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  1. Just an update for you helpful posters. I went into my local bank to personally hand the letter in and my cheque for £10. I was then asked to fill out a form for these documents. They are sending it off to head office for the details. they handed me back my letter and sent off the other forms which i have a receipt for. Im just kicking myself that i didnt tell them to also attach my letter so they know the importance of the matter. What happens if they dont respond within forty days?
  2. The date of the default is Feburary 2012. I will send this letter to santander asap. The only thing it can be is penalty charges Thanks folks
  3. reading a few other forums i was advised to seek proof that the debt really existed and try to have the default removed this way. As stated its not something ive ever had on my file and wondered what was my best step to get the default removed as i feel its unjust. I will reiterate that debt is something i have never been in and i always pay back my loans. This i feel is unjust and want it removed for the reasons of A) yes its affecting my ability to get a mortgage and b) that it is clearly wrong that a bank can just do this. if you have a better approach i would greatly appreciate your advice
  4. thanks very much for this helpful reply my friend. Do i address it to santander or to the debt recovery agency?
  5. I am looking to bring a debt recovery agency to court on the grounds that they have no proof of a debt that i held. I asked for documentation to prove the the debt which they are yet unable to produce. Below is the full story. I would really love some advice and information My reasoning for bringing them to court is because there is no accountability with this debt. No paper trail, no nothing. When i asked the company 5 months back to show me where this debt had come from they were unable to produce the documents" it came from a santander account i closed 4 years ago at £0. I was then sent a letter (8 months later) saying that i owed santander £688. When i contacted santander to ask why this was i was informed that it was down to a sky bill that was due to come out of my account. I did pay thatbwill so im not sure how this happened. supposedly this was just a £30 charge and it kept snowballing as i didnt pay the £30 (I knew nothing about) and so on and so on. When i called into the bank to speak with the manager they informed me that i had to pay the fee. I asked why i was never told when i was closing the account that these would still be direct debit or why wasnt i informed sooner before it reached this unpayable amount. If i got a loan from the bank i would have felt morally obliged to pay it but i wasnt paying back something that i never borrowed. It was then passed on to robinson way where i left it until the past 6 months as i now am applying for a mortgage. I was young and never taught how a bank operated, to screw the people. I always just thought it was there to store my money. These are things that should be taught in school. i now have a bit of insight and i want to fight this. Any advice would be much appreciated. The road i have taken is for this company to show documents which until this day the cannot. Thanks all
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