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  1. Payday loan adverts could still be aired on children's TV despite a call from a committee of MPs for a ban. A report by the Business Select Committee said adverts could expose children to the idea that these short-term, high interest loans were "fun". But the government's response to December's report said adverts already faced "strict content rules", so a law change looks unlikely. The committee's chairman Adrian Bailey called the response "very weak". However, major lenders have always said that advertising on children's TV was against their code of practice. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-26719170 Here's the Government response to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee report: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmbis/1136/113604.htm
  2. A crackdown on the use of pre-ticked boxes to sell "add-on" insurance products is planned after it was found that consumers are being overcharged by up to £200 million a year. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has unveiled a package of proposals to shake up the way in which insurance is bolted on to major purchases such as cars, holidays, mobile phones, home insurance and credit cards. The add-on insurance industry is worth around £1 billion, but an investigation by the FCA found many consumers are not shopping around to compare the cost of these insurance products and they are potentially paying up to £200 million annually for products they may never need. The FCA's plans include banning pre-ticked boxes to ensure people have to actively choose to buy an add-on and forcing firms to publish claims ratios, which could spell out more clearly to customers what financial benefit they might expect to gain as a result of buying the product. http://money.uk.msn.com/news/add-on-insurance-crackdown-planned
  3. im on my second drink drive ban,i didnt get offered the drink aware course in the courts so could i apply for it now?
  4. I picked up the attached reports about a jobcentre manager trying to stop a claimant being accompanied at an interview from the WDTK site, and wondered whether anyone had any experience of this type of disgraceful behaviour themselves:- http://edinburghagainstpoverty.org.uk/ (27 02 2014) or, http://freepdfhosting.com/344a9e2b3f.pdf
  5. Could somebody please advise me on buying car insurance after a driving ban has ended . On 13/05/2009 i was banned from driving for five years, Obviously the ban has nearly served its time and i am due to get licence back on 13/05/2014 . What i don't understand is that i have looked online at different insurance companies to try get a rough idea of how much it would cost me to insure a car from that date . Each time i have done this it asks me whether i have had any claims or convictions in the last 5 years , Well the honest answer to that is No, because i haven't had a licence during that time period . How do i answer them so that i would be legally covered if i happened to have any claim in the future ?
  6. Just a thought that crossed my mind during some studies in the industry that Im doing at the mp, has there been anyone found themselves illegally clamped since the clamping ban came in? and what did you do about it if you did?
  7. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/call-ban-claims-management-calls-002757648.html#CSN8cqQ
  8. I was going through my emails and deleting the hundreds of PDL ones I get everyday and I came across this one and actually took time to read it. Things like this should be banned and quite clearly gives people a false impression of payday loans 5 Good Reasons why Susan should get a Payday Loan [pretty date] We've all been there: the dreaded day when you come up a few hundred pounds short of your rent, mortgage or auto payment. Or you suddenly have a major car or home repair that needs fixing now. Problem is, your credit cards are maxed and your bank account statement is a little weak these days. So why would you consider a payday loan to get you through the lean times? Here are five facts to consider: 1-There's no credit check. A welcome relief for those of us with less-than-stellar scores, who wouldn't get a loan from the bank. And as long as you repay the loan in time, there won't be any negative impact on your score. 2-If you don't have the cash to cover bill payment, the damage caused to your credit report can be long-lasting and prevent you from getting loans and credit cards in the future. A payday loan can help you avoid this mess, by giving you the cash to make those payments. 3-Unlike pawn shops and loan sharks, payday loans use clear, fixed terms for borrowing and repayment. There's no mystery about the penalties or interest owed if you take longer to repay the loan. 4-The application process is fast and easy, usually putting cash into your account immediately. Repayment is just as easy, as you can do it online through your bank account. 5- Payday loans are unsecured, so you're not in danger of losing your home or car. When you're in a pinch, the payday loan is there to get you through. Just make sure you know the repayment terms and have a solid plan for repayment. It's not uncommon for a small payday loan to cost several hundred pounds in the end - so consider your options carefully. Unless you know for certain you can pay the debt back within a month, you're better off using credit cards, a bank overdraft, or debt repayment plans if you need to pay other creditors. The bottom line is, make sure you have the ability to pay back the loan within a month, so you don't wind up paying astronomical interest rates. And make sure you really need the money, because you don't want to risk being enslaved to a PayDay loan company for an impulsive shopping spree. It is disgusting that this sort of junk is sent, and those of us having a vulnerable moment may be attracted by it!
  9. Hello and thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. Last year my son recieved a driving ban with a fine of £475. He was ask to wait to make a statement of means. This never happend and after asking several different people was told to go home, Which he did. Because of personal problems ie splitting from partner and spending time on different cousins sofa's the paper work never got to him. On Thursday 1st August a letter for my son came to my address, He has always told me to open his letters incase they are urgent. It was a Further Steps Notice dated 16th July giving him 10 days to reply. As you can see from the date that time ran out on the 26th so the letter did not reach us in time to act. I rang the number on the letter and was told it was to late to pay as it was already sent to a bailiff. I would have to deal with the bailiff, Whose number she gave me. I should put here it was Marstons. I rang Marston's who said it was not yet in their system and to ring back on Monday. They said when it did show they would want the money in full. It has now occured to me that because the letter came here the bailiffs will come to my home to get the money. I own the house and all it's contents, My son has no belongings here because it was all left at his former partners house when he left there, All he had was his clothes. I have two questions , 1st What can I do if they come to my house? apart from not letting them in. 2nd Can my son still apply to the courts to have a means hearing or make a statment of means so he can clear this debt. We do not have the money to pay this in full, So I can't pay it either otherwise I would and he could pay me back Hope you can advise me Lilly.
  10. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42019 Please everyone who sees this, sign it and post it on. We have until Nov 2013 with this one!
  11. I was recently in my local ASDA (I go there every week to do my "big shop") I was walking down one of the isles when 3 security guards were coming the other way, one of them looked at me funny and his "mates" all started laughing, very hilarious as you can imagine. called this security guy a ginger t*** under my breath. About 3 minutes later i saw them at the end of one of the isles looking at me so i went down another isle. Next second i looked round and the man was standing in front of me asking me if i had a problem with him. I said "no" as i've heard that these types of people get off on restraining people who "cause trouble". He then said, "what did you mumble to me earlier?". I said again nothing. He then asked me to leave the store and for not to come back. I'm not sure if they're allowed to do such a thing as it would be my word against his and his pals. Can anyone help me with info as to whether i can take this further or if i can't at least I'd know!! cheers.
  12. Hi All, I was banned under the totting up procedure, but however was successful under appeal at the Magistrates court. What I am looking to understand is what is my legal position with regards to declaring the TT99 and 6 month ban. If I declare it to the insurance broker, they put it in their system and their is no option to show the suspension so it quotes me as if I have not driven for 6 months. When in fact I have. I also have no idea how to put it in a comparison site, is it a ban, is it not a ban and is the TT99 vaid ? Appreciate your help
  13. Hi a couple of weeks ago i was caugt shoplifting from T.K Maxx it was only a small item worth £8 which the got back, it was my first offence for which i was arrested, put in the cells, a police interview and the rest of it. Along with that i was given a £80 fixed penelty notice, im also not aloud in the majority of the shops in my local town centre for a year(i think its called shopwatch) and barred from T.K Maxx fro life. Today i recieved a letter asking for a contribution of £87.50 to recoup there considerable losses and to act as a deterrent to future incidents. Is there anyway this "deterrent" can by chalanged(what will happen if i ignore the letters and not pay?) as the humiliation of being arrested in a busy town centre has servered as a better deterrent than a contribution can, also ive payed for what i did already in the way of the fixed penelty notice and the inconvienience of not being able to shop in my local town. Sorry about such a long post. Thanks in advance.
  14. nhs contracts? Hi all, i am now working in the nhs as part of the theatre department and in doing so signed the usual contract agreeing to working on calls, late shifts and weekends etc, the problem is that some staff are not taking part in this arrangement because of various reasons ( my cats scared of the dark or little johnny wets the bed) sanctioned by the managers and therefore the remaining staff are having to work extra shifts to compensate. My question is, are we all being treated equally and do we have any basis for taking action against the management. Any help would be great. Cheers.
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