a 74kWh overcharge where both companies charged for that block of electricity. They know what the correct meter readings were. After numerous complaints, which never get dealt with, a nd my wife spending several hours on the phone over the past four months, I am considering Court action. What is a reasonable amount to expect as compensation for the ongoing delay and incompetence?
  15. i have used south west trains for many years and found that a lot of there staff are very rude, lazy and aggressive. i have been cheated in buying a ticket, i have been spoken to rudely and as if I'm a piece of sh*t, staff are lazy and don't know when the trains are going to arrive, or why there cancelled or delayed, i have even been dragged to one of the supervisors at waterloo station barriers because i didn't have a ticket by a young enthusiastic member of staff and was shouting to his superior while dragging me to I'm shouting (iv caught one i caught one) i had to explain that i could not buy a ticket because there was a power cut or something where the ticket off was closed, the machine was closed and i could not top up my oyster card or purchase a ticket because there was no power around the area, Has any one had any bad run ins with staff on south west trains??
  16. Hi, My son has recently been having issues with gas supplier, despite constant emails and letters to them, they've not responded or come to fix his gas meter. He can't phone them due to suffering with nerves and anxiety. He gets really panicky on a phone, and it causes breathing issues. He has explained this, but still no reply. For some reason, which to be honest I can't figure out, he decided to see what the usual time for a response is at other types of shop. So he emailed a complaint to 2 different high street stores, one cafe, and an internet only site. He emailed a false complaint, to see how quickly people would reply to him to see if he was being unreasonable expecting a quicker response from his gas supplier. He got an email back from one of them, wanting more info, which he made up and gave them. Now an issue he made up, is being investigated. His plan was to wait for them to get in touch again, and then explain his situation that he was investigating average response times to complaints. But I'm worried he's actually going to get himself in trouble for the lies. Is there a legal issue here, or is it just a nuisance complaint? either way, I'm making him email them now to explain but want to know if there's any legal issues that present themselves or if it's something stores deal with often, and just gets brushed aside as a waste of time. Thanks for understanding
  17. Hello, I recently left my job at the Royal Bank of Scotland - no banker bashing please as I'm in the process of taking them to tribunal. As an employee I applied for a staff season ticket loan to pay for my annual train ticket with the balance being repaid through my salary over a number of months. Since leaving the company I am now receiving numerous telephone calls from their collections department threatening a default if I don't pay. The only agreement was an internal form signed by my line manager at the time, there was no credit check or anything like that. I would appreciate some guidance on how to proceed with this as it's my understanding that without a CCA they can't enforce this on me? I can upload a copy of the document if required. Thanks in advance.
  18. This isi a bit of an odd one - wondering if anyone can help. Earlier today due to a ton of engineering works on practically every line possible, I was travelling via Chiltern Railway from Harrow to Marylebone and then onwards to the other side of london. As a young female travelling alone, I was very anxious about not missing the last train home, so i specifically asked the TfL staff (the guys wearing the blue jumper with logo and carrying radios) when the last return train back to Harrow from Marylebone was - he radioed through and then confirmed to me it was 12:20 am. beaing that in mind on my return jounrey i ensured i arrived back in marylebone by around midnight, only to find out that all the info i was given was wrong and i had already missed the last train. I had no choice but to go outside and pick p a cab, during which time i was hassled by a gang of drunk men for over 20 mins which was very distressing , anfd finally i anaged to get into a cab and it cost me over 50 Pounds to get back home. Needless to say i am extremely ****ed off that i was told the wrong info by TFL who actually radioed through -- hw does this happen?! also when i got back to harrow, the staff there told me i should write in to tfl and complain explaining this in detail as the radio calls are recorded and i should be compensated. I have just submitted something by email in anger (i have just got home!) but i was wondering if anyone had any better advice on how to approach this. I am very annoyed about a) being over 50 pounds out of pocket and b) having had such a distressing journey home causing me stress and anxiety, all because TfL could not get their facts right. This was on a day that even without the mishap took over 1.5 hrs to travel a few miles due to horrendous engineering works. Is there anything that can be done about this??
  19. I spoke to the team at knowhow in sheffield today on the issue of my broken laptop. To cut a long story short I spoke to an operative who was in effect acting as a go between, relaying info to her manager then back to me. An issue came up regarding collection of the product and I asked to speak directly with her manager. A man came on the phone and announced himself as "chris". He then proceeded to be very rude, talking over me, being extremely agressive and bombastic, he would not listen to my case and just kept repeating the same phrase over and over again in a very irritating way which I believe to be deliberate to inflame me. I however remained calm and objective despite his nasty behaviour. I asked to complain about him and he refused to put me on to someone with whom icould make a complaint. I really feel this man should be repremanded for his behaviour and would like an apology at least. What can I do about this?
  20. So, the wife and I needed new laptops, and we saw the offer of £100 cash back. To be doubly sure that the offer applied, I rang their customer service line to ask if I could click and reserve both computers in one transaction, or whether we had to buy them separately to get the full £200. I was advised that I would get £100 off EACH laptop and only needed to do one transaction. I therefore went ahead and reserved the laptops, and went down to pick them up from Currys/PC World Derby. "39 Bruce" served me, and I again checked with him that it was okay to put both laptops on one transaction. He assured me that it would be fine, and duly processed the sale - issuing me with TWO claim forms with separate cash back reclaim numbers. He pointed out the dates for claiming, and seemed to fully understand the terms of the offer. I now come to make the claims, and have had one rejected as there is a maximum of ONE voucher per person. It appears that I should have gone to the store with my wife, and bought the laptops separately. So, a word of warning. DO NOT ASSUME that CURRYS / PC WORLD staff know what they are talking about. If they are unable to properly advise on their own promotions can you really believe what they tell you about other companies computers or electrical goods. I have all the paperwork, and will be taking legal action against them for a clear breach of CPUT 2008. I just wonder how many thousand's of pounds they have squirmed out of paying by the mis-advice of their staff, or making customers go through hoops to make their claim?
  21. Hi, i wanted some advice 3 days ago i was walking around my local supermarket when i got banged in my left hip when i turned round there stood a staff member with a big metal flatbed trolley, i was in alot of pain she apologised she said she had seen me but gathered i would of moved by the time she turned the flatbed trolley, i walked off and stood hoping the pain would subside which it didn't I sought a member of staff telling them what had happened, he advised me to go to customer services, i did while in alot of pain they got a a first aider which took a while to arrive who then took me to the first aid room and applied some ice on the area, a manager came in and took details when they were finished they said i could go, no offer of assitance with helping me with the rest of my shopping, i will also add i had my young son with me, when i got back i emailed asda to complain not just about the staff member who clearly was so much in a rush she took no regard for someone stood there but also the way i was ushered away after. Then this morning i get a letter saying sorry and a £10 gift card!! i went to the doctors who said i need to be on painkillers as its the muscle i have hurt, i am still in pain with this, it is causing me to hardly get any sleep! i can't drive as i am on co codamol, and i am a care giver for my dad so i am having to seek help with this also! Sorry for the rant i am trying to find a way forward, i have suffered enough but i was just glad it wasnt a younger child or elderly person who was in my position and them to send me £10 to be honest is more of an insult. Thanks in advance
  22. I will be starting college in September coming and I am looking to be able to get some work using a hospital bank. The problem is, is that I am having trouble finding a staff bank. If there is anyone that knows the website that I can use to find some work will you please be able to let me know. Thanks
  23. a member of staff was given a car by the company however has not returned it to us - any ideas
  24. I have tried to find out if there is a legal requirement for a minimum number of staff to be on site for safety reasons.I.E. If ther ewas only 1 member of staff/employee working, and that person had an accident or heart attack or fell ill etc, then no-one would know about it until the staff came in the next day.Is it therefore a legal requirement that at least 2 members of staff should be at work?.If so,please give me a link to the relevant law.many thanks
  25. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/study-bank-staff-still-mis-selling-000724699.html#rrOy79k
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