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  1. HI, a question.. .if a debt collection agency buys a debt of another company, can they legally pursue you for a debt that you havent actually got a contract with them. ..if your debt is with company A and company B buys your debt then surely your contract is with company A still regardless of who buys it.... ..im not talking about dca that have a vested interest with a company that they collect money on behalf of, im talking about a dca that buys a debt of a finance company.. ...thanks in advance..
  2. I am wondering whether to buy a car with a credit card because of s75 protection, if it goes wrong quite quickly. I have read up on it but I can find nothing new and wondered if I would be protected. I can transfer funds to the credit card to avoid the interest rates a few days later. Al input welcome regards as always Jack
  3. Hi there, I am wondering if anyone can help. I recently bought a dinner service from a local antiques centre. I later discovered that the set is fake. I have had the service seven days. I have contacted the owner of the antiques centre who said that the service was another dealers who has a stall within the centre. She said that she has paid that dealer and she is not responsible. She said that she will ask the dealer to contact me to try and resolve the issue. Can someone please tell me the best way to proceed if the seller refuses to contact me or refuses to give me a refund. What are my consumer rights? Kind regards Gary
  4. A friend of mine has a business and is in partnership with with his wife, he has decided to sell his share of the equipment to his wife in order that if the worst comes to the worst the equipment would not be seized as payment for a debt which he has in his own name and not the partnership's, how does the law stand on this. The partnership is forming a limited company but he will still owe the debt in his own name up to the point of the incorporation. Cheers
  5. Unfortunately my wife and I have decided quite amicably to head our separate ways. Everything is very civil at the moment but one can't always count on that. We're not divorced yet and I'd rather not force that issue through for emotional reasons. My question: We have completely separate finances and if I buy a property now is there anyway I can protect myself in the unlikely event our relationship turns sour and she came after me for half of the property I would like to buy? (Not sure this is really a CAG question now I've typed it out - but you guys are so good at similar things your opinions would be greatly appreciated...)
  6. Hello A car buying company bought my car and collected it last Fri 14th. They test drove and inspected it for over 2hrs, knocked the price down as expected, transferred funds and drove off. Since then I have received three (automated) emails saying the collection had gone well and did I wish to leave feedback. Today (19th) I received a call to say the car is not the model they paid for and they want £1k refunded or they will return the car to me. I stated they had the reg number from day one and their collection team had spent more than two hours driving and inspecting the vehicle before purchase. The reg does clearly relate to the vehicle, however, I can now see that their paperwork relates to a different edition, confusingly called 'Edition' (which I know nothing about, but which is presumably a more expensive model). I have genuinely not thought anything about this until receiving their call, thinking 'Edition' meant it was a 1.4 edition. The company is typically hard sell and their tone is now rather intimidating. For some reason I can no longer access the contract I signed and returned online, nor was I left copies of anything I signed on the day. Since selling I have collected my new used car. Could anyone help me understand my/their rights please? Many thanks.
  7. Hi, Paid £500 deposit on a used car from a forecourt trader. Road tested & inspected car pointing out a dent on it and it was due an intrim service. Agreed to sort dent and do the service as part of the deal (we paid the screen price). However, the garage haven't repaired the dent to a reasonable standard i.e it's still there. I have nothing in writing just the receipt for £500 deposit. Can I ask for my deposit back on the grounds the work hasn't been done satisfactorily? Any advice on my rights would be welcomed.
  8. Hi there, I am after a bit of advice with regards to a Ford Focus I bought from a trade seller 10 days ago. Yesterday the clutch started slipping, I have hardly used the car since purchasing it and I was wondering if I have any rights with regards to getting the dealer to repair the problem? I have been on Citizen's Advice and seen the law under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 but I am not sure if this applies to me? I have 12 months warranty but as it's probably wear and tear I can't imagine the warranty paying out? I spent £4k on this car only 10 days ago so I really can't afford paying out £400+ to get it repaired. I have been told that clutch problems are hard to spot before they arise but I would like to know if I have a leg to stand on with getting the garage to help? Many thanks, Alex
  9. I don't know if this is the right place but any help will be appreciated as I have got myself into abit of a mess. A couple of months ago i saw a car advertised on the internet. I did the usual thing and rang and got as much details of the car as possible. I asked for the reg number to do a HPI. The seller gave me the reg number but advised me the HPI check may well still be showing as owing finance and that it could take a couple of days to have it removed from the HPI systems as the finance was settled that morning. I requested proof of settlement and he emailed me a copy of the e-mail which was supposedly from Barclays to say all payments had been received and their interest in the car has seized. The email looked authentic with a genuine Barclay footer and disclaimer at the bottom. I proceeded to the address to further inspect the car as it was only 40 miles away from me. Upon arrival everything looked above board, the guy looked professional and the house was very much lived in. He showed me the settlement papers sent by post to him and what looked like a genuine online statement to show payment of the settlement amount had left his account with the reference matching that of the previous e mail he sent me and the documents he had present. At this point nothing seemed suspicious as he let me take a copy of his driving licence as well as the original purchase invoice to show he had bought from new from the dealers. After satisfying myself that he was the rightful owner I proceeded to complete the deal. A couple of days later I decided to run a HPI check to see whether the marker was removed but it was still showing. I started to chase up the seller but he ignored my calls at first, late that night he texted to say he had a very busy day at work therefore missed my calls and would chase the bank up in the morning. Again the next day i didn't hear from him after constantly calling him he eventually answered in the evening. We decided to meet the next day and go the bank together to get confirmation. Turned up the next day and he was not there, his house was empty and his phone was off. My worst fears had been realised. By this time i knew i had been [problem]med. I wrote to the bank straight away and they sent out a questionnaire. I filled it out and sent it back. I did not hear back from the bank until yesterday (approx 2 months) when two guys turned up asking me to hand over the keys to the car and to sign some papers. I did neither and told them i will not do anything without a solicitor. The last time i rang the number of the seller it was an international dial tone, so he has done a runner. What i do know is that he was who he says he was but has forged documents to show he has settled the finance. I know it was naive of me to deal with the guy but at the time nothing seemed untoward. Sorry for the longish post but i just wanted to know where I stand in regards to the car and whether I should hand it over. Very stressed and nearly £30k down...
  10. Hi All, Quick question. I'm looking at a car from a dealer around 60 miles away. My question is, if it turns out to be fault and the cause of the fault means i cannot return the vehicle to them where do i stand? Does the dealer have to collect the vehicle? Would i have to have it recovered back to them? Would i have it repaired locally?
  11. As a bit of pre-purchase research am checking out options open to me. The car is 13 yrs old, is being supplied with a warranty which I now realise isn't worth the paper they are written on. I will be doing a full and thorough check of all systems, plus a 45 min test drive, before paying balance due. Basically, if the car gives up on way home, do I get the breakdown guys to take back to dealer or taken to my home ( involves a ferry crossing too!....but not to Paris!)? If taken home can I insist they come and collect it if report on failure significant? How long do I have to reject it if a problem arises? Any advice gratefully received. P
  12. Hi, Afer some advice. i've seen a car that ticks all the boxes but after doing an HPI check it turns out to have a Bill of Sale attached to it. I have not bought the car, nor put a deposit down. Of course this set some alarm bells going off, but what are my options here? walk away? or is it possible to buy the car but make a payment to the LBL company for the outstanding amount and the guy selling it? Iam happy to work with the seller so long as I know 100% the loan has been paid before the car becomes mine, how is the best way to do this Thanks Phil
  13. We have a 0% all in one halifax credit card and would like to buy a car with it Went to a dealer and they accept cards although there is a fee which is fine but we have seen a similar car which is being sold private and wondering if it is possible to transfer from the card to their bank? if that is possible how do I prove its a purchase to get the 0% thanks
  14. Hello everybody. I am here new, and not sure if that section is OK to post my problem here. In September 2012 I bought a car from reseller. I tell them that it is something wrong with it, like accelerometer or clutch. They said all has been checked (they have on site inspection and servicing). I even take the owner of this business to have a ride. Of course he said that there is nothing wrong with the car. Then I took it to Halfords and Vauxhall. They found some problems but not that one. Now things turn out that it is some loom problem by accelerometer. Vauxhall quote me for that about £350. I want to write a letter to that chap that he sold me car with fault and to cover all my spendings (including taxis). What do you think about it? I dont want to talk to him over the phone, as he is not helpfull. When I went there the other day I did record some conversation, one of his worker shout on me trying to put in my mind that the car is completly fine and I should go to buy new one maybe. I have some papers about car been diagnosed 3 times with poor acceleration from previous owner (full service history).
  15. Hi everyone , Im looking to buy a Neighbours parking space, We have agreed on a price and was looking for some advice on how to set the ball rolling and get some advice, It is a new build property and he has a split mortgage with the bank and the wimpy homes so who do i need to speak to and is it possible ? Thank you
  16. Hi all, I have trawled through the web as much as I possibly can regarding used car sales, I have purchased a car and will be collecting on Saturday, the dealer has offered me a warranty with WMS for 12 months at a cost of £150, bargain I thought, until I wadded through pages and pages of negative responses to used car warranties in general, this put me off spending the additional funds, however, I understand that the Sale of Goods act gives me some form of protection up to 6 months with any repair bills through the dealer the car is being purchased from, but I am not able to find the specific paragraph that relates to this, would it be possible for some one to highlight this for me. Also with reference to paying for the car, I am using my old car as a PX and funding the rest with cash (to the total sum of £10,895), however reading some of the protection advice would it be prudent of me to fund about £150 of this on my credit card in case any dispute in the future, and can the dealer refuse, as he was reluctant to process my deposit through my debit card. I want to try to avoid any pitfalls that will expose me to any liability should there be a problem, not that I am expecting any, but just in case I want to be in the best position possible Thanks for any advice / help given
  17. Hi all, New to the forum, just after some opinions really. I am buying a used Audi S5 from a local dealership who received the car from a local VW main dealer as they have an agreement to take in their P/X vehicles. The VW dealership has yet to receive the v5 from the previous owner, thus the dealership I am buying the car from also have yet to receive it. I have carried out my own HPI check, and confirmed the VIN matches the VRM thru the DVLA database. I need the car pretty soon as mine is sold. I have agreed to pick the car up later today, but with a clause in the invoice that once received, if there is anything wrong with the v5, or any discrepancies, they will refund me in full for the car. I trust the dealer selling me the car, but obviously as it was a PX, have no contact with the previous owner who has assured that he will send the V5 to the VW dealer asap, who will then send it on to the dealer from whom I am buying the car. Would you say this is enough cover to go ahead with the purchase? Thanks so much in advance.
  18. Right, a friend of mine purchased some computer software as a consumer not a business. The software is not faulty in any way just that it needs alot of setup and after research its going to cost about £1000 to get someone to setup for me. my friend had the free version of this software installed and looks really good so contacted a reseller to purchase a licence. basically, my friend cant afford to pay someone to set the software up so decided to see if he could cancel the order under the distance selling regulations. He has now been told he does not have a cooling off period under the act as its an excluded item. "Software" he contacted the company and they refused to offer a refund but offered to setup the software for him a a really cut down price. however my friend just wants to get a refund. the software licence has been activated using the supplied licence key. He paid using a Master Credit Card. can he get a refund from his card company
  19. Hi, I'm looking at buying a car from a local dealer, they have advised that they know the mileage is wrong on it and it has covered around 50000 more than is showing on the Speedo, they have just put a new MOT on it. I can get it for a good price (based on actual mileage) and was wondering, this could be a stupid question but is it ok to buy a car that I know has potentially been clocked? the garage dont know who clocked it but have said it wasnt them. cheers, Nick
  20. Hi, I currently live in a 3 bedroom rented property with my wife and two dogs in Leicester, we were very fortunate to find a private rented property that allowed us to have dogs in the first place. We pay £575 rent per month and having lived in rented property before this house is not up to rentable standards however the landlord is "mates" with the letting agency he uses so all is good as far as hes concerned. As I said they allow us to have dogs and pretty much allow us to do as we like with the house in terms of decorating etc so we dont complain. However when we approached him to replace some of the cold single glazed windows last year he replaced two of them and told us that money was very tight and could not afford to do anymore, he also scrimped on a new boiler previously. My wife is expecting a baby in 6 months and I want the house we live in to be of a good standard but we love the house were in purely for location and also has a big garden for the dogs. How would/should I go about making an offer to the landlord to buy the property and take over responsibilities of replacing doors, windows, carpets etc? We do not have enough money at the moment for a mortgage so were thinking of maybe a part let part buy offer? Or maybe taking out a loan of maybe £10000 and starting him off with that, any suggestions of what to do? We really dont want to move as we wont find anywhere that lets us have pets.
  21. The line i use has all unmanned stations. On each station there are permit to travel machines and signs warning on fines if you don't have a ticket. Last night on my regular journey of 3 stops approx 12mins i got my permit to travel as usual boarded the train and sat down and waited for the guard to come round selling tickets just the same as any week and the same as the several others who got on at the same time did. As i boarded i noticed 2 revenue officers in the carriage - no problem always get a permit. Normally when they come round they'll check your permit and tell you to get a ticket when the guard appears. Not this time. This time the officer ordered all those that had just boarded to leave their seats and walk down the other end of the train where the guard is waiting. Is this now a standard procedure? I wasn't too happy still having some vague notion of being a customer and expecting a bit of customer service rather than just being viewed as a potential fare dodger as this guy did. I told him i wasn't happy but he just talked to me like i was trying to avoid paying. If this is the case it'll be interesting when the station is busier and, say, 20 people board and start walking up and down looking for the guard. Feeling pretty angry about this as the guy was just talking to me like i was a criminal when i had and always have every intention of paying my fare.
  22. Strange question I know but would I be able to 'buy' my own SB debt from a DCA? Do you need a credit licence? I only ask as I have a couple of SB debts which are obviously unenforceable under the Limitations Act but should the Act change in the future, and this change is retrospectively made against old debts - the debt could theoretically become active again. So if Iwas able to offer a £1 to buy a SB debt for myself then I wuoldn't have this potential headache in a few years time? Just a thought? Feel free to tell me to shut up!
  23. 1st crud are buying 100s of Debts about to or if not already Statute Barred, Notice of Assignments are all dated 31st July 2012 and their Legal threat O gram,s are all dated 22 days after assignment. 1st Crud can be very Litigious so beware!!
  24. Last week I bought a new pair of walking boots from one of the Mountain Warehouse stores. The first time I wore the boots I found them to be very slippery when walking, having little or no grip. It felt about the same as walking on ice. I queried this with the company who have been most unhelpful. They say the boots are made for "rough terrain". No where in the advertising of the boots does it mention they are not suitable for general wear such as walking on paths, roadways or other normal surfaces. Could anyone please advise how I should procede with either getting the boots exchanged or my money back from this company?
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