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Everything posted by BankFodder

  1. Yes, but thanks a bunch for nothing becaue when I or others go into the same restaurant after you, the quality is still poor because you said nothing and when we complain the waiter doesn't take us seriously because you said that it was OK. The waiter goes through his whole life never getting any better and brings up his children to be the same as him and the establishment thrives on mediocrity and you have to put up with mediocrity everywhere because people like you just accept it.
  2. forestzoepotts This is a new topic. You are hijacking a thread for this and posting in the wrong section.
  3. http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/men/news/s/207/207808_how_one_man_beat_the_bank.html
  4. -- http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/men/news/s/207/207808_how_one_man_beat_the_bank.html --
  5. Put the claim in even for the out of time one. let them deal with that if they want. Even include it in the court claim.
  6. You can claim some very limited travel expenses. Where are your claim details for your litigation section please
  7. Well, in a way. It seems that they don't have to do a detailed breakdown for you. They only have to supply you with the data which is what they are doing. However, they have probably guessed what is coming next.
  8. Interesting idea - although at present I would be opposed to links as I think that it is important to encourage people to read the material. We are already dealing with over 30 people a day who clearly just want to be told what to do. It's time consuming. If we had a linked flowchart I think that it would increase the problem as the flowchart could only deal with the general approach and would not be able to deal with the minutiae. But it would encourage poeple not to read around and would lead to more questions about matters which have already been dealt with elsewhere. This forum is partly about empowering people. Not about encouraging them to continue some kind of bland spinelessness. So flowchart - good Links - bad
  9. Read the FAQs, follow the steps. Make the claim
  10. Search for my recent posts dealing with DPA but containing the word "fiduciary". Send them a reply framed in those terms. You don't have to complete any particular form and they are stalling. As for which charges you are disputing, tell them "everything - as they well know".
  11. The DPA request does not take effect until the money is paid. You should deal with this.
  12. Yeah, well I knew all of that, of course.
  13. Thjis has been asked answed many many times on this forum. Read the forum material. Use the search function. Read the forum material.
  14. You clearly haven't read the FAQs if you are asking this and you clearly haven't read the forum material either because if you had, you would undersatnd that you are hijecking someone else's thread which causes problems for everyone on the forum. Please read the material - it may take a couple of days and please then start our own thread. We will be pleased to help you.
  15. If the bank fails to respond to the DPA by the time the claim goes in then I would suggest adding the failure to the claim as an alleged breach of contractual duty to supply it.
  16. Frozen account will not prevent claiming of charges. As far as the Ombudsman goes, I would normally say don't bother. However in this case I think that it can't hrt to have him investigate. However, you have to be very specific about your complaint. I think that you want to complain that the bank could have discovered your ID and applied the funds to your account but failed because they took no action or no adequate action.
  17. Since the book scheme started we have bought 3 books - two on procedure at about £35 each. One on confidence at £136. About £30 of this has been paid for by ourselves. - So about £175 contributed. Before that we bought 2 procedure books at about £35 each paid for by oursleves. Receipts for the 3 books are posted on this thread.
  18. BankFodder


    Yes, youare right. These are things which we should know about. Heopfully someone will be able to give some authoratative information. Isn't there any good explanatory IVA inof on the Internet
  19. Clearly if it has been acknowledged on the 7th March, then they have a further 14 days to file a defence.
  20. Quite astonishing really when they know that they are on the eve of an OFT announcement.
  21. Suggest you start writing reminders as per my post above.
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