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  1. Ofgem has been investigating whether British Gas complied with its obligations under Article 14(1) of the Electricity and Gas (Community Energy Saving Programme) Order 2009. Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/notice-intention-impose-financial-penalty-following-investigation-compliance-british-gas-article-141-electricity-and-gas-community-energy-saving-programme-order-2009
  2. Good evening, My auntie used to own a timeshare with Sunny Coast Malta and died over 4 years ago. Since then her sister (my auntie) and my dad have been receiving debt collection letters for the annual maintenance fees for the timeshare. They were not aware that the timeshare would become their responsibility in the event of her death and have not signed anything in respect to the ongoing fees or use of the timeshare. Since her death they have been ignoring the charges. Just recently they have now started to receive letters from Network Credit Services threatening further debt collection. Please could anyone advise what steps they should now be taking? Should they just continue to ignore? Any advice would be fantastic as it is getting to a point where my auntie is starting to feel ill with it all. Many thanks in anticipation
  3. My mother passed away a few days ago. She was a protected tenant in a large housing association / housing trust. An officer of the trust has informed me that she was in rent arrears prior to her death, and that until the flat is cleared rent will continue to be charged. She had been living in the property (and another property in the same HA) from the early 70's. She was the sole tenant, there was no-one else living with her & no-one stands to continue the tenancy. She was a hoarder therefore it will take some time to clear her rubbish & belongings (little of value). She had very little of value, and i've found recent credit card statements indicating she was in thousands of pounds of credit card debt. There may be other debts. She was in receipt of pension credit & housing benefit. The rent included heating & hot water, therefore the HB would not have included that, so the HB was not for the full amount. There may be other HB deductions. I am her next of kin (sole child). My questions are : 1) is the HA right to claim a) rent arrears prior to her death b) to charge rent while the flat is unoccupied but being cleared of her belongings after her death ? given the amount of stuff she has hoarded, this will probably take a month or so. they have verbally offered to allow 'approximately two months' if needed. 2) re the credit cards she owes money to (the one i saw was ' m&s credit'). and other loans she may have. What happens following someone's death? I suspect her estate will have very little value. Do the CC companies claim it from the estate, chase the next of kin for the debts owed ? or are they written off ? any help appreciated i have never been in this situation before.
  4. Long story short - Apart from the company evading tax by telling staff they are paying a cash 'after tax' figure, none of the staff including my father ever received payslips. And the P45 he received indicated a lower amount than what I was paid. His new Manager was taking over, which was the owners son. He told my father to not come into work a few weeks ago, and would talk to him the following monday as he felt that my fathers heart wasn't in it anymore, and accused him at the same time of passing work over to another rival company. My father went in but recorded the conversation, and was told he was letting him go. The new manager felt that my Fathers heart wasn't with the company anymore, he had handed work over to another rival taxi company, and he was caught smoking inside the premises. - My father only ever phoned another firm to hand work over when he didn't have enough cars on a nightshift to cover the bookings he had. - My father did get caught smoking in the office, but everyone smokes including the drivers and two owners. He supposedly got a verbal warning for this. However, no written warnings were ever issued! Despite my Father being a Taxi Controller there for over 7 years, and a driver previously for 7 years - meaning nearly 15 years of service to the company. I have 3 main gripes: - No Payslips ever given. - P45 indicating less earned than what I was paid, suggesting possible tax evasion. - Unfair dismissal. I feel he was dismissed because he was infact one of the highest paid controllers, on nearly £100 a week more than others, and they wanted rid. However, they did not follow procedure. I was very rarely ill. Never had days off. And they sack me on the spot for pretty much no reason, with no verbal or written warnings!? Does anyone know where we stand with this? We have recordings of the conversations etc. Thanks in advance, Tony.
  5. Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for any advice. I work in an organisation (ok, the NHS), at a large general hospital. Over the last 5 years, we have been merged with 2 other, similar sized hospitals, each 30-40 miles from us. This has produced 1 very large organisation to replace the three previous bodies. We are in the process of standardising pay, structure and conditions across the board. This has led to the creation of 3 new junior management jobs in each of the three areas, in my specialism. I work as a supervisor, so these new jobs would be the natural next step for me to take. My problem is this. These jobs require a qualification higher than I (or anyone else in my part of the organisation) hold. The custom has always been, to apply for the job, and if successful, be awarded the job on condition of obtaining the qualification as soon as possible. I assume this was to save money on training/educating people further, who then may never seek promotion, or even leave the organisation with their expensively provided qualification. So I applied for the jobs, only, to my surprise, to receive a letter at home from my boss, saying he regretted he couldn't offer me an interview. It turns out that one of the other organisations HAD been sending their employees to college routinely, and many of them, even on the shop floor, were qualified already. Their boss insisted, apparently, that no-one should be interviewed without this qualification. As we are 'harmonising', that meant that this rule had to be applied across the board. As a consequence, only people from from one area of the organisation are allowed to apply for any management jobs. These jobs in my area have now been awarded to people from that area, while we are prevented from applying. The posts will not be filled for two more weeks though. It seems very unfair that, due to operating under different protocols for the last 15 years, we are disadvantaged in this way. It feels that the goalposts have been moved at the last minute, and all the knowledge and experience gained here over the years count for nothing now, through no failing of our own. I am a union member, but they have been no help so far (too busy, seemingly). Ideally, I would like the appointments to be postponed, and the interviews re-run including those of us who were unfairly (to our minds) excluded last time. Does anyone have any ideas how I might go about achieving this? Sorry for the long post, but it is a complicated situation, and the disappointment is crushing. Thanks for your patience, if you have read this far!
  6. Hi, I have an action with Lloyds over a Mastercard. I wrote to them after talking with a claims company as i had been in the past charged for PPI. Lloyds response was that they no longer had a copy of the agreement as it was taken out in 2000. i followed some of the letters on this site and in late 2012 after just no responce at all i stopped payments. Lloyds after taking their time have now issued proceedings. they have stated to the Court that they have no requirement to produce a true copy of the CCA following the Carey v HSBC bank plc (2009) EWHC 3417 (QB). It would appear to me that i am now stuffed in two respects. 1. I cant prove they did charge PPI for the first 5 years (i never signed an agreement when i took the card out it was done in a branch and i was informed a few days later i had a card on the way. Lloyds maintain they did have my signature on the agreement agreeing to PPI). 2. without the proof they have no signed agreement i have no defense against the Court claim. can anyone help as we are now in play so to speak. thanks,
  7. Hi I don't know if this is the right area of the forum but I need some advice. I recently had some artificial grass installed and the total job was £800. I paid £400 deposit and then the rest would be paid on completion of the works. The work was substandard and on re-addressing the job the owner of the company said he was not going to do anything to resolve it and walked away. He then issued me a letter stating that he was taking me to the small claims court. I responded and stated that I was more than happy to pay the remaining amount when he completed the work to the required standard. Today I have arrived home and he has trespassed onto my property and removed all the grass and the foundations resulting in my garden now being a pool of mud. The police are involved but state there is nothing they can do and this is even with the statement of the neighbour who saw the whole thing. does anyone have any advice ?
  8. Hi and thanks for any who can help. I raised grievance for bullying, and periodic aggressive attacks on me by secretary (relation to owner). last straw was when the owners "secretary" said she was giving my admin work of home office stuff and staff files to senior care assistant. she is studying her NVQ sorry now QCF level 5. my roles are admin and Activities as per my contact. I have had attacks on me since 2011 but was unable to do grievance until now as 1. did not have employee handbook until 2012. 2. because of aggression 3. changed of matrons' who did not want to deal with my concerns or who were being bullied their selves. The care assistant has been gradually taking over most of my admin work , i have had all good feed back in the past and now, so apart from care assistant just starting her QCF, i dont know why, she relabeling, she's auditing "my" staff files' and even tried to publicly critise.even nurses are asking care staff member to do forms for them, so am unsure what they have been told too. Anyway i raised grievance, yesterday the owner asked to speak to me, she said it;s informal chat , then started asking me questions which relate to the grievance, said i would like you to focus more on activities and anyone can do admin, then said she did not know anything about the grievance/ meeting due next day today... the person who wanted to take the notes is also related but yesterday denied any knowledge of the arranged grievance hearing* when last week he called me over and said the grievance letter it.s no biggee we can sort out, perhaps we can have meeting next thursday or friday i will do a letter I said next friday would be better for me, whilst he walked passed meyesterday he told a staff member that he would not be in tomorrow. So in the end the owner said she would be coming in to the initial hearing. Today 1 hour at 1pm ish before hearing she had bad head and headed off to hospital, i was asked to put meeting back later to 3pm. at 2.46pm she rang , said she was at hospital having blood tests, i asked about our grievance hearing as the home manager who was to take the meeting was on annual leave after today. she said are you in on monday i said yes, she said it's only a grievance , i can do it on monday without the home manager.. so now im worried. firstly she tried to have informal chat in the middle of process, she is the owner and she would be the person who i would need to appeal to after the home manager has done his investigation. Now she wants to hold herself without the home manager being present..she's broke our own employee handbook policies and procedures with regard to grievances. she did ask me if i wanted to do an NVQ, i feel she's trying to sweep under the carpet. what do i do when she calls for an informal chat to deal with a formal grievance monday. grateful for advice, thanks so very much all.
  9. I have read the other threads relating to DWF and Sainsburys but I feel that my letter is slightly different so please feel free to comment as appropriately . . . . I have today received a letter from DWF following an incident at Sainsburys which was resolved by a police community resolution order. The letter from DWF asks for a balance for £150.00 to be paid within seven days "to avoid further action" but then beneath the Balance Due line is written: "The sum is broken down as follows: Value of goods stolen £0.00 Value of goods damaged £0.00 Value of cash stolen £0.00 Security costs £0.00 Amount now due [in bold] £[blank]" The incident was settled at the time with Sainsburys and the Police with nothing outstanding. I am aware that the general advice is to wait for two or three letters then send a "I deny any liability" letter but what should I do in this case where there appears to be no amount due? Thank you for your advice.
  10. Hi, I have registered today in the hope of finding some helpful information from anyone that has encountered similar circumstances. I hope that I have managed to navigate the site to the correct area! Basically my problem is this: following a TUPE transfer when my company was bought out by a larger entity, my new employer has restructured. A few weeks after the transfer the impending reorganisation was announced. A week ago I was informed that a 30 day consultation period had opened, and an email shortly followed with some "selection criteria" upon which my colleagues and I would be judged for some " new roles" in the new structure. A couple of days later I was informed that I had not been selected for one of the available roles. A significant part of the selection criteria relies on a personal knowledge of how I work, and my future potential. As yet I have not met ANY of the management of my new employing entity beyond the " big boss" at the TUPE meeting before my employment began. My old boss, who has also transferred, advised me that he had not been asked about me, nor any aspects of my performance. I am therefore somewhat bemused as to how this scoring has actually been completed. Please note: I am not being made totally redundant; I have been offered a lesser role. I am looking for advice on two points therefore: if this procedure is fair (given the scoring scenario); and if this procedure is lawful (given the timings of the announcements)? Any help appreciated! Thanks.
  11. I received a letter back in February saying that I have been chosen for a review of my WTC and CTC.(Suspecting a neighbour played a large part in that but that's beside the point). I work self employed as a cleaner and the period that they asked for the information for was from 6th November to 6th February. I duly sent off all my invoices, receipts, bank statements, car registration documents (why!!), car insurance (why!!!) etc etc. Yesterday I received a letter from them saying that I only work 14 hours per week and they are backdating this to April 2012 and therefore I owe them £3000+. As the period they requested included Christmas and the New Year, I did not work for ten days as who wants a vacuum under your feet whilst you are eating your turkey. Most of my clients are also elderly and went to family for Christmas and therefore did not want their houses cleaned so whilst I worked in excess of 16 hours per week on all the other weeks, not working for those ten days dropped my average over the three months to 14.8, which they have nicely rounded down to 14 not up to 15 as you would. Had they have chosen any other three months, it would have shown that I work at least 16 hours per week and therefore I would have been fine. Surely it is not fair that my claim for the entire year has been based on those three months alone as they have not knowledge of what I worked before those dates or indeed after. Having finished my financial year today, I have averaged 16.5 hours per week over the year, working excess in the summer cleaning holiday lets on a Saturday to take into account the days I have had off ie. two weeks in the summer and ten days at Christmas. The nature of the job means that sometimes you are unable to work, ie they are on holiday or ill and don't want you but I have ensured that I have worked the extra so the average is 16+ hours per week. I could possibly understand it if they said that they would not pay me WTC for the two weeks in the summer (which they don't know about as they did not ask for the time scale) and the ten days at Christmas but surely they can't claim back a year's worth when they have no idea what I have worked in that time?
  12. Towards the end of last year we had to have major repairs done on our vehicleresulted in a new engine being installed. After pick up the car was running like a dream. Prior to going in the pull handle to open the bonnet was faulty but this was replaced/repaired during the engine install. Approx two weeks after pick traveling home one night during windy conditions the bonnet flew open hitting the windscreen causing the windscreen to break, the bonnet was wrecked and minor damage to the roof. This was then sent along by the insurance company for assessment. The outcome was that the clip holding the bonnet was faulty/eroded and not capable of holding the bonnet shut. My question is - shouldn't the garage installing and working on the new engine etc and doing the repairs at that time have noticed that this clip was on the way out and have had a duty to replace it? Any advice on this would be grateful? To say that I am extremely frustrated as we now have another problem and it looks like costing us a small fortune which we don't have is causing me endless worry. Unfortunately we need the vehicle for traveling to work.
  13. I was recently made redundant and my employer has paid my 10% salary contribution but also taken 5% from my payment in lieu of notice. I was told that my payment(5%) would not be taken by an advisor - was this incorrect advice?
  14. Does lending money to a friend create a legal contract..
  15. 4 Months ago, my wife and I split. I had been subject to years and financial, emotional and physical abuse, so my head wasn't in the best place, I wasnt aware of what benifits etc were being claimed , I had a budget given to me of £5 per week and that was it as far I knew anything about money, I worked and earned good money but never saw it, my ex didnt work and controlled everything. One of our children elected to come and live with me at the time of the split. My ex wife , then started throwing loads of disgusting ( and proven , false) allegations around , further adding to the pressure I was under. When we left, we were not permitted to take anything with us, we had to start all over again. In Nov, 3 weeks after the split, once I had started to get us both back on our feet, I submitted a claim for Child Benefit and child tax. Last week I received a letter saying that my ex had not informed HMRC of a change and had still been claiming for Child Benifit from Oct until dec 24th, for the child that was no longer living with her. I asked if there was a way I can claim this money back, as I had to buy a whole new wardrobe for our child (no goods have been returned to date and probs would no longer fit anyway) and I had been feeding etc our child since Oct but HMRC didn't seem too bothered about this and said because my ex didnt tell them , it was tough, isnt this benefit fraud ? not declaring a change ? I have police/solicitors/cafcass reports all detailing that we both left in Oct, is there anyway I can claim the Child Benefit for the child that lived me since Oct or does my ex get to keep it all because she didnt tell them ? I assume Child Tax will be the same but I have not yet heard from them, Thanks Ppl.
  16. Hi guys The date of the alleged offence was 26th October 2012 I sent an informal appeal on 4th November 2012 Council received my letter on 7th November 2012 I receive the attached letter dated 20th Demver 2012 My informal appeal has been rejected and I received a NTO on 9th January 2012- Do I have any grounds to make a formal appeal based on the council not replying within a certain amount of time Thx
  17. At last got another PARKING CHARGE NOTICE for not displaying a valid ticket You are meant to pay £1 in the machine and they refund it at the till so it is free had no change on me The attendant was there when i got back to car I told him NOT to place anything on my vehicle "I have to as you entered a contract by driving into the car park":lol: I have since phoned ASDA customer service.....there advice is to take things up with town and city parking as ASDA don't own the car park:!: After asking ASDA is it not part of the planning permission to provide a car park and it would of been built as part of the store All they had to say is contact town and country parking Told them i am looking forwards to a letter reminding me to pay followed by another letter begging for money followed by the threat of court then nothing. It would appear that ASDA customer services have little ability dealing with customers as he hung up on me. didn't get the chance to tell him i will shop at Tesco Of course i will not pay and looking forwards to more begging letters
  18. I was recently placed back into the Support Group following my ESA being reassesed, at this reassesment I was awarded zero points by ATOS but was placed back into the Support Group on reconsideration by the DWP decision maker. I now have a letter seeming to confirm that but I have a few questions: There isn't any indication of how long I will be in the SG for on this letter, normally I believe this is indicated on the report by the ATOS HCP however in my current case there won't be any indication mention of when this would be as I was found fit for work by them. In this case does anyone know if the decision maker will have indicated a time frame? It would be good to know what to expect but I am wary of calling up and rocking the boat in case they change their minds again. Is it likely that I should prepare for being reassessed sooner rather than later? All I was told on the phone when I got their decision in my favor was that it wouldn't be forever! The letter is a little odd as it says I will be paid ESA from a date which coincides with my when my initial payments of ESA started about 7 months ago rather than from now, do continuing claims in the same financial year just run on like one claim? Also on the letter although it details in the breakdon of the money I am getting that I am in the SG it doesn't as my last letter did state that I "meet the criteria" for the support group. I take it this is because I actually failed the WCA? Finally as I believe there were serious discrepancies in my wca report I would like to request a copy of my ESA85 but am again worried that doing so will somehow go against me, would this be the case or is it safe to go ahead and order a copy? Thank you for your advice on these issues!
  19. Hi all, Just been informed that O2 are not offering any compensation or refunding the cost of 1 days service after Fridays service loss. Do they not have to refund the cost of the days loss of service as I am essentially going to be paying for something I didnt receive? Dont think I have a case to exit my contract FOC but its the principle of the matter. They should at least refund the cost of 1 days service, I know its about £1, less in some cases. I am so mad at this company. I do regret renewing my contract with them. Only 22 months to go!!!
  20. Hi CAG, Hope I can get your advice on this matter before responding to a recent letter I received from Cabot. I have a credit card debt which was approx. 3,500 with Halifax. In 2008 I sent them a letter offering £2.00 a month which they wouldn't agree to so I paid £2.00 a month anyway. For a while they continued adding interest to the account and subsequently that debt is now almost £5,000. Last week I received a letter from Cabot with a letter from Halifax attached confirming that they have sold the debt to Cabot and asking me to complete a direct debit form. I would appreciate your advice on how I should approach this, can I get the interest removed? Many thanks in advance. tammi
  21. HSBC is to allow customers to use the Post Office counter network for basic transactions following criticism by the government. Most UK banks, except for HSBC and Santander, allow customers to make withdrawals and deposits at post offices. A previous consumer minister last year accused the duo of "holding out" against offering the service. HSBC said that it was changing its policy owing to customer demand. A year ago it had claimed that fewer than three in 10 of its customers actually wanted such access. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19623327
  22. hello, I have complained to Nationwide about mis-sold PPI and they have agreed that it was mis-sold. In their offer letter they state that the account is in arrears and that any monies paid to me will pay off the debt first. It relates to a loan that I was unable to repay in full. At the time of negotiating a FFS, i paid £4500 on a balance of £10k. My credit file is marked settled and I have a letter from them to say that it is settled. So my question is a simple one; Taking into account that the account is now settled, surely they won't now try and pay themselves the PPI award? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you!
  23. I have a current Barclaycard which was taken out in April 1995 and included PPI. I cancelled the PPI in January 2010 and now preparing to make a claim. Following SAR to Barclaycard I have now received 6 years of statements which show that I paid over £1200 in PPI but do not have any more info on the previous 11 years. Any advice on what I should do next Thank you
  24. Hi Guys, I hope you can help me as I'm a little unsure of where to turn with this. Last year I received paperwork from Northampton Court for a CCJ that a debt collector was trying to obtain against a debt I had with Llyods TSB approx 5 years ago now. At the time I went online to lodge for an extension to 28 days in which to lodge my response as the amount they were quoting had nearly doubled from what I owed. I managed to get the extension and gathered all my information appropriately. When I tried to enter my response online about a week later I was unable to log in to my account. I telephoned Northampton and was told that they were experiencing serious issues with the online service and to send everything to them via Royal Mail. I did this and have never heard anything more about it. Yesterday a court bailiff called at my home whilst I was out and left a letter with a visitor to my next door neighbour. This letter states that I am in contempt of court, the reference number relates to the above CCJ application, because I have failed to return paperwork to my local county court. The letter then goes on to say "to avoid the possibility of this action" I need to attend the bailiffs office at the county court. I think the letter itself is purposefully not very clear, the bailiff that attended my property was obviously not bothered who he handed the paperwork to as he made no attempt to ask who my neighbours friend was before handing the letter over them. I'd be grateful for any help or suggestions about where I should go from here. Thankyou
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