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Everything posted by hatsanman

  1. yes they will expect you to do a jobsearch or id be shocked if they didnt. if you can print a form off fill it in and send it in a job search would be no problem but maybe im wrong
  2. many thanks flumps you have been very helpfull. i read os many thanigs about what the jcp cansee and not see but was also told jcp can track every site you visit through cookies which ive now been told is not true. you hear so many things of what jcp can and cant do if they get access to your uj account, thyanks again
  3. here,s one for all you computer boffins, can the jobcentre (IF) you sign up to uj jobsite and (IF) you grant them permission to look at your account can they trace any other sites you vist while you are online? i here so many things about cookies yes they can trace evry site you visit no they cant so any advice id be gratefull for.
  4. i did wonder if this was the case as my advisor is telling me now i dont need to apply for so many jobs. i told him i would still apply for so many if not more as its a joke. one minute they say apply and the next dont
  5. hi ema, you should be able to get a hardship payment depending on your circumstances. i finished my 4 week work placement 4 weeks ago and now work as a volunteer 3 days a week i enjoyed it that much but each to their own. while i was there i worked with a woman who was on a 13 week sanction and was getting hardship payments aprox £24 a week less than what she was getting before sanction. good luck with applying and really hope you get it as you cant live on nothing despite what our wonderfull givernment think. think i might be right in saying it will affect all benefits paid to you.
  6. is anyone on this new job seekers commitment yet as aposed to the job seekers agreement ? if so how much difference does it make if any ?. my advisor told me last thirsday i only have to attend jcp on a fortnight now as if im going to get a job ill find it myself which i could of told him 4 months ago when i started the 6 month back to the jobcentre mullarky. he then went on to say soon my job seekers agreement would be being changed to a job seekers commitment where he said it would be acceptable to take 2 days to fill in a job application. its all gone crazy either that or i have as it just dosnt add up. at one time it was apply for jobs now im being told its not all about the number of jobs you apply for so either he,s lost it or i have so some-one please tell me whats going on now
  7. in a perfect world you are totally correct but in this country at the moment common sense is out of the window and banging your head against a brick wall seems to be the norm
  8. hi dom86, as you most likely know at one time you could sign off and back on again to avoid the mwa but now all has changed and i reckon as you say it wont be long before they grab you again. i just completed mine with the sally army shop in our town and really enjoyed it as there were other people in the same boat and the manager was /is so good. i enjoyed it so much i now volunteer 3 days a week but each to their own i guess. 4 weeks is nothing when some of us have been out of work 3 years plus but good luck whichever way you go.
  9. yes was fit to work but with restrictions no lifting or standing for long periods. i have no problem with working its just i cant stand for long periods of time as my knees give me so much pain. i volunteer for the sally army 3 days a week but i can sit down maybe 90 % of the time so great for me and my knees. i had another steroid injection in my right knee yesterday so asked my doctor will you be giving me another fit note when my present one runs out and he said he didnt have a problem with that. i have now been told i dont have to attend the induction course on tuesday next or apply for the job doing 12 hour shifts on a production line which is good as i wouldnt of lasted an hour anyway.
  10. my doctor gave me a note instantly and put on it no production line work or lifting. my right knee was the first to go and because i then needed to use my left leg more to get up that went soon after so now both knees are shot. working on a production line in the automotive industry for 5 years was what brought mine about and in my last months was taken off the lines by the company nurse. ihave a note for 2 weeks at the moment but will be extended next time as the only way my knees will get better is if they are replaced but my doc is saying im not old enough for this yet and im 60.
  11. pwps is not permanent just for 6 months then you wait untill april and see if the work for your dole starts but even that is only for 6 months.
  12. yes the steroid injections do work but the pain never goe,s away. my knees just go from under me like one did last night and i ended up falling down the stairs. at least now i have my doctors note which states i cant do work where im standing or lifting so see what they say when i drop that in.
  13. well i ended up at the hospital at 5.30 this morning extreme depression and anxiety (did i spell that right ) which aparently ive been suffering from for some while . got into my docs on emergency at 9am who quickly gave me a docs note excusing me from production line work and manual handling for 2 weeks untill i get the next one for 8 weeks and so on. i dont usually let things get to me like this but its great to have people like yourself for a bit of reasurance and good words which are much apreciated. will hand my note in monday and hopefull they will get it logged on their pc at the jobcentre.
  14. hi i survived 2 years, first of all many thanks for your reply as it put my mind at rest for the first time today. im not a lazy bugger as i work as a volunteer now 3 days per week where im allowed to sit and work. i told my advisor 4 months ago i couldnt work on a production line ever again as thats what wore my knees out working 8 hour shifts in the automotive industry yes on a production line where in the end i was removed by the company nurse.im one of these who let everything get to them and its not doing me any good health wise but thats another story. i feel ive been ignored by my advisor so have an apointment with my doc on monday for steroid injections in my knees so will talk to him about a letter then which when i get will be delivered to my job centre manager and hope he can install it on their computor. i was even under the person who deals with folks with a disabillity at the job centre who said i shouldnt be working at all because there are days when i really find it hard to walk. it just upset me a little to see they take no notice at all of what they have been told so hopefully they will sit up and take notice when i get a letter from my doctor. thanks again mate for calming me down quite a lot
  15. had an advisor meeting today and has booked me into a 1 day induction for a 1 month job. induction first followed by food safety level 2 followed by an interview to do 12 hour shifts on a food production line in a cold climate. i am 60 years old waiting to have both knees replaced worn out working on an automotive production line so where do i stand? yes i know on my feet but could i get letter from my doc explaing i can no longer work on a production line?. i told them some time back i cant work on a production line so dont know what they are playing at. any help/advise would be apreciated.
  16. well tomorrow i finish my 4 week mandatory work placement so last thursday when i signed on asked the question can i still work there as a volunteer only to be told im not sure as it could take up time you could use to job search. are they having a laugh as ive been there 4 weeks and a job search didnt matter then. i asked the question well would it be more constructive to just sit at home or do something which i (might ) be able to put on my cv. the form that jcp give you to apply to work as a volunteer is beyond belief aswell as it asks, are you being paid so i put no, why are you not being paid was the next question. who really thinks these forms and ideas up. here is a classic case of why folks just give up. i thought id do something with my time where im putting something back only to have barriers put in the way by good old jcp the people who are there to help us , what a joke.
  17. another question please if some-one knows, how many times can they make you complete mwa ? reason i ask is mwa started in 2011 and supposed to end in 2015 and in 2011 i was put on a mwa for 4 weeks through pertemps so should i be on another now ?
  18. nice one and thanks very much for your help as i hadnt a clue about this one. yesterady was my first day and about 2 o,clock i was just told im thinking about giving you friday off and getting you to come in saturday as we are really short of staff on saturday so at least i know now and thanks again.
  19. i was told they were short of staff on saturday as only 2 in so would i change and have friday off instaed. i said i always do things on a saturday which ive done for years and most jobs saturdays and sundays are overtime paid at overtime rate. on my paperw ork from esg weekend are not mentioned at all just wekdays.
  20. does anyone know if mwa includes saturdays ? reason i ask is ive just done my first day on mwa and they asked me if id have friday off and work saturday instead which i thought was strange.
  21. im there for 4 weeks starting tuesday but i get thursday off each week as i reckon they might have some-one else in on a thursday comunity service or whatever hence my hours being 9 till 5 but add that to my travelling time inward and home i wont be doing no job searches on days im there. i told the idiots im who arranged it im waiting to have both my knees replaced and cant stand for long periods but dosnt seem like they listened. if its constructive i wont mind one bit but i fear with all things these people arrange it will be a complete waste of time. as for putting it on my cv who are they kidding. ive been out of work now since feb 2009 through redundancy so am sure a 4 week spell with the sally army wont improve my job prospects not by much anyway.
  22. just got my mwa placement come through and its with the sally army shop in my local town start tuesday 9 till 5. i thought the placement should of been in my chosen work search area which in my case is flt driver, industrial painter or van driver. maybe im going to paint the place out and in between go out collecting in the white then and then unload said van with a flt. ah well only 4 weeks and back to the dear lod jcp as i cant see the sally army taking me on full time.
  23. im 60 and they had me doing it twice in the last 6 months.
  24. you are exactly right as thats whats happened. was refered yesterday and they contacted me today. not a clue where im going untill i get a letter early next week.
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