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  1. Hi , I just realise what PPI was about and i start to claim to Barclays for my overdraft on my current account that i have since 10 years , i send them a email on their complaint page . Is it ok ? But i also have a barclaycard since 8 or 9 years and i can see on my online statement that i payed something like £12 a month for PPI as my minimun repayment . Can i claim that asweel ? and i use to have an EGG credit card that i finish 6 years ago , i started it in 2002 i think , can i claim asweell ? And i had a lease with Renault business finance that finished 5 years ago , can claim aswell ? Thank for your help , colassou
  2. hi ALL, Been looking through this forum a little and have some questions on my situation on whether I can claim or not. I have a few things.. 1. Natwest CC - with PPI recently cancelled (CC was taken out in 2002) 2. Loan With PPI - Recently paid off in full (taken out in 2007) 3. Virgin Credit Card with PPI - PPI cancelled 12 months ago. The thing is I now realise how stupid I have been having PPI on all these things and it seems clear I was mis-sold. However I am not sure I can claim or not. From memory I do not remember the conversations that were had when taking out the loan/CC`s To add a twist to the story I now live in Japan - will this impact the claim? I do not have a cheque book to send for my credit history with Natwest so would a letter be sufficient? What would the recommended complaints be? I was thikning of the following; I believe that the policy was mis-sold for the following reason/s: • I was employed at the time but your staff did not inform me that any change to this could invalidate sections of the policy during its life. I was not asked about any intended changes or informed or warned of their effects on the policy – I have since changed jobs a number of times and at least some of that I know expect would not be within the PPI remit. • I was not made aware that this PPI was a separate agreement to the loan and that I was within my rights to source this from another company • Your staff stated or led me to believe that taking out a policy would improve my chances of a successful application for a loan. • Your staff painted a scenario where I would be reliant on the insurance which would not have been true for me. • Your staff did not fully explain the policy and its exclusions to me. Is this suitable - despite the fact I can not really remember? Cheers all
  3. Hi Hoping someone can give some advice. I've just changed insurer for my van, from Direct Line to Stavely Head (The Van Insurer). Direct Lines price went up 33% even though I have 9+ Years no claims. Anyway, I've just received a letter from the new insurer that states That they are unprepared to accept the renewal notice from Direct Line as proof of no claims: "We are unable to accept a renewal notice, statement of fact from your previous insurance company or a letter from your broker stating the number of years, it must be the No Claim Discount Certificate from your insurance company." Unreal. Direct Line have said they will send a confirmation letter, and that the renewal notice should have been enough. They have said they do not do "certificates". Is this acceptable behaviour from the new insurer? They have added in their letter that unless the "certificate" is forthcoming within 7 days they will have no alternative than to "amend your premium accordingly, resulting in an additional premium to be paid." I have already provided the renewal and DL have said they will send a letter to confirm but it would seem this will not suffice. Anyone heard of a "No Claims Bonus Certificate"? Thanks
  4. Hi there - I recently made a claim through the scc, having exhausted all the polite steps and recieved only abuse from the defendant. He did not respond, so I entered a judegment by default. he still did not pay, so I sent a polite letter asking for payment or i would get a warrant of execution. I then recieved payment. All well and good. A few days later, i recieived a very unpleasant letter from him saying he didn't know anything about a small claims case, had never received any papers and was stopping the cheque. I assume he will apply to have the judgement set aside, but how will this work - I enclosed a copy of the judgement when i sent the letter to remind him and he must have read it before sending the money! What should i do now?? Thanks
  5. The Ministry of Justice has published a consultation to change the rules for Claims Management Companies (CMCs): https://consult.justice.gov.uk/digital-communications/cmr-rules-consultation-cp15-2012 The consultation proposes rules requiring firms to obtain written, signed agreements from consumers before charging any fees. Currently contracts can be agreed verbally. The consultation states: “The provision of a written agreement would provide consumers with more protection, by allowing sufficient time for a consumer to read and understand pre-contractual information before agreeing a contract.” Under the proposals, claims chasers must also provide “unambiguous” information about ombudsman schemes and other forms of redress. Firms are already banned from implying that consumers can get a more favourable outcome by using them rather than going to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or the Housing Ombudsman Service. The MoJ has now added the Financial Services Compensation Scheme to that list. The MoJ is concerned the use of its branding makes consumers believe firms are endorsed by the Government, so it is proposing banning the use of its name in promotions. It says firms should only refer to it as the claims management regulator. The consulation also proposes rules that will require claims firms to keep customers updated by informing them of any variation to, or suspension of, their authorisation status. Under the proposals, regulated firms could face action if they work with unregulated introducers that break any MoJ rules on advertising, marketing and soliciting business. Cold calling by firms will be addressed separately to the consultation. The MoJ is working with the Information Commissioner to deal with unsolicited communications such as text messages. The consultation closes on 3 October. The MoJ will publish a summary of responses in December with the aim of implementing new rules by April 2013. http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/regulation/govt-proposes-tougher-rules-for-claims-chasers/1056679.article
  6. I had two Barclays Masterloans going back to April 2003. The first one was consolidated into the second one in April 2004. I am fairly sure there was PPI on them both but no longer have paperwork. I can still see the second one on my credit report as it was closed on October 09. My main reason for the first 1 is that I was a postgrad student at the time and ppi would have been worthless. This was then rolled into the second loan when I had started work on a temporary contract. Two weeks ago I sent Barclays a letter to say I was preparing a complaint and to ask for confirmation of loan details. Received reply this morning with claim ref numbers and account numbers for both loans along with 2 FOS questionnaires to complete and return. However, there are no details of the loans and they said they can't retrieve details on the phone even though I now have account numbers. They can't even tell me for sure whether I had PPI although I am confident that they wouldn't have sent out the letter, account numbers and forms if I didn't - I may be wrong though? My first question is this - should I go ahead and submit the FOS forms now or SAR them to get as much detail as possible before submitting the complaint? Second question - has anyone managed to get details over the phone from Barclays - loan amounts, ppi amounts etc. and, if so, via which number? Many thanks.
  7. Any sound advice would be much appreciated. I rented a property from March 2010 until March 2012. LL failed to provide check in inventory and thus one was never signed by myself. AST states that an inventory should have been provided. LL failed to provide Prescribed Information until 11/04/2012 despite numerous requests from myself. LL did not add T&C's or Scheme Leaflet to the Prescribed Information and had dated and signed it 31st March 2010. I have kept original envelope that it was posted in, which is dated 7/04/2012 (after new laws came into force) LL was given every opportunity to provide this to me prior to this date but did not. Property was not in the best of conditions when I moved in, but I verbally agreed with the LL that I would arrange to decorate if possible and LL offered to pay for materials for 2 of the rooms. I have correspondence via email from myself to LL stating that I had bought materials and was planning to re-decorate by Xmas 2010 - LL responded to email with no problem at all. LL visited property to carry out a (court ordered) inspection 3 weeks before I moved out. His wife was present and neither pointed out anything they were unhappy with. I stayed downstairs the whole time so as not to be a distraction. LL emailed after visit stating a few 'minor safety issues' he had noticed yet no mention of any damage, anything he was unhappy with etc. After I had moved (on agreed date) out I put keys through letter box and emailed LL to inform him that his property was vacant. He asked me to attend a check out meeting, which I declined. I asked him to document everything in writing so that we both had a record of what had been said regarding the property. Very long story cut short - LL and I do not get on, he is very intimidating, has visited property unannounced a few times being sleazy in front of my 5 year old and as explained, I preferred that everything be documented in writing via post or email. LL emailed me over a month later saying I had trashed the property and was being held responsible for a full redecoration to the tune of £1700. After I had finished laughing, I asked for a full report on his findings at the property along with a summary of costs he was claiming for, evidence proving that I was infact responsible etc. He refused to provide any of this. I emailed him again on 21st May requesting information regarding the alleged damages etc and received no reply and no report. My deposit is held with the DPS and today I received an email stating LL has started a single claims process to claim my entire deposit of £750 for 'damages and cleaning'. I have to reply within 14 days. I haven't damaged his property at all, but neither of us can prove the condition at the start of the tenancy. Can anyone give me advice on this? Obviously I am going to appeal but has anyone had dealings with this before? I understood the single claims process to be solely for use when either both parties do not agree on the deposit being returned, or one cannot be contacted? Also because my LL has admitted to not provided the inventory or prescribed info, does that mean the DPS rules have been broken along with the law? Thank you in advance for any help!
  8. A friend of mine lost his licence for a year and then didn't bother buying a car for another year. Now he has bought a car and his Insurance company says that he has lost his 5 years no claims bonus as he was uninsured for two years. Is that true? Anyway around this?
  9. Has this been mentioned before? September deadline issued by Gov for claiming care home fees http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2134603/Act-claim-unfair-care-home-fees-Department-Health-sets-new-deadline.html
  10. Hello CAGers, started driving 10 years ago, and since then have been with 3 different Insurance companies (AXA, Direct Line, BMW) i didnt have a car for a few months in 08 and when i got a new one i didnt state i had no claims (being young i prob didnt think about it), so at the mo in only showing 4 years NCB. So im now looking to purchase a new car and im wondering what the chances are that i can go back and get proof from the previous companies? Do they have to provide? and anything i can do to get proof? Hope this makes sense.
  11. I am brand new to this, so sorry if I have posted in the wrong place. We engaged a Scottish firm to do some work for us. We entered into a contract whereby they would deliver three outcomes. Owing to some very complicated circumstances (neither ours nor their fault) these outcomes were not achieved and they sent us their bill for services. We felt that the bill was excessive in view of the fact that none of the outcomes were achieved. However, we did recognise that they had put in some hours work on our behalf, so we paid two thirds of their bill, and explained why one third was being withheld. They are now threatening us with small claims in the Scottish Sherrif's court, as their business is based in Scotland. However, we are not. We are English residents and always have been. What validity, 'teeth' ,legality, does the Scottish Sherrif's court have over English residents,? Can anyone help us please?
  12. First off I'm new and apologise if I am posting this out of context of the forum and in the wrong section. OK a little bit of a back story. I made a claim for jca in may of this year for myself and my wife. Everything was fine until i had an appointment in June this year, the day before said appointment I became ill so my wife phoned the jobcentre to explain this and was told a reschedule of the appointment would be made and i'd have to fill out a sickness form. On attending my next singing date I was instructed by the person signing me that my account had been closed so I wasn't able to sign on. Asking for an explanation of why my account was closed i was told it was for not attending an arranged appointment. I asked what appointment it was as I've only missed one and explained when it was and the reasons I missed it, also mentioned the fact my wife had rang more than 24hrs before to explain my illness to them. I was told that he had no idea what appointment as his just telling me what his computer screen is telling him. He then gave me a phone number to phone (not sure if i can post numbers?) and told me that they would know more. When ringing the number they explained that i had missed the appointment when i was ill, I explained to them that my wife had in fact phoned before hand to let them know I was ill. The person on the phone said they had no record of this so they went ahead and closed my claim down after five days. I asked for an explanation of five days as i was unsure of what he meant. He avoided the question and went back to to saying they have no record of my wife phoning them. I was not happy with this so asked to speak to a supervisor or manager, he then hung up on me. Straight away i phoned back and connected with a different person I asked to speak to a supervisor or manager. Was put on hold and finally spoke to a manager. I asked for an explanation as to why my account was closed as I now believed that the jobcentre had made a mistake in not recording my wifes telephone conversation and also to complain about being hung up on. No explanation was giving although she said she would ring me back in three hours or less to tell me why the mistake happened and also in regards to my complaint. No phone call back but received a letter a few days later apologising for the way i was treated in my first phone call. Still unhappy with no explanation I decide to take it up face to face at my jobcentre. On arriving I ask to speak to someone who could help me with the mishandling of my claim. I was made to wait for almost 30 minutes to see someone. I sat down explained everything to him in how someone made a mistake over the phonecall. He told me people claim to make phonecalls all the time after not attending appointments etc. I asked him if he was calling me a lier he said no, so i said his admitting to the jobcentres mistake then to which he also said no. now I'm confused i'm not a lier but they never made a mistake? I asked what they are going to do about my claims of mishandling my account. he got me to fill out an appeal for backdated money/complaint. I asked for a pen to fill it out he then told me to move tables to fill it out as he had another client to deal with at 10:45( if i remember correctly) I asked shouldn't he be dealing with me first? to which he replied if i'm finished by 10:45 he will.He then accuses me of being abusive and aggressive towards. I ask how his come to that conclusion to be told its his opinion. So I ask hows his come to that opinion he told me the manner in which i was acting. All this time i'm sat back in a chair speaking in a calm and collective manner. I swore once but apologised straight away and explained i was frustrated. I move to another table fill out the form and right the complaint. During this time his left his desk so I wait for him to return. He does I Give him the the form and complaint and ask what is going to be done about it. he told me his dealing with another client now so i would have to go back to the other table. to fill out the form properly i do this and once again when I've finished his gone, but what i presume to be his next client is sat at his table, i go over place the forms on his desk and leave. still not happy with no explanation and becoming frustrated at the way i'm being treated I ring the jobcentre the next day to ask to speak to the manager. He would not give me a straight answer on anything I asked him always replied could or maybe answers, but he said if i can provide proof from BT that my wife made the call he would look into it, I explained that that doesn't help my family's financial situation at the present time. He told me to go for a crisis loan. So I said when i tell them my crisis is for the DWP's mistake there not going to give me one are they. He told me its not his decision. The day after I phoned CAB and explained all of the above to them. They told me to follow everything they told me to do by doing a reclaim and also that they shouldn't be asking me for proof of the phonecall that the jobcentre should prove to me that the phonecall never took place. I then phoned the manager again and explained what CAB told me, but that i was happy to prove the phonecall was made anyways just for peace of mind on my behalf, but I couldn't do this straight away as BT hadn't processed my bill yet. (I phoned BT before speaking to CAB to be told this.) That the basic story. Also should mention that the manager told me i'd likely win my appeal for backdate as they hadn't notified me of writing to let me know they was closing my claim, I did mention why I have not been told my claim was closed. Since speaking to the manager a second time i have received two letters from them, one being my P45 (but no letter to say they've closed my claim) and another which goes as follows. (I'll withhold names/dates/locations as i'm not sure its allowed) Dear Mr xxxxxxx I refer to our discussion on the xx/xx/xx regarding your claim to jobseekers allowance. I am also writing regarding your attendance at xxxxxxx jobcentre plus on that day and also on the xx/xx/xx We closed your claim to jobseekers allowance because you failed to attend an appointment on xx/xx/xx you have told us that your wife contacted us xx/xx/xx. You have agreed to provide evidence of this phonecall. As we discussed in our telephone conversation on the xx/xx/xx, if your wife did contact us on the xx/xx/xx, you clearly have not received the level of service that you have a right to expect. I am sorry if we have made a mistake in closing down your claim. I am very concerned about to learn that staff at xxxxxx jobcentre were upset by your attitude when you attended the office on xx/xx/xx and xx/xx/xx. Your manner was unacceptably aggressive and this behaviour is clearly getting in the way of our efforts to help you back into work. I am keen to the we re-establish a professional relationship with the staff here at xxxxxx jobcentre, and that you understand that people working for jobcentre plus have the right to be able to carry out their work free from intimidation. We are committed to treating you in a fair and polite manner. In return I expect you to treat us in the same way. Therefore, I trust that you will make sure that this type of incident does not happen again. For your information I am enclosing a copy of the leaflet, 'our service standards', which sets out your responsibilities to us. If you would like to speak to me about this letter please ring xxxxx xxxxxx during office hours Yours sincerely xxxxx xxxxxxxx customer service manager xxxxxx jobcentre. *NOW I SHOULD ALSO NOTE* Having signed on a few years back and having had terrible dealings with the DWP in the past i decided this time to record all verbal meetings with the jobcentre be it face to face or over the phone, including all of the above. Now throughout my time i have remained calm all but once when i swore out of frustration not anger and i apologised straight away. So you can imagine my surprise in receiving that letter. I would very much like some pointers in how or what i can do to sort this matter out as I'm being accused of something I haven't done. Also can i use the recordings to prove this? Can I request CCTV to back up my claim that i was calm, What information do they hold on me( will they have tagged me as a troublemaker now?) I still haven't had an explanation on how my claim could of been closed ( I suspect i'll receive some letter when i show then proof) Can they treat me this way? Should I take this all the way or forget about it? Really haven't a clue where to start all help would be most useful many thanks CBLB2012
  13. Apologies, if i have posted in the wrong forum as i was unsure where to post. Please feel free to move my thread if you find some better forum. I hire out wedding chair covers a recently hired out chair covers to a large chain of hotels. As we have dealt with the hotels before we do not ask for a security deposit, but do ask the booking form to be filled in and for the hotel to agrre to the terms and conditions. The hotel filled out the forms and agreed to t&c s. The covers were fitted in one room and then after the ceremony the covers wer carried into another room for the sit down meal. This was done by the Hotel. We arrived at the hotel the next day to put on some more covers for another wedding and replace any soiled ones. When we arrived on the premises i noticed that the covers were over the chairs but all the feet had been removed from the chairs. ( The covers are stretch and fit over the chair and then the feet on the chair are put into the cover) There was also rubber marks down either side of the chair. The lady who was dealing with the wedding said she would have a word with the night staff why the covers had ended up like that. When i checked the covers that we had back before washing almost 90% of the covers had the rubber marks on and there were also tiny holes The rubber marks will not come out and the covers are now un useable.. I have emailed the hotel on numerous occasions as they are now ignoring me and told them i was sending them an invoice for the damaged covers which i did, and that they had seven days to pay which they ignored. I received one email from the lady that organised the hire at the hotel, Saying that she carried out an internal investigation and could not assertain that the chairs had been stacked with the covers on and because i never showed her the holes at the time that they were not taking responsibility. I did say that if i wet on one of there mattresses i am sure they would charge me and at the end of the day the damaged was caused at the hotel and they are responsible. I have now sent them an LBA and another email, but they are ignoring me. I am just about to start small claims proceedings, Just seeing what people think as its the first time i have had a major chair cover disaster. Also does anyone know if i should send the court forms to the Hotel that we supplied the covers to or the head office. Many thanks
  14. Having recently sent out the FOS questionaire to Barclaycard, ref to the EGG card I took out in 2001, as many others I had there card protector on it. I have answered the questionaire as with the box was prechecked and following phonecalls nothing was mentioned about there insurance. As anybody actually had any success with claims on EGG cards in this time period. It was paid from when I took out the card until Barclaycard took it over last year, then it stopped
  15. Compliments of Nev - a tireless worker for the rights of motorists in the UK I have an idea that the BPA at some point claimed that there about 36,000 cases per year? Maybe someone can correct me Data (2).xls
  16. Please can someone help. My daughter is taking her horse's vet to small claims court. The vet treated her horse for a period of 3 weeks and during that time failed to conclusively diagnose the animal (it progressively got sicker). The vet also mistreated the animal whilst it was hospitalised for three days for a 'standing sedation' operation. He could not get the horse under sedation but continued to adminster 4 x sedation, used a twitch and in his words wrestled the horse down claiming it was dangerous. The horse is an inexperienced 4year old and was actually very sick. The horse became adrenalin fuelled and was extremely distressed - on her visit later that day the horse was in a bad way. Another week later and still no diagnosis,following yet another yard visit the vet left my daughter in tears with a very sick horse, claiming that he would carry out pus cultures which would take a further 5 working days to get results. In all this time, the vet ignored information regarding the horse's inability to chew and flex its neck, the fact that the horse was worsening and now appeared depressed with a purulent open wound to its face which was getting bigger etc. This same day I instructed another vet practice for a second opinion. Within one hour of admittance the horse was x-rayed and scanned, examined thoroughly and treated with patience and understanding, and a definitive diagnosis made of bone infection and fractured jaw. The horse was immediately hospitalised and placed on strong intravenous antibiotics, painkillers and sedation. The horse remained hospitalised for 7 days, and 6 weeks later has not yet been discharged. Bone infections can be fatal. My daughter has two vet bills, one of which (the second vet) is paid up, the other is in dispute. So, we have the allocation questionnaire and G. Other Information - what do we put here? Letters have gone back and forth quoting Sale of Goods Act, supply reasonable care and skill, and provide in a timely manner. Also, the first vet contacted my daughter's colleague for information regarding the horse and breached data protection. \Never having been to small claims we are finding the process difficult as can't find any examples of how to fill out this form and what is and isn't relevant. Any help and advice is much appreciated pls jacobina
  17. Had a phone call from Churchwood this afternoon, claiming I'm owed up to £3000 in mis-sold PPI and Churchwood were acting for a company called Claims Angels. The guy said they were "regulated by the Ministry of Justice" and offered to put me through to them but I decided to hang up. Has anyone else had a call from Churchwood about the same thing recently? Just had a quick look on google and it looks like they're the same company. Am I also right in thinking that it's one of those semi-legal [problem]s where they take a fee then do as little as possible to do anything? Cheers!
  18. Hi. I have a problem and I would value some advise please. We are in the middle of a claim. My husband had a lot of debt, including defaults and two ccjs. The loan relevant to this aplication was sold to a third party. After some time, we made an agreement with this new company, to pay a large lump sum to settle the debt. It has now been settled for over three years, which is reflected in our improving credit report. Will the bank be able to keep some of the money from our claim, to compensate themselves for the deficit between the total loan and what we paid off? No one in the bank will tell us for certain. In my mind there is no loan now, but some of my friends have said that they might take the difference back.
  19. Hi all, Please can someone help me with this problem. I signed up for Hastings car insurance and sent my "no claims" doc's from my previous insurer to them. I have now received a letter stating that my no claims has been reduced to zero because of no proof. So the are charging an additional amount of £446.07. They have said the are collecting this from my account within 7-10 days. The letter is dated 1st June 2012. I arrived home on saturday because I work away on contract, and only go home every 3-4 weeks. I have sent the documents again by email on saturday. I can't get over the amount they are after. Is there anything I can do? Do I cancel my insurance? or get do I get legal advise? Regards William.
  20. I applied for a small claims against the defendant in september 2011. There were three parts to the debt - items of mine which the defendant refused to return, a holiday i had booked which the defendant logged in as me and cancelled (i was unable to get a refund from the hotel/airline company) and cash which i sent registered post and had proof of signature. First court date was November 2011. The defendant didn't show, I didn't either due to being 500 miles away and currently on sick leave. The case was struck out and they lost my paperwork. Ideally it should have been dealt with on the grounds of the paperwork alone.The defendant admitted the first part of the claim and sent a cheque to me for the amount. The cheque bounced. A second court date was set for January 2012. The defendant wrote into the courts and said full settlement had been made. The court struck out the case. No settlement had been made, what happened is the defendant paid the money into someone elses account and used my name in the header field to look like it was my account. I sent in all my bank details to the courts to prove no settlement had been made. It took me 6 months of trying to prove this when i think the court shouldn't have taken the sole word of the defendant in the first place. At the start of June, I had a for mention and the judge made a court order that the defendant was to pay. 7 days passed and no payment. However court orders are not enforceable, only decrees and ccjs are enforceable. So I then have to write in again and am wondering why a judgement wasn't just given in the first place since the defendant has been given opportunity after opportunity to pay. Another two weeks pass and i finally get a judgement but its only for the first part of the claim! (which was the lowest amount out of all three parts to the claim and the one the defendant admitted to anyway). I spoke to the clerk and she told me that means the judge disagreed with me. I asked on what grounds but she said she didn't know. Unreal really. I asked if i could appeal and i can but the amount to appeal is slightly more than what i've been awarded. Overall a very bad experience. Is it worth appealing? and on what grounds? is it worth enforcing? The amount awarded was £100 out of a £500 claim.
  21. Hi, There are similar answers in this forum but they were all before the Localism Act 2011 came into force this April which brought significant ammendments to the Tenancy Deposit Scheme under Housing Act 2004. I was wondering if anyone has advice or experience with the following issue post Localism Act 2011. The claim: My tenancy ends in 2 weeks (10 July). I am planning to file a claim in county court on the grounds that my landlord did not inform me about the protection of my deposit within 30 days of me paying the deposit, did not inform me by 6 May 2012 as required after the leeway given by the Localism Act 2011, and did not give me the information even after I wrote a formal letter to him. The questions: 1. Will my landlord still be subject to the fine even after he returned my deposit at the end of my tenancy? If I file a claim to county court within this week, and if the court hearing takes place after he has returned my deposit when my tenancy ends, will the LL still be subject to the fine? 2. Will there even be a court hearing now that the Localism Act 2011 made the 30 day time limit absolute? From my research, it seems that a tenant can automatically make a claim if the landlord did not protect or provide the information required by law within 30 days, and if the judge is satisfied that the landlord did not do so, the court can make the landlord liable to fine. I am deciding on whether to file the claim now, or if I should file the claim only if my landlord refuses to return my full deposit. Thank you for your time and I would be most grateful for any comments on the issue.
  22. I work as a freelance translator here in the UK. I have been doing business with a non-EU translation agency for over 2 years, and they have proven to be trustworthy. They have recently e-mailed me saying they've done business with a UK company which has not paid them. They've had all their communication attempts ignored. Now they want to use "Money Claim Online", but they lack a UK address. That's why they got in touch with me. They are asking if they can use my address. My question is: can I allow them to use my address for correspondence without getting involved in any way other than redirecting mail? What happens if they have a hearing? What if they have to pay any court fees? Is there any way I could become legally implicated just by allowing them to use my address? Thanks in advance for your help.
  23. Afternoon folks, I'm here to ask for some advice as I know there are alot of very smart people lurking out there. I currently am in a court case in small claims court against a particular company. I wont go into detail about this as I want to keep it rather private. But I will sum it up, I took the company to court for adequately providing me with course materials, miss selling me the course under false pretence and company names. (Most people here may know the company, but I shall not name names) Anyway, I send of the forms and have been tracking my progress online and got an email today asking me to complete an "APPLICATION FOR DEFAULT DECREE" Now, I have no legal knowledge at all and was wondering if you would be able to put this into simple terms? The guy on the phone wasn't very helpful and said something about the judge going to look at the case and assess it as its a liquidated claim. Not sure what this means exactly. Also, How likely is it that I would win this claim? Considering the company have not replied to the court after being send numerous letters. Thanks, your help is greatly needed on this one!
  24. Hi, Please help. How do I go about re-claiming my PPI? years ago I had approx 8 credit cards and 3 loans and i cant remember if there was PPI on them, but im sure there was. I cant remember which ones did and didnt, all cards and loans are closed now and I have no paperwork relating to them. I dont want to go through a PPI management company, as id rather do it myself. Do I just write to all of them and hope for the best? If so are there any templates I can use. have seen on the net that there is an 11 page red and white document that keeps cropping up. Do I have to fill that in for all the cards and loans I had? Really dont know where to start here, any guidnace / advice would be great. Many Thanks
  25. Hi, I have recently changed Car Insurance Company to Priviledge, I completed the online form declaring no accidents, claims, convictions etc. I declared none for all the above, although I forgot we had a payout from another Insurance as we were hit in a car park, but this was dealt with through the other parties Insurance and ours didn't get involved. Now, today I have been in touch with them after receiving a letter asking me to contact them and they want more money as I never declared this as a claim. How can they ask for more money when it wasn't our fault and they never lifted a finger, they didn't even know! Seems strange how they have increased my premium for a non-fault claim which they have somehow found out about.
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