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Everything posted by surreyscouse

  1. what has happened previously is that mbna have instructed their dca to deduct it from the amount owing to them. My assumption is that they then do something between themselves to sort that bit out. There must be some sort of agreement between them that in these instances MBNA offer some sort of protection to what is now Links debt. Do a search on the site under Link financial and see what has happened to others who have been in the same position.
  2. This is actually relatively simple. MBNA made the charges, so you get the charges back from them. FACT. If Link have applied additional charges then you get those back from Link and only Link. The fact Link have purchased the debt from MBNA does not make them accountable for MBNA's previous actions. With Link, what you need to do is establish with them that they can in fact collect the money from you, i.e. you owe them it. No need to do a DPA with Link, send them £1 and ask them for a copy of your credit agreement with them or transfer documents (i.e. the agreement between them and MBNA) as allowed under the consumer credit act. I am being very brief on this as the only experience I have on this is what i've read on this forum. They only have 12 or 14 days to send it to you after which they cannot enforce the debt anyway. After 30 days of not supplying this they have committed a criminal offence. Have a read around the general forums and you'll find a lot more info on this. Hope that helps.
  3. well done matey ! Can I just clarify one thing please, Are you saying we should read as much as we can on this site ?
  4. It is mbna that you conctact for this info
  5. she will get it back from mbna. They will more than likely tell the firm the debt has been sold on to to reduce the balance. just go about it in the normal way
  6. that sounds fine to me, mbna are actually pretty good at working these out for you.
  7. Polly, I will be watching this one with interest, best of luck on that
  8. warrier, The 8% is for when you issue your summons. MBNA will work it out for you and you will probably be very surprised with the figure they come back with as the interest gets recalulated every month
  9. Polly, unless I am very much mistaken, I think you have just hit on something here ! Are you basically saying that if you claimed say £1000 and they credit us with £100 out of "goodwill" then you would still go after the £1000 ? I ask this as you are probably quite entitled to do this depending on how their letter is worded. It goes against the grain of what this site is about but it really could exploit loopholes in MBNA's letters, and we know they would do that yo us don't we ! You have really intrigued me on this.
  10. worst thing they will do is withdraw the account facilities
  11. it sounds like you've dealt with the call cente. if so then stop that and speak to the advocates office, they will send a list of transaction for free. just try stuart.johnson@mbna.com and he'll get it sorted for you. then set about get the charges back !
  12. just give them a call and remind them they only have 11 days left and see what response you get
  13. Lee, For what it's worth, MBNA are getting loads of these claims and I would deem it most unlikely that for a small request for transactions that they will purposefully try and turn you over. It is probably easier for them in the first instance just to give you what you want I would have thought. After that though, definately stick to the templates for first refund and LBA.
  14. i know you were, still the best result by any stretch of anybody showing how easy it potentially is to get this all sorted quickly ! (Still convinced it's a one off) Can't believe that was 3 months ago already !
  15. write back thanking him for the £100 but telling them that you will now pursue them for the remaining £200
  16. There is the fax number 01244 672190. They very seldom bank the £10 anyway so don't fret about that too much. See what they come back with mate.
  17. so why come on here and have a pop at the people claiming the charges back ? Why not voice your concerns with your employers who quite clearly do not care about resourcing their offices well enough to deal with these complaints. Granted, you shouldn't have to accept insults from people over the phone, but as with any problem you need to get to the root of it and money is a very touchy subject. My theory would be that people do not get the response they would appreciate. And I don't mean a yes we'll give refunds back. I mean a sympathetic response and a quick an timely resolution instead of further messing people around and causing even more stress. That's why people get angry. That said, you're still out of order for what you have said previously. You'd have to do a fair bit to change peoples minds on that I reckon. You say you've been ringing people to resolve matters quicker, but what resolution have you offered ? You (the banks) have been told in no uncertain terms that nothing less than a full refnd is acceptable, so why bother trying to offer somehint less. No wonder you are geting abuse as you quite clearly don't listen to your customers if that's the case. The response could be down to the kneejerk reaction of the banks to try and sort things out quicker and less effectively.
  18. couple of things mate, Shane Flynn has gone months ago. He was an arrogant plum of the highest order ! Been replaced by Michael Rhodes so address it to him. Secondly, it doesn't actually seem that you have asked for anything in the letter. I know you want the transactions so make sure they are asked for and also tell them you are coming back for any charges once you have that info. Try using the template here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/516-data-protection-act-subject.html#post2480 and rejig it a bit to be more suited to what you need to say. Essentially, what you have here are two very different issues and I would suggest you treat them this way as MBNA may well try to combine them and use it to their advantage. Issue 1 is the bad treatment you've received (understatement) Issue 2 are the charges What you don't want it them saying "we'll sort you out on one if you forget the other". You really need to demand for this to all go your way. Am I making sense here ?
  19. LEEUK, Interesting little story that one then. Ok, so it seems that the advocates office may well be getting a bit hacked off with people just phoning out of the blue, ah well tough luck on them ! Fine then, send the letter in and they will respond with an automated letter which will give somebody's name to contact with any queries. Funnily enough it is normally gareths name that is given out, but there have been a few others creeping up recently. Make sure it either goes by recorded delivery or fax. Or for bloody good measure email to the CEO michael.rhodes@mbna.com The PA should pass it on for you. You'll be fine mate !
  20. Bevo, claim them all back , have a good look through the FAQ's and then start your own thread so everybody can keep check on your progress. You'll get plenty of good advice on here.
  21. can do yeah. Even if you just ask for a list of transactions he'll know what you want it for. If you do phone up then play it kind of dumb and say how do i go about getting a list of my old statements, let him then volunteer the info to you. I know this lot have messed you about but be nice to Gareth. He is actually a good lad who always calls back when he asys he will and does seem to make a genuine effort to help out. Nobody on these threads has ever said a bad word about him. you should find him easy to get along with. Let us know how you get on
  22. Jezz, this almost puts forward a case for just asking for a list of transactions just to get £100 deducted from your balance, regardless of whether you've had charges or not !
  23. samplex mate. Chill out, this will be sorted in no time. Stop dealing with all the contact centres now and deal only with the advocates office. I haven't got the numbers to hand at the moment (i can let you know tomorrow) but contact them. You can get through to the CEO of MBNA Europe's pa on 01244 672040. Explain to her and she'll get you through to the advocates office. What people say above about the charges is all correct so go about getting those back. you won't have any trouble getting them, but the problem goes far deeper here. The advocates office will be able to stop all the calls to you. They will sort out a realistic pay plan, freeze interest and charges. If you want to know what figure you can expect to pay, then take your current balance and divide it by 120 months (10 years) That's the most MBNA let you pay over and you'll be able to budget from there. I hope that helps somewhat, let me know if you need anything else.
  24. try gareth tunnicliffe. you can email him at gareth.tunnicliffe@mbna.com or call him on 01244 672628. He's your best bet in the advocates office. Keep that number and use it in future for any queries so you don't mess around with the call centres. Sounds like you might be in for a few bob to get your balance reduced. You won't get your charges refunds used as payments on the account if they settle before you issue a summons. If a summons is neccessary you can ask them to use your refund as payment if you play it correctly. I can let you know about this if and when you need to know. You will also find that MBNA will give you a list of transactions for free if you want, you might want to get Gareth to do that to speed the process up and then just stick to written communication after that. From memory, there has only been one example of somebody getting all their charges refunded at the time of making that very phone call and this was for about £1500 i think. Up to you if you want to chance that, although i do genuinly believe that was a one off
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