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  1. I was parked for 1 minute or less in a bay next to a cash point. Photo of pcn attached. Either side of the bay are double yellow lines, within the bay are is a single yellow very indistinct line, photo attached. The third picture is the sign which is adjacent to the single yellow line at one end of the bay. Is this worth appealing and on which grounds, if anyone knows relevant winning cases that I could use to support an appeal that would be great too. Thanks in advance for any advice given
  2. Every time we have tried to order goods on line the bank refuses to conclude the transaction saying they are looking after our money and will contact us later. Totally useless as everybody knows that on line lasts for so many seconds. Bank then does not contact us and can not explain the situation. Cards are OK when on the telephone when ordering. Anyone else suffering this ridiculous situation?
  3. Morning techies. I am in the process of obtaining a grant to purchase a computer for the use in a communal lounge of the sheltered accommodation I live in. The PC will be used by the residents (after some basic training) to do online shopping, skype and various email plus other stuff. The problem I have is that although there is a phone line in the lounge, this is connected to the wardens office and they already have BT as their ISP. The only other provider (that I have found-so far)that does not require you to take their phone line is Plusnet Can two ISPs share the same line?
  4. I got caught reversing a few yards into a space which was just inside the end of a No Entry road whilst picking kiddies up from school. Mobile camera unit spotted me. -No excuse, I committed a sin and got a £65 fine. Few days before the fine came through the post I spotted a Council Refuse truck (Bin lorry) not only reversing over the same line, but carried on reversing a further 300 yrds past a school entrance where mums and dads were picking their kids up. I complained to the Council that they shouldn't be fining me for going a few feet when allowing their own to go 300 yds further especially past a school gate when kids were coming out.... I didn't get my money back, they didn't say much other than the driver will be spoken to. I paid my £65 and thought no more about it. Few days ago, sitting outside the school waiting for the Grandson the same thing happened and the Bin truck reversed the full length of the road. This time I want to bite back because it was dangerous apart from anything else and I get sick of Councils dishing out these fines willy nilly when turning a blind eye themselves to their own. So, Can anyone tell me if the Road Traffic Act or any other such rule or regulation ALLOWS Council Trucks to reverse the wrong way up and down roads at their whim? I can accept the main Services Police, Fire Trucks and Ambulances, but Bin Men!!??? No way. Anyone know? Thanks Andrew1
  5. Can someone please assist. I have today received a £100 fine for parking at a local retail park. I do admit to straddling the white line of the parking bay - at the time of parking there was another car parked to my left and I merely (perhaps stupidly) parked close to him - therefore myself straddling the next bay. They have pictures of my car by itself (the other car having left by this stage) and also a picture of a ticket on my car. I never received the ticket that was left on my car despite me only being in the shop for 30 minutes. There are signs on the way into the car park stating "4 hour parking restriction - see signs for details". As I am never there for longer than an hour I have never bothered to look at the signs which state, amongst other things, that cars must be parked in bays correctly. At the time of parking my car the car park was probably only about 1/3rd full. There is no charge for parking on this site. Is there any way I can appeal? Thank you.
  6. My wife and I went to live in Spain (we are both retired) and decided to lease our house which is in her name. the lease was drawn up by her solicitor for a year, when the term was up we were asked by the tennents if we would extend it for another year they had been good tennents so the lease was extended for another year. My wife was taken ill so we came back home and lived with our daughter soon after my wife died. There was almost a year to run on the lease, I contacted all the officials involved with death. As we had seperate bank accounts I contacted the bank who froze her account but paid certain expences (funeral director, tax ) and also allowed money to be paid into the account but advised me as I was excutor on the will to open a seperate account, which I did there was various money coming into her estate. I spoke to all the debtors involved and there was no issue in paying the money in to the executor account I opened. When I told the couple that had leased the house there was no problem with them staying to the end of the lease or extending it if they wanted to they were happy with the arrangement. After a few months I had noticed they had not paid rent then I got a letter from them saying they were not going to pay as they could not be sure I was the executor, the solicitor that drew my wifes will up and contacted them and told them I was named as exexutor on the will. I then got a telephone call from them telling me I did not have the legal capacity to act as executor to collect monies owing to her extate in. I told them that the statement they made was rubbish, I then got a call from them demanding to see the letters of administration which from what I can understand you get these if a person dies without a will. After six months I wrote to them and said if payment was not made to the executor account with in seven days I would put them into court. The seven days came and past without payment so I put them into money on line court. with in days of the summons being delivered they said the mony would be paid by fast bank payment but in two days this did not happen. but several days later on the 1st of the month a payment was made but not all of it. I then got a letter from the court with their defence they changed the date and have made it look like they had paid in full before they got the summons. The court paper work asks have they paid (which they have but not in full nor did they pay in time and the only option I get is do I agree or do I disagree. where do I go and what do I do from this point on as there is several thousand pounds out standing to the end of the lease any help would be greatful Jack
  7. Received a PCN for parking inside a parking bay, when time restriction had expired. we did not realise that there was a different restriction as there was a yellow line inside the parking bay that terminated half way. The parking restriction on the pay meter said parking payable from 9am until 5.30- we parked at 7.50 pm . We parked on the yellow line inside the bay unaware that there was a separate small sign well above the parking bay sign that said no parking 8pm-10pm. we got a ticket at 8.04pm. Is this legal? can they have 2 different signs and two different regulations in the same parking bay? Please can anyone shed some light on this as I pass this place regularly and without fail see the wardens giving tickets at that same place at the same time.
  8. Hi, i was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience with Direct Line as we have and if so could give me some advise Just under two years ago my son passed his driving test and after searching the internet we found a quote from Direct Line that we could manage. We call them and after being asked a great many questions to confirm when and to what degree my son would be using the car. I explained that the main reason for this was it would help reduce my sons insurance premium in the future they were happy that i would be the main driver and him a named driver which entitled him to "Named Driver No Claims Bonus". Two days ago i called Direct Line with a question ( not related in any way to this)only to be told that the insurance policy that i had been paying for the past two years was in fact invalid and my son had been driving uninsured. The reason they gave was "he was on the insurance policy as my spouse not my son". After a number of telephone conversation they accept that they have made a mistake and in no may have we mislead them or are responsible for this error. They have told me that the policy is to increase and i have no choice but to pay or go else where. For my part i have asked for a refund on the said policy for the difference i would have paid if i had the policy for myself. I have also pointed out that if my son has lost his two years no claim bonus and as i will be leaving them mid year i will also be losing out and wish them to compensate me us for their mistake. Any advice on where i stand legally and what to do next or is there anywhere i can go with this would be great, Thanks.
  9. Hello all I realise discussion of this sort of topic tends to get a bit heated but I'd really appreciate some advice. There is a primary school on the street with various parking restrictions. On the side with the primary school entrance, on both sides of the gate there are zigzags, which mean no parking or waiting or stopping at any time, I believe, but please correct me if this is wrong. On the opposite side there is a single yellow, with a sign stating no parking between certain times. This would mean that you can only park before and after the stated times. Now, does anyone know the legalities of stopping to drop off or collect passengers on the single yellow line, whether it is before, during or after the times stated on the sign? Stopping off, as I mean, is no more than 2 minutes while your passenger hops in or out, with your engine running and definite signs of movement into or out of the car, certainly not parked while chatting on the phone or reading a newspaper! Some sound advice would be much appreciated.
  10. My son had to apply for his first adult passport and decided to do it online. After using the Google search engine he logged onto what he thought was the official passport website. He filled it it in and paid the fee of £62.50. 3 weeks later he got the form back there were issues with the form and they wanted the fee. After contacting the passport office we were told that it does happen all the time and these websites are not official. So now my son has now to finish the form return it and now pay a further fee of £72.50. It was his mistake and unfortunately I do not think he will be the only one. Lesson learned but he doesn't have the £72.50 to now pay the fee for the passport. I googled problems with companies who charge for an online application service and found an article in the Guardian by Miles Bignal who also got stung by thinking he had filled in an official form. We are gutted for my son who innocently thought he was doing the right thing, the form is identical to the official form. This post is to warn everyone just to make sure they don't make the mistake we have !!:sad:
  11. BT claims it has 18 million UK customers, it charges £15.99 per month line rental. (Price increase from 4th Jan) Using those figures, it is bringing in £287,820,000 (two hundred eighty-seven million eight hundred twenty thousand) per month. Or £3,453,840,000 (three billion four hundred fifty-three million eight hundred forty thousand) per year. I've used BT, but they all charge around the same amount. What are we actually paying for ? If we rent a car, there is paintwork, engine wear and tyre wear to be taken care of plus servicing, but wires don't suffer from any of those things.
  12. As predicted they did it again. I don;t know why my advisor just didn't say from the beginning that he had no intention of allowing me to go on the new enterprise allowance scheme. Here's what happened today. After raising this with the manager of the site last week I was supposed to go in today to fill in the paper work. Only I had this job interview, and as part of my JSA deal I had to go along with it even though the intention was to go on this scheme. I rearranged the interview for after today, and filled in the application form they sent me. I suspected all along it was a set up. I saw the emails they sent me printed off when I went in on his desk so then I knew it was coming then. This company basically have handed the job centre personal documents of mine without my consent, which I think breaks the data protection act. I have reported this to police and guess what- not a police matter. The company also cancelled the interview following my application form, so I sent them a cheeky email back telling them where to shove it and they grassed me up to the job centre, who have now referred my claim to a decision maker. My advisor also refused to sign me up foe this scheme on these grounds as well, so basically the whole thing has been a set up. My question first of all is where do I stand on this with regards to the data protection act, and what can I do about it? I'm ill from all the stress they have caused me this year and going get a sick note from my doctor again tomorrow. I thought if I could start up my own business then this would allow me to be self sufficient without having to worry about not sleeping and turning up late for work all the time, and making myself more ill. Second question- can I now claim ESA if I have been referred to a decision maker and how does that affect my claim for that? I was on it last year but ATOS kicked me off it, I should have challenged it, but I honestly want to work. I am having transient health problems which are causing me a lot of worry.
  13. Hi all, really hoping for some help and support! A bit of background: I was insured with Direct Line for 1 year, upon receiving the renewal letter I wrote to Direct Line asking them to please not renew my policy. I'm very hot on finding the best deal and so once my policy with Direct Line had ended it took a couple of weeks to find one I was happy with (that and I didn't need my car at the time). I then received a letter from Direct Line requesting payment as my card had expired. I called and said that no payment would be given as they were no longer my insurers. They requested proof of my new insurance and so I sent them a copy of my policy. Now the policy obviously started a short while after my policy with DL ended and so they think that I owe them money for insuring me for all of 2 weeks! I have since ignored them and it has been passed to Moorcrap who have today sent a letter threatening a home visit!! What should I do! I don't believe I should have to pay them when I didn't think I was insured and wasn't even driving my car!! All help welcome! Thanks Li
  14. I have broadband speed issue caused by the route provided to my telephone line by British Telecom. I get a broadband speed of 1.4 meg download, my neighbours in the same area get speed of 2.4 to 3.0 meg download. After complaints to BT they decline to do anything to provide me with the same service as my neighbours, My neighbours are 3 km from the exchange, My line is 6 km from the exchange, where does my line go between next door and here ? I pay for a service of up to 20 meg speed. BT provide me with a sub standard service. Is there anything I can do ?
  15. Hi, Anyone else had this happen to them? Am more than annoyed that they have just done this. This is what Ihave sent them, comments welcome. There must be some form of redress. thanks Doug Good Morning, I have noticed that the telephone line to my property (as below) has been removed by yourselves. Please confirm this. Can you also indicate why you failed to get my permission to do this and to trespass on my property without consent. The fact I am looking at broadband packages when my Virgin account ends is even a further annoyance. This would mean additional costs of putting the line back rather than just activate an already existing line. As it was myself who had the phone installed when I moved in, at my expense, then I feel that your removal of this is unjustified. I would ask that you refund the cost of installation which I paid to have to line installed. I would also ask that any code of practice breach by yourselves should have a penalty payment as well
  16. Hi Im looking for some advise, in 2011 my mother took out a mobile phone contract on my behalf with mobiles.co.uk. On Friday I received a returned direct debit notice via email from a company called Gadget Helpline debited as (TMTI Limited) from my mothers account. Looks like this company has been taking 20.16 from her account since 2011 every 6 months, I am shocked that this has been allowed to happen, we have requested a copy of agreement from mobiles but I am still waiting this getting sent to me. I also spoke with Gadget Help Line to find out how they got my mothers financial information but they have advise they were passed the details by mobiles. My question is who should I persue to claim back these charges mobiles or gadget? And I would also like to send something of to gadget to see if they are legally allowed to hold my mothers details as my mum is really worried about them having them. Regards daviscup
  17. Debt-line.net Not to be confused with the FREE service national debt line. You got to admit its clever isn’t it? That’s like calling yourselves citizen’s advice bureau dotnet and charging people. Anyway, apart from offering a paid debt service these leeches also provided the usual threat merchant who work for some large utilitycompanies. My sister in law had a few problems with her gas/electric andhad being dealing directly with the utility company to arrange token meters. Out of the blue who should ride over the hill threatening toobtain a warrant to break the down with the police on hand and cut her off butdebt-line. She is obviously very upset and although no date has beengiven for changing the meters the good fellows at debt-line seem to indicatethat in the next 14 days her meters will be ripped out and left with nothing.
  18. This is my first post on a forum thank you for taking the time to read it, I was sent a hardly readable copy of an online credit card agreement from Link Financial with my name and address and a tick in the agreement box dated 01 April 2008, at no time have I ever received any other agreement from the original credit card company MBNA that I have signed. I am contesting this agreement that there was no follow up paperwork. Also how can Link Financial claim I owe them the money when my original agreement was with MBNA? Maybe someone can explain the relevant laws etc. have been told that in the States they would have no legal powers, is that the same here. Thanks Bob
  19. This is just to inform you that I was looking at my credit report recently and noticed a search had been made by William Hill. I knew nothing about this and do not gamble. So eventually found out someone had set up an on-line account in my name and had purchased vouchers by cash to use on games. William Hill could not confirm to me which date of birth was used or email address. Only that I should contact the police and they have loss money. When I contacted the police they stated I had not suffered any loss, so therefore it is not considered a crime. Still not a pleasant feeling that someone has used your details fraudulently. So it's worthwhile to regularly check your credit report.
  20. Hi all. I pulled over outside near my son's school this afternoon, and was sat on a single yellow line. A taxi was on the other side of the road waiting to turn and a lorry tried to squeeze through the gap, scraping my driver side wheel arch and ripping off my bumper. He got out and admitted he should have waited for the taxi to finish moving, gave me his details (parcel force lorry) and off he went. I'm worried now that because I was parked on a single yellow, I will be liable. I was pulled right over and there was literally enough room to get a big bus through, but because the taxi was turning in, the gap narrowed and he thought he could get his truck through. Does anyone know the law on this situation?
  21. Hi, I foolishly parked on double line and got a PCN, however the line is not continuous and I heard that it has to be. Do I have any grounds for appealing the PCN? My car was parked where the red line is on first image. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21384712/PCN1.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21384712/PCN2.jpg
  22. Can anyone give me some advice please. This is a really long story so I am sorry. This has been going on for around 14 months however it starts on 22 November 2011 when a wild deer ran out in front of me. I hit this at around 40mph and it caused a fair amount of damage to my little peugeot 107 (58 plate). I called Direct Line and reported the accident. I was advised by Lisa that 'as deers dont have their own insurance, unless I can trace the owner, I am not covered and cannot claim'. I laughed as thought she was joking. She wasn't. I called back around 10 or so minutes later and asked if I could claim for my personal injury on my policy. I was advised no. I could not afford to repair the car myself, so after only using it again two or three times, it has sat outside my house, rotting. I pay £130 a month finance for this, and £30 car insurance to DL for a car I cannot use. I had to take out a loan and buy another car, which is also insured with DL. Now I am paying for two cars and in serious debt. In November 2012 my sister happened to mention that as I am fully comp I could claim against my own policy. I had no idea, i have been a customer of DL for 12 years, never had to claim. I called DL and was advised yes I could repair the car under my own policy if i paid the 150 excess. Finally. After an inspector missed three appointments, refusing to use the garage I wanted as 'he didn't have a good relationship with them'. I have been called a liar and 'David' in the claims team rudely advised 'he would not discuss anything with me until he heard the calls but 'no trained member of the DL team would ever give that advice'. Three hours later 'David' calls me back, sweet as pie and advices unfortunately the call cannot be listened to as the recording is damaged. How very convenient. I contacted the Financial Ombudsman on 17 December 2012 and requested they help. They wrote to DL and things started to happen. I was written to on 18 December by DL who stated I would receive a full written response by 16 January 2013 - today! I emailed Paul Geddes CEO of DL and advised him of my complaint. He said the FOS liaison team was dealing with it, and he would leave them to it. Had a call today from Lesley DL's FSO liaison team, she said she cannot find any record of the original call where I claim I was given the bad advice, but she has the call I made 8 minutes later. How did she know the call was 8 minutes later if she cannot find the original call. She has offered me £200 compensation. So far my costs just for the 107 are over £1800, not including everything else. What should I do? Please please help zoeyb
  23. my husband parked on a single yellow line on our high street during restricted hours. He drove off as he was spotted by the PA . Today we got a PCN stating the LA belives a PC is payable due to being parked in a restricted street during prescrivbed hours. He was observed from 10.18-10.19 and notice states PA had started to issue a notice but he drove off. Can they enforce this even if he was stopped /observed for just 60 seconds? He had nowhere to park and had to drop off some urgent packages to post office. Thank you for any input on this as we are not sure what our position is..
  24. Hi, I have just recieved a parking ticket when I was parked on a single yellow line at 21:45. The yellow line area was between 2 permitted areas and did not have its own sign, or any sign that I could see, so assumed it was from 08:00-19:00. I have subsequently seen that there is a controlled sign stating that there is no parking on yellow lines from 08:00-23:00, but this is further down the road and on the other side of the permitted area. Does each section of the yellow line need its own sign, or can one sign cover the whole road? Thanks in advance. P
  25. I've not been a BT customer for some time now but find I'm still stuck with the BT line rental rip off no matter which company I chose to supply my phone or broad band service. When I challenge them about this they say nothing to do with us its BT! Well I'm sick and tired of being taken for a ride and think the government should abolish this cash cow which BT just keeps on milking. To this end I have raised and e- petition requesting that line rental be abolished. please go and read the petition and if you agree sign it. You never know if we get enough people complaining they might actually do something about it. Thanks. follow the link for the petition. e-petition at: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42514 Thanks
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