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Everything posted by reka

  1. I hope so, the more people that claim the more chance there is of banks changing their regime of unlawfull charges
  2. I too am curious why you would accept an offer that is £800 less than what they owe you. That £800 is your money not theirs, you will get it all back in time but ultimately the choice is yours. If you decide to hold out for the full amount then the support is here for you
  3. Okies, here is a link to both TV interviews Channel M breakfast news Channel M evening news
  4. lol Steven.... video didnt work at my end, i am reuploading it now..... No calls from parkie..... tely tubies may be more apt
  5. i finaly got my hands on the other TV interview about Abbey Bank charges
  6. excellent, did she settle for the full amount?
  7. reka

    Ad V Abbey

    The fastest way i found with the Abbey was asking to be put through to "delivery services". They ignored letters but Delivery services sent them out within 5 days! Worth a try
  8. reka

    Feater v Abbey

    LOL, you lost me, but so long as you know what they are and they are acurate.
  9. Hi Amteegee, I found your thread It looks like you have everything in hand. I also felt like you and was sure i was going to be the first to face the Abbey in court and lose. The chances of it getting that far are extremely remote, and you wont lose as you have all us behind you to steer you in the right direction. You will get your money back, it just a question of when;) Sam (reka)
  10. reka

    Feater v Abbey

    Whatever the total you put on the N1 should be what your schedule of charges is. If you have found additional charges that you have not included then you have 3 choices, 1) leave the charges that you missed, ready for a second claim after you win the first claim. 2) Leave the additional charges 3) Amend your claim with the court, i think you do this via an N244, and costs £65.... i am not sure if that is accurate but its along those lines i believe. DO NOT take a chance and try amd slip something in and hope they will not notice...because they may just notice. Do it all by the book Hope this helps.
  11. erm, right let me get this right, you do still have an account in the company name? Surely you can do money transfers from it to another account, or ask for a cheque to be written (Bankers draft cheque). Once you have funds in an account, the primary signitory may make withdrawls/transfers. If you are unable to do this, then i suggest that you trawl through your terms and conditions of the account. It seems pointless to have an account that only allows you to transfer money into a "specific account" and that you are unable to change the particular "specific account".
  12. Hell yeah, get the dosh back, after all you worked damn hard for your money. I will subscribe to your thread and if i can help or assist in any way i will, although i expect the "Stalkers are us" will get there first Its been a hairy ride but well worth it....good luck with your claim Sam (Reka)
  13. Uh huh, Inga made the payment into my Barclays account today, by cheque so i have to wait till it clears but wooooo hooooooo!! My first letter to the Abbey was on the 20th May 2006...... thats way over a year! Roll on claim number 2 I will notify the Bailiffs once the funds have cleared
  14. You have nothing to loose by mailing Inga, go for it, it has worked for loads of people. (Stalkers Are Us©)
  15. reka

    Feater v Abbey

    I didn't include any documents that i recieved from the court as both paties already had copies, although i did take then to court with me. My bundle was 100 pages long, and the Judge was p-leased with the bundle and statement of evidence you seem to be doing it correctly Good luck
  16. LOL, recycle, you have got to be kidding, that would save them some of our money, and they have to spend it somehow. i will look for your thread and subscribe
  17. ROFL! I think the Abbey would call it infamous, i have loved being a thorn in their side, and hopefully the Abbey will have given Ashurst a kick up the backside for letting it go so far and get negative media coverage for them, hopefully it will lead to more peeps claiming and them settling earlier. I havent even seen todays interview yet i am waiting on Channel m sending me a copy , but that will be next week.
  18. Erm, that sounded sooo wrong.... i think i need a brandy n coke now :o
  19. My bundle was 100 pages long, and i printed 3 copies off. I did not include anything i recieved from the court in my bundle as the court and other party (abbey) already had those. Although i did take them to court with me on the day. How large is your bundle?
  20. Here are the T&C's for Nov 1998, i am not sure if they were updated between nov 98 and May 99 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/abbey-bank/101308-t-cs-nov-1998-a.html Hope that helps. Reka (Sam)
  21. They sent it to my adress, they sent the Bailiff a copy, so i have to accept that they did send one, where it got delivered to is another matter, and why it was only issued in the 28 as they court ordered i was to recieve the funds by the 21st is an interesting admission they ignored the court order. In respect to the Bailiff, he was going back this week, but he advised me to call the abbey (gave me a number for legal team) and to call him back to let him know the result. The upshot is i will get the money paid into a Barclays account tomorrow, and warrant is on hold..but not cancelled untill i inform them of either non payment tomorrow where it gets reinstated or cancelled whn the funds clear. I did not pay bailiff fees as i filed an ex160
  22. Excellent news, congratulations
  23. Brilliant news! You are on the final leg now....get the holiday brochures out
  24. hmmmmm, i posted a reply and its vanished. Anyway, you will recieve a copy of the judgement from the court, you can send in the Bailiffs 14days after the judgement. I personally wouldnt tell the Abbey you are concerned because you put their address as your local branch as they may try to capitalise on that. If it is 14 days after the judgement, then get intouch with the Abbey stating that you are about to go to the court to get a warrant of execution.... that should spur them into action.
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