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Everything posted by slimliz30

  1. hi all,thanks for the advise..still awaiting some news from o2 and will keep you updated...thanks all...paul
  2. hi , had 7 emails between me and them and finally they have found out about this account....they are saying not sure if they can remove the default..also phoned them and they said there fraud dept will contact me...2 days ago but no phone call....does anyone have any templates that i can use to send to them....thanks paul
  3. hi all please can anyone help..thanks paul
  4. hi all.still waiting on capital one's response...also i have a question...the debt has been passed to debitas legal services and i have been paying £20.00 per week to settle this debt..i spoke to them today and said that i am in dispute with crap one over there charges...i said i will have to reduce the payments until this has been decided....he said do what you like but if you reduce we will begin legal action to get the money....do i carry on paying or stop.....and letter templates to send to them etc....any help will be appreciated...thanks paul
  5. that is a great idea alan thank you and will include it.......paul
  6. thank you and good luck with the woolwich dpa.. recd all of my charges back yesterday from them over £1,000......donation sent for the good work this site does...cheers paul
  7. hi lueeze,thank for the quick response will do this 1st thing in the morning...and thanks for the ofcam link.cheers paul
  8. hi all,on 31/07/2004 someone used my name and address and ordered a mobile phone from o2 via the internet....they chased me saying that i ordered it and had to pay for it.....did i heck.....after about 10 phone calls to them they said they will look into it for a fraud....i never heard from them again...thought case closed......how stupid of me......i recd a credit report from experian today and when going through it i have noticed that they have defaulted me for £70.00 on the 31/07/2004......i recd nothing from o2 saying this and i am not a very happy person as i was not aware of this....any advise please will be extremely welcome...any phone no's etc as quite hard to find and get hold off....cheers all and keep up the good work....paul
  9. hi all just to let you know that all my charges have now been refunded by the woolwich...treat time..thanks for all your help guys donation on it's way...thanks paul
  10. hi dave,did not recieve any notifications from the woolwich regarding increasing the charges...only found out when this letter about the charge landed on my doorstep with the increased amount...crafty tactics if legal eh........paul
  11. recd another charge from the woolwich today and thought i would give them a ring to ask for them to withdraw it.....they said that i am only able to have 2 charges a year credited back and i have had a few but, she said as a goodwill gesture she would cancel this one....i wander if she knew i had got all my charges back....i have also noticed that they have increased it from £30.00 to £35.00..they must be desperate to raise there profits from charges.....good luck to you all in your hunt...paul
  12. after finally beating the woolwich through the courts to get back over £1000 in unlawful bank charges it is now capitla ones turn...letter requesting statements sent awaiting reply...keep up the good work peeps....paul
  13. dave i had my battle with the woolwich they never defended the case and won by default...in my opinion they will settle with you before any court action...good luck...paul
  14. hi baby,barclays did get involved in my case but on the moneyclaim site you have to put the woolwich as the defendants..hence barclays not knowing about the default as the woolwich had not bothered to tell them...but it was barclays who originally offer me £500 as part refund offer not the woolwich..cheers paul
  15. hi all..you are an impatient lot lol.....had a phone call today from a barclays solicitor saying that he was not aware that they had defaulted as all my correspondents had been sent to the woolwich head office....( as usual a woolwich c..k up )....they have said they are willing to pay all of the money back to me as long as i promise ( promise eh shaking in his boots ..lol )...that i stop the issue of a warrant...i have said ok but only when the cash has arrived in my account and he has said they will send some sort of paperwork ( not sure what this is ) and then they will refund the cash into my account, as soon as i sent the paperwork back....the solicitor i must say was a very nice man and he is fully aware about all the other claims with themselves and other banks that are going through....i also asked him if the woolwich were going to close my account with which he replied " have i been contacted by the woolwich about closing the account " i replied " no "..then as far as he is concerned this will not happen....but will keep you updated...cheers and this site is the best well done to the bosses dave and bankfodder ( and the mods ) with whom this site will never have existed...as soon as cash arrives a donation will be on it's way..keep up the good work..........paul
  16. hi all woolwich never responded to my moneyclaim and i have now defaulted them and had a judgment against them filed as of today....another victory against the bully boys
  17. hi dw90,thank for the response,have put a claim in against the woolwich on 10/04/2006 so am now awaiting there response..thanks again paul
  18. have just sent the money claim form online so now awaiting further action from the woolwich..will keep you updated......paul
  19. hi i can only suggest that you send 2 seperate claims from your new address....this is the one i reckon you should use...cheers paul
  20. hi all,had a standard this is a full and final settlement letter and saying take us to court...from barclays..... my question is when i file a court claim online do i say the organisation is barclays bank or the woolwich ( which is who i am with )...paul
  21. hi am going through this with the Woolwich.....you must keep the claim under £5,000 otherwise you will have a good chance of getting costs against you if you lose which i think you won't...you can only claim for bounced cheques,s/o and d/d nothing else..interest on overdrafts and admin fees cannot be inc.just start 2 cliams ,this can be expensive to you at 1st but you will get them back....send all your documentation to Barclays at Freepost rlta-csue-tchc JHead office customer relations london e14 5hp and bypass the woolwich as they will send all of your items to them anyway hope this helps paul
  22. after having recieved a letter offering me £500.00 as a goodwill gesture.i have sent by return a letter accepting there offer but saying that i am continuing to get the remaining £549.00 and giving them 7 days to respond.....will keep you updated..paul p.s keep up the good work people...may the force be with the little people..
  23. hi,just recieved a settlement letter from the woolwich offering me £500.00 as a goodwill gesture..i will accept this but still chase for the other amount owed..will keep you updated..paul
  24. hi all i have just recieved a letter from barclays complaint dept regarding my woolwich account....i am asking for £1049.00 and they are offering me as a goodwill gesture £500.00.......i will of course accept this but will continue with a battle for the other amount.....will keep you all updated..paul
  25. hi all i have just recieved a letter from barclays complaint dept regarding my woolwich account....i am asking for £1049.00 and they are offering me as a goodwill gesture £500.00.......i will of course accept this but will continue with a battle for the other amount.....will keep you all updated..paul
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