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  1. Will do thank you. Just this one to go for 50k back........
  2. Hi DX, Cannot help as before regulation in place. Regards,
  3. Hi All, Not posted for some time. I have had many successes v Firstplus but am stuck with Paragon, hitting brick wall. Took a loan out in 2003 with them via LPC, Loan Processing Centre. Used the loan as deposit for house, took over 20 years to keep repayment down but only kepy for 5 months as house rocketed and Barclays offered cracking deal on remortgage. Was charged 7k for PPI on 35k loan, 2.5k refund as goodwill, leaving 4.5k charge for 5 months PPI....... Tried 4/5 times to claim this back 3-4 years ago, but was told unregulated at the time and not their fault, brokers fault. LPC have since disappeared. Just wondered if anybody has pursued a successful case with similar scenario or am I wasting my time as age of loan and LPC acting as the broker. Any response greatfully received. Regards,
  4. Good Afternoon, I need to contact a lady by the name of Ellie Renshaw. I have seen her name appear in several threads, however I was wondering if anybody had an e-mail address for her. If so, I would greatly appreciate this. Many thanks in advance.
  5. Good Morning, I ask as I have been chasing a refund due to misselling/unfair refund now for 18 months. The loan broker was the Loan Processing Centre, who went bust. I am now trying the route of Norwich Union who brokered the insurance, I am awaiting a response from them for an unfair refund. Paragon hide behind the unregulated banner. Has anybody taken them to court and if so what was the result as I am now tempted to do this. I had a success through the FOS of a loan supplied by Paragon but brokered by Capital One. Many Thanks.
  6. Hi, Have posted on here a few months back. I have just had my claim against Capital One upheld by the FOS. I will warn you that this has taken 8 months of waiting but, boy is it worth the wait. Many Thanks.
  7. I am now pursuing a missold PPI agaainst Paragon. The case has not been upheld by the FOS as the company who brokered the loan, The Loan Processing Centre, have gone bust. I have today contacted Paragon as I require some more paperwork and to make them aware of my intentions. Their response surprised me somewhat. They stated that they will fight this all the way and indeed have won several cases as they believe that it is the broker that is responsible for the sale of the PPI. In addition, they gave me the number of an organistaion called FSCS, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, who apparently rule in the absence of the broker if they are no longer in business. I await to speak to them tomorrow. In the mean time, please can anyone advise as to whether they have fought a case of this ilk and, if so, the result they achieved. Many Thanks,
  8. Good Morning, I have now won 2 out of 3 cases of missold PPI. All three cases went to the FOS,two were upheld, the other could not e as Parargon were not regulated at the time. I now want to fight this through the courts. This is worth in excess of £7k so I would like a solicitor to do this on my behalf as I do not have the time. Can anybody recommend a firm to use. I want somebody that basically will very quickly drive Parargon into court. as I feel they will settle once decisive actions are taken. Many Thanks.
  9. I have just had my case upheld by the FOS against Capital One!!!! I am now awaiting a settlement figure, but am somewhat confused as to how this is derived. The simple process would be that I had a loan for 6 months of a 20 year term. The single payment policy was added upfront at £8,000, when I settled I was given £1,500, therefore I should be entitled to £6,500 in addition to 5 years interest at 8%. However, I believe that this changes due to the fact that Capital One acted as a broker at the time for Paragon, who the loan was with. Please could somebody explain in laymans terms how this is worked and the ballpark figure I should be looking at? Many Thanks.
  10. Hi Minney, After much too-ing and fro-ing, I have spoken direct with FP and they have now responded to the FOS after the ruling was upheld against them. I am assuming, based on the tone of the conversation with them that this has been settled. However, I am waiting to hear the response as the lady at the FOS who is dealing directly with the case is on holiday!! I pleaded my situation with FP on the grounds that the monies owed would clear arrears on other Barclays products that have built up over the past year due to redundancy. I have to say that the person who dealt with this for me at FP was very helpful and supportive and seemed to sympathise with me!!! I am not sure if this still means that FP have cleared their issues with the FOS, however, having converstaions direct with FP has clearly helped me on an individual basis.
  11. Morning, My information has been given to me by the FOS. They could not elaborate any further, I assume because the case is delicate. The reasoning, as I stated earlier, was because a specific case is being questioned by FP which, until this is ruled upon, will hold up other cases. Whether it is every case or claims against mis-selling of single premium policy I do not know. May I just say that in the 7 months or so of dealing with the FOS I have found them both helpful and polite and sympathetic to the many calls I make. If there is somebody that can shed some light I would be most grateful as I have a LOT of money riding on this.....
  12. KaneCole, I was informed by the FOS as they have upheld my complaint but it will not be dealt with until both parties resolve whatever it is that is causing the delay.
  13. Good Afternoon, I have been informed this afternoon that FP are not paying out on PPI claims despite the FOS upholding complaints as they are in dispute with the FOS. Does anybody know what this dispute is regarding as my issue is being delayed depite being upheld by the FOS. If anyone can shed any light I would be greatly appreciated.
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