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  1. The package has never changed, we've always had Broadband, phone, plus the additional daytime calls, with call waiting and call divert. Nothing has been added or taken off with our consent. Each time we've called they told us THEY phoned us in March to renew the contract, god knows who they phoned, but they are saying a verbal agreement is a contract. They must have phoned and spoken to the cat? Edit: This is a B&B so the service has been going for years, although not on a business account! This must be the biggest waste of space of a Company I have come across!
  2. Thank you for your advice, you can be sure now I've cancelled the DD we'll be speaking with them
  3. We've stopped the Direct Debit via the bank as we move on Monday next week. This will give us time to sort out the stress of moving before I give them what for. Our account is in credit at the moment, due to them taking £50 for engineer call out and refunding. My main point is how did they renew the contract without us knowing? Have tried checking the bills, but as they're all online they only go back to June, so can't access the March one. I refuse o phone them again as they are idiots on the end of the phone and each different person tells a different story, really frustrating!
  4. I feel we're banging our head against a brick wall. We've only just got over another issue whereby we had no phone for 3 weeks. We reported the fault, waited 9 days for an engineer only to be told it was an openreach issue and they couldn't do anything. Reported back to talktalk to wait an additional 6 days for an openreach engineer, who had to fix the cable on the main pole. Talktalk then charged us £50 which was later refunded as it was not our problem. I'm tempted just to pay them the bloody £35 just to be rid of them! Never known a company like this.
  5. Hi, Having major problems with Talktalk, have been speaking with them today to cancel the phone and broadband service after being with them for 15 years. They have told me I have to pay £35 disconnection fee as somehow my contract was renewed in March this year, although I don't see how or why. They advised they phoned to renew the contract as they do each year, but I strongly deny this as it would have gone onto a rolling contract like any other service. Is this something you guys have heard of? Edit: To add, we won't be moving to a property with a fixed landline as it's a lodge on a Caravan Park.
  6. Thanks Uncle, I just feel a bit ripped off. No-one was in our car when it was hit, so to me it wasn't an accident from my point of view, it was an accident for the person who hit us. Oh well, like you say, I'm going to have to put up with it. Good job I have no claims protection, talking of which I only declared 5 years no claims as I couldn't remember the years, gave them the update that it should be 9 years, made no difference. All seems a bit one sided when it comes to Insurance.
  7. Hi, I have recently changed Car Insurance Company to Priviledge, I completed the online form declaring no accidents, claims, convictions etc. I declared none for all the above, although I forgot we had a payout from another Insurance as we were hit in a car park, but this was dealt with through the other parties Insurance and ours didn't get involved. Now, today I have been in touch with them after receiving a letter asking me to contact them and they want more money as I never declared this as a claim. How can they ask for more money when it wasn't our fault and they never lifted a finger, they didn't even know! Seems strange how they have increased my premium for a non-fault claim which they have somehow found out about.
  8. Hi peeps, I have been reading this forum for a whie now but thought I had found all the info I needed until today. Today my housemate was somehow found guilty of Culpable Neglect despite not knowing anything about Council Tax. I'll start at the beginning........ Two of us moved in to a property in 2005, we agreed between us that I would pay the bills including Council Tax and they would pay the rent as they both add up to a similar amount. We signed an agreement to this. Shortly after I became ill and had to give up work due to several operations, The Council then paid 'some' of my rent and my share of the council Tax. I continued paying the bills from Income Support but at the time agreed with the council that as I had an arrangement with my housemate that the account would be put on hold. 3 years later in 2008, the Council wrote to my housemate asking for money or go to Court. They immediately offered £10 per week and made 1 payment. I then visited the Counci offices and explained the situation and produced our agreement. They were, at the time happy with this and placed the account on hold again. Now, in 2010 without any notice they sent a summons to my housemate to appear at the Magistrates for a means enquiry. Today they appeared at the Magistrates and were found guilty of Culpable Neglect and received a suspended sentence. At to time since 2008 has a Bailiff made any attempt to contact either of us, infact I have a record of all communication. Even prior to 2008 the Bailiffs only wrote to me which I foolishly ignored as I thought it was an error as it was supposed to have been paid for in Council Tax Benefit. The Council already have an attachment to my benefits but argued that this was not enough to clear the debt. I am really confused by this whole episode as my housemate has never had any dealings with this. My point is how can my housemate be guilty of Culpable Neglect if they have not previously notified them and they have also agreed to the terms of them paying the rent and me paying the bills. I should also say that we requested to speak to the Duty Solicitor but was informed it was a means enquiry and the Magistrate would not agree to this!! Hope this makes sense, my head is spinning.
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