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Everything posted by hatsanman

  1. hi everyone, im hoping some-one can help me out with this my brother passed away 18months ago and i was executor of his will. i did my duties as such but other than those in his will am i obligated disclosing info about him to anyone not on the will i.e other familly members just crawling out of the woodwork? many thanks in advance
  2. thanks so much unclebulgaria67 and i dont know why im getting so worked up but suppose thats part of my condition as the smallest thing send me over the edge. by oct 18th ill have 6 wks untill my retiremnt date so very strange they still want to assess me. ill call dwp and the centre first thing in the morning and update after but thanks for all the help and advice ive been given its very much apreciated.
  3. when i was first assessed it was in worcester but dont know if this office still exists as was all on ground level.
  4. thank you so much letsmakeamark thats very helpfull. i sent dwp loads of medical history but am sure they dont even read what ive sent. im basically on 10 different meds and cant climb stairs or basically walk. i have injections in my knees every 4 wks just to help with pain. i sleep downstairs and because of my other probs just dont go out i have a meltdown just trying to get to doctors. i cant belive so close to retiring they want to waste money assessing me anyway its all crazy.
  5. Hi everyone, I recently recieved a book from dwp to be reassessed which i filled in sent back with all medical reports meds etc and and then yesterday i recieved a letter from health assessment b-ham with an appointment for 18th oct18. ive been on esa support group now for over 4 years with anxiety and depression plus cant walk so i also get pip high award which has been awarded untill jan 2021. Now i retire on dec 1st this year so less than 8 wks away so my first question is, is it normal to call some-one in for a medical this close to retiring as by the time i had the medical id be down to 6 wks before i retire. as my mobility is next to nothing i cant get to b-ham so if i dont go to the medical dwp say it may affect my benefits but would this include my state pension ? I have 44 years of contributions in so have enough for a full pension. yet again if i dont go to the medical could the dwp stop my pip award?. many thanks in advance for any help and advice folks might send me.
  6. another update is does NOT affect housing benefit or council tax benefit wether still in full time education or not as checked with my local council today.
  7. just an update folks for future ref. my daughters inheritance does NOT affect my esa or tax credits and as long as staying on in further education does not affect housing benefit or council tax benefit so happy days. now my daughter can use her inheritance for uni payments. just to say a very big thanks to mr p for your help.
  8. a very big thank-you mr p that's very helpful. my daughter has lived with us since day one and ive always claimed for her on my benefits claim. we didn't know about my brothers kind gesture until we had a letter recently saying until mt daughter reaches 18 the isa,s are junior isa,s but whe she reaches 18 on the 5th November they will be transferred to adult isa,s and then transferred to her also and that's when also we found out about my late brothers kind gesture. this was basically for my own peace of mind but will call dwp in the morning so they cant come back at a later date. many thanks again mr p for all your help.
  9. hi everyone, my daughter is 18 years old on the 5th November this year 2017. my brother who recently passed away left my daughter aprox 19 thousand pounds in isa,s which she can cash in on her 18th birthday if she wishes to. my question is will my daughters inhereitence affect my benefits if she cashes her isa, s or if she leaves where they are. my daughter is at colledge for another 2 years then at uni for another 3 years. I receive esa, pip, and housing benefit and I retire next dec 1st. many thanks in advance.
  10. hi bazzas, you are 100% right we have fallen for all the old tricks in the book as I found out this morning he has gone bust. he drop some replacement parts of recently so looks like ill be doing it myself but a hard lesson learnt and from now on if I cant do it myself it will be left undone as ive had enough of cowboys to last the rest of my life and many thanks for your input.
  11. morning folks, well its been a long time now and roof has still not been put right. sent letter of complaint, letter saying could be court action and evn second letter before court action andthey have taken no notice only to promise to come and do the work more than 20 times including Monday of this week and its still not been done. today im going to try and attempt taking court action against them for my money back as roof is not fit for purpose. I have endless emails and texts promising to come and do the roof but never turn up. ill keep you posted on what happens next.
  12. hi mr p, your are so right as my brothers solicitor confirmed today. I was also told im not responsible for any debts which is what I wanted to hear so all good.
  13. hi ford, I have both. re damage I havnt a clue as only met folks complaining 5 yrs ago as their mothers funeral. im seeing solicitor in morning so she will tell me where I stand but thank-you everyone who gave and input
  14. hi ford and many thanks for the quick reply. I thinkive misguided you somewhat. there was quite a lot of damage according to the 3 grown ups which they discovered when they broke in and they estimate it at 25 k. I have lasting power of attorney.
  15. hi everyone, my brothers wife passed away 5 years ago and in her will she said my brother could continue to live in her house for the rest of his days or until he remarried then the house would be returned to her 3 grown ups. 3 weeks ago my brother was taken into a nursing home and will never return to his wifes formal home as he is so ill and not expected to live much longer. 2 weeks ago the 3 grown ups who now own the house broke into the house awith a locksmith and took control of house changing locks etc without any court order I may add. The 3 grown ups solicitor wrote to my brothers solicitor asking my brother for £25 thousand pounds to repair damage done to the house which my brother does not have. my brother gave me power of attorney in 2012 so if the 3 grown ups decided to sue my brother for 25 thousand which he dosnt have would I then become responsible to pay it myself?. I have no conection to house financially or anything else. ive never taken out any loans debts nothing at all either in my name or my brothers. any help and advise id be most gratefull for many thanks.
  16. all done honeybee and car will be soon thanks to the guys above. RESULT
  17. hi uncle and oddfellow, well I took your advise and my insurance are dealing with it and we get our car repaired aswell so great result. many thanks you 2 you have been more than helpful this morning and saved me a lot of heartache , thanks again gents you are diamonds .
  18. hi everyone, almost 3 weeks ago like a plonker I rear ended a bmw causing £960 pounds worth of damage which im going to settle out of my own pocket save my insurance. it was totally my fault so cant complain and I was in my my 1 year old car so insured fully comp and and the car I went into was a 12 plated bmw. to save any further claims after I have paid out is there any kind of form I can print off get him to sign which he says he will so he cant make any further claims agiast me ? many thanks for any help folks.
  19. many thanks martin your help and advice have been invaluable. well they are supposed to be calling today so lets hope its not another wasted day. will get letter drawn up now and thanks again martin.
  20. well I waited in all day and no show. I said let me know if you cant make it and he said ok. what a waste of time and waste of a whole day.
  21. many thanks martin you have been more than helpful and very much appreciated . will keep you updated after their visit on Wednesday.
  22. hi martin, I had a call about 10am yesterday from the boss of the company who are very local to me about 2 miles away saying he is coming to my house Wednesday morning to inspect roof again and will list all work that's needed to be done to put roof right so hopefully something is moving. could I ask am I within any rights asking for the 2 roofing sheets the fitters hacked to be replaced and not just covered over so it cant be seen ? the one is pic in this link but the same sheet opposite end has been cut to sort so big gap at opposite end and the boss spoke about covering it with flashing.
  23. hi martin, I sent them a signed for letter which royal mail tried to deliver on 28.7.16 and card to collect was left but still not collected. ok ill give them the 14 days yes im prepaired to go all the way with this as its a right royal mess. many thanks for all your help and advise martin as I hadn't a clue.
  24. had an email saying they would call me yesterday with a date to come and sort roof out but did not call yesterday or today. what are my options ? how do I take them to small claims court please ?
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