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Everything posted by dickeggsy

  1. sounds like it's already had a major overhaul , and how come it's got three wheels on the front lol;)
  2. has anyone got a number to ring to complain about additions , only asking because i might claim some back . me and the missus have a joint account and even if she agreed verbally i never , surely you need both holders of the account to agree to a change in the account . like others on this site i thought it was part of our contract.
  3. once you start court proceedings you can charge a daily amount , the formula for this is your total amount of charges multiplied by 0.00022. which should give you a daily rate that you can claim back.
  4. having won my first claim i started another one for charges incurred while the claim was ongoing. had a letter today from a mr singh at customer relations explaining that as my first claim was paid as a gesture of goodwill (over £4000) he has decided not to settle my new claim for £150 and i should consider banking elsewhere. un beee lievably he describes himself as a customer relations advisor. christ what a way to run a company . if i employed him and he treated my customers in this way he would be fired monday morning , but we are talking banking companies here , the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. i have a lovely letter all printed off which is being sent to mr singh and also his employer john varley chief executive of barclays hehe nothing against the guy mind just the way his company is run:rolleyes: and i think i'll open a new account or maybe shove me money under the matress , it'll be safer there;) .
  5. all seems hunky dory to me. don't forget to send an updated copy of your spreadsheet to barclays and one to MCOL with a letter explaining you have sent one to each party. they now have 33 days in total. 5 to be served with the claim. 14 to acknowledge it. 14 to defend it. so sit back , put your feet up and relax the hard bit is over , you should get their standard defence in the post in a few weeks . good luck;)
  6. yeah but remember your claiming daily interest on that;)
  7. you could try or you could go on holiday and forget about em and when you get back turn up in court next day , get a judgement against em and send in the bailiffs. i'd phone , here's the number lol 020 7116 5634. good luck:-)
  8. you can count on it , they will defend at the last minute . you just have to be patient.
  9. scumbags. you can claim back the commission as it's the same as a paid referral. i know cos they told me when i rang to question it. they did the same to us over the years , 90 quid a month for months at a time when we were struggling with young kids. i started my claim in october and won back £4200 in march so stick to your guns and keep referring to this website and you will get it all back. as i have said before if i can do it anyone can do it , you just need a lot of patience and a bit of bottle. good luck with your claim:wink:
  10. i'd send the AQ in anyway just to be on the safe side. if they don't need it they will probably bin it. you should get a court date set in the next few weeks probably for around july/august i would imagine. good luck.
  11. try this number and just ask to speak to whoever is dealing with your claim. 020 7116 5634 good luck
  12. yup , the correspondense is all letters sent by you to the bank plus all letters received from them .
  13. that is brilliant torigirl , i wish that was on here in january when i was trying to sort my bundle out.lol. well done that will be a great help to a lot of people.;-)
  14. i had exactly the same letter. signed and returned everything and they paid up in full within 2 days. i think you have them with the 3rd condition that you must write to the court to explain they have paid in full. if they don't pay carry on to the court date. they are also asking for your consent to have the judgement set aside i couldn't see a problem with this as i considered it job done when the money went in then sent off the form. your shout whatever though.
  15. thanks but i don't need the luck i won mine a few weeks ago , just over 4 grand so i am sharing my luck. i like spleeny better
  16. course he will. you will have massive luck in the coming weeks believe me. after i won my claim i won a 100 quid in a competition and got 4 numbers on the lottery. today i put a bet on the horses (first time in years) and made 100 quid profit. think positive mate and you can't go wrong. my god i'm starting to sound like a prat off richard and judy or something lol.
  17. yess nice one mate. don't worry the money will be in tomorrow. once again well done.
  18. yes hippo but you would only be making a second claim because they never complied with the SAR . it clearly states , and i quote, ''Please supply me with a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my banking history with your organisation''. yet they are only supplying six years worth so they are in the wrong . hehe. second SAR going off pretty soon i think.
  19. err spleengirl is that really your phone number i see or did you make it up. if it is yours could someone edit it cos it's very unnerving:rolleyes: congratulations by the way. you will get the money.
  20. hello there dar3n , just a quick question . did you send the standard SAR and just amended it to suit , or is there another SAR template specially suited for pre 6 year claims. i'm only asking cos having won the last one i would love to see how much they have taken before that . cheers mate.
  21. i recieved exactly the same letter so i phoned them to let them know. they called me back ten minutes later and admitted defeat and the money was in my account 2 days later. here's a number 020 7116 5634. give them a ring and ask for the person dealing with your claim and explain what it says on the letter. don't worry they are okay to talk to.honest.
  22. they don't want copies of your statements do they , you have sent them a spreadsheet maybe they want to confirm that what is on the spreadsheet corresponds to the penalties on the statements.
  23. his was the name on my defence but the person who dealt with my claim was kyrsta campbell who was very pleasant and ok to talk to. i think a lot of people are terrified of phoning cos they think they are in for a confrontation , but that is just not the case , actually the exact opposite. from what i've read i think they are all ok especially anthony lombardi but i did hear he had left. keep us updated and good luck:wink:
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