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  1. Sorry to drag up an 'old' thread. I can't believe that Excel Parking have had the audacity to do that but I'd be very interested to hear the outcome of the re-listed case.
  2. Thank you both for your replies. Husband did visit the sellers home and has already been for a test drive in the car (as a passenger ) My husband first saw the car a few weeks ago and made an offer on the car, but the seller obviously wanted to get as much as he could for it so refused the offer. He hasn't been able to sell it for the asking price (although looking on various sites, it is still a reasonable price ) He is going away this week-end until the end of July and he's also selling his house. His business is not doing well either apprently. The seller eventually contacted my husband today and accepted our original offer, as he needs the money. He e-mailed us this evening with a proposal. He will issue an invoice via paypal and my husband would then be able to make the payment by credit card by following the link. He has said that once the funds have cleared into his paypal account, which he claims can take a few days we can collect the car with all the necessary paperwork completed. Because we don't know anything about paypal, I really wanted to know if a payment into it really would take days instead of being almost immediate. Paying for anything else by credit card is *instant* isn't it ? I do realise how dodgy it all sounds, and I might suggest to my husband that we use the AA Car Data Check, but it's still paying by paypal that worries me.
  3. I'd be very grateful if someone could advise me about buying a used car from a private individual. My husband has seen a car advertised on GUMTREE and the owner is only about 5 miles from us. Husband wants the car and so went to have a look. He's agreed to pay £xxxx for it, and the seller wants cash. Husband wants to pay by Credit Card, but of course the seller doesn't have any facility for accepting payment by CC, but husband thinks by paying for the car with his credit card, he'll have some protection if the seller doesn't own the car outright. but don't know how to go about it now Seller suggested using Paypal (?) but we don't have an account with them and seller needs money by this week-end as he is going to Spain. Friendly accountant (works for VW) did a quick HPI and the car came back 'clean' but the car has a private plate..which is not being sold with it, would that make a difference to the HPI ? Never bought a used car privately before so really unsure about how to buy it and be confident that it will really be ours. (not some finance companies) (sorry for the rambling)
  4. The Share Price for all banks went UP this morning, so they already knew the result of the Supreme Courts ruling long before it was announced to the public.
  5. Visa do a pre-paid 'Visa Travelmoney card' it seems to be what you might need. Look on their website. (I can't do links )
  6. NYM

    Medical Negligence

    My son and a friend were involved in a serious car accident. My son's life was saved through the excellent work of the medical team and surgeons that worked for hours to save him. His friend had no injuries other than a bruised hip. Yet the notes on their files attached to their beds indicated that the friend had four blood transfusions, but my son had none ! They hadn't got their names mixed up because I asked a nurse to check the notes. She insisted that the friend MUST have had the transfusions, yet he hadn't had any surgery at all.
  7. Many thanks for the link. I shall send that out on Monday along with a request for my CCA. I'll just have to try to calculate the late payment fees and interest charges they've applied.
  8. Does that mean that an overseas DCA would not be subject to UK Law ?
  9. Is there any special letter to use for re-claiming the charges, or, shall I just add that bit of info into the letter requesting the CCA ?
  10. I've been reading the forums for some time and understand the importance of having everything in writing. So, although I managed to ring them this afternoon (on an 0870 number ) I only discussed the late payment charges applied to the account. I was told that it's my responsibility to ensure the minimum payment is made each month and the late payment charges reflect my 'inadaquate practice of checking the bank account, especially in light of the change over of Bank accounts' Although I had to accept that he was right, I explained that the late payment charge of £ 20/£40 for a missed payment of £6.50 COULD have been taken the following month when THEY called for the payment through the DD. He then explained that the charge and any interest charges formed the minimum payment for the following month and that the missing £6.50 is carried over monthly until it is settled seperately !! I'm beginning to ask myself what is the point of Direct Debits if they can pick and choose what they call for thereby allowing the missed payment to accumulate horrendous charges. Really don't know what to do now..
  11. I will ring them (I'll have to leave it till hubby goes out though.. ) I think I'll also ask them for a copy of the original agreement. I signed it in store and the shop assistant didn't tell me what PPP was, although if I'm honest..I still don't know !
  12. As I have all but 4 of my statements since the charges were applied, do I still need to S.A.R them ? As for my banks...they'll either blame each other won't they ? All my other DD's were paid without any trouble during the change-over but should I have notified the store card people about the change of bank and new account number ? What I'm most confused about is, why didn't the store card just call for the overdue amount the following month.
  13. Tough luck for those DCA's that have now come up against a better informed 'client'.
  14. I've got no statements up to November 2005 - I probably 'filed' them in the bin... I'm missing March, April and Dec 2006 and June 2007. It just so happens the only payment I missed was March 2006. I'm paying PPP at the rate of £1.50/£100 and 2.08% per month interest and of course, late payment fees. The DD is of course variable, it's what THEY claim from my bank each month. I have done a spreadsheet thingy..and they have not been charging late payment fees every month. They have only been charging the £12 late fee since March 2007 ( 15 months x £12 ) before that they have charged me £20 some months and £40 in others. btw....thanks for replying x
  15. In November 2005 I owed £ 155.00 approx. on my Principles Store Card. I had a Direct Debit that paid the minimum each month. As I knew that the payments were covered each month, I never even opened the Statements. In Feb/March 2006 we changed banks and the Direct Debit went unpaid for one month (£6.00 approx) I don't know why that particular one didn't get paid as all our other D/D's did - mortgage, rates etc.. On checking my Bank Statements this week, I noticed a payment to Ikano Finance for approx. £20.00. I didn't know who they were but I checked back through my statements and realised that payments to them were on a monthly basis and the first one was one month after opening that particular bank account. I realised that it must have been my Principles card payment and decided to open the latest statement I had received. I now owe them £556.00 !!!!! (I have also opened all the other statements that I can find...and for one missed payment they have charged me sometimes £20 a month and others £40 but most recently, they are charging £12. ) I don't use the card and haven't done since about 1999, but having missed ONE payment of around £6.00 I've incurred about £460 worth of charges. As I have a 'live' Direct Debit with them, I would have assumed that any missed payment should be taken the following month, but they haven't and consequently they have added late payment fees time after time. They HAVE managed to take their charges and interest each month from my bank but continue to carry forward that ONE £6.00 minimum payment I missed - and continue to charge the late fee each month. I really would appreciate any advice on what I should do.
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