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  1. As reported on Parking Prankster... CEL have been ordered to pay £905 in compensation & costs for breaching the Data Protection Act in regards to a private parking ticket. Ouch! http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/motorist-awarded-900-for-data.html
  2. 'The payday loan firm Wonga has said up to 270,000 of its customers may have been affected by a data breach. The firm said it was "urgently investigating illegal and unauthorised access to the personal data of some of its customers in the UK and Poland". The firm said it began contacting borrowers on Saturday and was offering support through a dedicated phone line. The information stolen includes names, addresses, phone numbers, bank account numbers and sort codes.....Around 245,000 of the customers affected are based in the UK with the rest in Poland....' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39544762
  3. Hi All, I have recently defended a claim by Shoosmiths on behalf of Capquest for a Cpaital One credit card taken out in Oct 2008, the last payment made was in Jan 2012. The claim was stayed at the end of Jan 2017 after filing a defence. Before filing the defence Capquest was sent a CCA request, a copy was also sent to Shoosmiths with a CPR31.14 request, which Shoosmiths remain in breach of. However today Capquest has sent a response to the CCA request (attached). They have also sent somebody elses application for a Barclays Sky Card which includes their name, address, DOB, household income, home, mobile and work telephone numbers and applicants signature. Any advice greatly appreciated, please advise if defence or CPR 31.14 request needs uploading. Thanks Penfolds
  4. I would like some advice regarding the rent to home buy scheme. we entered the scheme some years ago and was told within the paperwork and contract that we would receive the first years rent back toward the deposit and fees. when the term was up the housing association wrote to us asking if we were going to buy the property. in this letter they said the first year rent allowance would be deducted from the asking price upon the completion of the sale. because we did not have the funds for the deposit ourselves as we were expecting the funds from the housing association we had no alternative but to advise them them that we could not afford to purchase the property. they proceeded to issue us with an eviction notice and we were declared homeless by the local council. Have they failed in their duty of care? have they breached contract?
  5. Me and my partner booked tickets online to see Fantastic Beasts and where to Find them. On the Odeon Guildford website it stated that the 8pm viewing was subtitled. (We are both deaf and need subtitles to follow a film) We turned up on the night of the screening, 18th November 2016. I always check before we go into the screening that it is actually subtitled as in the past we go, only to be told there are no subtitles. I ask the staff, is the film at 8pm subtitled? He goes on to say no. I ask why? He avoids the question a number of times. I ask him again, and ask 'why not add the subtitles?' Its really is not difficult to do- (popular films delivered to cinemas USUALLY contain a subtitle track. Cinemas can switch this subtitle track on or off, like a DVD player or Sky box, BUT cinemas prefer to SCHEDULE subtitled shows in advance, so everyone knows a particular show is subtitled.) I ask him again, and the guy says 'people don't like subtitles.' I was upset and angry by this point, and I said I'd like to speak to the manager. He then says he IS the manager. I was even more shocked as this came out of the words of the manager. He could have been a bit more tactful. It clearly breaches the Equality Act. The subtitles weren't cancelled due to technical failure but because they decided to discriminate against a minority, whilst pleasing the larger minority (the hearing people) after specifically advertising the film as being accessible for that minority. It was an evening trip wasted, we planned in advance only to be hugely disappointed. We were refunded, and given two free cinema tickets and an apology, but that is not good enough. It was an injury and insult to our feelings, to be turned away just because we are deaf. Hearing people have the privilege of turning up to watch films when they like. Deaf people have restrictions - we can only see films that are shown subtitled. We've suffered as a consequence on the basis of characteristic (disability) which is protected under the equality act 2010. I have tweeted this, emailed the cinema, and am awaiting a response. I hope they don't get off lightly, I will make sure of that. I have proof of booking confirmation when I booked my tickets, which also shows the proof of it being captioned. But no proof unfortunately of the manager saying 'people don't like the subtitles.' I do though, have a witness. I am new to this forum, and so hi to everyone I am not sure what else to do, feel at a bit of a loose end and would appreciate some help and guidance on what to do next. Many thanks.
  6. (Sorry if this has been answered before but I am not great on the laptop and couldn't find any answer on the site.) I have had a contractual breach charge left on my car in the car park of the flats I live in and wanted to get some advice. I was displaying a valid permit but they claim I was parked obstructively( I guess because the only place free I could park was in front of the steps) but I had left plenty of room for people to walk behind my car. Also, as the part of the car park where I parked does not have marked bays, isn't it up to the person parking to decide if they can park in a certain spot ( within reason of course) I haven't contacted the company who issued the CBC someone called, ethical parking management and I would appreciate some advice as what I should do because I don't feel I have done anything wrong so I am reluctant to pay them. Thanks
  7. Hi, Hope everyone had a good bank holiday. I (and three others!) missed crap signage and got a Contractual Breach Charge from Ethical Parking on my windscreen over the weekend. Just double checking that it is currently still best to do nothing until a notice to keeper arrives (between 28 and 56 days) before I take any action on one of these? Then if it (NTK) arrives on time post photos of it and signage on here for assistance? Just don't want to get it wrong! Thanks!
  8. Hi everyone, I started doing work for a company in August 2015 on a self-employed basis (this is the only company I was working for). In January 2016 I had a meeting with the M.D. and the admin lady and it was agreed I would take over her role of processing orders, picking and packing, and despatch of orders, because she was leaving to work from home. This was in addition to my role as the sole production operative. I have it agreed in writing that I would be available for at least Monday and Tuesday of each week with additional hours should there be demand for so. Last month I turned up for work and the electricity had been cut off. The M.D. had not been paying the bill and also the rent on the units. M.D. came to an agreement for payment and on we went. I was then informed (by a TNT courier driver) that there was a notice of possession on the door of the units. I asked M.D. and he said all will be sorted soon. It is now the case that M.D. has defaulted on payment plan and owner of units changed locks. M.D. had again agreed another payment plan but has not signed agreement yet because he darted off on holiday and so this week will be the third week I have been without work and with rent and bills to pay, I am worried. My question is this. Do I have any right to ask for payment for lost hours because we had an agreement? Your advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  9. HA have done things i believe are a breach of data protection and it is bascially to turn everyone against me, it is two particular housing officers who are starting this hate campaign because they have lied and claimed the tenant upstairs is allowed laminated flooring and he is not. 1) I asked the HO not to speak to police about my case, she did this anyway and she also used my "block" on her speaking with police against me (even though i found out she did) 2) HO has told tenant above me I am getting an eviction notice. I was informed this information via the mediator. I spoke to the mediator today who claimed the HO only "said if there are any more complaints" funny he knew I was being served one though 3) HO has told mediator I had issues with another neighbour, she also told mediator i am from a domestic violence background which is why i had to move out my last property and the criminal is from "said area" 4) HO has told tenant upstairs i have other ASB against me, she said "loads" (from who?) the only thing i have written proof on is her saying she hasnt spoken to police due to my block but an email from police to confirm she is and that "several neighbours" apparently have a problem with me what can i do about this? I dont know if the mediator will admit to anything maybe if she was interviewed or required by court
  10. While away on holiday my Father removed our Ethical Parking Permit ( as he thought it was the permit for our road) from our car which was parked on our buildings car park. We then received a ticket on our car saying we have a fine. The fine is for a "Contractual Breach" as our car was parked without displaying the permit. We own our flat and really don't see why we should pay this as it seems like blatant opportunism on their part as we have explained that we live there and it was a mistake. Does anyone have any advice? Many thanks in advance
  11. I've recently sent a parcel via their service but it was simply left on the front doorstep of the delivery address and then stolen. Drivers have guidelines for leaving parcels. These guidelines clearly weren't followed on my delivery. The driver left the parcel next to the front door, clearly visible from a public footpath which runs adjacent to a busy main road. The value of the item inside was £112 plus the delivery fee. I have just received a refund of the delivery fee plus £50 as that's all I was covered up to. I accept that I should have increased the cover for this item but have they breached their contract and duty of care in this instance? In the current terms and condition, it clearly states: “We shall supply the Services to You using reasonable care and skill” and “leave the Parcel in a safe place”. Clearly not in this case. The T&Cs also state: We shall be liable for non-compliance with instructions if it is proved that the non-compliance was caused by Our negligence or the negligence of Our employees, agents or Sub-contractors and that the non-compliance has caused You loss. In this case, the negligence of the delivery driver has caused me a net loss of approx. £60. I think it’s reasonable to expect a level of common sense and consideration from the delivery team. Leaving a parcel on the front door step of a house which is next to a public footpath is absurd.
  12. I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for 28 years and have always bought my own phone and had either pay as you go and more recently SIM only contracts. My last SIM contract had run its course and they were offering Unlimited minutes/Unlimited calls/20GB data for £20 p.m for 12 months - offer valid until 3rd March 2016. On 2nd March 2016 I visited my local store and dealt with the assistant manager, who I have always respected and dealt with on many occasions and felt very confident with his experience. I signed up for the above deal and specifically asked for clarification that I would only be charged for £20 on my nect bill in addition to any 'extra's' I chose to add on and he confirmed that to be correct. The mobile app confirmed this but the website didn't so I called them on 191 but they were closed. I then went on their website 'CHAT' facility and 'spoke' with a colleague who confirmed that the store Asst Manager had NOT discounted down the contract and advised me to return to the store for them to sort it out. I did so on Saturday for 75 minutes and the female assistant emailed the relevant departments and told me they would credit my account as the direct debit had been taken - I explained that under the D/D guaranteee facility I am entitled to have that refunded because Vodafone were in breach of their T&C's and they had called for the incorrect amount. The female asst agreed and I confirmed that once I had received the refund of the full amount, I would call Vodafone immediately to pay the correct amount in order to continue my services, which she said was ok. Today, I have clarified with the bank that the D/D indemnity is in place and being actioned and they confirmed it was. An hour later I find I have no mobile services.............. I'M WITHIN THE COOLING OFF PERIIOD SO i AM VISITING MY LOCAL STORE TO CANCEL TODAY AND JOIN A REPUTABLE COMPANY WHO MIGHT JUST VALUE A LOYAL CUSTOMER!!! If Lee (Vodafone Customer Contact with CAG) is available I would certainly appreciate his urgent input to this matter. Thanks in advance.
  13. I in november 2015 I took out a contract and got a "new" couch from Brighthouse, I have started getting letters through in my name with JNR at the end of it. My dad has the exact same name as me, I dont stay with him, I have my own house. Surely brighthouse have discussed my account with my dad and confirmed my details to him, Surely this is a breach of contract and breaking data protection. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do regarding this,
  14. 18 Nov 2016 we (stupidly) signed contract with Anglian Home Improvements for a conservatory. It was a four hour sales pitch, in our home. He offered us a special discount if we signed that night. He offered some sort of 'deal' if we used their financing. He offered us extra discount if we would agree to advertising. The meeting was between my husband and I, my mother in law and him (also add in two wired sleep deprived toddlers running around to the mix). Contract came out at 10:30 and he finally left at 11pm. We just wanted to get rid of him. At the appt, we discussed the fact that we were at the full amount we could afford and if anything else came up, extra building works, we would have to cancel. No problem at all he assured us. If we cancelled before 14 days, we would have deposit returned (£500) At worst, we would lose our deposit (£500) after 14 days. We were given the impression Anglian was very reasonable about this. We also discussed the age of our home and possible issues with planning permission. We advised that we were in a heritage area and lived in a home of special interest, as formally defined by the council. Again, he assured us this would not be a problem. 25 Nov, Anglian sent surveyor around. Surveyor flagged possible gaswork pipes issue. My husband rang Anglian to advise that we wanted our file on hold due to this possible issue. My husband again clarified our position that if any extra building issues arose, we would not be proceeding. He again was assured that monies would be returned to us in this eventuality. At no time, either sales rep advised us of any more harsh penalties. We contacted National Grid on our part. Anglian sent round a man to dig up our patio to check for pipes. This confirmed pipes location would not be a problem on the northern wall but we still needed clarification from National Grid as to where the location of the pipes intersected on the western portion of the conservatory foundation. 4 Dec, we received a letter from Anglian advising our file had been passed to CAD drawing stage. I emailed to remind them everything should be on hold. At this point, we were concerned that ancillary building works would be an issue re: the gasworks. We were also concerned with planning, having looked into it further. We also had our neighbour voicing concerns about the build and threatening to object to it. We also felt that we had been manipulated and information had been severely misrepresented. We were also starting to have little confidence in the customer service of Anglian due to their repeatedly pushing things through when we had advised them several times that our file was on hold. We sent a cancellation notice 19 Jan 2016 stating the above. On 22 Jan, we received an email from some women at Anglian telling us we would owe 30% so £7000 some odd if we cancelled. We then received a standard form letter from Anglian dated 21 Jan advising us that they were delighted to confirm their acceptance of conservatory contract (!). Clearly an attempt to bulldoze through to the next stage in order to justify their costs. We emailed back to set all this out again. On 5 Feb 2016 we received a very terse and basic legal letter advising us we owed them £7300 and that we needed to either continue with contract or pay this within ten days. I copied my email again to as many people at Anglian as I could and asked that they respond to our issues by end of day today. Unsurprisingly, we've heard nothing. I have been in touch with Citizens Advice and lodged a complaint with Trading Standards. Does anyone have any helpful words of advice? This has been extremely stressful. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi all, it's been a while since I last posted here, but have a bit of a question that I hope someone may be able to help with. My girlfriend has recently renewed her car insurance, although her existing insurance does not lapse until the 1st of Feb (a few days a way yet). The insurance she has just payed for is not due to become active until the old insurance lapses. Basically she has paid for her renewal early. Unfortunately her car has developed a major fault, so she now wants to cancel the policy before it actually begins. She had phoned her insurance company on the 25th and dealt with someone on the phone who took payment on her debit card. She has since phoned to cancel and has been told that she will not get a full refund. They want to charge a fee for legal cover, a fee for making a change to the policy etc etc. I suggested to her that she politely end the call and to say she would look into it and get back in touch with them, which she then did. I was of the understanding that under Distance Selling Regulations, any purchase made on the internet or over the phone that was not a "custom" order must be refunded in full within a 14 cooling off period. I would understand if the policy had already come into force, but it hasn't. Does anyone have any views, experience or advice surrounding such an issue? Many thanks in advance, Loaf..
  16. So, despite all of the bleating, the hype, the threats, the smooth posting on these forums and elsewhere, BES utilities have been found to be in breach of several obligations of required industry standards. This will come to no surprise to a large number of people who had dealings with this shabby company and in particular it will come as no surprise to the victims who have suffered from the unjust bullying that they have received at the hands of BES utilities and which in some cases have even destroyed their businesses and their hopes and ambitions. I see that as usual, not only as a regulator taken his time in sorting this out, but the resulting sanction amounts to a mere slap on the wrist and produces no real motivation that any utilities company to do any better. Part of the reason for the limited sanction is that apparently BES utilities cooperated and also admitted the breaches – even though, there were only denials elsewhere. Of course, it makes business sense that when you've been caught out that it is best to put your hands up as quickly as possible and it seems as if this is what BES utilities have done to the regulator despite being in denial to their customers and elsewhere. It has now been left to BES utilities to approach their own customers with proposals of redress. Will they go about this in an honest and decent way? I'm sure that we will find out eventually on this forum and we invite all victims of BES utilities to come here and tell us whether they have received an approach and whether they are satisfied with the way that it is being handled. For people who are looking around for somebody to manage their energy supply, frankly we suggest that you avoid BES utilities for at least two or three years until they have established a track record of straightforward straight-dealing. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-bes-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-7a-7b-7-14-and-21b-and-consumer-complaints-handling-standards-regulations-chsr-2008 BES utilities have previously come onto this forum in denial and also to assure us of their best intentions regarding their customers. I wonder if they have the bottle to come onto this forum now and to apologise and to explain to their victims what the next step is.
  17. Hi All, I really would appreciate any help/advice regarding this matter. I worked as a contractor for this coy delivering orders for a retailer. Signed contract stipulated among others; 1) £8/hr and 2) one week notice upon termination of contract by either party. I started when I was desperately in need of job, after working first week they paid only min wage, and some months down the line £7/hr, and some weeks back they terminated contract without notice. They're in breach of said contract. They're also owing me final wages because I've not returned company property. When I started they gave a contract to sign but didn't give me a copy to keep. I only know of said breach after I sent letter threatening court action and insisting they sent me a copy of signed contract. Any suggestion would be welcome. Thanks
  18. Dear all, I unfortunately suffer from chronic depressive illness and have done so for many years with the condition significantly worsening over the past few years. In the year 2011 I had been subject to police investigation. I attended a police interview on a voluntary basis. Due to my debilitating depression I had an appropriate adult also attend this interview who I understand was a social worker at that time. The social worker, without my explicit consent, went on to record the details of the alleged criminal charges I faced on the NHS Trust’s IT system and within my electronic patient records. This information is categorised as highly sensitive information as defined under section 2 (h) of the Data Protection Act and the Trust seemingly recorded this information unlawfully. Their response however is that the processing of this information was 'necessary for medical purposes'. The criminal matter has been long since disposed of in my favour however the Trust are continuously processing this information wherever and whenever possible. I am not clear on whether or not explicit consent was needed here. It seems to me it was. I should be most grateful for any input.
  19. Long but i would appreciate some answers, im so sick of these people and their treatment against me, so i beg you help if you can. I lived in one of their properties after coming out from a woman refuge for 4 years with no problems, however my ex boyfriend found me and kept harassing me. I was living in Brent (lets say) and on my report from the police and national DV workers it CLEARLY stated i cannot be re housed in Brent. However i was re housed in Brent, i took this property as i was TOLD if i refused it i will be kicked off the management transfer list as im only allowed ONE choose. so im in the same borough i was fleeing and told not to be housed in. Whilst at this property i had a woman upstairs who racially abused me, harrassed me and threatened me several times. she never admitted to racially abusing me but she did admit to the neighborhood manager, knocking on my door to start arguments (harrassment) and banging on the floor at me (harassment) she was also recorded as i had noise recorders in my flat banging around on purpose to harrass and upset me, however because i only recorded for 5 days and not the whole 14days they said it isnt a "pattern" even though legally a pattern constitutes of more than two occurrences. I also contacted the police who didnt do anything, nobody wanted to do anything. In fact they didnt even want to move me only because i brought up i wasnt meant to be housed in Brent they moved me again. I actually developed BAD depression from all of the above. I was pregnant and i lost my baby from the stress. I have a claim with the Housing obud but they have a "backlog" of work and a year later still NO answer from them. so again im only allowed ONE choose as it is management transfer and im now in Camberwell london again had issues with the neighbor downstairs, he constantly knocked on my door, followed me to the end of the road, stared through my windows, had some stuff on cctv and he admitted to knocking on my door. This time the police were great however Had to go to top management for my neighborhood manager to even tell him to leave me alone. They kept saying its a "police matter" even though it says in the tenancy to not harrass other tenants Instead my NHM was more interested in harrassing me about getting carpet as the man downstairs kept complainin , as when i moved i left my job and was on benefits i had no money to get carpet, so i again had to go to top management to get £300 worth of vouchers for carpet, which ONLY covered a hallway, the flat is BIG NHM never addressed the fact the guy downstairs was harrassing me, in fact none of them did they seem to justify his stalking behaviour with the fact i didnt have carpet like that some how means he is allowed to stalk me because im making normal living noises. NOWHERE in my tenancy does it state i MUST have carpet, it just says you cannot have laminate flooring. they blackmailed me because they gave me £300 which didnt even cover the flat, they constantly mentioned this £300 and said i will have to give it back if i somehow dont carpet the whole flat with this £300 the flat actually cost £800 to carpet and underlay, thats CHEAP carpet too Now final issue the guy upstairs to me has laminate flooring, this is making it very noise upstairs, i have complained about it and stated i was told i had to carpet my flat (even though i could of had vinyl or lino due to tenancy) and again they bring up the £300 vouchers they also said to me that the man upstairs is just normal living noise and they will have to prove he is intentionally making noise i asked them if thats the case why wasnt i considered normal living noise when the man downstairs was complaining about me instead i was harrassed and blackmailed and they said because i had no flooring which i stated is untrue as i had carpet in my living room within 3 weeks of being here and he was complain about noise from the living room. they said guy upstairs has old tenancy and it doesnt say anything about laminate flooring i said well mine doesnt say anything about carpet but i still laid carpet and was told to lay it. QUESTION: I find their treatment of me very unfair, anytime i have a complaint it is brushed off, anytime anyone complains about me it is legitimate. They discriminate against me, ignore me, harass me and apply the tenancy when it comes to me but when it comes to others the tenancy doesnt include. they refuse to deal with harrassment which is stated in the tenancy they refuse to deal with noise nuisence which is in the tenancy for me but for guy downstairs they dealt with it what can i do? (i know some people may think im a nightmare, im not, im an easy target, im 21yrs old, short female who is usually home alone doing my uni work, im an easy target for bullies which is why i get into so many issues) just to add, when i made a complaint about the guy upstairs and his walking in boots on laminate flooring, he got the letter and came and banged on my door bout 20times in a row. I was asleep and he woke me up, it sounded like a police raid no joke. When i complained the next day to the Housing management they said he only wanted to talk to me i said NO this is untrue he wanted an argument, why wopuld you knock on someones door so much and i KNOW if i was a male he wouldnt of been bang down my door like that. they again brushed it off saying the guy is reasonable and i should talk to him, which tbh i dont want to i find him creepy. this guy has started to run up the stairs and stamp on the floor ever since i complained about him, but HM ignore it and act like im making it up because the guy has been here for 8 yrs with no complaints. but they fail to aknowledge the fact his flat has mostly been vacant within those years and the last main tenant who lived here was a deaf old women. the man upstairs thinks he owns this flat, he used to get his visotrs to press MY bell (because its so loud due to the last deaf tenant and his is broken) the fact that he even brings up he has been here 8yrs is irrelvant
  20. My partner and I live in a 1 bed flat in a house conversion. Our bedroom is above the kitchen/living area of the problem tenants below us. For about 2 years we have been complaining to the landlords about the noise from these tenants. They run a loud extractor fan at all hours of the day and night, bang doors and cupboards, shout at each other and their kids. Now they have a crying baby!! The walls are paper thin to the point where the heating cannot keep the room warm at all. The landlords have written them multiple "warning" letters and had one meeting with them, where they agreed to keep the noise down. This didn't happen. We kept complaining so there was a meeting between us and these tenants, which they denied making the noises. Again it didn't change. I then wrote a formal complaint, in which they reply was saying we are now alleging the noises are happening, even though in the past we have provided recordings of their noise! They also said if we agree to have the landlords come around and do a sound test (which involved one person in our room and one below shouting and banging doors). It clearly to them failed. They have now organised their building contractors to come around to investigate further - but their solution was a bead of silicone around the skirting boards?? This is yet to happen but will not solve the issue. Are we within our rights now to start formally telling the landlords that we are withholding rent payments until this problem is fixed?? It's reached a point where my partner now sleeps on the couch in our living area because the noise is just too much. The other issue is parts of our flat and the building are i believe not up to fire safety standard. By the way the landlords own the entire building. When we first moved in the building inspector and the boss builder did an inspection. The large window in our bedroom needed to be replaced - it was classed as a fire escape and should remain completely open to roll out of. But it just keeps shutting. The builder was told to replace it. Also our front door should have a furry seal around the edge, but didn't and again, should have been installed. To this day, 2 and a half years later, they have still not been corrected. Are the landlords in breach of our contract and fire safety standards?? Could we ask for a rent reduction perhaps?? And should we seek some form of legal advice?? We are at a loss here - the landlords do nothing and the only time you really here from them is to do with rent payments. We are contracted until mid 2107, and couldn't afford to move now, unless the landlords gave us our full deposit back before we moved out - not going to happen! If anyone has any sort of advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Or any more elaboration about anything i have written, please leave a post. THANK YOU!!!!
  21. Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help in terms of how to challenge a Private land PCN that my mum has just got. She parked in the car park, paid for her ticket, placed it on her dashboard under her windscreen (there was no sticky bit to apply it to the screen). She was observed doing this by the carpark attendant. She then went shopping and came back inside the paid for time to find a PCN on her windscreen. The reason for the PCN was 'Not displaying a valid ticket'. The ticket had flipped over either by a draft or vibration and was not readable. Now, while I can see that there was a 'breach' shall we say of the 'contract' - would it not be fair to say that this is a technicality? The parking was paid for; it was seen to be paid for; there was no overstay. I advised my mum to write to the Parking company to appeal on this basis but they have dimissed it as not relevant and insist that the 'breach' of 'contract' validates their demand for £60 (rising to £100). I'm of a mind to go down the POPLA route but i read in a few places that POPLA don't take mitigating circumstances into account - is this correct? Any advice would be gratefully received. Many thanks Kholo
  22. Greetings Since the last talk talk data breach I have been having nothing but phone calls from people pretending to be talktalk with most of my personal details to hand. When I have been declining their services I have been called all manner of things - Insert Swear Words Here! I am still in my contract but what is the likellyhood of me leaving them and sueing them for loosing all of my data.
  23. Hi guys! I am not sure this is the correct place for me to post I hope you can help me with the following situation: Our factors' solicitors have unlawfully registered a Notice of Potential Liability against our property in regard to "the outstanding factoring charges" - not only we are up to date with all the payments, we have multiple bank statements to prove it. As owners and occupiers of the property, we never received any notification about the upcoming order and only found out the details after requesting a copy of the deed from the registers of Scotland. In addition to unlawfully imposing the NOPL, they disclosed this false information without our permission to the third party - our former solicitors with whom we have been in a process of dispute for the last year. Moreover, they also explicitly told our former solicitors that it is due to the factoring debts since our move (which there are none). We believe it is a serious breach of data protection act but are not sure how to proceed... Thanks in advance.
  24. Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice regarding what I consider to be a breach of my patient confidentiality. I will try to cut a long story short. I went to my GP for a routine cervical screening procedure. Before my appointment time, I nipped to the loo. As I was making my back through the waiting room, my name was called. Before I reached the nurse I heard her say to a gent in the room "don't worry, I didn't call you, I know your not here for a smear test". I could have died. I don't embarrass easily, but I was mortified. I followed nurse into the treatment room and asked if I'd misheard. She replied it was just a joke. No it wasn't I said, it was a breach of patient confidentiality, and if I done that, I would lose my job. Well I was only joking she said, and anyway I'm running a smear clinic this afternoon so he would have known anyway. No he wouldn't, I said, he doesn't have a cervix so he wouldn't know, besides, that's not the point, You had no right to say it. Well I've said it now, sorry if you aren't happy, now are you having the procedure or not she said. No! I go to rebook at reception and they're adamant she will have to do it another day. I'm trying to calmly tell them I will wait longer and see the other nurse. they're making it difficult though. I ended up losing it completely, crying with humiliation and anger. A stranger even hugged me(and I'm not a hugger!). In seeing a different nurse in a few weeks, but I'm meeting with the practise manager next week to formally complain. I guess I'm asking what my rights are. I was utterly humiliated, but her lack of care make it all the worse. She was given ample opportunity to apologise,and whilst I would've been angry, I would've accepted it. Instead she treated me like I had the problem, the sense of humour failure. I'm absolutely furious that she made me feel the way she did. And that she even said it in the first place. If your still reading, thank you. I would just like to know what I can reasonably expect to happen if I formally complain. Thanks.
  25. The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has launched enforcement action against Ryanair. This action follows a review by the regulator that found Ryanair is not complying fully with European consumer law designed to support passengers following flight disruption. Ryanair is now required to make policy changes or face the prospect of further enforcement steps leading to court action, if the airline remains non-compliant. The CAA has concluded that: • It is not satisfied that Ryanair is dealing with compensation claims for disruption caused by routine technical faults in line with applicable consumer law – this is despite the UK Court of Appeal (in the case of Jet2.com v Huzar) clarifying how such claims are to be treated and assurances given to the CAA by Ryanair; and, • Ryanair is attempting to impose a contractual two-year time limit, from the date of the flight, for passengers to issue compensation claims at court – despite previously publicly committing to a six year time limit and in spite of the UK Court of Appeal (Dawson v Thomson Airways) ruling that passengers have up to six years to issue such claims at court. Ryanair is now required to make policy changes or face the prospect of further enforcement steps leading to court action, if the airline remains non-compliant. https://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=14&pagetype=65&appid=7&mode=detail&nid=2484
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