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Everything posted by scotia

  1. this was taken from a forum, which quote the ISO applicable to dead pixels: To regulate the acceptability of defects and to protect the end user, ISO have created a standard for manufacturers to follow. ISO 13406-2 recommends how many defaults are acceptable in a display before it should be replaced, within the terms & conditions of warranty. All reputable manufacturers conform to and support the ISO 13406-2 standard. The table below shows the allowable number of malfunctioning pixels that are acceptable, depending on the native resolution of the LCD and allowing for 2 malfunctioning pixels per million pixels. Native resolution No. of pixels No. of million pixels Acceptable defects 1024 x 768 786,432 0.8 2 1280 x 1024 1,310,720 1.3 3 1600 x 1200 1,920,200 1.9 4 2048 x 1536 3,145,728 3.1 6 The table below shows the allowable number of malfunctioning sub-pixels that are acceptable, depending on the native resolution of the LCD and allowing for 5 malfunctioning sub-pixels per million pixels. Native resolution No. of pixels No. of million pixels Acceptable defects 1024 x768 786,432 0.8 4 1280 x 1024 1,310,720 1.3 7 1600 x 1200 1,920,200 1.9 10 2048 x 1536 3,145,728 3.1 16 The table below shows the allowable number of malfunctioning sub-pixels that are acceptable within a 5 x 5 block of pixels, depending on the native resolution and allowing for 2 malfunctioning sub-pixels within a 5 x 5 block, per million pixels. Native resolution No. of pixels No. of million pixels Acceptable defects 1024 x 768 786,432 0.8 2 1280 x 1024 1,310,720 1.3 3 1600 x 1200 1,920,200 1.9 4 2048 x 1536 3,145,728 3.1 6 The above is relevant to Class II LCD panels. A link can also be found here: http://www.aria.co.uk/tft-dead-pixel-info.asp
  2. sent LBA giving them 14 days ...then court !!
  3. I dunno if this counts....but i dont have any overdraft facility with the Halifeckers....yet a few months ago they charge me £28 for going into the red...by 6p...YES 6pence !! and it was their interest charged on a previous infringment that put me into the red !!!
  4. Yep....mine was around same date as meagainstrbs, but was issued about aweek and a half later.........according to a fellow member from Cupar.......said he received settlement within 2 weeks of submitting claim...but be prepared, they could wait until return date Also...the return date is their deadline, they must submit paperwork at least 14 days in advance of this date according to the court papers.......
  5. try this: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/chargeinterest.php this is for working out the 8% interest as per County Courts Act...ie Once you submit claim to court Hope this will help you If it is overdraft interest then i cant help you, as i dont have an overdraft and never worked out interest Scott
  6. I had exactly the same problem last month....i phoned Telepest's customer service, and explained that i am refusing to pay £10 late payment charge, as it is a penalty charge, and not a true reflection of their liquidated losses....the guy refunded on the spot without questioning it Might be worth a phone call first, then if no success, put it in writing the normal way
  7. i would personally try for 6 years....i did, but when the sheriff's clerk inspected paperwork, she went away through the back of the office, then came back and stated that i would have to change to 5 years, as this rule applies in Scotland But it's your claim, and your decision.......might be worth a try
  8. or you can look at my sticky at the top of the page.....lol
  9. I don't know why you did that ?? It explains everything here: http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/sheriff/small_claims/forms/taking_claim_to_court.pdf Section 2.08 states: I remember seeing a post by BF or Dave that explained you could jeopardise your case by serving summons yourself......it has to be done by sheriff's officer or the court themselves
  10. If i am holding your hand, you better make sure you go for the whole claim..you will need it to buy me all these drinks ! lol.......i take it you sent all letters asking for full amount ? ie £983........i sent all mine for full amount £2116.....then LBA stated that i would be issuing 3 seperate claims due to small claims limit etc......so once my first claim is done, i will submit my next , and next, and so on,.....i wont be sending any further letters to remind them of this....as i stated in my LBA....'these claims will be submitted at the expiry of the second 14 day deadline and without further correspondence.......just keep remembering....if a mugger stole £983....would you be happy if he gave you £750 back....and kept the rest......no sireee !......go for the full amount ! you can claim back court fee's so it wont cost you anything As for you 'serving the summons'...ignore that........ You dont have to bother with that bit.....up here in Scotland the sheriff court will send out papers recorded delivery to the defender.....ie serve them.....if they dont accept them or it cant be delivered , then we have to pay an extra £26 to get it delivered by hand.....we cannot server the summons ourselves...due to legalities...in fact i think i read somewhere this is the same for England....the papers have to be issued by court......it can be hand delivered but there are loads of loophole etc...and you don't want to jeopardise your claim
  11. i actually named my manager at the local branch....i was recommended to do this by the clerk at the sherriff court
  12. i have had the same problem...check my main thread in EGG......they have charged me nearly 700 quid in PPI......and they cant seem to find the original conversation when i supposedly took it out.....so i am on my 2nd letter to try and get it back, they have got another 14 days, then its off to court we go......... I asked them for proof of conversation, and have it in writing that they can't find it....so i take it they dont have a leg to stand on ??
  13. Well thats the hard part done....you will receive a copy of the form, and a court date within a couple of days, then just sit and wait on your letter from the bank saying they are gonna defend.... Good luck, and keep me posted Scott
  14. Yeah i agree , affiliates and a donate button.......paypal or nochex....i for one would be willing to donate....... After all, you have to pay for your time etc and the hosting
  15. Good luck bud......you are amongst folks that wanna help, as i realised a few weeks ago......so you aint gonna be going this alone.....they have an excellent bunch of guys and gals running this site,worth there weight in gold Scotia
  16. I have sent you a copy of my claim form, and my invoice for a pint...lol I tend to use the terms either......submit my claim/s......or screwing the fechers !! Anyway....good luck Speak soon
  17. Thats why everyone says read the FAQ's and familiarise yourself first....but then hindsight is a wonderful thing..... So...you have sent LBA, i take it you have given them 14 days ?....if so, just wait on their reply....they will say along the lines of....'we have received your letter, we will look into it sometime when we can be bothered, which might be possibly in 4 weeks......blah blah blah.....' Then reply with something along the lines of, 'thank you for your reply dated blah blah......under the circumstances i will allow you a further 14 days from expiry of the LBA to allow you to investigate this matter. Should you not reply, or reply unsatisfactorily then i will issue a claim for he full amount ,plus fee, plus interest.....' Remember that when this goes to court, the judge will asses whether you have allowed enough time for the matter to be resolved between the 2 parties prior to them submitting a claim But then again, it's your claim, your timescale, and your decision
  18. If you have only given them 14 days from first letter sent, then that might be a bit quick of the mark, usually you send preliminary request letter giving 14 days, the LBA giving 7 or 14 days (i gave them 14)...as long as you can prove you have given them adequate time to reach an amicable agreement, and not just rush straight to the claim, the judge may frown upon it if this is the case........if it was me, i would probably send them a reply to their letter, saying something like, thank you for your reply, under the circumstances i will allow a further 14 days for you to deal with this matter, however upon expiry of this additional 14 days, i will screw you for my money back ...... but then again, it's your claim, your timescale, and your decision !!
  19. No probs m8, just glad i can help, when you get to the court stage, and you need help filling out forms etc, gimme a shout and i can send you a PDF file with all the details filled out Scotia
  20. No, dont submit all the claims at once....I too am in Scotland, with my first claim submitted, many more to follow. If you submit all the claims at once, then the bank may ask for these to be heard under a summary cause or greater, which means that if you were to lose, then you would be liable to pay the court legal fees. The legalities of court in Scotland are somewhat different from England. The statute of limitations only allows us to claim back 5 years, and a limit of £750 per claim. Do a bit of reading on the FAQ's etc. My claim can be read here:http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=1922 But do some trawling around before you send anything off, there are step by step guides to help you along the way, and should you stumble, we are always here to hold your hand and help you fight back. The first thing to do, is to work out the charges they have unlawfully taken from you. You should send of a DPA (Data Protection Act Subject Request) there is a standard letter here :http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=516 I hope this helps you start out, and like lots of others , to get your money back, If i can help in any other way let me know, and if i have helped you with this, then let me know by clicking on the scales in the top right of my post. Thanks again, and good luck
  21. This is mine: The claimant, YOUR NAME, has held a bank account with the defendant since on or before (DATE) the account number being xxxxxx. The defendant deducted from the account various amounts of money in penalty charges during the period 30/4/03 to 29/11/04. These were in respect of: ‘Charges as notified’ (levied if a cheque or direct debit payment was returned unpaid because the specified overdraft limit had been exceeded). The claimant contends that these charges were legally unenforceable and the claimant is demanding the repayment of money. The Defender has refused full payment of these monies due.(Copies of correspondence can be provided) No admissions are made by the claimant as to the incorporation of any term into the contract between the claimant and the defendant purporting to entitle the defendant to levy these charges. If the defendant is able to establish that the contract did contain such terms, the claimant will contend that these charges are unenforceable at law, being penalty charges designed to penalise the claimant for a breach of contract and generate profit for the defendant rather than being liquidated damages designed to compensate the defendant for the actual loss occurring to the defendant as a result of the breach. The claimant claims from the defendant a sum equivalent to the amount unlawfully debited to the claimant’s account in the period from 30/4/03 to 29/11/04. The sums are detailed in the attached schedule. The contractual provision that permits the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable by virtue of the Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (1999), the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the common law. The Defender has a branch in Kirkcaldy therefor it is under the juristiction of this court. Its actually £750 + 8% = £39 court fee, and the maximum you can claim for expenses is £75.....but it'll be like trying to get blood from stone........the clerk told me that it was only to cover for travel etc, or if you need a carer to take you to court.....so they advised me to leave out expenses ....... If you send me a pm with your email addy i will email you a pdf of my claim form.....just alter your details, print out, and attach relevant spreadsheet.......make 2 copies, then hand in with fee Hope this helps you out..... Scotia
  22. I would say no......i am in a similar situation to you....was afraid to embark, because in the end it was my fault.....but my first claim has been lodged, with many more to follow... ....my main point in relation to your question is that the bank are entitled to claim 'liquidated losses' in relation to a breach of contract....and £39 or whatever you get charged is certainly not 'liquidated losses'....it's the banks way of making skint people even skinter. So read the FAQ's, and send your first letter of asap....i would recommend one thing however......make sure you send all correspondence Recorded or Special Delivery so that you have proof you sent it and they received it Anyways...good luck...and may the force be with you !! lol:shock: OH AND PS.......If you find this helpful, can u click on the scales on the top right .....gimme some Brownie POints
  23. 1 - No you cant use moneyclaim...this is not applicable in Scotland, their small claims has different limits etc.....you must use Scottish Procedure 2 - The Sheriff Court is the correct way to raise a small claims.....link can be found here : http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/ This is covered by the act of sederunt.......which can be found here: http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/sheriff/small_claims/forms/sederunt_small_claims_2002.pdf The main homepage of the Scottish Courts has a search function on the right hand side of the page...enter your postcode and it will tell you which is your local court 3 - Depends on where you are, this forum has a 'buddy system' underway, whereby you register your details and find 'buddies' within your local area....i am in Fife, and would be more than happy to hold your hand (I have already submitted my first claim, with several more to follow) I hope this helps you, let me know if you have any other problems Scotia
  24. HELP........... I now have all my statements since i opened the account in May 2003. I have just worked out all the Repayment Protection Insurance (£510.73), and the 'overlimit charges'(16 x £20 = £320).......but one thing confuses me... ....can i charge them 15.9% interest on this, as they have done this to me ??? I have read everywhere and can't seem to get a definite answer, so any help is much appreciated.......if i can charge them the 15.9% interest, i am looking at the claim going from £830.73 up to a whopping £2559.47.......plus if i take it to court can i charge 8% on top ? (ie....not on 15.9% interest just on the original amount) PLEASE HELP......I AM IN HEADLESS CHICKEN MODE JUST NOW
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