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  1. Thought I'd replied to this last night... Lost in cyber-space, methinks. Yes, thanks, those are key issues that need to be addressed. I think the best course of action will be to get in touch with the relevant authority and get it in black and white (optimistically) what the proper procedure is. I'm fed up with the situation. The old headteacher of the school used to insist that no one even stop there to drop off children, and my husband told her about the stopping/waiting thing and that passengers may board etc. Next thing we knew a letter of apology was issued to him from the head, who promised to improve her knowledge on the road regulations! Things were ok for a year or so until a new head came along, and started the same thing all over again with no stopping, etc. My husband is happy to carry on stopping there but obviously we have never made it public knowledge about the old head's letter - so parents passing are glaring and commenting and complaining to the new head, who is making 'general' comments in the newsletter about a 'certain' parent flouting the law. While my husband's not in the least bothered about it, I would like to get a firm answer to this and end it once and for all. Whether it's my husband who's wrong or the headteacher who's wrong, I want a line drawn under it NOW. Yesterday morning there was a PCSO outside (at the school's request) actually standing in the road waving cars past the area, unfortunately she ran over to hector a taxi for stopping and the driver took not the slightest notice; while she was haranguing the driver, my husband neatly stopped behind her back, our son hopped out, crossed the road, went inside his classroom, and my husband was actually driving off when the PCSO was attempting to run over to shout at him. While my husband thought it was highly amusing, I have had just about enough of this.
  2. Stopping would be exactly that, bringing the car to a standstill while the passenger gets in or out, and leaving when the transaction is done. Waiting I think is construed as being in the car and doing just that - waiting for something to happen. A big difference. I believe what I have described from the start, in some detail, is the former. I still am not sure on the law as I can't find it anywhere in any legal guidelines, and I wouldn't like to have to say, You must refer to Jamberson for details! Haha. Also, just to clarify - what am I appealing? And what is it that they will cancel? No one has been ticketed or charged. It would be great if someone knew where I could find the proper legal bits that clear up this matter.
  3. Yes, I read this there as well but (1) it didn't stipulate anything about STOPPING and (2) I did emphasise that during that time (2 minutes being a generalisation of a short time) that there would be movement in or out of the said car.
  4. Thanks very much, it's pretty much what I thought but I just can't find it anywhere in the highway code so I thought I was imagining it.
  5. Hello all I realise discussion of this sort of topic tends to get a bit heated but I'd really appreciate some advice. There is a primary school on the street with various parking restrictions. On the side with the primary school entrance, on both sides of the gate there are zigzags, which mean no parking or waiting or stopping at any time, I believe, but please correct me if this is wrong. On the opposite side there is a single yellow, with a sign stating no parking between certain times. This would mean that you can only park before and after the stated times. Now, does anyone know the legalities of stopping to drop off or collect passengers on the single yellow line, whether it is before, during or after the times stated on the sign? Stopping off, as I mean, is no more than 2 minutes while your passenger hops in or out, with your engine running and definite signs of movement into or out of the car, certainly not parked while chatting on the phone or reading a newspaper! Some sound advice would be much appreciated.
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