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Everything posted by reka

  1. Thankyou for that. I see that that was your first post so welcome to CAG You should start a thread of your own, that well you will get the best support from the site and its Lurrrvly members. If you have incurred thousands of pounds worth of charges, that means you WILL get thousands of pounds back with interest. Good luck, i will keep an eye out for your thread
  2. Ooooh, thankyou for that. I hadent seen that one.
  3. Lol, Inga definately has an australian accent. I did post a link a while back to her profile and it had a photo. I think this is her Garland Hawthorn Brahe - Personnel Sydney | Inga Kirkman She said a cheque had been sent on the 28th June but she is cancelling that to make payment tomorrow. I wonder if we are forcast rain when she needs to go to my bank
  4. OMFG! (can i say that?) Guess who i just had on the phone!!!! INGA KIRKMAN!! She is cancelling the cheque today, and will be paying one into my barclays account tomorrow. She said she cant pay it in to Barclays with her computer system, so she will go into a barclays branch tomorrow herself and pay the cheque in herself in person..... (tee hee) I can't wait to check my account tomorrow.
  5. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Wow!! Thats a brilliant order from the Judge! Basically, you have won, wooooo hoooooooo! And you wont get the hassle i have had, you will be fine. I don't think Inga wants "another screwup" like on mine. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO...You have won!
  6. Oooooh, you taped it i am trying to source a copy so i can upload to u tube. This case is making the Abbey look really bad, i just hope it doesn't have an adverse effect and make people think that they cant be bothered with all the hassle!
  7. I have now spoken to the Bailiff, he has a faxed copy of a cheque and letter dated 28th June. He gave me the phone number for Abbey legal department/solicitors and told me to phone them. I spoke to the Abbey, informed them that i have recieved no such letter or cheque. I have requested that they arrange for another cheque to be issued or cash that i can collect from my local branch. She said that they are only the solicitors but will speck to the Abbey and get back to me. So i am waiting for a phone call now. I called the bailiff back, i need to inform him and send a letter to the court once i recieve the cheque and it has cleared in my account.
  8. Thanks Jules, I actually haven't seen it yet, i am sure i will get a copy by the end of the day from somewhere. BBC got bact to me yesterday evening, apparently, the Abbey are saying they have paid me and are supplying the bailiff with copies.... I don't have a cheque and dont have an account with them other than my mortgage so this could be interesting. I left a message for the bailiff to get intouch but will try him again shortly. This whole thing gets more and more curious. I hear they put a banner advertising ConsumerActionGroup during the interview aswell, lets see those floodgate doors opening with Abbey claimants
  9. nervous, i was terrified as we didnt have time to discuss it before they went live. Hopefully we will be better organised for tomorrows. Still waiting for the BBC to get back to me and tell me what the Abbey have to say for themselves
  10. BBC are contacting the Abbey asking where my cheque is, and want to do another interview tomorow. Will let you all know when i do. Also, i now have a link to the full Channel M news interview from last week, I am doing another one for channel M due to go out at 8:15 tomorrow (tuesday 10th July) on sky channel 203.
  11. Roll On the Floor Laughing (My b***/A*** Off)
  12. Its Manchester tv, its on sky channel 203, ultra low budget, but hey, if it gets one other person to claim its a good thing
  13. LOL, me a tart .... tee heee, Butter wouldnt melt! I hope you had a great holiday I have another Live TV appearance (Channel M) scheduled to go out at 8:15 am on tuesday, and The Guardian want to run the story, go to talk to them tomorrow
  14. reka

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Brilliant mail Icy, if that doesn't spur them into settling nothing will. You have seriously put some work into that mail.
  15. ROFL... is that inside information? As is rings sooo true. All they had to do was phone me and say, pop into the branch and get a bankers draft cheque or cash I will wait and see what father christmas brings..... that seems more likely
  16. Send the EX160 with the N1, there is a leaflet giving details of what qualifies for this. http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/GetForm.do?court_forms_id=168 Hope that helps
  17. OOooooh, the BBC story has been updated, apparently the Abbey are saying that a cheque was issued on the 28th June....thats new's to me, where is it? That was a week yesterday?
  18. Thankyou for all your support! There is still no sign of the money and they are well aware of the press interest. I think they must be sulking because it went to court, something they are not at all fond of.
  19. BBC have the story on their website BBC NEWS | Business | Bailiffs to go in at Abbey branch
  20. Di, i was nervous as hell, i was swayin from side to side.... but hey they want me back in for a longer interview so i can't have been that bad
  21. Dave, well i am back in the studio for tuesday morning breakfast news, It will be broadcast between 8-9am i believe, and CAG will get another plug
  22. DS, oooh, let me know what the judge comes back and says. You mentioned geting more costs from the Abbey? I was already awarded ££275 (and am exempt from fees) so costs are minimal.
  23. Part of the TV interview is here, the presenter also gave out the website address at the end of the interview, i should get a full copy of it in a few weeks from Channel M.
  24. Apparently, the bailiff went in to the branch. Was told he needs to talk to their legal department and then the person he needed to talk to was not there. He assured me i will get my money and he is intending to call back to the branch nect week. According the the newspapers, the Abbey were issued with a writ. I am suprised that he did not get the money yesterday as you say the bank would easily have had that money. I think the Abbey are really digging their heels in on this one. My sons party was brilliant thnx
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