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  1. Trying to do it now. On a Claim Form in section 'Importand Note' it is said that I can respond to that claim online on MCOL website with claim number and given password. On MCOL website there are three options: Login, Register as an Individual, Register as an Organisation. I tried to login but it failed. Should I chose the second option - Register as an individual - and go through registration process? name, surname, email, password...
  2. Civil Procedure Rule 16.4. was really helpful, thank you for that. I just understood with a help of my good friend that they claiming parking charges for the period of time from 12/08 to 13/09, as stated in Claim Form "Particulars of Claim": - DATE - DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT - DUE DATE 12/08/16 - RegNumber - £150 - 13/09/16 ...Parking charges and indemnity costs if applicable... No place, no time, no evidences. Attached papers above its all I've got. I did not answer to anything yet. It was really confusing as they operating there as Ace Security or something like this and then I've got a letter from Gladstones that Pace Recovery wants some money from me. The signage looks like a rag hanging on the fence, as you can see from first attached picture on post 1. No pole with signs, no road marks. If I would be there I would leave the car just in the middle of the picture. "...The particulars of claim are so vague they are worth a complaint to court on their own..." - totally agree with that and I will not stop when I'll sort these other bits first. From other things - I deeply appreciate the existence of such a forum and your disinterested, selfless help. Thank you.
  3. Thank you HB. I didn't get exactly what I should fill in, is that below OK? Name of the Claimant: PACE RECOVERY & STORAGE LIMITED Date of issue: 10 November 2016 Value of claim: £226.88
  4. Thank you for your quick answer. pdf's attached below, I hope its better quality. 3.pdf 4.pdf 5.pdf 2.pdf 6.pdf
  5. Hello all. On August 12th a charge notice has been issued to my car by Ace Security known as Pace Recovery & Storage. Pleasse have a look at the picture (google street map) how the place looks like: Around October 20th I've got this letter from Gladstones Solicitors: In a heat of changing a job and starting a new one, which is quite demanding, I completely forgot to do anything about this letter. Yesterday I've got another correspondence from Gladstones which is a Claim Form, so they taking me to the court now. There are a couple of more papers attached: response pack, ridiculous Admission(specified amount) and defence and counterclaim(specified amount). I do not have a problem with paying fines if it is legal, which I believe is not the case here. If I was there that day or not, or I borrowed the car it is immaterial. I do understand that I should now go online and tick the box of defending my case fully and not pay anything. What would be your advice?
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