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Found 17 results

  1. nhs contracts? Hi all, i am now working in the nhs as part of the theatre department and in doing so signed the usual contract agreeing to working on calls, late shifts and weekends etc, the problem is that some staff are not taking part in this arrangement because of various reasons ( my cats scared of the dark or little johnny wets the bed) sanctioned by the managers and therefore the remaining staff are having to work extra shifts to compensate. My question is, are we all being treated equally and do we have any basis for taking action against the management. Any help would be great. Cheers.
  2. Hello Everyone, I wish to sue an organization under the Equality Act I have not suffered financial loss so I don't know if I can use the Money Claim Online (MCOL) I want the organization to change their procedure, and maybe compensation for injury to feelings If I can't use the MCOL, then where do I go Also, how do I quantify the compensation? Thanks
  3. I tried to make an appointment with a very large national chain of well known opticians who offer laser eye surgery. As I'm profoundly deaf with a speech impairment I use sign language to communicate. With something as important as my eyes I would like to get the full facts with regard to the options of having laser eye surgery. I asked for a BSL interpreter and they said they would contact head office and get back to me. They have come back to me and said that it's not something that they provide and I would be responsible for providing my own interpreter and advised it would cost approx £80 - £150 They suggested perhaps bringing in a family member or a friend to speak for me. The latter is not possible as I do not have any local family and my friends are also deaf and sign language users. Are they required to provide an interpreter under the Equality Act under reasonable adjustment for auxiliary aids and services? A pen and paper would not be reasonable adjustment for me as BSL (British Sign Language) is my first language and has a different grammatical structure to written English. This post is being written on my behalf by someone else. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/holly-willoughby-pay-rise-salary-itv-this-morning-phillip-schofield_uk_599e6f0fe4b0821444c0b549 Now how many people think that Holly Willoughby would even be on the show with Schofield (unimpressive as he is) let alone worth the same salary if she was a bloke doing the same sort of things she does in the same way? Not me. She aint no Sue Barker or Gabby Logan, let alone a Joe Coburn.
  5. Me and my partner booked tickets online to see Fantastic Beasts and where to Find them. On the Odeon Guildford website it stated that the 8pm viewing was subtitled. (We are both deaf and need subtitles to follow a film) We turned up on the night of the screening, 18th November 2016. I always check before we go into the screening that it is actually subtitled as in the past we go, only to be told there are no subtitles. I ask the staff, is the film at 8pm subtitled? He goes on to say no. I ask why? He avoids the question a number of times. I ask him again, and ask 'why not add the subtitles?' Its really is not difficult to do- (popular films delivered to cinemas USUALLY contain a subtitle track. Cinemas can switch this subtitle track on or off, like a DVD player or Sky box, BUT cinemas prefer to SCHEDULE subtitled shows in advance, so everyone knows a particular show is subtitled.) I ask him again, and the guy says 'people don't like subtitles.' I was upset and angry by this point, and I said I'd like to speak to the manager. He then says he IS the manager. I was even more shocked as this came out of the words of the manager. He could have been a bit more tactful. It clearly breaches the Equality Act. The subtitles weren't cancelled due to technical failure but because they decided to discriminate against a minority, whilst pleasing the larger minority (the hearing people) after specifically advertising the film as being accessible for that minority. It was an evening trip wasted, we planned in advance only to be hugely disappointed. We were refunded, and given two free cinema tickets and an apology, but that is not good enough. It was an injury and insult to our feelings, to be turned away just because we are deaf. Hearing people have the privilege of turning up to watch films when they like. Deaf people have restrictions - we can only see films that are shown subtitled. We've suffered as a consequence on the basis of characteristic (disability) which is protected under the equality act 2010. I have tweeted this, emailed the cinema, and am awaiting a response. I hope they don't get off lightly, I will make sure of that. I have proof of booking confirmation when I booked my tickets, which also shows the proof of it being captioned. But no proof unfortunately of the manager saying 'people don't like the subtitles.' I do though, have a witness. I am new to this forum, and so hi to everyone I am not sure what else to do, feel at a bit of a loose end and would appreciate some help and guidance on what to do next. Many thanks.
  6. Hi I would like to put a SAR in finding out what information my employers hold about me (I work for my local council). In particular interest are some emails which a colleague who left under a compromise agreement sent about me. My employer has email archives dating back ten years so I know they are still available but wasn't sure how to word the request to make sure that these are included. Any ideas Thanks
  7. Hi All, I've recently had an issue at work, and was wondering whether anyone could help me with it. I am going to take advice from other sources also. I have been employed less than two years. I have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (diarrhoea predominant) for a little over 4 years (and have had symptoms longer than that). I am currently going through investigations to determine the exact cause or alternative diagnosis for my symptoms. Day to day i'm on medication, and the current medication is working well, however I still occasionally have flare ups. These flareups can occur over hours or days, or occur almost instantly. Symptoms that occur are sometimes very difficult to differentiate between normal IBS and potentially any diarrhoea/sickness bugs (besides no vomiting) also - which means sometimes I have had 48 hours symptom free before I begin work again to prevent passing anything on to the public. I declared all of my previous medical history on application. I was recently called into a meeting with management because of my sickness and absence record. I have had a total of 6 absences in the last 12 months, totalling ~8-10 working days. The majority of those absences have been related to my condition. I have previously been referred to occupational health, and the situation is going to be reviewed in 6 months. If I have any more sickness in this time I will have this review meeting instantly and I believe it will also involve HR. So far I have let them follow the standard procedure, however (apart from sending me to occupational health), they seem to have not made any reasonable adjustments to allow for my condition - I will add details from the previous occupational health visit later today. Am I covered under the Equality Act? Previously I didn't consider myself to have a disability (I just got on with life, and my previous employer never had an issue with a similar sickness rate), however having read a bit more into it, it appears I may qualify under the terms that are used. Would a reasonable adjustment in this case be to allow me a "reasonably" higher number of absences to account for my condition? In the past 12 months I have had 6 total absences, not a massively high amount, but the fact they will review me immediately if I have any more sickness in the next 6 months is making me concerned. Thanks for everyones help in this matter. AJP
  8. Hi there, first post so I hope it makes sense... Can anyone give me a brief understanding of section 15 of the Equality Act 2010 please (in layman's terms) as I'm trying to help my sister with a work problem and I think it might be relevant. She is a member of a union but they haven't been much help! It's relating to an actionable attendance policy at her work. She is disabled under the definition of the act and is employed by a large public sector organisation. She is rarely off work except with disability-related sickness (this has happened 6 times in the 24 years she has worked for them) and when she is it always lasts a few months and therefore breaches the policy guidelines, even though they relax the rules slightly for disabled employees. i.e. in one year Policy - 3 periods or 8 days Disabled employees usually 4 periods or 11 days She has been in work for 22 months without any sickness but then was taken ill and has been off for eight weeks and is due back at the end of March on a return to work plan (reduced hours for five weeks and weekly management meetings). She went to a sickness meeting last week and was told in passing that they will not put up with this level of sickness anymore and mentioned capability. She always takes personal responsibility for her health, takes her meds, lets manager know if a problem is developing, goes to the doctors/counselling etc. My question is that because of her disability when she is of sick she has always broken the actionable attendance policy which puts her at risk of being dismissed. Would it be reasonable to ask that her attendance be ignored under section 15? Just as an aside she has been off with depression and anxiety caused by work related stress. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Dex
  9. I am a store manager working on the east coast of the UK, who works for a large company I was diagnosed with an incurable cancer and have struggled with things like fatigue since making the decision to battle on and keep doing a job I enjoy I understand that I am covered by The Equality Act I am paid a basic salary and also receive OTE for hitting store targets My employer has been increasing my targets by as much as 60-70% vs year on year performance, I feel I am breaking under the pressure of trying to remain at work and also manage my team I have mentioned volume 3 of the Equality Act which mentions adjusting targets to my employer but they are saying they don't have to as they aren't "my" targets and my teams. But I am reviewed on them, I am paid when I hit them and feel this is an excuse to not make the reasonable adjustments and not increase my targets by such drastic way. Does volume 3 of the equality act (pay and benefits) apply to me and why would my employer state I don't have personal targets when I am paid on hitting them other than as an excuse to not make adjustments Any advice/ help / support welcomed
  10. On Saturday we were in Morrisons, Newport, Isle of Wight and I urgently needed to use the disabled toilet which was at the far end of the store. On arrival there is a big notice on the door stating that you need to get the toilet door key from till one. As there was no way I could make it to till one at that point I used the gents toilet with great difficulty as the cubicles are very small even if you are only using elbow crutches like myself. You are not required to get a key for the gents or the ladies in that Morrisons and can enetr as and when you please. I feel that this Morrisons store is discriminating against those that have disabilities and should be reported to whoever enforces the Equality Act laws. Unfortunately I have no idea who this would be so looking for assistance. I have written to Morrisons and their standard reply is that the manager and staff need further training etc etc. I am very annoyed due to the embarrassment suffered by myself plus others that may be affected by this silly rule of theirs.
  11. Hello, As I wrote in somebody elses' thread, [my apologies for that] I've been harassed by "PE" since January/February, for being a bit late back from shopping with two disabled people at "Morrisons" in Stone, Staffordshire, back in December. Anyway, as a result, all of my disabled people, who I ferry to and from the shops, decided to boycott "Morrisons", and, so far, their takings from us, as of today, 23 July 2013, [groceries, cafe and filling station], are down by £9477.18 I am partway through a letter to their CEO, to be sent "recorded, signed for", when I locate him/her, and an address. Now, the letter before action from "PE", states that, my "appeal" failed. I didn't send an appeal, not to "PE", or to Morrisons!! I did send a letter of complaint to Morrisons, [complaint, you should note, not appeal], in which I requested a copy of the document which gave "PE" permission to operate on Morrisons car park - no copy was received, although I did get a rather mealy mouthed reply about "providing receipts". What? after a few weeks, when I'd been away on holiday, and the majority of the receipts would not have been mine, anyway, they were issued to my disabled "charges" I wrote a further letter reminding them of "The Equality Act" So, if "PE" take me to court, and the first thing that I do is to demand the copy of my "appeal", they wouldn't be able to produce one - the only thing that they might be able to produce, would be my letters to Morrisons - would either of these actions cause their case to fail? Either on the grounds of their "consideration" of a non existant "appeal" letter, proving them to be liars, or by trying it on with a letter, patently not written to them, but passed on by Morrisons, and that would surely have Data Protection issues for both outfits? Comments and advice welcomed, please. Sam
  12. I work for a large company in the UK. I recently discovered that most of my departmental colleagues are part of a bonus scheme, which is part of their contract. On reviewing my own contract, there is no mention of the bonus scheme and it was never communicated to me on commencement of employment or during my 18 months with the company. It seems that the bonus scheme was excluded from my offer of employment but was included in many people in similar roles employed before and after me. Although everyone has different jobs, we all work for the same department and I don't think there are huge differences in salary, performance or effort. But because I have signed a contract without the bonus scheme section, which I knew nothing about, am I entitled to complain and ask why some people get it and I don't? Is this discrimination or is it just hard luck that my employers or HR dept gave me a non-bonus contract and my peers contracts that include bonuses? I've missed out on two bonuses during my time here - one which would have been pro-rata'd for the first 6 months of employment. Thank in advance!
  13. Hi I currently have a problem with a pay rise that i should have received a long time ago. I work in a small team but i currently earn less than the others. I have been told various things i need to achieve before i get my rise. I have hit all the targets that have been asked of me and new ones are added every time i go back. I have just recently hit the last targets and was told i won't be getting a pay rise and they can't say why.... Is this classed as being discriminative?? I have worked 10 years more in the company than others and my work is more productive. Yet i'm still being refused a pay rise to match others. I was promised on each occasion of the meetings that i'd get a rise if i hit the set targets. My boss ignores all my emails requesting my review meetings. So overall i've worked at the company longest, work faster than others paid more in the same job (I have statistics to back everything up) Constantly being denied a pay rise i was promised and being ignored whenever i raise my issues. Is this right and is there anything i can do? Thank you
  14. Hi I have recently discovered I am paid less than my male colleague (I am female) on the same team doing exactly the same work. We both started within a few weeks of each other (the early part of 2012) and neither of us has had a performance pay rise yet as these are due soon. I queried the discrepancy with HR who said my colleague scored higher in one aspect of the interview than I did and this may account for any discrepancies in pay. As they operate pay banding they don't feel I am being discriminated against. However, my colleague had no previous office experience whereas I have several years of experience, and I also have higher qualifications. I don't expect to be paid more for doing the same job, but neither do I expect to be paid less. If I go down the grievance route I fear this would not help my future prospects (and this has been confirmed by my line manager). My question is, can the rate of starting pay be solely based on scoring at interview regardless of previous experience, and how does this sit with equal pay for equal jobs?
  15. Good Afternoon Does the Equality Act, [formerly The Disability Discrimination Act], have penalties? Also, can people not complying with it, or not running their businesses with regard to it, be taken to court, by a private individual? Sam
  16. I am one of a team of 7 and have been on the team since it was first set up some 3 years ago (I have been with this nationally recognised company for almost 5 years in total). My line manager came to the job about a year ago. There are two part time members on the team. One works 4 days per week and has been with the team from the start. The other was recruited by my line manager about 7 months ago she is part time 3 days per week. In August due to personal issues which only my line manager and head manager are aware of I requested to reduce my hours to 3 days per week. It was agreed that I could go part time but that I cannot stay in my current job role The solution was offered that I could transfer back to the original job role that I had (same pay). My objective at the time was to reduce my hours and I still feel that if it means going back to my old job then that's the way it has to be. I reduced my hours in September but keep having my transfer to my old job postponed whilst decisions I presume are being made about recruitment etc. I have not been kept informed by my line manager on what is happening. I have told my manager that I would be very happy to stay in my current job role and have good relations with my colleagues and know my work inside out. However in a team meeting the other day I was told in front of everyone that I would be transferring to my old job in January and they would interview for a full time post to replace me. I feel as though I have been treated unfairly. I have not been given any of the business reasons for why I cannot remain in my current role. My line manager is unapproachable, in the past she has reduced colleagues to tears with her manner. My colleagues have expressed surprise to me, but not to her that I cannot remain on the team on part time hours and another manager said in confidence to me, that they could accommodate me if they wanted to. Before I requested part time hours my manager spoke in general of recruiting another person as the workload was increasing so why do I need to be taken off the team? I would appreciate any advice.
  17. I wonder if anyone has any idea about this. I have reason to complain big time to Unison for treating me unfairly as I have a disability. However, reading through the notes that the CAB advisors have been given on this new law, it states that it does not apply to trade unions. Have I got this right? And if so, who, if anyone, regulates Trade Unions?!
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