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  1. Well one week later and I have heard no more. Fingers crossed, and without wishing to tempt fate, that will hopefully be the end of the matter! Thanks again for the responses.
  2. Thanks for the further responses. Having slept on this and chatted it over with others, I really believe they can go whistle! I will no doubt hear from them later today, but will not answer their calls. Ashmk, I did contact these companies for quotes with my eyes open (perhaps not wide enough!) and understood that what I would (hopefully) gain in convenience of not having to sell privately, I would lose in price. That said, my gut instinct was telling me not to sell this way. Where this company is quite clever is in charging a £90 fee upfront prior to collection, which is fully refundable if and when the car is purchased (I deliberated for ages before committing to this). Of course on the day, once they start pulling the car to pieces and reducing the price offered, you're mindful you're going to kiss goodbye to £90 if you don't reach agreement. In fact we nearly didn't because the initial revised offer was ridiculous! I negotiated hard until we reached agreement and although initially irritated with myself for selling this way, I soon got over it and moved on with collecting and enjoying my new used car. But to have them contact me 6 days later as they have, demanding £1k be refunded or they return the car, well, let's just say lesson learned!
  3. Although I advertised on several sites for a private sale, this company is one of the many that buys cars direct. I supplied full and absolutely accurate details on their site, to include registration, and negotiated from there. I was pestered daily with calls & emails, and eventually decided to sell to them. It would appear they priced the wrong model of car from the start, even though they were using and subsequently quoting my registration in all communication. Their argument appears to be that having signed their contract, which describes the vehicle as an 'edition', I have misrepresented it?
  4. Thank you for the quick response. I agree with your comments and this is what I have stated to them. I have now received an email stating I either refund £1k or they will return the car. I have been asked to respond within 24hrs. Any advice on how best I should handle the situation? Thanks.
  5. Hello A car buying company bought my car and collected it last Fri 14th. They test drove and inspected it for over 2hrs, knocked the price down as expected, transferred funds and drove off. Since then I have received three (automated) emails saying the collection had gone well and did I wish to leave feedback. Today (19th) I received a call to say the car is not the model they paid for and they want £1k refunded or they will return the car to me. I stated they had the reg number from day one and their collection team had spent more than two hours driving and inspecting the vehicle before purchase. The reg does clearly relate to the vehicle, however, I can now see that their paperwork relates to a different edition, confusingly called 'Edition' (which I know nothing about, but which is presumably a more expensive model). I have genuinely not thought anything about this until receiving their call, thinking 'Edition' meant it was a 1.4 edition. The company is typically hard sell and their tone is now rather intimidating. For some reason I can no longer access the contract I signed and returned online, nor was I left copies of anything I signed on the day. Since selling I have collected my new used car. Could anyone help me understand my/their rights please? Many thanks.
  6. Thanks again. I got part way to a grievance when things got really bad/tough, but ended up becoming ill before it was officially dealt with. I do however have clear email evidence that I wished to pursue a grievance, and lots of further evidence which clearly demonstrates me becoming very aggrieved and starting to feel 'helpless'. Will this help do you think? C.
  7. Thanks for your response Emmzzi. I am confident the process was flawed and that I was targeted for whisteblowing and that this can be proven, and as such would like the situation addressed (or the guilty party 'punished'). Are you saying this is unlikely at an appeal meeting? Yes, I received a redundancy payment, but would far rather have remained in employment had the targeting stopped, and in good health. I seriously doubt they will offer/suggest re-employment as both parties consider this untenable, however, I suspect they would very much like the situation to go away. I am keeping note of the ET1 deadline thanks, but could you expand on your comment about needing to be aware this is a step I will go through before an ET? Thanks C.
  8. Hi, I am looking for a little advice. I have an appeal against redundancy meeting coming up, and papers will be exchanged next week. My last day at/of work was end of Jan, and I received my redundancy settlement at that time. I am appealing on the grounds that the redundancy process was flawed, and I was targeted after raising serious concerns about health & safety. I believe I have a strong case supported by a large amount of evidence. I had been treated unfairly over a 2/3 year period and 2 years ago suffered depression & a breakdown. I returned after 2 months sick leave and a risk assessment was undertaken, which was then promptly filed and ignored. I suffered a relapse late last year and was off for 2.5 months. On meeting with OH to discuss a phased return I made mention of my specific mental health diagnosis, and expressed disappointment that the previous risk assessment had been ignored. This was shared with a senior manager. Despite being assured I would be supported this time on my return, management did not contact me once between my returning and my leaving date 4 weeks later. My health has been seriously impacted upon and I am currently unable to work. Additionally, I do not foresee being able to work full time in the near future, nor ever in a particularly stressful environment. Efforts to redeploy me were insincere and since leaving several suitable alternative positions, some which I knew of, have now been advertised. I am not looking for reinstatement, but for acknowledgement I have been unfairly treated and compensation for same and injury to health/feelings. A senior HR manager is aware of this and suggested I might take specific detail to the appeal meeting. So, my queries: - how much detail should I go into at appeal and the papers I supply for this? - if it were to proceed to tribunal what would be the best way to proceed, ie: unfair dismissal, discrimination, whistleblowing?? - what exactly should I take into account when arriving at a suitable compensation figure? Any help or pointers most gratefully received. Many thanks. Cheeselet
  9. Hello Could someone confirm please when the 3 month period to submit a claim under the ETA commences (unfair redundancy dismissal). Is it when a notice of redundancy is first issued, or the date when you actually become redundant. My notice period has been extended, does this make any difference? Many thanks. C
  10. Thanks for your response Pusillanimous. Yes, the issues have been ongoing for some time, but until 8 months or so ago I could justify staying because I enjoyed my job, was good at it, and worked closely with many lovely individuals in a mutually respectful way. Because of key people being away at present for one reason or another, and yet more turnover at senior management level, this is no longer the case. I did start a grievance 4/5 months ago, as things were becoming intolerable and I could see where I was likely heading, but events overtook/overwhelmed me and I became unwell and signed off from work. As you suggest, I will speak with a solicitor now that I am more able to seek opinion. My illness does count as a disability. I don't belong to a union. Thanks again. C
  11. Thanks for your response DJ. I understand exactly your comments, and take them on board. Like others in a similar situation though, I find it hard to let go and believe in fighting for what's right - largely why I find myself in this situation. If nobody fights back, poor treatment of individuals such as me continues (I realize it often continues regardless of folk fighting back!). I do know I have a strong case, supported with lots of written evidence, but agree it may be best to walk away. That said, I am not as young as I was, nor in great health and my sickness record reflects this. As such, finding alternative work at a similar level may not prove as straightforward as it might have once. Thanks again. C
  12. Thanks Honeybee, I will edit as suggested. I understand the 'bold' business now. C.
  13. Hello I appreciate it's a frantic time of year, but any pointers, on post or otherwise? Should I condense it perhaps? Could a site moderator make the title bold for me, I don't seem able to edit that aspect? Many thanks. C.
  14. What a great site, such generous people sharing their time and knowledge. In essence, I have been targeted for some time and now find myself soon to be redundant. I believe the consultation process was flawed and I have been unfairly forced from my job. I have been excluded and bullied. I have been made very ill. I have been treated less favourably than others, and I have not been protected when raising concerns of public interest. I am speaking with ACAS tomorrow, but would like to gather as much opinion as possible. Could someone help me clarify next steps please? I must protect my health and the atmosphere at work continues to be toxic and not one I could easily deploy back into, even if a new role were to be found. Additionally, I am angry and upset at my treatment and the effects it has had on me, my relationships, and my employment (both current and future). I will receive a redundancy payment, but I wish to be compensated for all the suffering caused and damage done. The situation is as bullet pointed below, but please let me know if I can frame it so it is more reader friendly, and easier to respond to: I have worked for employer for over 6yrs, public sector. I made an official complaint under bullying policy in 2008, which whilst upheld was a lengthy and damaging process and not handled well. I have had concerns re: poor management & poor systems posing a threat to patient & staff safety for some time. Took these to several managers over a four year period, each of whom undertook to makes changes. I encountered further bullying 2009, which I reported but did not pursue, contributes to breakdown (stress & depression) and two month absence. I return to work 2010 on a phased basis, stress and dysfunction worse than ever. A risk assessment is undertaken by my line manager. The report is poorly completed so I free text my detailed comments below theirs. This is forwarded to OH by line manager. It is never referred to again by management and recommendations are ignored. No discussion ever takes place regarding my health and known stress triggers continue. Eventually I go to COO, spend an hour explaining concerns with supportive correspondence. Acknowledged as very serious and another undertaking to look into, and to be kept informed as appropriate. No written confirmation received, no updates. Three months later GM of area 'retires'. Line manager commences another restructure/consultation of A&C. Third one in as many years, each one very stressful. I start to be entirely excluded and after discussing this with line manager contact COO with concerns. Receive written acknowledgement of initial meeting together with confirmation that some things ongoing cannot be disclosed, but line manner will be conducting a fair review in accordance with relevant policies. I and others may be affected by this. Review report (produced by outside consultants) is flawed and causes general and widespread concern. Areas 'outside' of scope commented upon, without individuals working within such areas being involved. I tackle management about this. Everything becomes extremely messy and unpleasant, and I am further excluded. Interim GM starts. After a few meetings GM acknowledges review not satisfactory and implements further proposals. These are ambitious but detailed and take shape, and involve my position (and only my position) becoming redundant. A senior position with similar but expanded responsibility to be created and measured. This will be ring-fenced for me. Several attempts have previously been made to force me into a similar role at existing T&C’s. Interim GM leaves, new GM starts. I have two meetings with new GM. First very positive, second not and very unpleasant. Four week consultation commences. Day before conclusion (when I am away from work) GM widely circulates brief email confirming several changes to senior management structure. These changes impact significantly on line management of new position being proposed. I (and others) query this and am told to speak with GM directly. GM goes off for personal reasons (continuing), and no one is able or willing to explain in their absence. Consultation concludes and reports that proposals will be implemented. I am asked if I wish to apply for new position. I state I am waiting for answers to queries raised. I am pressed again, stating queries will be answered in due course. I meet with acting COO to discuss situation and ongoing stress within area and safety concerns. Acting COO confirms I was right to do this and undertakes to look into matter and get back to me within a week. Next day I walk into email from line manager stating my queries have been looked into and taking these on board the new position will be downgraded. Several individuals are aware of this. I contact acting COO to see if they are aware of this and if it is as a consequence of my meeting with them. I ask if they consider it reasonable and also if I can still expect to hear from them by the end of the week as stated. COO replies, yes, yes, and yes, no. I contact HR to state that as the consultation had concluded surely the outcome (or parts of) could not simply be amended. HR undertake to discuss with management and eventually it is decided a further two week consultation will occur regarding downgrade of new position, reasons given being that additional information had been received which was relevant (from me). One day into the new consultation I suffer a bereavement, which together with stress causes me to be unwell and off on compassionate leave. The consultation continues (I advise I will not be submitting further responses) and concludes in my absence, despite me hoping in the circumstances it might be temporarily halted. I return to work and am entirely excluded. Local staff and individuals I manage are all stressed, upset and frustrated. I am issued with my redundancy notice. I find out a local temporary member of staff with basic responsibilities is being paid at the same level as me (and above those they are working alongside) and has been for some time. I take this to HR & GM. HR has concerns due to terms of redundancy/redeployment policy. Acting GM basically tells me it's none of my business. I suffer serious relapse and am signed off work (continuing). HR & management regularly email me, to include notification of posts I might apply for (most junior to my present position) as per their policy. I ask them to stop as it is contributing to my ill health. I agree to and attend an assessment with OH. This is long and draining and the (delayed) report to management does not accurately reflect discussions. I continue to be considered unfit for work and management, being conscious that my redundancy date is nearing, asks me to attend a meeting to discuss how they might help me enter into the redeployment process, and when this might be. I attend, the upshot being my notice period will be extended by one month. Thanks so much for reading. C.
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