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Everything posted by hatsanman

  1. no reply to my email so yesterday sent a letter of complaint outlining the faults and what I want replacing to sort this problem. sent signed for and will definatly take to small claims court if nothing heard or roof not done to a good standard. im almost 63 and this week cut polycarb roofing sheet for the first time ever and cut it to a very high standard so don't know why the fitters could not do the same.
  2. hi martin, that pic is not the worst its a right mess. have 40 pics of all the codges and bodges plus any calls, messages and letters from msef all logged. its a disgracefull mess. im keeping a log of all I do and if and when they contact me.
  3. hi martin, no its says nothing about being a member of any reg body. should think the 2 who fitted the roof have had loads of complaints about their work sandard
  4. hi martin, many thanks for your quick reply and I paid deposit and total in cash but and have company receipt. I did say to the company owner that 2 panels need replacing plus the glazing bars and f-section should of been fitted both ends. the company owner came out about 6 days after roof was fitted and admitted the fitters had done a bad job and he would get some-one out to sort it by end of last week but nothing heard. I emailed him last night so might get a call this morning ill update later have tried to upload 1 pic as I have 40 as evidence but don't know if uploaded. many thanks again martin and will update later.
  5. hi everyone, A little advice needed please. on the 6th july I had a new polycarbonate roof fitted aprox 5 mtrs by 4 mtrs which has turned out to be a right bodge job done. Morning after fitting I noticed endcaps had fallen off, wrong material used on side frames, poly roof sheets had 2 inch gaps near to house so rain can get in, sheets were cut cut so badly it looks like they had been chopped with an axe, glazing bars lifting, scratches real bad big scratches. I contacted business owner who said ill come out which he did 3 days later to be told yes the fitters had codged the job and they will fit flasing to hide the gaps and cut glazing bars correctly and basically cover over all the bodges. I was told they would contact me last week about coming back but nothing at all heard. should I demand/ask the badged parts be replacedor have I got to accept his offer to cover over bodges?. Where do I stand please? any help/advice id be most gratefull for. I paid £1310 for 4 poly sheets , 3 glazing bars plus fitting to be left with a very bad bodged job.
  6. no its not its mental health plus knee issues
  7. hi everyone, ive just been advised to take a hearing test after working in the print industry and the automotive industry so my question is if I won any money through a claim would my benefits be affected ? im on income based esa high rate so would any money won be deducted for my benefits as my pension now does ? many thanks in advance.
  8. I should also point out it will be brand new and as im 62 this year and just scraped in by 3 days retire at 65 will definatly last rest of my working life and will definatly be the last car ill ever have so capital of mine ever to sell shouldn't ever come into it. id just like to give a big thanks to all who gave me support plus comments etc about this its has been very much help and very much appreciated so many thanks again folks.
  9. hi raeuk, after the day ive had a bit of light humour is most welcome. well my brother did buy a new car this time last year which his carer ran off with and going through court now so your luck might be in mate. I just think my brother has a very kind heart and to much bloody money lol. have a great weekend mate.
  10. many thanks id6052 my minds getting better by the hour
  11. hi tomtom256 and many thanks for your reply which put my paranoid mind at rest. yes will be bought by my brother using his debit card so will have card receipt plus bank statement both with his name on. basically I was just covering my back as the benefit system is so complex now. many thanks again mate and have a great weekend
  12. I know what you are saying my friend its really bad. this is a genuine offer from my brother to buy me a new car and I can show bank statement plus receiept after its bought. looks like my brother is going to be the owner and me the keeper or refuse the offer. he is rich and im on benefits and you try and get on to be shot down.
  13. good idea as he will will have bank statements to prove he paid then me as keeper and hopefully that will be ok and im on income based esa.
  14. my brother wants to buy me a brand new car and im receiving support group esa plus mobility low rate pip so my question is can I accept my brothers offer of a new car ?. I know this is a strange question but these days just covering my back.
  15. Does this mean that if you're able to work and disabled, you would be expected to work 35 hours a week? nothing would surprise me with this government as they don't seem to have any morals or respect for anybody even themselves and that's just my opinion.
  16. think that means you wont be affected yet as my local jcp isn't listed either .
  17. I think a lot of folks are feeling confused matey but as I understand they are not looking at esa cliaments at this time only single person claiments and that may only be new claiments not sure. if you have been claiming esa for over 2 years I think you are assessed every 3 years. ive just been granted esa support group for 3 years first time ive ever applied for it. maybe you will change o assessement don't know. if you are worried call the dwp esa line which I found helped me a lot. whenever I called them got a straight helpfull response and then you would get info straight from the horses mouth so to speak.
  18. mr p you are correct as it does state single persons only claims at this point. as im coming up to 62 im hoping by the time my esa is up for renewal ill be retired and maybe have some peace away from all this mess. will things ever get any better im wondering.
  19. does anyone know when this will affect existing claims for Esa for eg. ive just been put on esa for 3 years in support group and from what ive just read u c wont affect me for a while yet. maybe im wrong and some-one with more info might lets us know.
  20. does anyone know as the uc credit is being paid monthly if the monthly payment will take into account a 31 day month ? if not folks could be in for a shortfall ove 12 months.
  21. thanks to all who replied and yes wisejak is right as jcp called me to say that's exactly what its for then went on to say if I don't want to go I don't have to. talk about creating a job for some-one at jcp. thanks again everyone at least now I can enjoy my evening/ weekend and hope all of you have a great weekend also.
  22. just when I thought I could have some peace from jcp I get a letter inviting me for an interview with them. on opening the letter it gives you my name etc and then go,s on to say, about your esa allowance claim, in order for us to check the information about your esa claim is correct and that your circumstances havnt changed an appointment has been made for you at this office at 10am on the 19.2.15. please bring the following for you and your partner, driving licence, passport, photo id. also at least 3 months bank statements from all bank accounts plus tenancy agreement any property owned. please bear in mind I was granted esa on the 29th jan 2015 and am in the support group. when I called jcp they said it was a standard interview after being granted esa which is happening to everyone. when I explained well im in the support group the woman I soke to said it dosnt matter as its happening to everyone placed on esa. has anyone else had this happen after being placed on esa as like me ive been granted it for 3 years. many thanks in advance.
  23. just when I thought my head could take a break I get a letter from jcp saying they have made an appointment for me at 10 am on Wednesday. the letter starts about your esa allowance claim. in order for us to check the information about your esa claim is correct and that your circunstances havnt changed an appointment has been made for you at this office on the 19.2.2015. does anyone or has anyone else had this just after being awarded esa in the support group ? now my heads all over the place
  24. many thanks hb im really glad there are nice folks such as yourself in this world who are there to help as you did with me
  25. awesome news and at last its nice to hear some good news.
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