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Everything posted by surreyscouse

  1. didn't know about the ccj mate. In which case go for it ! Get the CCJ removed for definate and then move other lending around (once you are certain it has been removed) and save money that way. So not only will you get the £1400 you should also save a few quid each month on other lending. Makes sense to me. Sometimes you just need to do a deal with the devil and I wouldn't blame you on this occasion
  2. what does it matter ? I would just sign it and get your money back. I really can't see that the bank or their solicitors will be that bothered in spending time checking you have told nobody and in fairness they probably assume that you will tell your mates down the pub anyway ! Unless Switch is your real name (I doubt it is though) then I can't see how they will find out even if you posted on here and weren't too specific.
  3. Let's see what they say ! Can't say I am holding my breath on their first reply though !
  4. Does anybody have an address for them ? and possibly a contact name ?
  5. If somebody asks for the last six years statements, do you automatically assume that they want them to get charges refunded ? And why do you ask why a customer wants them ? (as if you can say no anyway) Just wondered as I requested statements the other day (which turned up today) and was asked why I wanted them. Erm........ as if he was going to go the extra mile and sort it all out there and then ! I don't think so ! Also, have you seen one of these letters come in to your office requesting charges are refunded and what was or is the reaction from staff ?
  6. i spoke to Stuart Johnson on Thursday. He is very nice. The point made about him contradicting himself is quite easy to explain. I asked for all of my statements for the past 5 years (since I had the account) . He said he can get the last 12 months sent out straight away but the previous years would take a few days longer as they are stored electronically in the states and he needs to retrieve them. If you want his email address it is stuart.johnson@mbna.com . I do have his direct line as well although you can just try 01244 672040 which is Michael Rhodes number who is the ceo
  7. i have been at loggerheads with mbna for months. shane flynn is no longer their ceo as he made £11m personally last year and has gone and left the company. The new guy in charge is michael rhodes whose email address is michael.rhodes@mbna.com . Oh and by the way, if you would like a telephone number direct to his office, you could try 01244 672040 and one of his right hand men or women will deal with your query. He also has voicemail on this number out of hours !
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