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Everything posted by scotia

  1. Remember....don't put all the claims in at one time, otherwise the bank could ask the court for them to be 'lumped' together, which would take it out of the small claims, which means you could be liable for costs etc.... However, all you have to say is that ...strictly speaking....you could put in each seperate charge as a single claim.......
  2. Yeah no problem m8....i haven't applied for the copyright rights yet.....so you can all use it if u want..... I am just glad i can contribute to this great forum.......if anyone wants any changes done they can pm me and i will send them the original microsoft word document to change as they like cheers again
  3. Yeah £39 each claim up to £750 claim......but you put it on your claim details that you are claiming it....ie claiming £721.55 plus 8 % interest as allowed by county court act, plus fees All my letters have been for full amount (started at £1968....now over £2000 with latest charges.... The only letter which i made different was Letter Before Action...which stated full amount, then i explained that due to being under Scottish law and to keep the claim to the small claims court, i would be entering 3 seperate claims (not at the same time otherwise they can ask for them to be lumped together ie....once 1st claim is passed, then i will enter 2nd claim etc) I am still awaiting reply to LBA...but i am prepared for them to query the 3 claims....and my defence would be that since the charges occurred over 60 seperate instances, i can put in 60 seperate claim if necessary, however i am choosing to lump these together into set periods...ie 1st claim is for March 2001 to August 2002....next claim will be for Sept 2002 to etc... Hope this helps
  4. PERFECT !!........i have never had such a compliment......if you were here i would give you a hug lol....been sending it to everyone i know.....they are bound to be getting annoyed with me by now.......hee hee
  5. I am in the same boat as you m8.....i am in Scotland......and am claiming a little over £2000 now......my first claim for 721 plus 39 court fee plus interest is due next wednesday....then once this is done i will chuck in another ...and so on.....
  6. If it was me...i would send respnse straight away.......you have given them 14 days to respond..this is your limit...not a target........so they have responded....send next letter now
  7. Intelligent letter ??? (Intelligent as in brainy...or intelligent as in Intelligent Finance?) If its the first then look here:http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=33 but i would advise you to spend at least a week reading the various sections of this forum, so that you know what you are getting into, and are prepared for every eventuality The FAQ is a good place to start:http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=5 hope this helps......if you have any other queries post them here...and you will probably get someone's advice....please note.....it's only advice...in the end the decision is yours to take this matter further......but once you read up on it, you will realise that its the only option to take....I have been struggling for a few years now with month to month expenses....i dont spend a lot, i am on a not bad wage.....but i have still been lining the banks pockets with my hard earned cash.......i estimate (still awaiting statements) they have nearly £5000 of my money spread over 2 accounts and 2 credit cards So read up...and good luck
  8. scotia

    stephens case

    yeah...dont be let down by this.....you have given us all someone to look up to.....and the battle may be over ...but the war is just beginning Good Luck for the future
  9. i just received a call from a chap in Customer Relations...see my full thread.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=1922 a third of what i am due....lol......i actually laughed...which made him go kind of quiet......then told him to expect court papers next week Enjoy your holiday.....dont miss us all too much !
  10. Its amazing what a LBA can do.......i just had a Richard Aitken from customer relations teams on the phone to me........after a wee discussion on the legalities and general public opinion, he offered me a goodwill gesture of £768 back......told him i would accept it but not with any conditions, he then explained that it would be full and final settlement......told i will pursue it in court then......total amounts is 2000 quid....so first claim is ready to go as soon as i receive his reply in writing....... One question.....i sent LBA out yesterday...but he telephoned this morning in reply to LBA...so do i still wait 7 days....or do i submit claim now ??
  11. LHope this is better.......like i said ...hopefully if UNISON will endorse this, then it will go out with UNISON logo at top.....but i will keep you updated
  12. Answer to your questions (my opinions) 1st - As long as your loan with your bank is up to date with your payments, and you haven't missed any...then they cannot do anything with this, as long as you continue to make payments on time. 2nd - A tactic of the banks is to tell you that under the t&c's of your account, if you obtain and more charges they will give you 30 days notice to close the account (See Bankfodders post on this) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/announcement.php?f=22&a=4 3rd - The bank will keep some form of record on your claim, but they cannot use it to discriminate against you.....but kind of unsure about this one
  13. your next step will be to wait.......most often they will settle before the court date...but be prepared for the fact that you may have to go to court.....so spend this time reading up on case notes etc....and prepare evidence for it......and wait on your postie !!
  14. i know what you mean BF......and i appreciate your comments...and anyone elses.....i have spoken to a full time branch officer at UNISON, and asked him if they could publicise this, and he said he would bring it up at their next branch meeting at the end of the month and see what everyones comments are about it......if they go for it then we will be able to send out to all Stewards to put on their notice boards.....we have thousands of members throughout the UK....so fingers crossed ...
  15. Visit your local sherrif court, and ask the staff for Form 1 and 1b for a small claims. You have to return these (if you need help filling them out they might help you, if not come on here and we will try and help) The fee for up to £750 claim is £39 payable upon submitting the claim. Then sit back and wait....they will server the summons etc and advise you of the court date........then watch the bank squirm.........' I am for from an expert, but i am going to submit my claim next Thursday so if i can help in any way pm me ..... Good Luck.........
  16. Stick to your timescale m8....dont let them tell you what to do...remember it's your money they have taken...and you want it back...... Moderated : please do not post comments that may be viewed as libellous , edited to protect the site.
  17. Remember m8....dont let the bank stipulate the timescales for getting back to you....did your original letter give them 14 days ??? if so stick to this........if you haven't had a reply by 14 days, send LBA on the 15th day giving them another 7 days........
  18. After having many late nights on this forum, i think he correct course of action would have been to accept their kind offer, but to explain that you will be continuing for the full amount.....the chances are they would retract the offer, as most offers seem to carry a clause similar to.....'you accept this as full & final settlement'. So just proceed as normal for the full amount
  19. Read the FAQ...there is a spreadsheet that calculates the 8% apr. It does it all for you, all you do is enter the amount charged ie £39.00 and the date ie 21/04/05 it will then calculate the total amount of interest claimable on each charge and gives you a total at the end Hope this helps
  20. It's always advisable to send either recorded or special delivery....that way it ensures the bank cant misplace or lose it........you have prrof they received it
  21. ok.....14 days is up today....so i have posted LBA by special delivery giving them 7 days
  22. no probs BF, i understand completely.......i am a UNISON steward at my work.....and i have my own union pinboard...(i know...perks of the job eh lol) so i was gonna put it up there.....i work in a school (IT Tech) so only teachers and staff would see it......i will remove the logo and chuck it up, i have also sent the link to website to our list of 150 staff and asked them to pass it on.... cheers again
  23. Just mucking about, and with too much time on my hands, so i thought i would rattle together a quick poster that i can put up at work etc....... Before i put it anywhere i wanted mods, admin etc to approve it since it is using their forum details
  24. does this show 5 letters @ 37p and 6 @ 23p ???? if so surely this is them admitting on how much the letters actually cost them.....first time i have seen this !! maybe of interest to some of the mods..........
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