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  1. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/civil-enforcement-ltd-in-criminal-case.html Civil Enforcement Ltd in Criminal case in Aberdeen Book your front row seat and popcorn for: Aberdeen Sheriff Court Wednesday 4th March 2015 Criminal #17 Civil Enforcement Ltd SCS/2015-025464 AB14012607 Court 1A Civil Enforcement Ltd (CEL) is being prosecuted for: One count of operating a fraudulent scheme and 11 counts under the consumer contract regulations. This is an initial hearing which CEL are unlikely to attend. However the Procurator Fiscal has indicated that if they do not attend, warrants will be issued for the arrest and detention of directors so that they can be brought before the court. Prankster Note It might well be hard to find an actual director of CEL, what with a dormant shell company and a South African hired name as apparent straw man. The Prankster suggests getting in touch with Ashley Cohen and Gary Wayne to see if they know of the real people in charge. They don't muck about in Scotland! CEL have been abusing the English court system for years, and despite numerous complaints have been getting away with it. They dipped a toe over the border and now are well and truly in the system. Happy Parking The Parking Prankster
  2. Woah!!! Wonga will not face a criminal investigation after sending out fake legal letters to pressure customers into paying back their debts. City of London Police said that, after a ‘thorough review’ it has concluded ‘there is not sufficient evidence to progress a criminal investigation’.
  3. I have some ongoing issues with a neighbor over things being thrown into my garden but not to muddy the waters that is in a separate thread. The same neighbor also has 4 trees in their garden which 'had' branches overhanging their boundary fence. I pruned the overhanging branches and returned the clippings. An allegation has been made to say that I have pruned parts of the trees that are beyond the boundary fence. I was invited by the police to come in for a chat and so I did that today. The short story is that I was presented with a picture taken in the month when I pruned the trees (August). It was pointed out to me in particular a couple of branches that are no longer present. The allegation is that I must of cut them. I confirmed I pruned the trees to the extent I stated above, but state I did not prune them as alleged. There are no witnesses to state they saw me pruning the trees at all, only my admission of what I have stated. There are a couple of statements from people associated to the property to say that they did not do it. All fingers are pointing at me. To add some more colour, I recently wrote about the property to local authorities in regards to observations of poor care and supervision within the property (it houses vulnerabel adults with learning difficulties) with a copy of the letter also sent to the property. In a possible coincidence, this was a 2nd of x2 allegations made about me within a couple of weeks of them receiving the letter. I'm now awaiting the outcome to see if there will be 'no further action' or the matter would go to court. I must admit the whole experience was horrid and basically the officer who spoke to me kept saying "it was you wasn't it?" - he wasn't so much as questioning but telling me. I'd appreciate any insight to the possible outcome given the information I have provided above. I must admit I am worried as my confidence in the justice system is not high but aside form anything else, as far as I can see any evidence is circumstantial? Regards MrP
  4. Hi everyone, I bought a 08 Fiat Bravo from Jamie of Epic Motors Coventry on the 4th Oct 2014. On the 18th Oct 2014, it lost power on the motorway and could only do a maximum of 50mph while making a grinding noise. I managed to pull into a parking lot and called RAC who diagnosed it as a broken turbo. Since I only had roadside assistance and was 120miles from home and it was midnight, I paid £300 to have the car recovered back to my house. I got in touch with the seller on the 19/10/14 to see what he was willing to do. He initially offered to fix the problem free of charge but after speaking to him today (20/10/14) it turns out he thought I was a different customer when we initially spoke. He phoned me up, shouting and swearing and eventually said that I would have to pay to get the problem sorted. At this point, what do I do? He has since sent me a text saying "Just so you no, the warranty was paying for the work on your car, as you have said NO to this being done, I cannot help" At no point have I refused to accept repairs. But after finding out about his background, I do not trust the work that he would do on my car and have suggested getting the work done at a local garage I trust if he is willing to pay for it. How do I go about rejecting the car/getting it repaired and reclaiming from him? Thank you all for your help!
  5. Hi, I was caught on London bus on June .. for using rail pass issued for my friend .. later I got summon to appear on court this 30 , Sept .. 1. for using the pass issued for another person 71 b 2.contrary to section section 25(3) I'm a mom of 2 young children,trying for job and don't want to end up with a criminal record on my name I tried calling tfl in this numbers several times ..(02070279158,02030543595,02030543825,02030544374,02030545522) cant get them (I aimed to convince them by pleading guilty )..please help ..please help .. how can I avoid criminal record ? _Chida
  6. An old man down my road got ripped off by a shoddy workman last week. He was charged a couple of hundred quid for the replacement of a couple of roof tiles, and the workman ended up causing some damage while he was up there too. My neighbour only had the workman's mobile number and name - no address or landline. I assumed - in my ignorance - that this would be a civil case: the auld fella would need to issue a small claim for unsatisfactory work etc, and without an address it would be hard work. But then I was reading about a similar case in the local paper today: a trader charged a pensioner 40 quid to clean the guttering, but only did half a job. The trader was prosecuted for fraud by false representation and received a suspended sentence. I'm curious about the point at which issues like these become criminal matters. Obviously the police would be in a much better position to help my neighbour, but I'd just assumed it was a purely civil matter. Can anyone clear up my primitive, child-like grasp of law?
  7. My wife was caught using a student oyster (from my son) instead of her one. TFL will prosecute her, and once she pleads guilty, she will get a criminal record. Will this affect our immigration process to the UK? I am using the tier 1 (investor) visa to stay in UK, this is my first year staying here.
  8. Hi, Several years ago (within the Statute of Limitations 6 years), a previous landlord got an Order of Possession in his favor in court re 2 months rent arrears. That very same day, whilst I was out, he changed the locks and when I got back, told me that ALL of my goods had been "thrown away at the dump" i.e. including, computers, televisions, laptops, new white goods etc... At the time, when legal aid was readily accessible I got a solicitor to write to him, with an itemized inventory, with items priced at "second hand replacement value", which totaled about £5000. Since then, because I lost everything, including paperwork i.e. passports, birth certificates etc... I had to reestablish my list, which I've done. CAB have told me that this is definitely a criminal matter as well as a civil matter. Criminal in terms of the LL gaining access to the property without a Bailiff, as well as stealing all of my goods without following the correct procedures to get money owed. And Civil in terms of the amount owed for the goods alone (this excludes damages etc.. which I could have slapped on.) I personally have no idea how or where to start with this, and have no idea how to start criminal proceedings. Can someone give me some pointers on how I should approach this? Cheers, A
  9. Shadow chancellor Ed Balls has been fined £900 and given five penalty points for failing to stop after a car crash in West Yorkshire. The Labour MP was ordered to pay a £900 fine, a £90 surcharge and contribute £85 towards the costs of prosecution. Another guilty charge to add to his long tally. Last year, he was given three points for driving through a red light on the Embankment in central London. He was also caught speeding in West Yorkshire, for which he paid a fine and attended a speed awareness course rather than accept penalty points. In 2010 the then Children's Secretary was fined £60 for using a mobile phone while driving. This is the sort of crap who thinks they have a right to run this country.
  10. I'm later today(24th july 2014) to attend voluntarily that is for interview over allegation! All i can think to do is what i've always done & keep shtum,not a word! No mention of clamp removal leading to any criminal damage only that as it was held i'd in effect stolen it(my car hat is)! Can only imagine this will be one of some but to come in there hoards no doubt! Anybody de-clamped their own car since the new regs "Taking control of goods etc" came in april in regards to magistrates unpaid fines whereby stage 2 of £235 is added by bailiff on top obviously £75 compliance .Car was clamped notice on my window & letter through leterbox, spoke to guy declaring cannot pay all today but expecting as i was that very next day receiving more than enough can we sort something, abruptly no was the answer without consideration which at that stage, well anyway no money, no car so later that day car was to be towed final £100 on top for that. Simply hadn't been paid (again) for installs of energy efficiency measures (ECO energy companies obligation) which is a whole different [problem] for a thread of titanic proportions elsewhere, admittedly should have agreed some payment arrangement prior to enforcement stage, hold my hand up there til it aches but even on lists to do's time flew as it slipped time again my mind!
  11. A few weeks ago my car was parked on a residential road overnight, during the night the car was severely scratched with keys on all 4 sides (bonnet, boot, drivers and passenger sides) causing approximately £2000 of damage. I reported the incident to the police, who sent officers out to take a look and log the incident. 4 days later I received a call to let me know they would be making enquiries, knocking on doors, looking for witnesses and for any cctv. The following day I received a letter (dated 2 days prior to the call) saying there was very little that could be done so the case would be closed. I called them back to ask what had actually been done, apparently they had made the enquiries and found nothing so closed the case. I decided to take a walk round the area and knock on some doors myself, in doing so found a local business with infrared CCTV cameras, pointing in the direction of the space my car had been parked. Having spoken with the company they kindly reviewed the tapes, verified my identity as owner of the vehicle and found very clear, detailed video of the incident taking place and the face of the criminal. They offered the CCTV to the police to follow up but are unable to let me view the videos myself, apparently due to DPA. I've since spoken with the Police who have been unable to identify the perpetrator as yet but are circulating this internally to see if anyone recognises them. They have however said that if no-one does they will close the case and not take the matter further. If the police are unable to identify the criminal, how can I get the image to confirm whether or not I recognise them, was it personal??, was it a random drunk??, and further to circulate it more widely to bring the offender to justice? Additionally, i'm told there is a strong possibility that if they do manage to identify him then unless they are a persistent offender there is a strong possibility of a 'police caution' I have read through the DPA as posted on the ICO and there doesn't seem to be any reason why I should not view this video, does anyone have any view on this, or otherwise how I might go about persuading the private company to release a copy to me without risk to themselves? If the criminal is actually identified, through whatever means, how could I go about bringing a private prosecution to recover my losses for the damage, rather than them getting off with a 'caution' ? Many thanks in advance for your advice. Sorry for the long post but - 'Extremely annoyed at being so out of pocket and potentially Mr Scott-free strolling around without a care in the world for their actions'
  12. Hello, Like most I suppose, I join the board to seek help. I am currently resident in Europe, but last week my partners parents received at their address a notice of enforcement from Marston Group, addressed to me. It claims I owe almost £9k for a fine in 2001. I know nothing of this. I spoke to them, and followed up with an email giving my current address. They replied that due to DPA they could only address me at the address given by their client (the court). ..I had asked them for details so that I could address this, but today my in-laws have received another mail saying that enforcement action has been delayed by 14 days for me to prove everything. Erm, I am a resident in Europe, my UK stuff is in storage, I know nothing so do not know who/how to contact anyone. This relates to 2001- I was not in the UK much then, but I am not sure I could even prove this as I am not sure I still have my old passport. What on earth can I do to: a) stop my partners elderly parents getting these worrying and distressing mails. (I had my mail on re-direct, I was not resident at their address). b) Make this go away? Any and all advice most gratefully received.
  13. I am a litigant in person and the Defendants Solicitors have served upon me three witness statements. Not a problem, but these were gained in a Criminal case brought against these individuals who were subsequently found guilty. I have several problems. Can a witness statement that was used in a Crimanal case (written on a "Statement of Witness form) be used against me in my civil claim ? All of them state 10 pages and the last page is missing. One of them has no signature at the end of the text ! ! ! (the note at the bottom of the form clearly states on every page that it "must be signed at the end of the written matter by the person making the statement")although they are signed at the top(but anybody can insert their own dialogue). Several of them have crossings out but are not initialled. Can anybody point me to a "Practice Direction" or a CPR Rule that I can look at.
  14. Hi All Not sure if this is the right place. My son was assaulted last May in an unprovoked attack which resulted in him losing one of his front teeth and having to have root canal treatment to the other. The lad responsible was caught and subsequently convicted of assault. My son was advised by the police to apply to CICA for compensation as not only did he have significant damage to his teeth resulting in almost 12 months of dental treatment, but it also meant him having to have time off college at a crucial time in his course. Although the treatment is now complete, he can't now eat hard foods like apples as it is uncomfortable. He also ended up splitting with his girlfriend as he was struggling to come to terms with what happened and hated the way he looked. He has just received his award which is the minimum of £1000. Is it worth us appealing against the decision? £1000 seems a small amount to get for the pain and suffering he has been caused over the past 12 months and the fact that he will have problems with his teeth from now on. Or should we just accept the award and be grateful that he got something? Does anyone know how successful appeals are and whether it's worth it? Thanks for reading.
  15. its been in the news recently. and a recent ECHR court case. what are your views re sentencing? is the current sentencing regime strong enough? or are we soft on sentencing? should 'life' mean rest of life in prison? ie an eye for an eye? or is it ok for a crim to be out on licence in say around 10yrs after killing someone? should the 'life' tariff be abolished for something like 100+ years subject to review? given the apparent frequent repeat serious offenders, should crims be offered rehabilitation, and given 'hope'? or should a sentence, as used to be, be a strong deterrent? can it be combined? etc. thoughts, post up
  16. It was revealed yesterday that the BBC are responsible for more that one in ten of all criminal prosecutions in the Magistrates Courts with over 3,500 cases being heard EVERY WEEK. Last year saw the BBC prosecute over 180,000 people for using a TV without a valid licence. Lord Pearson, UKIP leader in the House of Lords is sponsoring a private members bill to decriminalise the non-payment of licence fee. A full copy of the news article can be read in the link below: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/10256679/TV-licence-offences-account-for-one-in-ten-UK-court-cases.html
  17. I want to know what I should do about a statement on the Parish Councils official website "..... the new owner of the old library had taken up the ramp and blocked in the exit, creating a lot of distress for a group of elderly visitors that were held as ‘prisoners’ ..." This was untrue! Basically I bought a small building from the County Council, who in pre-contract enquiries said the freehold enclosed yard with the building had no easements, except for access to a water pipe for repair. The Parish Council had put a door in the side of the building they own on the other side of this yard opening it onto our land, without planning permission, they have since tried to claim it as a disabled & fire exit which it clearly is not - no signs, proper locks etc, Because this door has a latch and can be slammed shut, they were using it as a main entrance, so they could lock the front door and leave hirers to slam the side door when they finished. This meant everyone using their hall was coming in and out through our front gate and across our land. The incident that prompted the libellous statement above, was one day I had worked at our property and had put my ladder down on my path near my front gate, ready to put on my car roof rack. Someone then come to our building and told me to move my ladder, when I went out into our yard there was a large group of 9 hostile people, so intent on complaining at me and banging my gate into my ladder that I could not get to my ladder to move it straight away anyway. We have had all sorts of silly accusations and strange actions from the Parish Council, who have never spoken to us at all, and from the very first have sent us solicitors letters (10 to date at ratepayers expense) which threaten and assure us of all sorts, much of which is false. The PC clerk has come onto our land to photograph it for their solicitor The PC own two cottages down the road, and told their contractors they could use our land, leading to us calling the Police as they took our building materials stored on our land. The PC continue to send contractors to work on our land using ladders etc without notifying us or asking our consent, so we find plants stamped down and rubbish left behind. We had 10 bin bags of rubbish left on our path containing food and broken glass from a party held at their hall a short time ago, not for the first time since we have had the property, indeed we took action when my wife fell over boxes left in the middle of our path at night. The Parish Council's latest salvo was to apply to Land Registry for a prescriptive right of way, based on truth statements, which claimed some ridiculous things, such as using an entrance since 1950's which was not put in until after 2004, but their solicitor failed to include a copy of their deeds, which were clearly asked for on the forms (as their property is not registered). (returned by Land Reg Feb 2014) This is only part of the story. But back to my initial point what can be done about their statement implying criminal wrongdoing by ourselves? (we have gone down all the official routes up to our MP who did a quick U-turn halfway through) Who's toes did we tread on when we bought this property. Any one want to buy it? my wife is frightened to go down their alone, since two men, we found later from the Parish Hall came hammering on the door.
  18. In April 2007 I was the victim of Internet fraud. The crim was tried, convicted and sentenced during December 2008. Unfortunately I was TIC'd (Taken Into Consideration) on the case and I did not receive any compensation nor did anyone else on the sheet. Recently, I have noticed the crim is trading under his own name (sole trader) and I was hoping to issue a claim against him. Of course now it is more than six years since it has passed. The only thing I wondered was, given a criminal case was brought against him can I take the resolution of that as the time in passing? Otherwise I guess I'm shafted. I feel like there should be a way, because some cases can take a very long time to come to Court and be resolved which could easily mean that compensation ends up being statute barred. Issuing a claim before now seemed impossible, the CPS refused to disclose his details citing the Data Protection Act and with the claim being sub £1000 the legal costs to track him down would have been prohibitive. Any advice is appreciated. Jim
  19. We all know that a higher court decision in civil law is binding on a lower court but do criminal offences/decided cases carry any weight in the civil court? Criminal cases don't actually set a precedent unlike a civil case. However, it is illegal, for eg, to turn one's house into a pub without being licensed, a criminal offence. Yet if I didn't know that, as a customer, and was misrepresented by the bogus bar owner that he was running a legit establishment and took my money, could I quote his criminal wrongs in a civil court if I decided to sue him for misrepresenting what he had sold me???? It hasn't happened but it's an interesting dispute to resolve for my studies.
  20. I received a criminal court fine in april and am waiting for an appeal. Told the fines people I could not afford to pay it in one go. filled out an i&e form and they discarded it and went for attachment of earnings. They will be stopping approx 25% of my wages and leave me with £1400, my mortgage is 950, council tax 120, utilities 120 and travel, food, insurance etc. and you can see how this is going. My house is on a 28day possession order so if i miss one payment i will be repossessed. These fine people will not back down, they do not take insurance into account as an outgoing, although required by the mortgage and lots of other things they wont allow. they even told me to contact utilities people and stop paying them. they tell me I can write in , but will be a waste of time. people on the dole are allowed to pay at £20 per month, how is that fair. As it is I have no comforts, I don't have a TV and wonder why I bother working. Where can I complain to, would it have to be my MP. At this wage reduction I cannot travel or eat and this will take 3 months to pay. So I'm now a criminal and received a punishment to help me better myself, but now forced to steal to eat, where's the sense in this. By the way this was for a motoring offence(s). Seriously, will I be able to get food parcels.
  21. CRIMINAL RECORDS, COURT RECORDS AND POLICE RECORDS REQUEST GUIDE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) This is the Link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/topic_specific_guides/crime
  22. CRIMINAL RECORDS, COURT RECORDS AND POLICE RECORDS REQUEST GUIDE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER OFFICE (ICO) This is the link: http://www.ico.org.uk/for_the_public/topic_specific_guides/crime
  23. Hello. About a year ago while I was at uni I got caught getting on a train without a ticket. The matter went to a magistrates court, I plead guilty by post, paid a fine and thought it was the end of it. I'll soon be graduating and am an otherwise upstanding citizen with no other blemishes against my name. I'll be moving to London for work later this year, and will be looking to rent somewhere. However I've since discovered that it seems like having a criminal record for anything, even something so minor as not paying for a train ticket, could potentially invalidate the insurance that any landlords might have. This puts me in a bit of a quandry, and as such I've got several questions. 1) Is it common for lettings agents or landlords to do a DBS (which I believe replaced the CRB) check? And if so would this conviction show up on it? Would it stop me being able to rent anywhere? 2) Would this cause most landlord's insurance housing insurance to be invalid? 3) If so, what options do I have? It seems I'm totally screwed. I'm way to poor to afford to buy a place for myself, but one stupid mistake on the train seems like it could potentially preclude me from being able to get rental accommodation. I'm really getting a bit wound up by it all. It seems completely insane that the vast number of decent people with minor blemishes on their record could potentially be unable to get rental accommodation without either lying about criminal background or inadvertently voiding their landlord's insurance, with unpleasant consequences should anything happen while renting. Anyone got any ideas?
  24. I think the following article may be of interest to all those CAG's who are interested in HSBC's penalty in the United States. This is from Forbes magazine which is a pro-business pro-capitalism publication: http://www.forbes.com/sites/halahtouryalai/2012/12/12/final-thought-on-hsbc-settlement-how-much-bad-behavior-will-we-tolerate/
  25. Hello, My brother has a £7000 debt with a UK bank. He lives in Asia at the moment. For a job he has applied to, he has been required to get a CRB form the UK. Will the debt show up on this?
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