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Everything posted by reka

  1. I juat did a live news interview for Channel M on sky channel 203. CAG was mentioned about 5 times in the 5-10 minite interview. The annoying thing is, i havent seen the interview, arrghhhhhhh. Hopefully some of you guys caught it.
  2. Victory for bank charge dad - News - Manchester Evening News Bailiffs went in yesterday, didn't get any money. He is going back nest week. Watch Channel M tonight, they shoel be covering it between 830 to 10 pm tonight, sky channel 203. Its my sond birthday so rushing around here..... Thnx for all your support peeps
  3. Manchester Evening News have just informed me that the Baillifs did call on the Abbey today, and they issued a writ? Does that mean the Abbey refused to pay so he has given them a set time to pay?
  4. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/abbey-bank/101308-t-cs-nov-1998-a.html Can we get that thread as a sticky? seems loads of people need and are are going to keep needing it?
  5. BBC Radio Player Thats all i have so far, just a quick mention, i hope i didnt miss the main thing.... I am sat her switching between channels and trying to listen to the radio in between phone calls....
  6. Jeeeze, where do i start on this one, BBC are covering it, Radio 5 live news bubble says they are discussing the "customer who turned the table on the banks by calling the bayliffs in" and TV interview for channel M tomorrow. MEN say they are running the story tomorrow aswell. I am trying to get a link to the radio 5 interview. My phone has been ringing constantly all day, too many interviews to remember..... BUT CAG was mentioned in all of them...
  7. Just done an interviev for the BBC and Radio 5 live, it will be on the news today...... no links to MEN yet
  8. nope, i dont know the time, he will be there when he gets there. Trying to get the day put of him was hard enough!
  9. Court bailiffs are calling on the Abbey National Branch in chorlton today. BBC and M.E.N. are both aware!
  10. The bailiffs defo don't want to tell me when they are going to call on them, so i presume they are aware of what may happen if they do I will try again tomorrow....
  11. Were you not given directions from the judge when you recieved the court date? If you post the directions we may be able to guide you further
  12. Hi Cookie, If your court bundle needs to be submitted on tuesday and you have not recieved the cheque, then you have to file your bundle. Only stop the claim once you have the funds and they are cleared in your account! Give them a ring and put a rocket up their rear posterior. They are prone to loosing track of claims as they have so many. Also trying to get peeps to stop their claim All the best
  13. Its not in the paper this morning, maybee tomorrow?
  14. Here you go, this is the thread where the T&C's are posted, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/abbey-bank/101308-t-cs-nov-1998-a.htmlplease reply on that thread as saves others loking for it All the best
  15. I just tried the link again and it let me in, make sure you are logged in is all i can suggest? oooh, offered a full and final, was it for the full amount, and you havent cancelled your claim have you?
  16. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    ICY, sure i will PM you a link when it gets published, oooooh, and the "squares"... well, i got a reply from Hedgey, no one knows, but they suspect it may be that someone that was entering the Ammounts enters a £ as well, and the £ shows as a square. In respect of email reciepts, in most email clients, if you look in your sent box, highlight the mail you sent and right click you usually get options, on of those option is Status. That will say whether its read or not, however most email clients will not give you a status of internet mail. You may, depending on your email client have the option to request a reciept when email is read...have a look all round the edges when you are sending a mail or in the options..... if i knew your email client i will be ble to get you a definative answer. ICY, nice one, have a lovely break and happy Birthday
  17. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Not seen him, but i have PM'd the delectable Hedgey (should i go to a bomb shelter after saying that) so hopefully we will know soon
  18. I did the online form, printed it off and took it down to the court. They accepted it fine. Good luck, you will win, its just a question of when :grin:
  19. reka

    pamhegs v Abbey

    If you are not using the account at all, change any benefits to another account, and ask the Abbey National to freeze that account, and make a payment Arrangement of £5 a month. You will need to send them an income and expenditure list to tally showing that you barely have £5 spare a month after paying bills. You can change the amount you are claiming, and as you are on benefits you may want to concider doing so as you are probably exempt from court costs anyway (via an EX160). but you have to ammend it through the courts, by filing a (think its a N244)I am sure someone else will come along that can tell you th pro's and cons of changing the amount you have claimed, but i suspect that this may be better for a second claim. I started my claim for similar reasons to you, but managed to get my account passed to a debt collection agency, which stopped any further charges being added. I think there are template letters on the national debtline website that has letters asking them to freeze your account. I am sorry if its not the answer you wanted to hear, but its what i would do, get the account frozen, continue this claim, then file anothr claim after you win.
  20. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Icy, may be an idea to PM a mod, ask if its because we are special
  21. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    *not quite a hijack* the square we are talking about are on the litigation details list thingy doodar. Its the list Icy was looking at to see who had recieved setlements before court. At least thats what i think we were talking about, i just dont know anymore..its beeen along day. *End Hijack* tee hee...sorry Icy..i was trying to work out the squares for your list
  22. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Hmmmm, the square plot thickens, maybe it means won but they havent yet paid out? I prefer the "special" idea myself!! Thats an excellent mail to send ICY, I dont know why you are aking them to settle for less than the full amount though, as you know they will settle for the full amount. I can't imagine that if they paid you the full amount you would say here, have a couple of hundred pounds on me, and thats what you are doing in effect!
  23. All i can say is absofunkilutely brilliant news, woooo hoooooo!! This must be the feeling peeps get when they put notches on their bedpost, i am soooo chuffed for you
  24. The Baillifs had 14days to execute the warrant (afaik), it was issued on the 22nd June, so it has to be this week I don't know the day...wil try again to see if he will tell me. I am sure there will be a link! i should chain myself to the doors or something till they pay up:)
  25. Links to the T&C's are in the stickies in the abbey section. I think the official line is , they are not essential but advisable to include them... hope that helps
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