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Everything posted by surreyscouse

  1. right then surreymanc ! I fee like an adopted manc when i go to see oasis in concert ! Anyway, You can't really use the rate that mbna do as you will come out with a completely different figure than them. They will obviously add interest month on month from when the charge was added but it won't tally up with what you have. By all means give it a go and possibly argue the point if their figure is less than yours, all i am saying is that i tried that and my figure was a lot less then theirs
  2. welcome to the mbna threads ! i still can't get my head round this £25 per 12 days. This is the first time i've heard of this from mbna but it still doesn't seem right. Although the charges have been updated, this is the current virgin t&c's https://wwwn.applyonlinenow.com/UKCCapp/Ctl/validate?eid=9256D027 i can only imagine that the £25 has changed to £12. I reckon you have been given dud information from the call centre myself, but see what your statements say when they turn up !
  3. waynedear, might be an idea to get this moved to the mbna thread as you will get loads more responses in there. drop a line to a mod and ask them. I haven't heard of this £25 for every 12 day rule before. it is extortionate that they think they can get away with it !
  4. ah well, been without it this long. do you know if claiming from a credit card will have any impact on my bank account with them ?
  5. Ok, quite far into this one, been busy telling peoploe how to make mbna crumble. Got all my statements and sent 1 st request on 14/7/2006 for £480. Reply came back offering £227.50. So faxed them LBA on 20/7/2006. Reply received today advising this is the final offer and won't be increased. So just about to send another fax kinda saying "i think you must be mistaken" and they should give me the rest back otherwise mcol for the whole lot. It seems that i can't accept the £227.50 and go after them for the rest. I must either accept this in full and final or take my chances in court, i think i know where this will end up ! Is this the norm for halifax ?
  6. surreyscouse


    nope, these are legit fees - even though they are extortionate !
  7. surreyscouse

    Abbey or MBNA

    mbna ebl is mbna and yes, address the letter to them
  8. put it this way, no harm in giving it a go. As it's mbna and i hate them then if it was my decision then i'd say go for it in a big way. I suppose nothing ventured is nothing gained. I think the circumstances in that thread you mentioned are different in that it was a DCA that was involved and not the original lender, although mbna's storage system is not the hottest the world and they will probably strugle to meet the 12 day deadline if not the 30 day one as well.
  9. kinda funny that they will be paying for you to issue a summons, I like that. Reminds me of somebody that used their egg card to pay online to take egg to court ! I liked that one !
  10. can you pm me the company details and if poss the companies house registration number (would be on headed paper or their website) I will have a look and see if i can find a number for you.
  11. somebody is going to go mad at you for asking that ! Not me though You are correct that the debt would be unenforceable if there is no signed credit agreement. However, refunding all of the monies paid has not really been proven by anybody. I know people have had debts written off, but have not heard of any cases where refunds of all monies paid have been given. The mods may well say that this site is to help you get refunds of charges and not to escape debts, but questions like this inevitably keep cropping up. I guess it is your shout if you want to try and get out of paying, although i would seriously suggest that you get the charges removed first as IF you were to get all of your money refunded then you will have more in your pocket if you get the charges knocked off first. by the way, that is a very big IF !
  12. let them work it out for you. I thought the interest would be no more than a tenner but it was a lot more than that. Let them do it as they know how it is worked out and they will show you trheir calculations if you ask
  13. if you do phone them make sure you set a verbal deadline. Advise them if no call received by say 3pm (for arguments sake) then not to bother cvalling as you will be on the bus to go to the court house to file papers then.
  14. no harm in sending it but they won't do anything now until about 14 days after it is deemed to have been served, that's when the defence will go in
  15. ANNALH, Thanks for popping in here. Not overly bothered about the thread being potentially hijacked here, but your comment about the allocation questionnaire has really intrigued me. Do you have your own thread or can you give a brief insight as to exactly what you are claiming for and what events have taken place (phone calls,letters,emails etc) I am a couple of days away from issuing proceedings against this lot and am really curious to see what's happended with yourself. Can't see as Abbey will come backwith the goods in the meantime though !
  16. can you issue a warrant of execution ?
  17. there is a template on the site somewhere where you can write to them advising you do not acknowledge any debt to them and enclose a £1 fee for a copy of a credit agreement proving you owe them money. Also quote the telecommunications act just in case they try and call. Search around, the template is on quite a few threads
  18. surreyscouse

    Adams V Mbna

    have you filed your claim now joload ?
  19. don't you be woring about the interest rate, let mbna work it out and it will come to much more than you think
  20. surreyscouse


    Jeez, will we ever learn ? (joking) Hmmm, I wasn't aware that they had reduced the charge down as I haven't received a new statement for a couple of months so I am supposed to guess what my monthly payments are ! Anyway, no harm in experimenting. I haven't come accross anybody with the £12 charge yet. What I would say is , have you had any other charges that go back when they were £25, £20, £15 etc ? Have you claimed them back yet ? If not, add them all up and claim the new £12 as well, they won't argue for the sake of £12. Also, MBNA will say that the OFT have said £12 is acceptable, this is not true. The OFT have said that over £12 is the limit at which they would take action. The same principle still applies, does it really cost them £12 for you missing a payment ? Of course not. Crikey I am rambling here, If i was you i would i'd go for it. it's less hassle for them to refund it than argue with you, get on to the advocates office !
  21. Angry cat, I may be mistaken (somebody tell me if i am) But don't bother threatening them with the law society as they are only there to protect members of the public who have complaints against their own solicitor, not solicitors defending somebody else. I cam accross this last year when i contacted them about a thid party solicitor and this was effectively what they told me. I may be wrong, but if i am right, i just don't want you to threaten them with things that don't affect them, and then them undermining you.
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