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Everything posted by surreyscouse

  1. how mcu hare we talking in charges here ? Definately go after them regardless as this lot cave in very quickly and allow the refunds. First thing to do is stop dealing with the normal contact centres. From now on just deal with the advocates office, do you have their contact details yet ? And arrears, how much are we talking there ?
  2. i kept my claim letters pretty much as they are for the banks to be honest. I really don't think they read them as they are all pretty much the same that they get through. May as well leave it in
  3. well done, if nothing else it saved you a bit of time messing about with the summons etc. why not go after them for the interest, they'll buckle on that as well I think !
  4. yep, my stuff arrived on day 40 by recorded delivery. You might want to give them a gentle nudge, or just wait and report them to the IC for non-compliance.
  5. natweststaffmember - I'll answer this for you, NO, oneofthem is quite clearly not here to help anybody. oneofthem - Just my opinion, but you are a clown of the highest order, it really wouldn't bother me if you never came back to this website as you quite clearly are here just to wind people up. It is quite clear that you haven't had a GOOD luck around the site and seen some of the stories on here that make your heart bleed for other people. Quite frankly, I don't care if banking is not free soon, not sure others care as well. So what if a bank charges us £25 a year for an account, with the reduction in charges that have been made, people will actually save money. Not that it matters to you. By your own definition you are a young "lady", a student in fact who has never had a bank charge (that's a first). I can only presume that you were born with a nice silver spoon in your mouth and Daddy is putting you through Uni and that mixing with people who incur bank charges is well beneath you, which once again begs the question, what the hell are you doing on here ! despite what I say above, I do offer an apology for calling you a clown of the highest order. It was the best I could come up with without using swear words that get me banned from this FANBLOODYTASTIC website ! Don't feel you have to respond oneofthem, I couldn't care less what happens to you !
  6. surreyscouse

    jad vs MBNA

    was your letter sen RD ? If so then no worries on your part. Another example of inept practice from MBNA. No probs, sit tight and see what happens after 40 days. Fromwhat you've said, sounds like nothing to me, up to you if you want to give them a shove, i'd stitch them up if it was me !
  7. surreyscouse

    jad vs MBNA

    Agree with Glenn. Cheque received then fine and usual addresses used even better. 40 days from date of receipt if you ask me. (For what it's worth) The Dpa (the actual act) says 40 days from receip of satisfacory confirmation of ID. However, if they write at the address on record then surely that's enough, in which case they are happy to send statements to that address then surely they are happy to send any other correspondence to that address without any need for further ID. All horlicks if you ask me and they twist it for their benefit.
  8. Well done mate ! looks like you have a busy future ahead of you ! Good result !
  9. surreyscouse

    Sev v MBNA

    Sev, Can't add too much mate. I've been through what you are now but not through bad luck like you've had but pure stupidity in taking on too much debt at once. Trust me on this, it will all come out in the wash and things always look up at the end of the day. Angry cat says some lovely words mate and in a weird sort of way you should take comfort in the fact that people who you don't know on a personal level feel enough to put such feelings down in words. We are all on this site for the same reasons and it is a cracking community. By and large, most people hang about after getting their refunds to help others out and don't just disappear once they have their money back. I have finished with MBNA but still spend all day trying to help others out. Mate, all you can do is what you already are. Don't get disillusioned with what you are writing to them though. The person who reads your letter may think you are just laying it on thick with what you say. I don't doubt what you say and what has happened and at least if push came to shove you have everything very well documented in your favour if needs ever be. We're all here for you mate, my favourite saying at the moment is be strong. So be strong my friend !
  10. sounds about right the formula,, just not sur eon the APR as everybody seems to be a little bit different
  11. fine, they will more than likely file the defence on the last day and include the rest of the money in it. sit tight and keep an eye on mcol
  12. what date was it deemed to have been served ?
  13. they will probably inform the court what they have done when they issue their defence. I would just sit tight and see what happens when the defence is sent to you.
  14. did they agree to refund the £80 then ?
  15. piece of cake this lot, you'll get it back no problem !
  16. No, mbna say that all of their payment are goodwill gestures, hence no admission of liability. This is the advocates office who "value" customers .
  17. Glyn, Help is here my friend. I assume you have had charges ? Must have if the accident was that bad I would think (hope you're alright now by the way) Right, first things first, and I might suggest that you do not chase mbna by telephone if you want this to go your way. Go through the normal process of reclaiming charges but add on the interest as well for the 3 months. You will be dealing with the advocates office at MBNA (do you need the contact details ?) who are quite sensible about things. After this, refuse to accept any offer without the 3 months interest as well as if you issue a court summons for charges plus the interest for the 3 months then they will refund the whole lot. The important thing here is not to accept the charges refund and the go after the interest, I would say if you want to be successful then it is an "all or nothing case". You would need to have the threat of getting them to break down their charges in court in order to get them to settle out of court for them plus your interest. The minute you accept a refund of charges and NOT the 3 months interest then you may as well forget about ever those 3 months interest back. Hope the above helps, drop me a line with any questions, this'll be a doddle getting all this back !
  18. surreyscouse

    Nordic v MBNA

    just put in an estimated claim and let them argue with you. make sure you note this on the claim form and comment that it is estimated because they haven't supplied you with copies of transactons. Habe they breached the DPA then ?
  19. well done, now go get the rest back !
  20. the point here is why send the banks "needless" letters which they can use against you later ? Therefore you don't need to plan for defence of letters you send.
  21. you'll be fine, the advocates office are actually quite sensible and easy to deal with. Just make sure you stick to your guns and get back what is yours !
  22. It's not naive at all. Have a good look around the MBNA threads and you will see one common theme, by their own admission MBNA state on countless occasions that they do not wish to be in court with their customers so they settle out of goodwill without admission. Whilst we are on the subject of naivity, have another look at the MBNA threads and see on how many occasions I have been incorrect in what I've informed people. I understand what you might be saying here but you are looking at things pesimistically, whereas I'm looking at things very realistically having spent hours speaking to these clowns and helping others get their money back.
  23. no, my claim is for £480 charges and £160 interest as per the spreadsheet template. I will call the helpline though
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