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outa10 last won the day on December 23 2013

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101 Excellent
  1. I haven"t made any repayments to the last loan yet, When my ex wife died i could not afford to make the payments so i contacted them to ask for help and this is what they have done.
  2. Since then i have recently received a red plastic card about the same size as a bank card attached to a blank piece of paper so what they expect me to do with that i have no idea. No collection agent has been anywhere near my property for weeks now but they have sent another threatening letter saying if i don"t pay they may take further action to recover their money. There is no agreement in place for me to repay the money so as far as i am concerned they can take me to court. I could be wrong but i don"t think they have a leg to stand on.
  3. What make of car is it and what is the damage to it ?
  4. Thank you ~ Will get straight on with that asap.
  5. Thank you ~ Have looked online and can't seem to find an address for their head office . Also how would I word the letter as I'm not good at doing things like that.
  6. Thank you for your reply; At the present time I do not know how much I can afford to repay them as I don't yet know what my new income and expenditure is going to be. What I don't want to do is make an agreement with them to pay a set amount each month then find out that I don't have enough money to make the payment. Whatever happens the health and wellbeing of my son will come before them in my list of priorities whether they like it or not. Can I really offer them as little as £1 per month. Who would I make my complaint to; the agent that lent me the money has now left the company so I can't complain to her. Affordability checks were not done on any of my recent loans: the details were taken from the figures I gave them when I first started using the company 2 years ago. All the forms were filled out without me being there and I just signed them on the day I got the cash. Stupid I know but I was desperate for the money to buy the new scooter. The last loan was handed to me in the back seat of the agents car in a local pub car park . I don't have any written evidence that the loans were not offered in the correct way but I do have witnesses namely my partner and her son who saw the loans being paid straight to me without the proper paperwork being done . I know I have been stupid borrowing money this way and I genuinely do wish I'd never set eyes on them but the truth is I owe them £1200 which will be rising daily and I really don't know how to get myself out of this mess. Any advice will be gratefully received . Thank you.
  7. I have been a regular customer with Provident for approximately 2 years now, Borrowing whatever they offered me and managing to make the repayments on time. I am disabled and only have my benefits to live on and pay the bills which my regular collection agent was aware of. When I applied for a new loan she just put any figures in the income and expenditure box to make sure the loan was approved. She has recently retired leaving me with a loan I can not repay. I needed to get another mobility scooter as the one I had was going to cost a fortune to repair I asked for more money and she gave me £1200 over a 2 year period with payments of £24 per week. Two weeks ago my ex wife died suddenly leaving me with full care of our special needs son. I have not got benefits sorted out yet no way can I afford the payments and I do not know what to do. I also have severe depression which is being worsened by the worry. Can I say that provident didn't lend responsibilly and can whistle for their money or if I do have to pay them what is the lowest amount I can offer them per week. Please help.
  8. Could somebody please advise me on buying car insurance after a driving ban has ended . On 13/05/2009 i was banned from driving for five years, Obviously the ban has nearly served its time and i am due to get licence back on 13/05/2014 . What i don't understand is that i have looked online at different insurance companies to try get a rough idea of how much it would cost me to insure a car from that date . Each time i have done this it asks me whether i have had any claims or convictions in the last 5 years , Well the honest answer to that is No, because i haven't had a licence during that time period . How do i answer them so that i would be legally covered if i happened to have any claim in the future ?
  9. I apologise if I've read it wrong but like i said i saw the words all benefit claimants and took that to include me and just to clarify I'm not the troll that you're referring to and never would be .
  10. My question is simple - look at your above comment posted yesterday at 22.14 . You end it with " If that doesn't convince readers that all benefit claimants are ######s " - What's the missing word , would like to know what I'm being called ?
  11. Antone , Could you please clarify what all benefit claimants are please ? I live on benefits , not through choice but because I'm disabled . I would love to get up and go to work every day to support my family but it's not going to happen . I suggest some ignorant people get their facts right before they start shouting their mouth off and tarring everyone with the same brush !
  12. As far as i am aware D W P no longer offer crisis loans to anyone , You will need to contact your local council to see if they can offer you any help .
  13. London Lass 222 - Although i am not in a position to be able to offer you genuine advice i would like to point out that just because you have obviously had some bad luck and made mistakes in the past not everybody thinks you are a hardened criminal that must be punished no matter what . You must have built up a good work record and trust within the company or you wouldn't have been employed by them for the length of time that you have . Unfortunately for you i am fairly certain that you will lose your job over this but is it really the end of the world , its certainly not worth causing yourself harm over and definately not anything more serious . If its any consolation i firmly believe that everybody deserves a second chance and if i could i would still give you a job based on the fact that you spent so long with a good track work record i can't see any reason not to . Good luck for the future , i genuinely do hope everything works out for you in such a way that you may have a little joy at christmas and a happy and prosperous new year . All the very best .
  14. Unless you want a case of fraud against you and like prison sprouts i wouldn't advise that you try it . You would be found out in minutes , have a criminal record , a credit file that nobody would touch with a barge pole and a phone / tablet which would be totally useless when O2 block them both from their end .
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