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  1. Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me or provide some advice on what i need to do: I live in Birmingham City Centre and have received a number of Parking Tickets from Premier Parking Logistics- these notices are usually issued during the night time. Upon advice from blogs etc i have ignored these Parking Ticket due to them being unregistered with the appropriate parking authorities and a certain Mr W*lton W*lkins being the owner or previous owner of the company. I have racked up about 4-5 of these notices and now they have passed this to a company called DCBL (debt recovery company) they have written to me at an address where i no longer live - they also spelt my name incorrectly. They have somehow obtained my address and written to me advising i owe them £160. £100 for the Parking Ticket and £60 admin fee. On the back of the letter conveniently hidden it says "This case is not subject to High Court or Bailiff Action" firstly yes i have written to the DVLA to request who they have given my information to and i have not acknowledged any of these letters or contacted DCBL or Premier Parking. Has anyone else had any issues with Premier Parking & a Debt Recovery Company and if so how was it resolved? I appreciate any advise or help!
  2. Hi i have received a letter from Argos Financial recovery services requesting the full balance of my account or they will consider passing my account to a third party who may commence proceedings against me in the county court or sheriff court. I see this as very threatening and intimidating. I lost my job just before xmas 2016 and spoke to Argos to explain that i couldn't afford payments but am now at present back in full time employment and my direct debit has been reinstated and a payment was made on the 12th of April with the letter from Argos dated the 16th of april. I phone Argos to explain that i was now in a position to keep my monthly payment up but they were not even interested as it had been passed on to the recovery department. and demanded i fill out a personal financial statement to see how much i can afford although i am paying anyway. I feel that they are just trying to frighten people like myself into making full payments. Any advice would be appreciated as i am very frustrated with these complete Muppets.:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x
  3. HI everyone my first post on this site as i am in a bit of a pickle around 2 years ago at my gym ( which also happens to be a hotel & restaurant ) company called "millennium door and event security randomly turned up and decided to start slapping tickets on everyones cars ( gym users , hotel stayers & restaurant eaters all included ) as you can imagine there was quite the uproar with many complaints going to the hotel manager about this whom seemingly was unaware what exactly was going on ,but someone within the hotel had agreed that millennium could start ticketing peoples cars under the pretence that they were " managing the car park " i imagine of course the hotel would receive a percentage of any " charges recovered " i avoided the whole thing for a while although i will admit things like this make my blood boil as this business model is created to inflict misery on innocent people and to generate pure profits for the robbers that own these companies i cannot believe that in 2017 companies like this are still allowed to get away with slapping tickets on peoples cars on land they have absolutely no affiliation with anyway around a year ago i damaged some ligaments in my leg , i still attended my gym as there was a good physiotherapist there and i liked to use the pool facility however for around 5-6 months i was unable to walk distances and therefore i would use the disabled spaces provided by the hotel this is where the problems began everytime i would return from using the facilitys i would find a "ticket" on my windscreen i must have collected around 20 of them in 6 months however as i pay a monthly fee for my gym i believed i was more than entitled to use the private disabled parking space provided by the hotel and simply ignored the nonsense tickets i can remember even querying this with the gym manager who said the rules do not apply to patrons and members ( the sign millennium door and event security had put up even mentions this ) i kept throwing the tickets away and thought nothing more of it , until i started receiving mountains of letters from "max recovery" and "goldstones solicitors" more con artists i ignored all these swell thinking it was all huffing and puffing trying to bully money out of me next thing i am being served county court papers from some business centre in Nottingham ( 200 miles from where i live ) first i received one claim stating i owe £400 - this was the first one and i actually went to court with expecting somebody to see sense and throw it in the bin gladstone rocked up with 3 solicitors and had carefully analysed every single defence point i had I'm not joking they must have spent more time on this than the OJ simpson trail myself and the magistrate had lost all interest by the end and the court awarded them the full amount minus a little bit of interest they were trying to claim i ended up paying these ba*stards £374 in full they were not prepared to negotiate a payment plan of any type then a few months later i receive one stating i owe another £350 - by this point i had enough and just threw it in the bin ( i know stupid ) the judgement defaulted and they yet again get the result they so desperately wanted along with a CCJ which has now been handed to DCBL aka don't pay we will take it away i also have another case with them waiting to go to court for another £400 - but i have been clever in dragging this one out for along as i possible can by switching addresses and saying i am out of the country for 5 months but i have no doubt that gladstone will be after this one like a dog after a bone too anyway its the defaulted one they have a cci for i am most concerned about at the moment because i live with my parents and where as if i was on my own i simply wouldnt even acknowledge they're existence and would potentially consider an acceptable level of force to remove them from my property ( yes i feel that strongly about it ) my mother is old and would get frightened easily if 2 burly debt collection attack dogs and a camera crew turned up at the door one day i am aware there is no where else to really turn now I have accepted i will have to pay the criminals £350 and be thankful for it however like most ordinary people who don't con others on a daily basis i don't actually have a spare £350 just laying around to pay them i am insolvent and live on very little i am going to ring DCBL tomorrow to see if i can pay £50 a month I'm already anticipating they will politely decline this and i notice there is no way to contact them via email ( meaning no paper trail of attempted negotiations for court ) so assuming this will probably end up in high court a few questions 1) could a £350 debt even incur a high court writ and if not does it just go back to county court what sanctions do they take 2) i am aware you can ask the court to set aside the judgement or set up a payment plan however they want £50 minimum to do either of these extremely difficult tasks and seeing as the debt is £350 I'm not sure its really worth it to add another 50 on 3) is it worth speaking to citizens advice or will they just give me barrel answers 4) the outstanding judgement thats waiting to go to court could anyone help me on here with a defence ? because obviously my last one didnt work very well sorry i know the post is long but this is literally so frustrating if i had actually incurred a debt with someone for a service or goods they had provided i would of paid up straight away however these "debts" have seemingly appeared out of thin air i still after all thisl fail to see the damage I've actually caused to warrant nearly £1000 pounds worth of parking charges all i did was park at my gym thanks to anyone that takes the time to respond
  4. Morning everyone Back in October Myself and another friend popped into see a friend and drop off/collect some bits and pieces at his flat from a project we working in together. At his estate there are many residents bays for the private owners and housing association residents plus a small area for loading and unloading items as its a fair walk to the flats across the garden if you've got shopping etc As I was just dropping bits off I stopped off in the loading and unloading area which is not at all sign posted, no warnings etc, got on with with seeing my friend whilst chatting on the way out the door a very well known resident who is also very unliked but virtually everyone who lives at the estate burst out the door saying he had photographed my car and was reporting it for not being parked correctly. Minutes later he was messaging my other friend, who was parked next to me for the same amount of time doing the same thing as me (and clearly visible in the photograph as his car is bright yellow!) saying that he won't report his car as he'll give him a bit of leeway but he's reported mine as he doesn't like me (pathetic I know!) esidents at this estate can have an app on their phones for reporting parking issues on behalf of ukcpm There was many a heated conversation about this subject, many people involved and even the management committee for the estate (he's on the residents directors committee) I received a letter from cpm with the photo attached clearly showing both cars etc But this letter said on it a notice had been attached to my car, the appeal date had passed and I had no responded, it's now escalated and cost has increased!! I appealed this anyway outlining the whole story to which ukcpm just sent a standard rejection letter back. I was advised by many other residents to just ignore it, they're not enforceable "fines" and don't worry 6 months on I've had a letter from Debt recovery plus. I've done a fair bit of research and most threads here say ignore and don't pay them but nothing too recent. In the letter they say a landmark court case was won in November 2015 at the Supreme Court which was found in favour of the car park operator after my long story my question is should I be worried? I've got messages, phone calls and a video of the reporting resident having a rant about why he did it etc nd shows clearly in the notice another car next to me that was not reported Just after some advice and opinions really, thanks in advance
  5. Hi everybody, I've been pointed in this direction by a reddit user for help relating to a Parking Charge Notice. I took my car to my local garage to get an MOT check done on 01/09/2016. The owner then drove the car to the MOT garage and parked it up inside and then returned back to his garage. A few hours later I hadn't received a phone call yet to say it had been completed so I rang up to find out that my car was OK to collect. I then made my way there and collected my car from the (private) parking lot less than 30 meters away from the MOT garage. Fast-forward a week or so and I've received a letter in the post saying my car was broke the allowed parking period in the car park and I need to pay a fine for £100, I replied to the letter stating the address of my local garage and to take it up with them - I then received an email a month later saying that the time period had ran out and I had to pay urgently - I reminded them that I sent a letter in the post some time later I received this response I then replied with this email (1, 2) using a template I was advised to use. I then explained to take this matter up with my local garage and the MOT centre. I then received this. What should my next action be? I'm really not in a position to be able to afford £100 so close to Christmas. My local garage has told me that they can vouch that I wasn't the person who drove the car there/parked it in the space. Any ideas? Thanks in advance EDIT: I now have a signed and stamped note from the doctors saying I was there when this incident took place. I've managed to find my google location history showing the time I dropped the car off at my local garage and when I picked it up from the MOT centre, this is attached. My local garage has said if it goes to court they will provide further evidence that I didn't have the car after 9am until Also included text to girlfriend with date and timestamp. Omitted names etc for confidentiality EDIT 2 - it turns out I cant include links or images, any idea on this first?
  6. I'll keep it short but include all necessary details. I started a foundation degree with the Manchester College in September 2011. I was on the course for 6/7 months and then I dropped out. I never informed Student Finance and I just informed my college that I was dropping out. I am not sure if my college then in turn informed Student Finance or not but I never received any further payments after I dropped out (I know that much). I am not going to lie and say I know all the figures of what I borrowed or how much I was actually paid. upon checking the student loan repayment website, it says I owe £4099.70 as of 31/03/2016 (this amount may have changed now, I'm not sure). I was in employment from September 2013 up until January 2015 where I ticked that I had a student finance and my employer was automatically making payments on my behalf but I didn't actively keep track of them, I just remember seeing them on my payslips. I then didn't pay anything off my student loans until my most recent employer who I started with in November 2015 and have just left this month (January 2017). I have some payslips (not all) to say that money has been taken out of my salary for payments towards student loan repayment. I can maybe get a copy of all my payslips from my old company if needed. Out of nowhere I have received a letter from a company called Akinika Debt Recovery who I believe from my research used to be called IQOR. They now say I owe them £1087 and they have made attempts to contact me by phone, SMS & this letter. I haven't spoken to them as of yet and I didn't want to until posting here. I have no idea why they are suddenly contacting me regarding this SLC debt as I was under the impression I was paying them through my employer (up until my redundancy this month). The only thing I can think is that my former employer has been collecting payments from me for the debt but has not paid SLC or because of my redundancy SLC have passed the debt onto Akinika. I am going to ring the HR department tomorrow and seek there advice as to if they have paid them or not. I have no idea what to do or who to turn to or whether to make contact with Akinika or not to see if they have ended up with the debt, but I don't know if contacting them is the wrong thing to do . Should I try and contact SLC and see what they say? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Edit: Also just as a side note, I have never received anything from SLC. This is the first that I have heard of this debt (besides knowing about it already)
  7. Hi there, My daughter was caught shoplifting 13th December with two other girls, all 17yrs old, at Primark. My daughter had a £10 top in her bag and it was her first offence, the other girls had similar items but have been caught before. My daughter was brought home after been "warned" by police and the other two received a caution. On New Years Eve my daughter received a letter from RLP Civil Recovery Specialists demanding payment from all or one of the three girls totalling £232 or court action will be taken. Now after reading posts on here, speaking with CABS and also reading Google historic pages I am more confused than ever as to whether my daughter should pay some, all or anything at all to this company. Three things mainly concern me: * How can they ensure one or all will pay and if one doesn't when do the others become liable? * If we pay nothing will this jeopardise my daughters chances of getting employment in the future? I work for a bank and had to jump through hoops to prove my employability and credit file. (NOTE: she lost her apprenticeship due to her diabetes related sickness the week after the incident so is now out of work, full time education and no training) * Will they send in the debt collectors if nothing is received from us? My daughter has been on a downward spiral for the past month or so and this is not helping at all. She is receiving help from her diabetes team for her mental health but this is putting far too much strain on an already struggling person. I really don't know what to do. Please, any help is hugely appreciated....
  8. I took out a Unsecured Personal Loan with Halifax online in December 2011. I was NEVER asked questions like, can you afford the payments, are you employed/unemployed, and I certainly was not asked about my income. This have got so bad I am currently on an IVA - Halifax increased the IVA from 5 years to 6 years forcing me to pay for longer. I am now wondering if bankruptcy is the best option. Do I have a claim that Halifax lent to me irresponsibly without going through my finances first?
  9. I live in Scotland Last autumn I parked in a retailers car park and done some shopping at that particular retailers. I was gone for just under an hour and then drove home. A few weeks later I received a parking charge notice stating I had overstayed my 2 hour limit which was untrue. I wanted to contact them but I was advised not to contact them what so ever. I've ignored a few of their letters but have just received a threatening letter from a DRA called Debt Recovery Plus. What's the best course of action?
  10. Hi, Some history into what has happened: I parked a family members car in a Morrisons car park two days in a row and was over the "free 2 hours" each time. Soon after they received two PCN's from Euro Car Parks which I told them to ignore. They have now received two letters from Debt Recovery Plus stating if they do not pay they can take the matter to court. No response has been made to this company either and the date to contact them has now passed. The family member is now worried they may be taken to court. As no contact has been made and it is now passed the deadline date I'm not sure what to do: Keep ignoring them? Tell them it was me driving? Get the family member "registered keeper" to contact them? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
  11. Hello all. On August 12th a charge notice has been issued to my car by Ace Security known as Pace Recovery & Storage. Pleasse have a look at the picture (google street map) how the place looks like: Around October 20th I've got this letter from Gladstones Solicitors: In a heat of changing a job and starting a new one, which is quite demanding, I completely forgot to do anything about this letter. Yesterday I've got another correspondence from Gladstones which is a Claim Form, so they taking me to the court now. There are a couple of more papers attached: response pack, ridiculous Admission(specified amount) and defence and counterclaim(specified amount). I do not have a problem with paying fines if it is legal, which I believe is not the case here. If I was there that day or not, or I borrowed the car it is immaterial. I do understand that I should now go online and tick the box of defending my case fully and not pay anything. What would be your advice?
  12. Hi, I recently lost an appeal via POPLA for a PCN. I never received a reminder with regards to the PCN having to be paid (I do have issues with mail in my flat, so things occasionally get lost etc). The original cost would have been £80. I now have a letter from Debt Recovery Plus stating that I owe £160. When I go back to the PCN website to pay the charge, it states it has been passed onto debt recovery. I know in the past the advise has been to ignore. However, a friend of mine did this continually and eventually had bailiffs round clamping cars etc. I have appealed tons of tickets and won via POPLA so am a bit lost at this stage. Is my only option now to pay the £160 to DRP? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi, After a long time, on a different subject. We have been overpaid about £1500 during June 2015 till May 2016 which is not disputable, also there was an discretionary payment of 2000 maid to us in 2014 of which £700 was aid back and further about £500 has duly been recovered by weekly deductions. In the meantime, in July 2014 we entered into n IVA which was duly notified to the council , still they continued to recover ignoring the letter from IVA company. both the recoveries/deductions are coming together to almost £100 pm. However, my IVA is about to be failed because of affordability and exploring possibilities of DRO or BK. What are the options available for me to prevent from paying the remaining of almost £2500 towards overpayment of the hB CT Please help
  14. Hello all, This year I have got a parking ticket when I came to see a movie. Apparently the car park just in front of cinema doors belongs to another Bingo company and is controlled with UKPC. I didnt even noticed small signs saying its the car park just for Bingo registered users only and after the movie found a NTD. It was issued 9-4-2016 with 100£ fine. Back home I went through the forums and threads looking for information and noticed that the best thing is just ignore it. in 10-05-2016 I received NTK from UKPC reminding me their fees which I also ignored. After 15 days another letter came up with Final reminder to pay and that I burn in hell. There was a paragraph sounding like this: "Your vehicle was in breach of the terms and conditions of parking which were clearly and prominently displayed and agreed by the driver when your vehicle was parked on private land. Despite issuing Parking Charge and writing to you previously we (UK Parking Control) have not received payment . If, after a period of 14 days, (beginning with the day after this notice is given) the amount requested in this notice has not been paid in full the charge will be passed to debt recovery. If necessary, County Court proceedings will be commenced against you for the amount outstanding, interest and court costs. If the Court orders Judgment against you and payment of that Judgment is not made this may affect your ability to borrow money or obtain credit in the future. A warrant may also be issued by the Court's appointed bailiff to recover the payment. At this point you would also become liable for the additional fees of the bailiff." I ignored that too. On 10-06-2016 I have received letter from DRP (Debt Recovery Plus Ltd) which sounds like this: "Demand for payment of an unpaid parking charge £160.00 Our client has written to you recently about the unpaid parking charge detailed above. As they have not received payment, they have referred the matter to us for collection. Supreme Court of the United Kingdom - landmark court decision On 4th November 2015 a landmark judgment was handed down in favour of a parking operator who took a motorist to court for non payment of a typical parking charge. This case was seen as an important 'test case' due to the complex legal arguments used by both sides. The ruling sets a legally binding precedent on all similar cases for the whole United Kingdom. You now need to pay the amount due of £160. Please make sure that your payment reaches us no later than 20/06/2016. You can pay online.. waffle waffle... What if you don't pay what you owe If yo uare liable for thios charge and do not pay the full amount by 24/06/2016 or if you not agreed a payment option with us by then, we will recommend to the creditor that court action should be taken to recover what you owe." Now I am not sure shoud I continue ignoring or do something as all the forum threads I read was written in 2014 and not sure about the law changes.. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Hi all I've been dealing with the company guardian recovery limited over the past few days and have to say they are the worst company i have ever dealt with. My wife owes a debt to a veterinary clinic of £139. To cut a long story short my wife simply forgot to pay the bill (the cat died so it was out of sight out of mind type thing) Then after hearing nothing guardian recovery started chasing me for the debt and threatening court since the beginning. I refused to accept liability on the off chance they did actually take it to court. I should point out that i never signed any agreement with the vet, which the vet agrees with and have offered to provide my wife with the signed agreement in her name. They told me they didn't care and i am liable, i asked for their complaints department and was told i am an idiot and they won't bother looking at my complaint. I told them i would formally dispute the debt in writing and was told the same thing (i have put in a complaint and dispute anyway). The last conversation i had with them was today and told them i will not deal with them anymore and will instruct my wife to deal with the vet and was told it wouldn't matter they would carry on chasing me even if it was paid to the vet. 5 minutes later my wife was on the phone to the vet and they told her that they won't deal with her as they just had an email from guardian recovery saying if they take payment from my wife then they will be liable for the fees. I have been getting daily calls from then which i don't answer anymore and several emails a day. One email stated that they would be calling round to my house or place of work to make a list of assets that will be seized if i don't pay. I know this is a bunch of b.s without a ccj Several emails have threatened Bankruptcy/winding up proceedings. Again b.s and completely disproportionate to the level of debt. The last week i have been getting letters from a solicitor from Leighton Croft & Partners which is a trading style of Guardian Recover Limited. The first said i have 7 days to pay or "you will have to stand before a judge and explain your actions" lol. I got another on Monday with 7 days to pay, then i got one this morning saying that's it we are putting in court papers today. Yes these guys are terrible at maths to. The debt is also £183.9 now but i have had no mention of fees and i'm pretty sure the solicitor named on the email isn't even a solicitor. So all in all I'm getting some good laughs from them but also getting fed up of the threats and wondering what action i can take. My wife is willing to ring up the vet in the morning and pay but they won't accept payment from her. BTW these people are the same people as Clear Debt Solutions.
  16. Hi, I received a letter from horizon parking about 4 months ago saying that I had overstayed in the car park by about 7/8 hours, I wrote to them to appeal saying that I had not stayed that long when I had actually gone in earlier in the morning then came back in the afternoon as well I don't think the camera caught me going out or back in only caught me coming in the morning and going out in the evening it looked like I had stayed for the full time there. They asked me for receipts to prove I had been in but who actually keeps receipts. I asked a friend what to do and ignored the reply and now I've received this letter from Debt Recovery Plus saying I need to pay them. What is the best option for me as I don't want to pay the fine as it's definitely not my fault. Will they take me to court?
  17. Hiya Ive opened my mail this morning to find a letter from LCS Debt Recovery for Tax Credits Debt of £2655.00 which has just floored me . Ive rang the Tax Credit enquiries line to find out where this has arisen and been informed its from the years 2008/2009. Ive been divorced since 2010 and continued claiming Tax Credits ever since as I was lucky enough to have my children live with me. Apparently the amount claimed ny the recovery team is only half of the amount, Ive informed Tax Credits that I wasnt aware of the overpayment and had never seen the paperwork that they have sent through that year or I would have arranged repayment and to not hear anything for 7 years then a Debt Collection letter land through my door has left me in shock. The Tax credit representative has put in the post to me the overpayment bill for that year and the calculations made so I can see it for my own eyes. Im now living with my partner who is disabled and she claims ESA for the 2 of us and have 2 14 year old boys and a 9 year old girl. As ive said this has really floored me and my partner has serious health issues that are stress related and has to avoid stress at all costs and this bill for £2655.00 isnt helping the situation and its from my previous marriage. Can anyone advise what I can do or help in this matter plz?? Ive been told by the tax credits to contact the debt company and arrange payment. They also stated that the paperwork can take upto 12 weeks to come through and that the Collection would continue during this period, and that there is a dispute letter I can complete but im afraid once the payments start with the Debt company its acknowledgment of the debt and once the debt collection company get their teeth in they dont let go. Hadituptohere
  18. hi, On wednesday 23/03/2016 i was travelling as I am used to from ilkley to go work in leeds, I have a metro card that i top up every month, this one expired on 22/03/2016. As I was in a rush I did not want to miss the train I did not buy a ticket from the station i assumed I could do so on the train, on board no guard came offered fares as I was expecting. When I arrived i then decided to go and buy the ticket from the platform. I was then stopped by a guard and telling me i to fill inn the paper... The guard took my travel card receipt covering for the period from 23/02/2016 to 22/03/2016. Opened the gates and let me go. I then went to the nearest payzone and topped up my metro card covering period from 23/03/2016 to 22/04/2016 INCLUDING wednesday 23/03/2016. I am now very concerned about this situation in here as I did not do anything wrong. The agent who took my details saw my passport and Iam sure i spelled my name correctly but for some reason I received a letter with my first name spelt wrong. My question is will I be prosecuted for this ? this was the first time this has ever happened to me. I am flabbergasted as i was not trying to be dishonest that is not my nature.. but then I receive that letter accusing me of fare evasion. I am really worried I don't want to have it on my records and ruin my future. Can any one help me ? Much appreciated Thank you S.S
  19. I have received 3 recovery letters from Indigo Car Parking (also known as PCN Admin, ZZPS) in respect of recovery of a parking ticket that has been cancelled. Every time I receive a new letter, I respond with the email confirming cancellation, but the letters keep coming. Does anyone known what I can do to stop this nonsense?
  20. Came here to look for info for a friend and just read the other recent posts on DRP. The parking charge date was 29th Jan 2014. Contested straight away at the time. DRP demanding pymnt and IMO to ignore, as if it got to court so many reasons they would lose.
  21. I am looking to bring a debt recovery agency to court on the grounds that they have no proof of a debt that i held. I asked for documentation to prove the the debt which they are yet unable to produce. Below is the full story. I would really love some advice and information My reasoning for bringing them to court is because there is no accountability with this debt. No paper trail, no nothing. When i asked the company 5 months back to show me where this debt had come from they were unable to produce the documents" it came from a santander account i closed 4 years ago at £0. I was then sent a letter (8 months later) saying that i owed santander £688. When i contacted santander to ask why this was i was informed that it was down to a sky bill that was due to come out of my account. I did pay thatbwill so im not sure how this happened. supposedly this was just a £30 charge and it kept snowballing as i didnt pay the £30 (I knew nothing about) and so on and so on. When i called into the bank to speak with the manager they informed me that i had to pay the fee. I asked why i was never told when i was closing the account that these would still be direct debit or why wasnt i informed sooner before it reached this unpayable amount. If i got a loan from the bank i would have felt morally obliged to pay it but i wasnt paying back something that i never borrowed. It was then passed on to robinson way where i left it until the past 6 months as i now am applying for a mortgage. I was young and never taught how a bank operated, to screw the people. I always just thought it was there to store my money. These are things that should be taught in school. i now have a bit of insight and i want to fight this. Any advice would be much appreciated. The road i have taken is for this company to show documents which until this day the cannot. Thanks all
  22. hi i hope you can help me i am new to CAG! to cut a long story short in september 2014 the sales person sold us a conservatory in our home and it was agreed the sizes etc and that the entrance in to the conservatory from the kitchen would be flat. the contract was signed on this basis and also that it would be completed asap as we had a new baby on the way. the company was a complete joke to deal with and we tried to pull out of the contract in the december 2014 because the director spoke to my husband like he was something he walked in and said the conservatory wouldn't start until March 2015. we were threatened with paying 70% of costs so we had to stay with them as we couldn't afford to do this. then the director said they could start end of december (i think this was because my husband told him the contract stated asap and thats what salesperson agreed to). the conservatory has been built but its not flat like requested and it is not straight! we have had wooden flooring laid and it is obvious that the actual conservatory isn't straight. we contacted the company in jan feb mar april and may to say about this and the installation team came out to view conservatory and said that they could fix it easy and told us what they wanted to do after speaking to a third party builder we were told that this would cause issues in the future as the doors would bow. we contacted the company and told them we wanted a different solution and explained why. we put this in writing and said if they don't complete the work in 4 weeks we will go elsewhere as time is of the essence and we had been waiting since september for a conservatory that was meant to be an asap build. we were informed that the flooring would have to be pulled up and it would be at our own cost to get new flooring and have this relaid. the total cost of the conservatory was 9500 and we still owe 1600. we have sent letters of complaint in, we have sent letters saying we need this finishing asap and we have sent letters quoting the supply of goods and services act and they ignored us. from may until september we heard nothing and then we received a letter asking for payment. they were then asking to let the installation team come and see conservatory - we told them we had already done this and explained everything. we did not hear anything back until feb this year when we received more letters requesting payment. we have records of everytime we phoned, every letter we sent and every visit we had but they are claiming not to have received these - so its our word against theirs. we did request a subject access request to see what information they held but its past the 40 days now and still no receipt despite chasing this. we have now been sent to a debt recovery company. we sent the letters to the debt recovery company to explain why we were not paying and they have now sent us a letter saying they have spoken to the company and they are determined 'in the extreme' to recover the debt and will now take us to court. i am really worried now as we have been saving up to get the conservatory fixed by another company as we will have to pay for new wooden flooring etc (which initially cost us 1450 as we got expensive flooring to ensure it lasted with 2 small children in the house). we will not be able to pay a third party company, get new flooring and pay the original company. can anyone offer any advice? we have not yet got court papers but they have threatened court action if payment is not made in full by 3rd may 2016.
  23. Good afternoon, I received a withheld phone call on tues 19th April asking for my ex husband, told them he doesn't live and as never lived here, they asked if I knew where he is, I said I've not seen him for 19 years, then asked about me as this is a joint dept from 19+ years ago, I was so silly to answer their security question and give them my mobile and email address. Wednesday I received a letter from gdr trace saying that they think I'm the person there client wishes to contact, I've not phoned them as yet as this was posted on the 18th before my phone call on the 19th, obviously they are working together. It was a messy devorce which ended my house got repossessed, I've never hidden away as I still pay a monthly payment to this. They said they sent a letter in 2001 to that address and whoever lived there said I didn't live there, I know for a fact my ex would not say he owed this dept or made any contact, I would think this would be statued barred, I'm so worried at the min about all this and would love for some advice, I've seen the template letters that can be send and would this stop contact, somehow I don't think so with this company. I've looked as well on my credit file and everything is ok there. I'm waiting to still received the letter that they said on the phone call, but have not as yet, they told me I had 2 weeks to get back to them when I do get this letter, many thanks in advance I also don't want my ex's name on any letters as this one from GDR TRACE had both our names on it.
  24. At the end of my previous mobile phone contract I decided to change provider and move to Vodafone. It was one of the worst customer experiences of my life. Coincidentally, at that time, I became unemployed and having registered my old number with many recruitment agencies and former colleagues/employers I desperately needed my original number to be available for them to contact me on if/when any suitable roles came up. I was told by Vodafone that the transfer of my number would be straight forward and there would be no problems. It would all be sorted within 24 hours. Unfortunately I trusted them to make this happen. It eventually took around 3 weeks for my number to function correctly. I made many attempts to get this sorted with a variety of Vodafone call centre personnel who 'sincerely promise' that my number would work within 24 hours. I made each one give me a timescale for it being resolved before ending the conversation. Each one lied just like the one before (I have copies of the calls/chat conversations). I called into 2 separate (local) Vodafone shops on more than one occasion to try to resolve the problem. I was in absolute desperation due to the employment situation. My original number could be used to make calls but I couldn't receive ANY. My mobile number was in limbo. I couldn't return to my original provider and I couldn't receive any calls through Vodafone. The manager in one of the branches really tried to help. He understood the situation and to appease me (he had limited power to resolve the issue) gave me a free 30 day sim card on a new Vodafone number. The manager of another branch also tried really hard to resolve this but he told me it was a known issue with Vodafone. He had 3 more customers coming in THAT day with the same problem. Apparently the problem was due to the network and systems being inadequate to deal with the transfers. He also mentioned that I wasn't likely to improve quickly. I've now been contacted by a debt recovery agency who are asking me to contact them about this, no doubt wanting me to pay for a Vodafone bill. The day my number was completely ported into Vodafone and working correctly I IMMEDIATELY requested a PAC number to leave Vodafone and return to my original provider. I did this and was fully operational with 24 hours. I also cancelled my DD with Vodafone so I've not made any payments to them for the 'service' I received. Also worth noting is that during my sorry dealings with this company I noticed that they don't seem to like to put things in writing. During the on-line 'chats' to resolve the problem they requested to contact me by my landline phone to discuss the problem. I refused this offer so that I could maintain a written account of what did happen. I have since received more calls from Vodafone and each time I refuse to talk with them. Even though they have my email and home address details they have never communicated the so-called debt issue with me. They are now using a debt recovery agent (who do have my email address!!). As yet, I have not responded to their request. Any advise on what to do next would greatly be appreciated.
  25. A close family member has received a letter from Moorcroft re a loan they had with WDA. They were suffering financial difficulty and informed WDA of this, the amount was total payable £278. Letters e-mails and financial statements were sent to WDA to make offer for re-payment, this was sent by Royal Mail signed for del, which was received and signed for by WDA in May 2014. WDA had requested they send them Bank Statements which was refused by relative as they had sent them financial statements and step change docs. To date no agreement has been reached, the last contact with WDA was 16th June 2014.The amount now outstanding according to Moorcroft letter is now £480. 00. Moorcroft are threatening a home visit and also they are willing via their client WDA to offer a discount from the outstanding balance. This means that if you are able to pay an acceptable lump sum we /they will not attempt to recover the remaining balance of the debt. In addition your credit file will be marked as partially satisfied and our staff will be happy to explain what this means when you contact us. Question 1, is what should they do next. Question 2. Should Moorcroft be ignored and solely deal with WDA. All information and assistance will be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS" "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
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