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Everything posted by BankFodder

  1. I don't understand why you expect any kind of decent or honourable reactions form the banks. Naive in the extreme.
  2. no They would rather burn in Hell first So why aren't you going for your own charges too?
  3. Dunno. I'm curious to find out, though.
  4. Let us know his name when you can. Thanks
  5. Account was opened in England - English law, English procedure. You will have to provide an english address for service of documents to you.
  6. It's all in the FAQs and in the forum material - many many times
  7. Search on posts by me with the word "interest"
  8. It doesn't say much for their law students not picking up on it.
  9. Must be hosted by Netweaver, then - same as us
  10. Well if I promise 14 days to someone then that's what I do. I don't change the rules afterwards. That's what the banks do.
  11. This questioned has been asked and answered many times. read the forum material please.
  12. Yes. group them if the amounts total less than £5000
  13. If you don't know that then you haven't read and understood the forum material.
  14. I think that everything happens in Birmingham. Try Paul Greenway. About time he had some direct contact, I think. he gets paid to manage the customer complaints dept.
  15. Well how long did you give them to respond? Wait that time Then Letter before action - 14 days Then the Good News.
  16. No The banks only understand direct aggressive action Petition? Separate from what? Waste of time. On the matter of the amount your are claiming, Start getting £750, then another then another until something in the bank snaps and they raise some other issue. Get another account somewhere else whatever it takes and however lowly the account. Get 2 or 3
  17. Repy to them making sure that they undersatnd that they have received a DPA request from you. Quote Durant (linked in the library) that it has been held that data does include statements. Remind them that they have fiduciary duty towards you under which they are obliged to excercise utmost care in the accuracy of the statements which they make to you and that to make a false representation would be a serious breach of this duty and that if they persist that you may bring the matter to the attention of the Court as well as the Information Commissioner whene you make your complaint. Remind them also that they have a contractual as well as a statutory duty to comply fully with your reasonable requests unther UK legislation - viz. the Data protection Act and this also might be brought to the attention of the court.
  18. On the first question, you start claiming for the total of charges as they are now. If later when you beigin a court action then you adjust your total to reflect the calim as it is on the date of your calim. On the issue of bankruptcy, I beleive that you have to have permission from the court to begin an action and certainly i would have thought that you will have to square it all with your creditors. You should consult your debt advisors about his.
  19. RBOS senior Customer Relations Manager at Edinburgh Freepost PO box 1727 Edinb EH12 9JN
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