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Everything posted by Paintball

  1. Haha aa, just the response I would have hoped for. Many thanks I have begun to formulate my reponse. ML really are stinkers and have concealed, misinformed, and taken advantage of my (previous) lack of knowledge and understanding of PPI to add a product that has a whacking great cost attached to it, which had I known this at the time of taking out the loan, I would NEVER have gone ahead with ... This claim is typifies what the FSA and the Competition Commission wish to do away with; PPI sold with poor sales practice as a Single Premium and the true cost of it and the loan not explained to the borrower!!! I'm not so green now though so watch out ML, here I come with all guns blazing ... :D
  2. I would agree with UK having had many dealings with the lovely Ellie ... BTW UK, could you do me a big favour and trot over to my LMC thread in this forum and give me the benefit ...
  3. Varda I too have these documents but if you look at my post above you will see that there is far more to the sale than the lender simply providing these documents; they should also provide sufficient information to enable you to make an informed choice, etc, etc. Did you realise that you could get cheaper alternative cover elsewhere? If you cancel the PPI or if when it runs out, will you still be paying interest on the loan? Do you feel that you were mis-sold the PPI and if so which arguments will you be using? Have you looked at this thread PPI to help you pinpoint the aspects of mis-selling and how you might proceed in a claim against First Plus?
  4. Hi Varda What the lender is also obliged to do as part of an 'Advised sale' which this will have been, is to follow the FSA's regulations by providing you with sufficient and appropriate information in the form of documentation, including a keyfacts statement and a Demands and Needs Statement to ensure that you are fully aware of the true cost of the PPI to you, how many years it runs for, whether the interest will be included after the cover expires, and whether you are aware that other insurance cover is available in the market place as an alternative to what they are offering you. If all of this information is made available to you, then you are truly able to make an informed decision as to whether the PPI suits your personal circumstances and needs. The whole point of the sales call IMO and experience, is that they do rush you through it as they just want a sale and conveniently miss out crucial pieces of information ...!! Many of us have been taken in by this tactic, but no more If you would like help in preparing a letter to state your case for mis-selling and request your money, I'm happy to help.
  5. Req for payment gone today ... Hey Stewieeeeeeeee, enjoy that trip
  6. That would be really useful so that wecan see what is stated and make our responses ...
  7. BISL complied with my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request). I have prepared a response requesting return of PPI payments with my case for mis-selling of PPI. Guess what? BISL have revised my policy to include an increase in the amount that I pay for making monthly payments of my insurance from £1.53 to £4.15 per month. This is in direct proportion to the loss in PPI monthly payment, and as they term it, results from "a change that I have made to my policy". This is not a "change", this is cancellation of a non compulsory product BISL and they do not have the right to recoup the loss of the monthly amount that they would have taken from me by making revisions to my policy which they conceal from me by NOT sending me a revised policy document, but just changing it online, thus hoping perhaps that I wouldn't notice it until the money had gone out of my account?!!!!! This pathetic and shameful activity constitutes 'retaliatory action' and also 'concealment' which I am reporting to the Information Commissioners Office. I will have these individuals for their shoddy practices ... and see them in court.
  8. From my letter to them, Magic Loans have complied with my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request), up to a point!! They state that: "We are presently unable to locate recordings of the telephone calls we made to you or you to us. In order to help us to locate and retrieve any telephone ranscripts you require, we shall need you to complete and return the enclosed the subject access telephony form giving as much detail as you can in terms of numbers, dates and times." The form asks me for the exact date and time of the sales conversation. Erm, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it Magic Loans who are supposed to be providing me with this info, not vice versa? They have included a few nice forms detailing the calls made to me and comments made by the sales people, but suddently are not able to locate the sales call and content of this. Slight contradiction there? Also attached with the letter is corespondence from Magic Loans from February 25 this year (which I had never received) informing me that they could not uphold my mis-selling complaint: "I would advise you that I have reviewed the sales processes in place and documentation issued to you at the time of the sale and [...] feel that Magic Loans Limited did make you aware at various stages through the process that the insurance was optional." Hmmm, no record of the sales call so how can this be stated with such certainty? I have no recollection of any discussion about the overall suitability of the PPI product nor of true the cost of adding it to my loan compared to alternative options in the market place, nor is there any documentation to prove this took place. Interestingly, no keyfacts document sent to me in the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) ... Thoughts anyone on the Telephony SAR?
  9. Waves to aa ... still waiting for you to answer my Q djgordy and would agree with aa that the vast majority of us in this form have been duped into taking out PPI for one reason or another, the most common being coercion on the part of the lender in order to obtain the loan.
  10. The Competiton Commission have issued the following which is reported in this Times newslink: Sales of PPI to be banned The full report from their website Competition Commission News release together with provisional decision on remedies
  11. With regard to their inability to provide a credit agreement, send NatWest a simple reminder that this means that they have provided no proof of their legal right to collect the account from you under Section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. This renders the 'debt' unenforceable and therefore, you cannot be held to be 'in default'. Should they continue pressing you for payment, you will report them to the Information Commissioner's Office and should they also persist with the Default Notice and send this to the CCAs, this will result in legal action on your part to prevent this unlawful action.
  12. Hi Kalahari I had a couple of loans taken out with Black Horse Finance and I believe I went through a similar process to yours. A rapid interview where you are not given sufficient time to consider what is being proposed, you are not given enough info to help you make an informed decision as to the suitablility of the product nor of alternative options. Not good business practice!! I shall be sending a SAR to BH to obtain all the relevant documentation and would suggest that your starting point would be to do the same.
  13. I shall consider myself well and truly hugged ... It has taken me roughly 18 months to sort out my finances, which were in a right old pickle; I re-claimed my bank charges, re-claimed my credit card charges, had defaults and a GAIN entry removed from my 'credit file' and now it's the turn of good old PPI ... My credit rating was dire and is now much improved ... you daughter can do the same. I can understand her reluctance to tell you of her financial problems. She had a good job and must feel pretty fed up. Is she working again? Has she sorted a repayment plan for what she owes? Anyway, you and she should take a bit of time reading the stuff I posted earlier, send that S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) and you can take it from there.
  14. Hello Do you still have this rather incriminating piece of evidence? I don't think I've ever come across Halifax or any other lender being as blatant as this in their advertising ... Even if you don't still have it, I think you should send a SAR to Halifax and get the ball rolling for reclaiming your PPI as from what you say here, it would appear to be a case of mis-selling.
  15. I think the first step is for you and your daughter to get together and send a SAR to Lloyds TSB. In it she will requesting a true copy of the application form as signed by her; a true copy of the Credit Agreement as signed by her; a copy of the Terms & Conditions of the Loan including those relating to the PPI element and any exclusion clauses attached; a transcript of the sales conversation in either hard copy or audio copy. You should ask if the sale was made in an 'Advised' or 'Non Advised' capacity, and ask for a copy of the Demands and Needs Statement realting to the sale of the PPI. Check out this PPI - Some Notes for Claimants.. which will give you an idea of the process of reclaiming PPI, and additional info. Also this links ... and this too PPI which is from the Consumer Wiki on this site and will help you pinpoint how the PPI was mis-sold and how you can begin to formulate the case for mis-selling. The following link is from the In the Media section on the front page of this site and is great for keeping you up-to-date with who has been fined for mis-selling, etc: PPI in the media and also gives a confidence boost! Now, go pour yourself a nice big G & T and relax as you're amongst friends who are ALL in the process of standing up for ourselves and reclaiming PPI ...
  16. Teehee aa, I was refering to johnnymitch, not you pet!! He and I know each other rather well ... and he can definitely take a bit of ribbing
  17. Yes if you want a resolution in months rather than weeks!!
  18. Pffft! Another 4 weeks? How much time do they need to check the FSA's guidelines and regulations on selling and see whether or not they did a good job for you their customer? They are providing no evidence to refute your claim (I'm sure that's because they can't!!) and using their usual stalling tactics so I think you should proceed to court action and let them have it with all guns blazing. They'll crumble and pay up, you'll see! What's in your wallet CapOne? Pinknico's money ...
  19. I think, unofficially, we are as a sort of Morecambe and Wise act lol As Stewie's claim is so similar to you own Levi, have a good read of his thread and how he proceeded to win very quickly ... if you need any help, I'm happy to jump in and there are lots of others on here who are very supportive and knowledgeable.
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